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Diffstat (limited to 'Libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/inc/USB_regs.h')
-rw-r--r-- | Libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/inc/USB_regs.h | 685 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 685 deletions
diff --git a/Libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/inc/USB_regs.h b/Libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/inc/USB_regs.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8f82ee8f..00000000 --- a/Libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/inc/USB_regs.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,685 +0,0 @@ -/**
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file usb_regs.h
- * @author MCD Application Team
- * @version V4.0.0
- * @date 28-August-2012
- * @brief Interface prototype functions to USB cell registers
- ******************************************************************************
- * @attention
- *
- * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
- *
- * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
- * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- *
- * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- */
-/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef __USB_REGS_H
-#define __USB_REGS_H
-/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifdef STM32F30X
- #include "STM32F30x.h"
- #include "STM32F10x.h"
-/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-typedef enum _EP_DBUF_DIR
- /* double buffered endpoint direction */
-/* endpoint buffer number */
-enum EP_BUF_NUM
- EP_BUF0,
-/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define RegBase (0x40005C00L) /* USB_IP Peripheral Registers base address */
-#define PMAAddr (0x40006000L) /* USB_IP Packet Memory Area base address */
-/* General registers */
-/* Control register */
-#define CNTR ((__IO unsigned *)(RegBase + 0x40))
-/* Interrupt status register */
-#define ISTR ((__IO unsigned *)(RegBase + 0x44))
-/* Frame number register */
-#define FNR ((__IO unsigned *)(RegBase + 0x48))
-/* Device address register */
-#define DADDR ((__IO unsigned *)(RegBase + 0x4C))
-/* Buffer Table address register */
-#define BTABLE ((__IO unsigned *)(RegBase + 0x50))
-/* Endpoint registers */
-#define EP0REG ((__IO unsigned *)(RegBase)) /* endpoint 0 register address */
-/* Endpoint Addresses (w/direction) */
-#define EP0_OUT ((uint8_t)0x00)
-#define EP0_IN ((uint8_t)0x80)
-#define EP1_OUT ((uint8_t)0x01)
-#define EP1_IN ((uint8_t)0x81)
-#define EP2_OUT ((uint8_t)0x02)
-#define EP2_IN ((uint8_t)0x82)
-#define EP3_OUT ((uint8_t)0x03)
-#define EP3_IN ((uint8_t)0x83)
-#define EP4_OUT ((uint8_t)0x04)
-#define EP4_IN ((uint8_t)0x84)
-#define EP5_OUT ((uint8_t)0x05)
-#define EP5_IN ((uint8_t)0x85)
-#define EP6_OUT ((uint8_t)0x06)
-#define EP6_IN ((uint8_t)0x86)
-#define EP7_OUT ((uint8_t)0x07)
-#define EP7_IN ((uint8_t)0x87)
-/* endpoints enumeration */
-#define ENDP0 ((uint8_t)0)
-#define ENDP1 ((uint8_t)1)
-#define ENDP2 ((uint8_t)2)
-#define ENDP3 ((uint8_t)3)
-#define ENDP4 ((uint8_t)4)
-#define ENDP5 ((uint8_t)5)
-#define ENDP6 ((uint8_t)6)
-#define ENDP7 ((uint8_t)7)
-/* ISTR interrupt events */
-#define ISTR_CTR (0x8000) /* Correct TRansfer (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_DOVR (0x4000) /* DMA OVeR/underrun (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_ERR (0x2000) /* ERRor (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_WKUP (0x1000) /* WaKe UP (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_SUSP (0x0800) /* SUSPend (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_RESET (0x0400) /* RESET (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_SOF (0x0200) /* Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_ESOF (0x0100) /* Expected Start Of Frame (clear-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_DIR (0x0010) /* DIRection of transaction (read-only bit) */
-#define ISTR_EP_ID (0x000F) /* EndPoint IDentifier (read-only bit) */
-#define CLR_CTR (~ISTR_CTR) /* clear Correct TRansfer bit */
-#define CLR_DOVR (~ISTR_DOVR) /* clear DMA OVeR/underrun bit*/
-#define CLR_ERR (~ISTR_ERR) /* clear ERRor bit */
-#define CLR_WKUP (~ISTR_WKUP) /* clear WaKe UP bit */
-#define CLR_SUSP (~ISTR_SUSP) /* clear SUSPend bit */
-#define CLR_RESET (~ISTR_RESET) /* clear RESET bit */
-#define CLR_SOF (~ISTR_SOF) /* clear Start Of Frame bit */
-#define CLR_ESOF (~ISTR_ESOF) /* clear Expected Start Of Frame bit */
-/* CNTR control register bits definitions */
-#define CNTR_CTRM (0x8000) /* Correct TRansfer Mask */
-#define CNTR_DOVRM (0x4000) /* DMA OVeR/underrun Mask */
-#define CNTR_ERRM (0x2000) /* ERRor Mask */
-#define CNTR_WKUPM (0x1000) /* WaKe UP Mask */
-#define CNTR_SUSPM (0x0800) /* SUSPend Mask */
-#define CNTR_RESETM (0x0400) /* RESET Mask */
-#define CNTR_SOFM (0x0200) /* Start Of Frame Mask */
-#define CNTR_ESOFM (0x0100) /* Expected Start Of Frame Mask */
-#define CNTR_RESUME (0x0010) /* RESUME request */
-#define CNTR_FSUSP (0x0008) /* Force SUSPend */
-#define CNTR_LPMODE (0x0004) /* Low-power MODE */
-#define CNTR_PDWN (0x0002) /* Power DoWN */
-#define CNTR_FRES (0x0001) /* Force USB RESet */
-/* FNR Frame Number Register bit definitions */
-#define FNR_RXDP (0x8000) /* status of D+ data line */
-#define FNR_RXDM (0x4000) /* status of D- data line */
-#define FNR_LCK (0x2000) /* LoCKed */
-#define FNR_LSOF (0x1800) /* Lost SOF */
-#define FNR_FN (0x07FF) /* Frame Number */
-/* DADDR Device ADDRess bit definitions */
-#define DADDR_EF (0x80)
-#define DADDR_ADD (0x7F)
-/* Endpoint register */
-/* bit positions */
-#define EP_CTR_RX (0x8000) /* EndPoint Correct TRansfer RX */
-#define EP_DTOG_RX (0x4000) /* EndPoint Data TOGGLE RX */
-#define EPRX_STAT (0x3000) /* EndPoint RX STATus bit field */
-#define EP_SETUP (0x0800) /* EndPoint SETUP */
-#define EP_T_FIELD (0x0600) /* EndPoint TYPE */
-#define EP_KIND (0x0100) /* EndPoint KIND */
-#define EP_CTR_TX (0x0080) /* EndPoint Correct TRansfer TX */
-#define EP_DTOG_TX (0x0040) /* EndPoint Data TOGGLE TX */
-#define EPTX_STAT (0x0030) /* EndPoint TX STATus bit field */
-#define EPADDR_FIELD (0x000F) /* EndPoint ADDRess FIELD */
-/* EndPoint REGister MASK (no toggle fields) */
-/* EP_TYPE[1:0] EndPoint TYPE */
-#define EP_TYPE_MASK (0x0600) /* EndPoint TYPE Mask */
-#define EP_BULK (0x0000) /* EndPoint BULK */
-#define EP_CONTROL (0x0200) /* EndPoint CONTROL */
-#define EP_ISOCHRONOUS (0x0400) /* EndPoint ISOCHRONOUS */
-#define EP_INTERRUPT (0x0600) /* EndPoint INTERRUPT */
-/* EP_KIND EndPoint KIND */
-/* STAT_TX[1:0] STATus for TX transfer */
-#define EP_TX_DIS (0x0000) /* EndPoint TX DISabled */
-#define EP_TX_STALL (0x0010) /* EndPoint TX STALLed */
-#define EP_TX_NAK (0x0020) /* EndPoint TX NAKed */
-#define EP_TX_VALID (0x0030) /* EndPoint TX VALID */
-#define EPTX_DTOG1 (0x0010) /* EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit1 */
-#define EPTX_DTOG2 (0x0020) /* EndPoint TX Data TOGgle bit2 */
-/* STAT_RX[1:0] STATus for RX transfer */
-#define EP_RX_DIS (0x0000) /* EndPoint RX DISabled */
-#define EP_RX_STALL (0x1000) /* EndPoint RX STALLed */
-#define EP_RX_NAK (0x2000) /* EndPoint RX NAKed */
-#define EP_RX_VALID (0x3000) /* EndPoint RX VALID */
-#define EPRX_DTOG1 (0x1000) /* EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
-#define EPRX_DTOG2 (0x2000) /* EndPoint RX Data TOGgle bit1 */
-/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* SetCNTR */
-#define _SetCNTR(wRegValue) (*CNTR = (uint16_t)wRegValue)
-/* SetISTR */
-#define _SetISTR(wRegValue) (*ISTR = (uint16_t)wRegValue)
-/* SetDADDR */
-#define _SetDADDR(wRegValue) (*DADDR = (uint16_t)wRegValue)
-/* SetBTABLE */
-#define _SetBTABLE(wRegValue)(*BTABLE = (uint16_t)(wRegValue & 0xFFF8))
-/* GetCNTR */
-#define _GetCNTR() ((uint16_t) *CNTR)
-/* GetISTR */
-#define _GetISTR() ((uint16_t) *ISTR)
-/* GetFNR */
-#define _GetFNR() ((uint16_t) *FNR)
-/* GetDADDR */
-#define _GetDADDR() ((uint16_t) *DADDR)
-/* GetBTABLE */
-#define _GetBTABLE() ((uint16_t) *BTABLE)
-/* SetENDPOINT */
-#define _SetENDPOINT(bEpNum,wRegValue) (*(EP0REG + bEpNum)= \
- (uint16_t)wRegValue)
-/* GetENDPOINT */
-#define _GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) ((uint16_t)(*(EP0REG + bEpNum)))
-* Macro Name : SetEPType
-* Description : sets the type in the endpoint register(bits EP_TYPE[1:0])
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* wType
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPType(bEpNum,wType) (_SetENDPOINT(bEpNum,\
- ((_GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EP_T_MASK) | wType )))
-* Macro Name : GetEPType
-* Description : gets the type in the endpoint register(bits EP_TYPE[1:0])
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : Endpoint Type
-#define _GetEPType(bEpNum) (_GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EP_T_FIELD)
-* Macro Name : SetEPTxStatus
-* Description : sets the status for tx transfer (bits STAT_TX[1:0]).
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* wState: new state
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPTxStatus(bEpNum,wState) {\
- register uint16_t _wRegVal; \
- _wRegVal = _GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EPTX_DTOGMASK;\
- /* toggle first bit ? */ \
- if((EPTX_DTOG1 & wState)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPTX_DTOG1; \
- /* toggle second bit ? */ \
- if((EPTX_DTOG2 & wState)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPTX_DTOG2; \
- _SetENDPOINT(bEpNum, (_wRegVal | EP_CTR_RX|EP_CTR_TX)); \
- } /* _SetEPTxStatus */
-* Macro Name : SetEPRxStatus
-* Description : sets the status for rx transfer (bits STAT_TX[1:0])
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* wState: new state.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPRxStatus(bEpNum,wState) {\
- register uint16_t _wRegVal; \
- \
- _wRegVal = _GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EPRX_DTOGMASK;\
- /* toggle first bit ? */ \
- if((EPRX_DTOG1 & wState)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPRX_DTOG1; \
- /* toggle second bit ? */ \
- if((EPRX_DTOG2 & wState)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPRX_DTOG2; \
- _SetENDPOINT(bEpNum, (_wRegVal | EP_CTR_RX|EP_CTR_TX)); \
- } /* _SetEPRxStatus */
-* Macro Name : SetEPRxTxStatus
-* Description : sets the status for rx & tx (bits STAT_TX[1:0] & STAT_RX[1:0])
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* wStaterx: new state.
-* wStatetx: new state.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPRxTxStatus(bEpNum,wStaterx,wStatetx) {\
- register uint32_t _wRegVal; \
- \
- /* toggle first bit ? */ \
- if((EPRX_DTOG1 & wStaterx)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPRX_DTOG1; \
- /* toggle second bit ? */ \
- if((EPRX_DTOG2 & wStaterx)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPRX_DTOG2; \
- /* toggle first bit ? */ \
- if((EPTX_DTOG1 & wStatetx)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPTX_DTOG1; \
- /* toggle second bit ? */ \
- if((EPTX_DTOG2 & wStatetx)!= 0) \
- _wRegVal ^= EPTX_DTOG2; \
- _SetENDPOINT(bEpNum, _wRegVal | EP_CTR_RX|EP_CTR_TX); \
- } /* _SetEPRxTxStatus */
-* Macro Name : GetEPTxStatus / GetEPRxStatus
-* Description : gets the status for tx/rx transfer (bits STAT_TX[1:0]
-* /STAT_RX[1:0])
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : status .
-#define _GetEPTxStatus(bEpNum) ((uint16_t)_GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EPTX_STAT)
-#define _GetEPRxStatus(bEpNum) ((uint16_t)_GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EPRX_STAT)
-* Macro Name : SetEPTxValid / SetEPRxValid
-* Description : sets directly the VALID tx/rx-status into the enpoint register
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPTxValid(bEpNum) (_SetEPTxStatus(bEpNum, EP_TX_VALID))
-#define _SetEPRxValid(bEpNum) (_SetEPRxStatus(bEpNum, EP_RX_VALID))
-* Macro Name : GetTxStallStatus / GetRxStallStatus.
-* Description : checks stall condition in an endpoint.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : TRUE = endpoint in stall condition.
-#define _GetTxStallStatus(bEpNum) (_GetEPTxStatus(bEpNum) \
-#define _GetRxStallStatus(bEpNum) (_GetEPRxStatus(bEpNum) \
-* Macro Name : SetEP_KIND / ClearEP_KIND.
-* Description : set & clear EP_KIND bit.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEP_KIND(bEpNum) (_SetENDPOINT(bEpNum, \
-#define _ClearEP_KIND(bEpNum) (_SetENDPOINT(bEpNum, \
-* Macro Name : Set_Status_Out / Clear_Status_Out.
-* Description : Sets/clears directly STATUS_OUT bit in the endpoint register.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _Set_Status_Out(bEpNum) _SetEP_KIND(bEpNum)
-#define _Clear_Status_Out(bEpNum) _ClearEP_KIND(bEpNum)
-* Macro Name : SetEPDoubleBuff / ClearEPDoubleBuff.
-* Description : Sets/clears directly EP_KIND bit in the endpoint register.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPDoubleBuff(bEpNum) _SetEP_KIND(bEpNum)
-#define _ClearEPDoubleBuff(bEpNum) _ClearEP_KIND(bEpNum)
-* Macro Name : ClearEP_CTR_RX / ClearEP_CTR_TX.
-* Description : Clears bit CTR_RX / CTR_TX in the endpoint register.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _ClearEP_CTR_RX(bEpNum) (_SetENDPOINT(bEpNum,\
- _GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & 0x7FFF & EPREG_MASK))
-#define _ClearEP_CTR_TX(bEpNum) (_SetENDPOINT(bEpNum,\
- _GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & 0xFF7F & EPREG_MASK))
-* Macro Name : ToggleDTOG_RX / ToggleDTOG_TX .
-* Description : Toggles DTOG_RX / DTOG_TX bit in the endpoint register.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _ToggleDTOG_RX(bEpNum) (_SetENDPOINT(bEpNum, \
-#define _ToggleDTOG_TX(bEpNum) (_SetENDPOINT(bEpNum, \
-* Macro Name : ClearDTOG_RX / ClearDTOG_TX.
-* Description : Clears DTOG_RX / DTOG_TX bit in the endpoint register.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _ClearDTOG_RX(bEpNum) if((_GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EP_DTOG_RX) != 0)\
- _ToggleDTOG_RX(bEpNum)
-#define _ClearDTOG_TX(bEpNum) if((_GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EP_DTOG_TX) != 0)\
- _ToggleDTOG_TX(bEpNum)
-* Macro Name : SetEPAddress.
-* Description : Sets address in an endpoint register.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* bAddr: Address.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPAddress(bEpNum,bAddr) _SetENDPOINT(bEpNum,\
-* Macro Name : GetEPAddress.
-* Description : Gets address in an endpoint register.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _GetEPAddress(bEpNum) ((uint8_t)(_GetENDPOINT(bEpNum) & EPADDR_FIELD))
-#define _pEPTxAddr(bEpNum) ((uint32_t *)((_GetBTABLE()+bEpNum*8 )*2 + PMAAddr))
-#define _pEPTxCount(bEpNum) ((uint32_t *)((_GetBTABLE()+bEpNum*8+2)*2 + PMAAddr))
-#define _pEPRxAddr(bEpNum) ((uint32_t *)((_GetBTABLE()+bEpNum*8+4)*2 + PMAAddr))
-#define _pEPRxCount(bEpNum) ((uint32_t *)((_GetBTABLE()+bEpNum*8+6)*2 + PMAAddr))
-* Macro Name : SetEPTxAddr / SetEPRxAddr.
-* Description : sets address of the tx/rx buffer.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* wAddr: address to be set (must be word aligned).
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPTxAddr(bEpNum,wAddr) (*_pEPTxAddr(bEpNum) = ((wAddr >> 1) << 1))
-#define _SetEPRxAddr(bEpNum,wAddr) (*_pEPRxAddr(bEpNum) = ((wAddr >> 1) << 1))
-* Macro Name : GetEPTxAddr / GetEPRxAddr.
-* Description : Gets address of the tx/rx buffer.
-* Input : bEpNum: Endpoint Number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : address of the buffer.
-#define _GetEPTxAddr(bEpNum) ((uint16_t)*_pEPTxAddr(bEpNum))
-#define _GetEPRxAddr(bEpNum) ((uint16_t)*_pEPRxAddr(bEpNum))
-* Macro Name : SetEPCountRxReg.
-* Description : Sets counter of rx buffer with no. of blocks.
-* Input : pdwReg: pointer to counter.
-* wCount: Counter.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _BlocksOf32(dwReg,wCount,wNBlocks) {\
- wNBlocks = wCount >> 5;\
- if((wCount & 0x1f) == 0)\
- wNBlocks--;\
- *pdwReg = (uint32_t)((wNBlocks << 10) | 0x8000);\
- }/* _BlocksOf32 */
-#define _BlocksOf2(dwReg,wCount,wNBlocks) {\
- wNBlocks = wCount >> 1;\
- if((wCount & 0x1) != 0)\
- wNBlocks++;\
- *pdwReg = (uint32_t)(wNBlocks << 10);\
- }/* _BlocksOf2 */
-#define _SetEPCountRxReg(dwReg,wCount) {\
- uint16_t wNBlocks;\
- if(wCount > 62){_BlocksOf32(dwReg,wCount,wNBlocks);}\
- else {_BlocksOf2(dwReg,wCount,wNBlocks);}\
- }/* _SetEPCountRxReg */
-#define _SetEPRxDblBuf0Count(bEpNum,wCount) {\
- uint32_t *pdwReg = _pEPTxCount(bEpNum); \
- _SetEPCountRxReg(pdwReg, wCount);\
- }
-* Macro Name : SetEPTxCount / SetEPRxCount.
-* Description : sets counter for the tx/rx buffer.
-* Input : bEpNum: endpoint number.
-* wCount: Counter value.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPTxCount(bEpNum,wCount) (*_pEPTxCount(bEpNum) = wCount)
-#define _SetEPRxCount(bEpNum,wCount) {\
- uint32_t *pdwReg = _pEPRxCount(bEpNum); \
- _SetEPCountRxReg(pdwReg, wCount);\
- }
-* Macro Name : GetEPTxCount / GetEPRxCount.
-* Description : gets counter of the tx buffer.
-* Input : bEpNum: endpoint number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : Counter value.
-#define _GetEPTxCount(bEpNum)((uint16_t)(*_pEPTxCount(bEpNum)) & 0x3ff)
-#define _GetEPRxCount(bEpNum)((uint16_t)(*_pEPRxCount(bEpNum)) & 0x3ff)
-* Macro Name : SetEPDblBuf0Addr / SetEPDblBuf1Addr.
-* Description : Sets buffer 0/1 address in a double buffer endpoint.
-* Input : bEpNum: endpoint number.
-* : wBuf0Addr: buffer 0 address.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPDblBuf0Addr(bEpNum,wBuf0Addr) {_SetEPTxAddr(bEpNum, wBuf0Addr);}
-#define _SetEPDblBuf1Addr(bEpNum,wBuf1Addr) {_SetEPRxAddr(bEpNum, wBuf1Addr);}
-* Macro Name : SetEPDblBuffAddr.
-* Description : Sets addresses in a double buffer endpoint.
-* Input : bEpNum: endpoint number.
-* : wBuf0Addr: buffer 0 address.
-* : wBuf1Addr = buffer 1 address.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPDblBuffAddr(bEpNum,wBuf0Addr,wBuf1Addr) { \
- _SetEPDblBuf0Addr(bEpNum, wBuf0Addr);\
- _SetEPDblBuf1Addr(bEpNum, wBuf1Addr);\
- } /* _SetEPDblBuffAddr */
-* Macro Name : GetEPDblBuf0Addr / GetEPDblBuf1Addr.
-* Description : Gets buffer 0/1 address of a double buffer endpoint.
-* Input : bEpNum: endpoint number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _GetEPDblBuf0Addr(bEpNum) (_GetEPTxAddr(bEpNum))
-#define _GetEPDblBuf1Addr(bEpNum) (_GetEPRxAddr(bEpNum))
-* Macro Name : SetEPDblBuffCount / SetEPDblBuf0Count / SetEPDblBuf1Count.
-* Description : Gets buffer 0/1 address of a double buffer endpoint.
-* Input : bEpNum: endpoint number.
-* : bDir: endpoint dir EP_DBUF_OUT = OUT
-* : wCount: Counter value
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _SetEPDblBuf0Count(bEpNum, bDir, wCount) { \
- if(bDir == EP_DBUF_OUT)\
- /* OUT endpoint */ \
- {_SetEPRxDblBuf0Count(bEpNum,wCount);} \
- else if(bDir == EP_DBUF_IN)\
- /* IN endpoint */ \
- *_pEPTxCount(bEpNum) = (uint32_t)wCount; \
- } /* SetEPDblBuf0Count*/
-#define _SetEPDblBuf1Count(bEpNum, bDir, wCount) { \
- if(bDir == EP_DBUF_OUT)\
- /* OUT endpoint */ \
- {_SetEPRxCount(bEpNum,wCount);}\
- else if(bDir == EP_DBUF_IN)\
- /* IN endpoint */\
- *_pEPRxCount(bEpNum) = (uint32_t)wCount; \
- } /* SetEPDblBuf1Count */
-#define _SetEPDblBuffCount(bEpNum, bDir, wCount) {\
- _SetEPDblBuf0Count(bEpNum, bDir, wCount); \
- _SetEPDblBuf1Count(bEpNum, bDir, wCount); \
- } /* _SetEPDblBuffCount */
-* Macro Name : GetEPDblBuf0Count / GetEPDblBuf1Count.
-* Description : Gets buffer 0/1 rx/tx counter for double buffering.
-* Input : bEpNum: endpoint number.
-* Output : None.
-* Return : None.
-#define _GetEPDblBuf0Count(bEpNum) (_GetEPTxCount(bEpNum))
-#define _GetEPDblBuf1Count(bEpNum) (_GetEPRxCount(bEpNum))
-/* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/
-extern volatile uint16_t wIstr; /* ISTR register last read value */
-/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
-void SetCNTR(uint16_t /*wRegValue*/);
-void SetISTR(uint16_t /*wRegValue*/);
-void SetDADDR(uint16_t /*wRegValue*/);
-void SetBTABLE(uint16_t /*wRegValue*/);
-void SetBTABLE(uint16_t /*wRegValue*/);
-uint16_t GetCNTR(void);
-uint16_t GetISTR(void);
-uint16_t GetFNR(void);
-uint16_t GetDADDR(void);
-uint16_t GetBTABLE(void);
-void SetENDPOINT(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wRegValue*/);
-uint16_t GetENDPOINT(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPType(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wType*/);
-uint16_t GetEPType(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPTxStatus(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wState*/);
-void SetEPRxStatus(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wState*/);
-void SetDouBleBuffEPStall(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint8_t bDir);
-uint16_t GetEPTxStatus(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-uint16_t GetEPRxStatus(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPTxValid(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPRxValid(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-uint16_t GetTxStallStatus(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-uint16_t GetRxStallStatus(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEP_KIND(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ClearEP_KIND(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void Set_Status_Out(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void Clear_Status_Out(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPDoubleBuff(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ClearEPDoubleBuff(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ClearEP_CTR_RX(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ClearEP_CTR_TX(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ToggleDTOG_RX(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ToggleDTOG_TX(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ClearDTOG_RX(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void ClearDTOG_TX(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPAddress(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint8_t /*bAddr*/);
-uint8_t GetEPAddress(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPTxAddr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wAddr*/);
-void SetEPRxAddr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wAddr*/);
-uint16_t GetEPTxAddr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-uint16_t GetEPRxAddr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPCountRxReg(uint32_t * /*pdwReg*/, uint16_t /*wCount*/);
-void SetEPTxCount(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wCount*/);
-void SetEPRxCount(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wCount*/);
-uint16_t GetEPTxCount(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-uint16_t GetEPRxCount(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPDblBuf0Addr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wBuf0Addr*/);
-void SetEPDblBuf1Addr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wBuf1Addr*/);
-void SetEPDblBuffAddr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint16_t /*wBuf0Addr*/, uint16_t /*wBuf1Addr*/);
-uint16_t GetEPDblBuf0Addr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-uint16_t GetEPDblBuf1Addr(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void SetEPDblBuffCount(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint8_t /*bDir*/, uint16_t /*wCount*/);
-void SetEPDblBuf0Count(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint8_t /*bDir*/, uint16_t /*wCount*/);
-void SetEPDblBuf1Count(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/, uint8_t /*bDir*/, uint16_t /*wCount*/);
-uint16_t GetEPDblBuf0Count(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-uint16_t GetEPDblBuf1Count(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-EP_DBUF_DIR GetEPDblBufDir(uint8_t /*bEpNum*/);
-void FreeUserBuffer(uint8_t bEpNum/*bEpNum*/, uint8_t bDir);
-uint16_t ToWord(uint8_t, uint8_t);
-uint16_t ByteSwap(uint16_t);
-#endif /* __USB_REGS_H */
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/