substitutions: name: kauf-plug # **** CHANGE DEVICE NAME TO SOMETHING UNIQUE PER DEVICE. RENAME YAML FILE TO SAME NAME. **** # **** USE DASHES (-) INSTEAD OF SPACES OR UNDERSCORE (_). USE ONLY LOWER CASE LETTERS. **** friendly_name: Kauf Plug # **** CHANGE FRIENDLY NAME TO SOMETHING UNIQUE PER DEVICE **** esphome: name: $name platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m esp8266_restore_from_flash: true project: name: "Kauf.PLF10" version: "1.96(m)" wifi: # **** ENTER WI-FI CREDENTIALS HERE, USING SECRETS.YAML RECOMMENDED **** ssid: initial_ap # !secret my_wifi_ssid password: asdfasdfasdfasdf # !secret my_wifi_pass # Uncomment below to set a static IP # manual_ip: # static_ip: !secret kauf_bulb_ip_address # gateway: !secret wifi_gateway # subnet: !secret wifi_subnet # dns1: !secret wifi_dns1 # use_address allows wireless programming through the ESPHome dashboard. # Set to the plug's IP Address. Remove after programming. # use_address: # default is 20, 17 is recommended. output_power: 17 # using fast_connect as default since it is required for hidden networks. # feel free to change or override. fast_connect: true logger: # Enable logging # baud_rate: 0 # Disable UART logging since TX pad not easily available api: # Enable Home Assistant API # password: !secret api_password # optional password field for Home Assistant API. ota: # password: !secret ota_password # optional password for OTA updates. # red led, blink when not connected to wifi or Home Assistant status_led: pin: number: GPIO0 inverted: true binary_sensor: # button input toggles relay and thereby blue led - platform: gpio id: button name: Kauf Plug Button pin: number: GPIO13 mode: input: true pullup: true inverted: true filters: - delayed_on: 10ms on_press: then: switch.toggle: relay switch: # blue LED follows relay power state - platform: gpio id: blue_led pin: number: GPIO2 inverted: true # relay output - platform: gpio id: relay name: $friendly_name pin: GPIO4 # automatically make blue led equal relay state on_turn_on: - switch.turn_on: blue_led on_turn_off: - switch.turn_off: blue_led # clock input from Home Assistant used to calculate total daily energy time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time sensor: # Power monitoring sensors output to Home Assistant - platform: hlw8012 sel_pin: number: GPIO12 inverted: True cf_pin: GPIO5 cf1_pin: GPIO14 current_resistor: 0.001 # The value of the shunt resistor for current measurement. voltage_divider: 2401 # The value of the voltage divider on the board as (R_upstream + R_downstream) / R_downstream. power: name: ${friendly_name} Power unit_of_measurement: W id: wattage filters: - calibrate_linear: - 0.0 -> 0.0 - 333.8 -> 60 # value with 60W bulb. current: name: ${friendly_name} Current unit_of_measurement: A filters: - calibrate_linear: - 0.0 -> 0.0 - 0.6 -> 0.515 # value with 60W bulb. voltage: name: ${friendly_name} Voltage unit_of_measurement: V filters: - calibrate_linear: - 0.0 -> 0.0 - 302.1 -> 117.1 # Tested using a meter change_mode_every: 1 update_interval: 10s # 20 second effective update rate for Power, 40 second for Current and Voltage. # Reports the total Power so-far each day, resets at midnight # See - platform: total_daily_energy name: ${friendly_name} Total Daily Energy power_id: wattage filters: - multiply: 0.001 ## convert Wh to kWh unit_of_measurement: kWh