path: root/paper-server/patches/features/0025-Incremental-chunk-and-player-saving.patch
diff options
authorNassim Jahnke <[email protected]>2024-12-21 13:45:04 +0100
committerNassim Jahnke <[email protected]>2024-12-21 13:45:04 +0100
commit3b0b3a0aef5863b37f252bfffef7ff5b9b266445 (patch)
treed6088aef454eff0d163847ebdcc5eb349fcac9bb /paper-server/patches/features/0025-Incremental-chunk-and-player-saving.patch
parent82216a59fef17863c86192c2754417480baa71c1 (diff)
and some more
Diffstat (limited to 'paper-server/patches/features/0025-Incremental-chunk-and-player-saving.patch')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paper-server/patches/features/0025-Incremental-chunk-and-player-saving.patch b/paper-server/patches/features/0025-Incremental-chunk-and-player-saving.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d7ae4524f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper-server/patches/features/0025-Incremental-chunk-and-player-saving.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Shane Freeder <[email protected]>
+Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2019 03:53:22 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Incremental chunk and player saving
+diff --git a/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java b/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
+index d967d605c2e4227ae980c30f1c8b86edbc680d6d..6dbae12bbfd47cd4e75bc3089561e8e226e9e604 100644
+--- a/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
+@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ public abstract class MinecraftServer extends ReentrantBlockableEventLoop<TickTa
+ boolean var4;
+ try {
+ this.isSaving = true;
+- this.getPlayerList().saveAll();
++ this.getPlayerList().saveAll(); // Paper - Incremental chunk and player saving; diff on change
+ var4 = this.saveAllChunks(suppressLog, flush, forced);
+ } finally {
+ this.isSaving = false;
+@@ -1533,9 +1533,29 @@ public abstract class MinecraftServer extends ReentrantBlockableEventLoop<TickTa
+ }
+ this.ticksUntilAutosave--;
+- if (this.autosavePeriod > 0 && this.ticksUntilAutosave <= 0) { // CraftBukkit
+- this.autoSave();
++ // Paper start - Incremental chunk and player saving
++ final ProfilerFiller profiler = Profiler.get();
++ int playerSaveInterval = io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().playerAutoSave.rate;
++ if (playerSaveInterval < 0) {
++ playerSaveInterval = autosavePeriod;
++ }
++ profiler.push("save");
++ final boolean fullSave = autosavePeriod > 0 && this.tickCount % autosavePeriod == 0;
++ try {
++ this.isSaving = true;
++ if (playerSaveInterval > 0) {
++ this.playerList.saveAll(playerSaveInterval);
++ }
++ for (final ServerLevel level : this.getAllLevels()) {
++ if (level.paperConfig().chunks.autoSaveInterval.value() > 0) {
++ level.saveIncrementally(fullSave);
++ }
++ }
++ } finally {
++ this.isSaving = false;
+ }
++ profiler.pop();
++ // Paper end - Incremental chunk and player saving
+ ProfilerFiller profilerFiller = Profiler.get();
+ this.runAllTasks(); // Paper - move runAllTasks() into full server tick (previously for timings)
+diff --git a/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java b/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
+index 46dfaed12c998c219a20c711a06531aed2c68012..ebeeb63c3dca505a3ce8b88feaa5d2ca20ec24a2 100644
+--- a/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
+@@ -1316,6 +1316,28 @@ public class ServerLevel extends Level implements ServerEntityGetter, WorldGenLe
+ return !this.server.isUnderSpawnProtection(this, pos, player) && this.getWorldBorder().isWithinBounds(pos);
+ }
++ // Paper start - Incremental chunk and player saving
++ public void saveIncrementally(boolean doFull) {
++ if (doFull) {
++ org.bukkit.Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new org.bukkit.event.world.WorldSaveEvent(this.getWorld()));
++ }
++ if (doFull) {
++ this.saveLevelData(true);
++ }
++ // chunk autosave is already called by the ChunkSystem during unload processing (ChunkMap#processUnloads)
++ // Copied from save()
++ // CraftBukkit start - moved from MinecraftServer.saveChunks
++ if (doFull) { // Paper
++ ServerLevel serverLevel1 = this;
++ this.serverLevelData.setWorldBorder(serverLevel1.getWorldBorder().createSettings());
++ this.serverLevelData.setCustomBossEvents(this.server.getCustomBossEvents().save(this.registryAccess()));
++ this.levelStorageAccess.saveDataTag(this.server.registryAccess(), this.serverLevelData, this.server.getPlayerList().getSingleplayerData());
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
++ }
++ // Paper end - Incremental chunk and player saving
+ public void save(@Nullable ProgressListener progress, boolean flush, boolean skipSave) {
+ // Paper start - add close param
+ this.save(progress, flush, skipSave, false);
+diff --git a/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayer.java b/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayer.java
+index e61fe83479f095e8addbd3e8f1d5179c998ae1eb..0a7e5106a1d39150326e7c323030df5d32ecef1e 100644
+--- a/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayer.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerPlayer.java
+@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ import org.slf4j.Logger;
+ public class ServerPlayer extends Player implements ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patches.chunk_system.player.ChunkSystemServerPlayer { // Paper - rewrite chunk system
+ private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
++ public long lastSave = MinecraftServer.currentTick; // Paper - Incremental chunk and player saving
+ private static final int NEUTRAL_MOB_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_RADII_XZ = 32;
+ private static final int NEUTRAL_MOB_DEATH_NOTIFICATION_RADII_Y = 10;
+ private static final int FLY_STAT_RECORDING_SPEED = 25;
+diff --git a/net/minecraft/server/players/PlayerList.java b/net/minecraft/server/players/PlayerList.java
+index 6abe5fd39583663af0feb98607cff75c42d96729..65c16eddff43c875be72b08f61d6f321a6876a48 100644
+--- a/net/minecraft/server/players/PlayerList.java
++++ b/net/minecraft/server/players/PlayerList.java
+@@ -482,6 +482,7 @@ public abstract class PlayerList {
+ protected void save(ServerPlayer player) {
+ if (!player.getBukkitEntity().isPersistent()) return; // CraftBukkit
++ player.lastSave = MinecraftServer.currentTick; // Paper - Incremental chunk and player saving
+ this.playerIo.save(player);
+ ServerStatsCounter serverStatsCounter = player.getStats(); // CraftBukkit
+ if (serverStatsCounter != null) {
+@@ -1069,9 +1070,23 @@ public abstract class PlayerList {
+ }
+ public void saveAll() {
++ // Paper start - Incremental chunk and player saving
++ this.saveAll(-1);
++ }
++ public void saveAll(final int interval) {
+ io.papermc.paper.util.MCUtil.ensureMain("Save Players" , () -> { // Paper - Ensure main
++ int numSaved = 0;
++ final long now = MinecraftServer.currentTick;
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); i++) {
+- this.save(this.players.get(i));
++ final ServerPlayer player = this.players.get(i);
++ if (interval == -1 || now - player.lastSave >= interval) {
++ this.save(player);
++ if (interval != -1 && ++numSaved >= io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().playerAutoSave.maxPerTick()) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ // Paper end - Incremental chunk and player saving
+ }
+ return null; }); // Paper - ensure main
+ }