path: root/patches/unapplied/server/1038-Only-write-chunk-data-to-disk-if-it-serializes-witho.patch
diff options
authorNassim Jahnke <[email protected]>2024-12-03 17:58:41 +0100
committerNassim Jahnke <[email protected]>2024-12-03 17:58:41 +0100
commitc0a3d51ab35930e410fcd9752ceaff6c3f581c24 (patch)
treef53076a8b0787d2f544f73f468df94619e5eb1a5 /patches/unapplied/server/1038-Only-write-chunk-data-to-disk-if-it-serializes-witho.patch
parentda7138233f6392e791d790d1c3407414c855f9c2 (diff)
Start update, apply API patches
Diffstat (limited to 'patches/unapplied/server/1038-Only-write-chunk-data-to-disk-if-it-serializes-witho.patch')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/patches/unapplied/server/1038-Only-write-chunk-data-to-disk-if-it-serializes-witho.patch b/patches/unapplied/server/1038-Only-write-chunk-data-to-disk-if-it-serializes-witho.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c155a5cca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/unapplied/server/1038-Only-write-chunk-data-to-disk-if-it-serializes-witho.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Spottedleaf <[email protected]>
+Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 09:13:41 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Only write chunk data to disk if it serializes without
+ throwing
+This ensures at least a valid version of the chunk exists
+on disk, even if outdated
+diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFile.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFile.java
+index 057875cbbdc92ba49b429f9a129514760edb32a2..ff092c6d0cd436f14a9a4ff5c8ddbb5538d1a8c5 100644
+--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFile.java
++++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFile.java
+@@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ public class RegionFile implements AutoCloseable, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patche
+ }
+ // Paper end
++ public static final int MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 500 * 1024 * 1024; // Paper - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
+ private class ChunkBuffer extends ByteArrayOutputStream implements ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patches.chunk_system.storage.ChunkSystemChunkBuffer { // Paper - rewrite chunk system
+ private final ChunkPos pos;
+@@ -571,6 +572,23 @@ public class RegionFile implements AutoCloseable, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patche
+ super.write(RegionFile.this.version.getId());
+ this.pos = chunkcoordintpair;
+ }
++ // Paper start - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
++ @Override
++ public void write(final int b) {
++ if (this.count > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
++ throw new RegionFileStorage.RegionFileSizeException("Region file too large: " + this.count);
++ }
++ super.write(b);
++ }
++ @Override
++ public void write(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) {
++ if (this.count + len > MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
++ throw new RegionFileStorage.RegionFileSizeException("Region file too large: " + (this.count + len));
++ }
++ super.write(b, off, len);
++ }
++ // Paper end - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
+ public void close() throws IOException {
+ ByteBuffer bytebuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(this.buf, 0, this.count);
+diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFileStorage.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFileStorage.java
+index fdf8e18d24442178b52397acb482ffa3306a32e3..8d66d6b7aeb9feb54ebd83f5c73b45d42b9a7034 100644
+--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFileStorage.java
++++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/RegionFileStorage.java
+@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import net.minecraft.world.level.ChunkPos;
+ public class RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseable, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patches.chunk_system.io.ChunkSystemRegionFileStorage { // Paper - rewrite chunk system
++ private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = com.mojang.logging.LogUtils.getLogger(); // Paper
+ public static final String ANVIL_EXTENSION = ".mca";
+ private static final int MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 256;
+ public final Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap<RegionFile> regionCache = new Long2ObjectLinkedOpenHashMap();
+@@ -123,11 +125,24 @@ public class RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseable, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise
+ // (and, the regionfile parameter is unused for writing until the write call)
+ final ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patches.chunk_system.io.MoonriseRegionFileIO.RegionDataController.WriteData writeData = ((ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patches.chunk_system.storage.ChunkSystemRegionFile)regionFile).moonrise$startWrite(compound, pos);
++ try { // Paper - implement RegionFileSizeException
+ try {
+ NbtIo.write(compound, writeData.output());
+ } finally {
+ writeData.output().close();
+ }
++ // Paper start - implement RegionFileSizeException
++ } catch (final RegionFileSizeException ex) {
++ // note: it's OK if close() is called, as close() here will not issue a write to the RegionFile
++ // see startWrite
++ final int maxSize = RegionFile.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE / (1024 * 1024);
++ LOGGER.error("Chunk at (" + chunkX + "," + chunkZ + ") in regionfile '" + regionFile.getPath().toString() + "' exceeds max size of " + maxSize + "MiB, it has been deleted from disk.");
++ return new ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patches.chunk_system.io.MoonriseRegionFileIO.RegionDataController.WriteData(
++ compound, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise.patches.chunk_system.io.MoonriseRegionFileIO.RegionDataController.WriteData.WriteResult.DELETE,
++ null, null
++ );
++ }
++ // Paper end - implement RegionFileSizeException
+ return writeData;
+ }
+@@ -378,10 +393,18 @@ public class RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseable, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise
+ try {
+ NbtIo.write(nbt, (DataOutput) dataoutputstream);
+ regionfile.setOversized(pos.x, pos.z, false); // Paper - We don't do this anymore, mojang stores differently, but clear old meta flag if it exists to get rid of our own meta file once last oversized is gone
++ // Paper start - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
++ dataoutputstream.close(); // Only write if successful
++ } catch (final RegionFileSizeException ex) {
++ regionfile.clear(pos);
++ final int maxSize = RegionFile.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE / (1024 * 1024);
++ LOGGER.error("Chunk at (" + pos.x + "," + pos.z + ") in regionfile '" + regionfile.getPath().toString() + "' exceeds max size of " + maxSize + "MiB, it has been deleted from disk.");
++ return;
++ // Paper end - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
+ } catch (Throwable throwable) {
+ if (dataoutputstream != null) {
+ try {
+- dataoutputstream.close();
++ //dataoutputstream.close(); // Paper - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
+ } catch (Throwable throwable1) {
+ throwable.addSuppressed(throwable1);
+ }
+@@ -389,10 +412,7 @@ public class RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseable, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise
+ throw throwable;
+ }
+- if (dataoutputstream != null) {
+- dataoutputstream.close();
+- }
++ // Paper - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails; move into try block to only write if successfully serialized
+ }
+ }
+@@ -435,4 +455,13 @@ public class RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseable, ca.spottedleaf.moonrise
+ public RegionStorageInfo info() {
+ return this.info;
+ }
++ // Paper start - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
++ public static final class RegionFileSizeException extends RuntimeException {
++ public RegionFileSizeException(String message) {
++ super(message);
++ }
++ }
++ // Paper end - don't write garbage data to disk if writing serialization fails
+ }