path: root/Translations/translation_YUE_HK.json
diff options
authorBen V. Brown <[email protected]>2023-01-22 22:20:17 +1100
committerBen V. Brown <[email protected]>2023-01-22 22:20:17 +1100
commit1c8a614100c879392a3424c0c20df02d5f7f3b8d (patch)
treec0664bf5b01557e3ab0b915ab43fc0c708bf7797 /Translations/translation_YUE_HK.json
parent05628daba25a71a1e26b0ef542e81645717eb8a7 (diff)
Import all upgraded translations
Diffstat (limited to 'Translations/translation_YUE_HK.json')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/Translations/translation_YUE_HK.json b/Translations/translation_YUE_HK.json
index fb42ebdd..17d20c0d 100644
--- a/Translations/translation_YUE_HK.json
+++ b/Translations/translation_YUE_HK.json
@@ -1,205 +1,243 @@
- "languageCode": "YUE_HK",
- "languageLocalName": "廣東話 (香港)",
- "tempUnitFahrenheit": true,
- "messages": {
- "SettingsCalibrationWarning": "Before rebooting, make sure tip & handle are at room temperature!",
- "CJCCalibrating": "calibrating",
- "SettingsResetWarning": "你係咪確定要將全部設定重設到預設值?",
- "UVLOWarningString": "電壓過低",
- "UndervoltageString": "Undervoltage",
- "InputVoltageString": "Input V: ",
- "SleepingSimpleString": "Zzzz",
- "SleepingAdvancedString": "Sleeping...",
- "SleepingTipAdvancedString": "Tip:",
- "OffString": "關",
- "DeviceFailedValidationWarning": "依支焫雞好有可能係冒牌貨!"
- },
- "messagesWarn": {
- "CJCCalibrationDone": "Calibration done!",
- "ResetOKMessage": "已重設!",
- "SettingsResetMessage": "設定已被重設!",
- "NoAccelerometerMessage": "未能偵測加速度計",
- "NoPowerDeliveryMessage": "未能偵測PD晶片",
- "LockingKeysString": "已鎖定",
- "UnlockingKeysString": "已解除鎖定",
- "WarningKeysLockedString": "!撳掣鎖定!",
- "WarningThermalRunaway": "加熱失控"
- },
- "characters": {
- "SettingRightChar": "右",
- "SettingLeftChar": "左",
- "SettingAutoChar": "自",
- "SettingOffChar": "關",
- "SettingSlowChar": "慢",
- "SettingMediumChar": "中",
- "SettingFastChar": "快",
- "SettingStartNoneChar": "無",
- "SettingStartSolderingChar": "焊",
- "SettingStartSleepChar": "待",
- "SettingStartSleepOffChar": "室",
- "SettingLockDisableChar": "無",
- "SettingLockBoostChar": "增",
- "SettingLockFullChar": "全"
- },
- "menuGroups": {
- "PowerMenu": {
- "text2": "電源設定",
- "desc": ""
- },
- "SolderingMenu": {
- "text2": "焊接設定",
- "desc": ""
- },
- "PowerSavingMenu": {
- "text2": "待機設定",
- "desc": ""
- },
- "UIMenu": {
- "text2": "使用者介面",
- "desc": ""
- },
- "AdvancedMenu": {
- "text2": "進階設定",
- "desc": ""
- }
- },
- "menuOptions": {
- "DCInCutoff": {
- "text2": "電源",
- "desc": "輸入電源;設定自動停機電壓 <DC 10V> <S 鋰電池,以每粒3.3V計算;依個設定會停用功率限制>"
- },
- "MinVolCell": {
- "text2": "最低電壓",
- "desc": "每粒電池嘅最低可用電壓 <伏特> <3S: 3.0V - 3.7V, 4/5/6S: 2.4V - 3.7V>"
- },
- "QCMaxVoltage": {
- "text2": "QC電壓",
- "desc": "使用QC電源時請求嘅最高目標電壓"
- },
- "PDNegTimeout": {
- "text2": "PD逾時",
- "desc": "設定USB PD協定交涉嘅逾時時限;為兼容某啲QC電源而設 <x100ms(亳秒)>"
- },
- "BoostTemperature": {
- "text2": "增熱温度",
- "desc": "喺增熱模式時使用嘅温度"
- },
- "AutoStart": {
- "text2": "自動啓用",
- "desc": "開機時自動啓用 <無=停用 | 焊=焊接模式 | 待=待機模式 | 室=室温待機>"
- },
- "TempChangeShortStep": {
- "text2": "温度調整 短",
- "desc": "調校温度時短撳一下嘅温度變幅"
- },
- "TempChangeLongStep": {
- "text2": "温度調整 長",
- "desc": "調校温度時長撳嘅温度變幅"
- },
- "LockingMode": {
- "text2": "撳掣鎖定",
- "desc": "喺焊接模式時,同時長撳兩粒掣啓用撳掣鎖定 <無=停用 | 增=淨係容許增熱模式 | 全=鎖定全部>"
- },
- "MotionSensitivity": {
- "text2": "動作敏感度",
- "desc": "0=停用 | 1=最低敏感度 | ... | 9=最高敏感度"
- },
- "SleepTemperature": {
- "text2": "待機温度",
- "desc": "喺待機模式時嘅焫雞咀温度"
- },
- "SleepTimeout": {
- "text2": "待機延時",
- "desc": "自動進入待機模式前嘅閒置等候時間 <s=秒 | m=分鐘>"
- },
- "ShutdownTimeout": {
- "text2": "自動熄機",
- "desc": "自動熄機前嘅閒置等候時間 <m=分鐘>"
- },
- "HallEffSensitivity": {
- "text2": "磁場敏感度",
- "desc": "磁場感應器用嚟啓動待機模式嘅敏感度 <0=停用 | 1=最低敏感度 | ... | 9=最高敏感度>"
- },
- "TemperatureUnit": {
- "text2": "温度單位",
- "desc": "C=攝氏 | F=華氏"
- },
- "DisplayRotation": {
- "text2": "畫面方向",
- "desc": "右=使用右手 | 左=使用左手 | 自=自動"
- },
- "CooldownBlink": {
- "text2": "降温時閃爍",
- "desc": "停止加熱之後,當焫雞咀仲係熱嗰陣閃爍畫面"
- },
- "ScrollingSpeed": {
- "text2": "捲動速度",
- "desc": "解說文字嘅捲動速度"
- },
- "ReverseButtonTempChange": {
- "text2": "反轉加減掣",
- "desc": "反轉調校温度時加減掣嘅方向"
- },
- "AnimSpeed": {
- "text2": "動畫速度",
- "desc": "功能表圖示動畫嘅速度 <關=不顯示動畫 | 慢=慢速 | 中=中速 | 快=快速>"
- },
- "AnimLoop": {
- "text2": "動畫循環",
- "desc": "循環顯示功能表圖示動畫"
- },
- "Brightness": {
- "text2": "熒幕亮度",
- "desc": "設定OLED熒幕嘅亮度"
- },
- "ColourInversion": {
- "text2": "熒幕反轉色",
- "desc": "反轉OLED熒幕嘅黑白色"
- },
- "LOGOTime": {
- "text2": "開機畫面",
- "desc": "設定開機畫面顯示時長 <s=秒>"
- },
- "AdvancedIdle": {
- "text2": "詳細閒置畫面",
- "desc": "喺閒置畫面以英文細字顯示詳細嘅資料"
- },
- "AdvancedSoldering": {
- "text2": "詳細焊接畫面",
- "desc": "喺焊接模式畫面以英文細字顯示詳細嘅資料"
- },
- "PowerLimit": {
- "text2": "功率限制",
- "desc": "限制焫雞可用嘅最大功率 <W=watt(火)>"
- },
- "CalibrateCJC": {
- "text2": "校正CJC",
- "desc": "At next boot tip Cold Junction Compensation will be calibrated (not required if Delta T is < 5 C)"
- },
- "VoltageCalibration": {
- "text2": "輸入電壓校正?",
- "desc": "開始校正VIN輸入電壓 <長撳以退出>"
- },
- "PowerPulsePower": {
- "text2": "電源脈衝",
- "desc": "為保持電源喚醒而通電所用嘅功率 <watt(火)>"
- },
- "PowerPulseWait": {
- "text2": "電源脈衝間隔",
- "desc": "為保持電源喚醒,每次通電之間嘅間隔時間 <x2.5s(秒)>"
- },
- "PowerPulseDuration": {
- "text2": "電源脈衝時長",
- "desc": "為保持電源喚醒,每次通電脈衝嘅時間長度 <x250ms(亳秒)>"
- },
- "SettingsReset": {
- "text2": "全部重設?",
- "desc": "將所有設定重設到預設值"
- },
- "LanguageSwitch": {
- "text2": "語言: 廣東話",
- "desc": ""
- }
- }
+ "languageCode": "YUE_HK",
+ "languageLocalName": "廣東話 (香港)",
+ "tempUnitFahrenheit": true,
+ "messagesWarn": {
+ "CJCCalibrationDone": {
+ "message": "Calibration done!"
+ },
+ "ResetOKMessage": {
+ "message": "已重設!"
+ },
+ "SettingsResetMessage": {
+ "message": "設定已被重設!"
+ },
+ "NoAccelerometerMessage": {
+ "message": "未能偵測加速度計"
+ },
+ "NoPowerDeliveryMessage": {
+ "message": "未能偵測PD晶片"
+ },
+ "LockingKeysString": {
+ "message": "已鎖定"
+ },
+ "UnlockingKeysString": {
+ "message": "已解除鎖定"
+ },
+ "WarningKeysLockedString": {
+ "message": "!撳掣鎖定!"
+ },
+ "WarningThermalRunaway": {
+ "message": "加熱失控"
+ },
+ "SettingsCalibrationWarning": {
+ "message": "Before rebooting, make sure tip & handle are at room temperature!"
+ },
+ "CJCCalibrating": {
+ "message": "calibrating"
+ },
+ "SettingsResetWarning": {
+ "message": "你係咪確定要將全部設定重設到預設值?"
+ },
+ "UVLOWarningString": {
+ "message": "電壓過低"
+ },
+ "UndervoltageString": {
+ "message": "Undervoltage"
+ },
+ "InputVoltageString": {
+ "message": "Input V: "
+ },
+ "SleepingSimpleString": {
+ "message": "Zzzz"
+ },
+ "SleepingAdvancedString": {
+ "message": "Sleeping..."
+ },
+ "SleepingTipAdvancedString": {
+ "message": "Tip:"
+ },
+ "OffString": {
+ "message": "關"
+ },
+ "DeviceFailedValidationWarning": {
+ "message": "依支焫雞好有可能係冒牌貨!"
+ }
+ },
+ "characters": {
+ "SettingRightChar": "右",
+ "SettingLeftChar": "左",
+ "SettingAutoChar": "自",
+ "SettingOffChar": "關",
+ "SettingSlowChar": "慢",
+ "SettingMediumChar": "中",
+ "SettingFastChar": "快",
+ "SettingStartNoneChar": "無",
+ "SettingStartSolderingChar": "焊",
+ "SettingStartSleepChar": "待",
+ "SettingStartSleepOffChar": "室",
+ "SettingLockDisableChar": "無",
+ "SettingLockBoostChar": "增",
+ "SettingLockFullChar": "全"
+ },
+ "menuGroups": {
+ "PowerMenu": {
+ "displayText": "電源設定",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "SolderingMenu": {
+ "displayText": "焊接設定",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "PowerSavingMenu": {
+ "displayText": "待機設定",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "UIMenu": {
+ "displayText": "使用者介面",
+ "description": ""
+ },
+ "AdvancedMenu": {
+ "displayText": "進階設定",
+ "description": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "menuOptions": {
+ "DCInCutoff": {
+ "displayText": "電源",
+ "description": "輸入電源;設定自動停機電壓 <DC 10V> <S 鋰電池,以每粒3.3V計算;依個設定會停用功率限制>"
+ },
+ "MinVolCell": {
+ "displayText": "最低電壓",
+ "description": "每粒電池嘅最低可用電壓 <伏特> <3S: 3.0V - 3.7V, 4/5/6S: 2.4V - 3.7V>"
+ },
+ "QCMaxVoltage": {
+ "displayText": "QC電壓",
+ "description": "使用QC電源時請求嘅最高目標電壓"
+ },
+ "PDNegTimeout": {
+ "displayText": "PD逾時",
+ "description": "設定USB PD協定交涉嘅逾時時限;為兼容某啲QC電源而設 <x100ms(亳秒)>"
+ },
+ "BoostTemperature": {
+ "displayText": "增熱温度",
+ "description": "喺增熱模式時使用嘅温度"
+ },
+ "AutoStart": {
+ "displayText": "自動啓用",
+ "description": "開機時自動啓用 <無=停用 | 焊=焊接模式 | 待=待機模式 | 室=室温待機>"
+ },
+ "TempChangeShortStep": {
+ "displayText": "温度調整 短",
+ "description": "調校温度時短撳一下嘅温度變幅"
+ },
+ "TempChangeLongStep": {
+ "displayText": "温度調整 長",
+ "description": "調校温度時長撳嘅温度變幅"
+ },
+ "LockingMode": {
+ "displayText": "撳掣鎖定",
+ "description": "喺焊接模式時,同時長撳兩粒掣啓用撳掣鎖定 <無=停用 | 增=淨係容許增熱模式 | 全=鎖定全部>"
+ },
+ "MotionSensitivity": {
+ "displayText": "動作敏感度",
+ "description": "0=停用 | 1=最低敏感度 | ... | 9=最高敏感度"
+ },
+ "SleepTemperature": {
+ "displayText": "待機温度",
+ "description": "喺待機模式時嘅焫雞咀温度"
+ },
+ "SleepTimeout": {
+ "displayText": "待機延時",
+ "description": "自動進入待機模式前嘅閒置等候時間 <s=秒 | m=分鐘>"
+ },
+ "ShutdownTimeout": {
+ "displayText": "自動熄機",
+ "description": "自動熄機前嘅閒置等候時間 <m=分鐘>"
+ },
+ "HallEffSensitivity": {
+ "displayText": "磁場敏感度",
+ "description": "磁場感應器用嚟啓動待機模式嘅敏感度 <0=停用 | 1=最低敏感度 | ... | 9=最高敏感度>"
+ },
+ "TemperatureUnit": {
+ "displayText": "温度單位",
+ "description": "C=攝氏 | F=華氏"
+ },
+ "DisplayRotation": {
+ "displayText": "畫面方向",
+ "description": "右=使用右手 | 左=使用左手 | 自=自動"
+ },
+ "CooldownBlink": {
+ "displayText": "降温時閃爍",
+ "description": "停止加熱之後,當焫雞咀仲係熱嗰陣閃爍畫面"
+ },
+ "ScrollingSpeed": {
+ "displayText": "捲動速度",
+ "description": "解說文字嘅捲動速度"
+ },
+ "ReverseButtonTempChange": {
+ "displayText": "反轉加減掣",
+ "description": "反轉調校温度時加減掣嘅方向"
+ },
+ "AnimSpeed": {
+ "displayText": "動畫速度",
+ "description": "功能表圖示動畫嘅速度 <關=不顯示動畫 | 慢=慢速 | 中=中速 | 快=快速>"
+ },
+ "AnimLoop": {
+ "displayText": "動畫循環",
+ "description": "循環顯示功能表圖示動畫"
+ },
+ "Brightness": {
+ "displayText": "熒幕亮度",
+ "description": "設定OLED熒幕嘅亮度"
+ },
+ "ColourInversion": {
+ "displayText": "熒幕反轉色",
+ "description": "反轉OLED熒幕嘅黑白色"
+ },
+ "LOGOTime": {
+ "displayText": "開機畫面",
+ "description": "設定開機畫面顯示時長 <s=秒>"
+ },
+ "AdvancedIdle": {
+ "displayText": "詳細閒置畫面",
+ "description": "喺閒置畫面以英文細字顯示詳細嘅資料"
+ },
+ "AdvancedSoldering": {
+ "displayText": "詳細焊接畫面",
+ "description": "喺焊接模式畫面以英文細字顯示詳細嘅資料"
+ },
+ "PowerLimit": {
+ "displayText": "功率限制",
+ "description": "限制焫雞可用嘅最大功率 <W=watt(火)>"
+ },
+ "CalibrateCJC": {
+ "displayText": "校正CJC",
+ "description": "At next boot tip Cold Junction Compensation will be calibrated (not required if Delta T is < 5 C)"
+ },
+ "VoltageCalibration": {
+ "displayText": "輸入電壓校正?",
+ "description": "開始校正VIN輸入電壓 <長撳以退出>"
+ },
+ "PowerPulsePower": {
+ "displayText": "電源脈衝",
+ "description": "為保持電源喚醒而通電所用嘅功率 <watt(火)>"
+ },
+ "PowerPulseWait": {
+ "displayText": "電源脈衝間隔",
+ "description": "為保持電源喚醒,每次通電之間嘅間隔時間 <x2.5s(秒)>"
+ },
+ "PowerPulseDuration": {
+ "displayText": "電源脈衝時長",
+ "description": "為保持電源喚醒,每次通電脈衝嘅時間長度 <x250ms(亳秒)>"
+ },
+ "SettingsReset": {
+ "displayText": "全部重設?",
+ "description": "將所有設定重設到預設值"
+ },
+ "LanguageSwitch": {
+ "displayText": "語言: 廣東話",
+ "description": ""
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file