substitutions: project_ver_let: u # don't toggle if force_ap script is started by holding 5+ seconds sub_toggle_check: script_force_ap sub_on_hold_5s: script_force_ap default_button_config: "Toggle on Release" packages: kauf_plug_base: !include kauf-plug.yaml dashboard_import: package_import_url: github://KaufHA/PLF10/kauf-plug.yaml esphome: name_add_mac_suffix: true on_boot: then: # implementing on_boot automation as a script makes it run in parallel # with any other on_boot scripts. - script.execute: on_boot_wifi globals: - id: force_ap type: bool restore_value: yes initial_value: "true" # re-adding wifi component so that hotspot will be enabled wifi: # enable wifi ap, which was not needed in dashboard import version ap: ap_timeout: 2147483647ms # maximum 32 bit value. About 3.5 weeks in milliseconds. # add forced hash in update bin file which isn't needed for dashboard import. # Allows saving wifi credentials across update. forced_hash: 1432266978 captive_portal: # for fallback wifi hotspot script: - id: script_force_ap then: - logger.log: "------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HELD BUTTON 5 SECONDS, FORCING AP" # blink LED for 10s then restart to get captive portal to turn on. - globals.set: id: force_ap value: 'true' - script.execute: blink_led - delay: 10s - restart_button # blink LED forever. Used when button is held to re-enable AP. Stops blinking because plug restarts. - id: blink_led mode: queued then: - light.toggle: blue_led - delay: 333ms - script.execute: blink_led - id: on_boot_wifi then: # wait until ESPHome tries loading wifi credentials - wait_until: lambda: return ( wifi_wificomponent->tried_loading_creds ); # enable AP if credentials couldn't be loaded or force_ap is set - lambda: |- if ( !wifi_wificomponent->loaded_creds || id(force_ap) ) { ESP_LOGD("KAUF on_boot","------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wifi not configured, enabling ap and waiting"); wifi_wificomponent->set_ap_timeout(15000); } - wait_until: # wait until wifi connects wifi.connected - globals.set: # clear global so ap doesn't come back up next time id: force_ap value: 'false' # set ap timeout to max 32 bit value in milliseconds. About 3.5 weeks. - lambda: |- ESP_LOGD("KAUF on_boot","------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wifi connected, cranking ap timeout back up"); wifi_wificomponent->set_ap_timeout(2147483647);