path: root/workspace/ts100/src/Hardware.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'workspace/ts100/src/Hardware.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/workspace/ts100/src/Hardware.c b/workspace/ts100/src/Hardware.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a0294df..00000000
--- a/workspace/ts100/src/Hardware.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-/********************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2015 e-Design Co.,Ltd. **********************
- File Name : CTRL.c
- Version : S100 APP Ver 2.11
- Description:
- Author : Celery
- Data: 2015/07/07
- History:
- 2015/07/07 ͳһ������
- 2015/07/20 �Ӵ��¶ȱ�������
- *******************************************************************************/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "APP_Version.h"
-#include "Hardware.h"
-#include "CTRL.h"
-#include "Bios.h"
-#include "UI.h"
-#define CAL_AD 250
-const u32 gVol[] = { 3900, 2760, 1720, 584 };
-const u16 gRate[] = { 300, 150, 90, 40 };
-s32 gZerop_ad = 239;
-u32 gTurn_offv = 100;
-u8 gCalib_flag = 0;
-vu16 gMeas_cnt = 0;/* Measure*/
-u32 gKey_in;
-u8 gLongkey_flag = 0;
-u8 gAlarm_type = 1;
- ������: Get_CalFlag
- ��������:��ȡУ׼״̬
- �������:NULL
- ���ز���:У׼״̬��־
- *******************************************************************************/
-u32 Get_CalFlag(void) {
- return gCalib_flag;
- ������: Get_gKey
- ��������:��ȡ����״̬
- �������:NULL
- ���ز���:����״̬
- *******************************************************************************/
-u32 Get_gKey(void) {
- return gKey_in;
- ������: Set_gKey
- ��������:���ð���״̬
- �������:Ҫ���õİ���״̬
- ���ز���:NULL
- *******************************************************************************/
-void Set_gKey(u32 key) {
- gKey_in = key;
- ������: Set_LongKeyFlag
- ��������:���ó�������־
- �������:0 :�����Գ����� 1: ���Գ���
- ���ز���:NULL
- *******************************************************************************/
-void Set_LongKeyFlag(u32 flag) {
- gLongkey_flag = flag;
- ������: Get_AlarmType
- ��������:��ȡ��������
- �������:NULL
- ���ز���: ��������
- 0:����
- 1:sensor - err
- 2:����
- 3:��ѹ
- *******************************************************************************/
-u8 Get_AlarmType(void) {
- return gAlarm_type;
- ������: Set_AlarmType
- ��������:��������
- �������: ��������
- 0:����
- 1:sen - err
- 2:����
- 3:��ѹ
- ���ز���:NULL
- *******************************************************************************/
-void Set_AlarmType(u8 type) {
- gAlarm_type = type;
- Function: Read_Vb
- Description:Reads the input voltage and compares it to the thresholds??
- Input:Selects which threshold we are comparing to
- Output:Returns a key for if the voltage is in spec (I think)
- *******************************************************************************/
-int Read_Vb(u8 flag) {
- u32 tmp, i, sum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- tmp = ADC_GetConversionValue(ADC2);
- sum += tmp;
- }
- tmp = sum / 10;
- if (tmp >= (gVol[0] + gVol[0] / 100)) {
- gAlarm_type = HIGH_VOLTAGE;
- return H_ALARM; //����3500
- }
- tmp = (tmp * 10 / 144); //��ѹvb = 3.3 * 85 *ad / 40950
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- if (i == 2) {
- if (flag == 0) {
- if (tmp >= gRate[i])
- break;
- } else {
- if (tmp >= gTurn_offv)
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (tmp >= gRate[i])
- break;
- }
- }
- return (i + 1);
- ������: Scan_Key
- ��������:ɨ�����(50msÿ��)
- �������:NULL
- ���ز���:NULL
- *******************************************************************************/
-void Scan_Key(void) {
- static u32 p_cnt = 0, key_statuslast = 0;
- u32 key_state = 0;
- if ((~GPIOA->IDR) & 0x0200)
- key_state |= KEY_V1; //KEY_V1
- if ((~GPIOA->IDR) & 0x0040)
- key_state |= KEY_V2; //KEY_V2
- if (key_state == 0)
- return;
- if (gLongkey_flag == 1) { //LongKey_flag :���Ƴ�������־
- if (key_statuslast == key_state) {
- p_cnt++;
- if (p_cnt > 21)
- Set_gKey(KEY_CN | key_state); //������
- } else {
- p_cnt = 0;
- key_statuslast = key_state;
- Set_gKey(key_state);
- }
- } else {
- p_cnt = 0;
- key_statuslast = key_state;
- Set_gKey(key_state);
- }
- ������: Get_SlAvg
- ��������:����ƽ��ֵ
- �������:avg_data ƽ����ADֵ
- ���ز���:����ƽ��ֵ
- *******************************************************************************/
-u32 Get_SlAvg(u32 avg_data) {
- static u32 sum_avg = 0;
- static u8 init_flag = 0;
- u16 si_avg = sum_avg / SI_COE, abs;
- if (init_flag == 0) { /*��һ���ϵ�*/
- sum_avg = SI_COE * avg_data;
- init_flag = 1;
- return sum_avg / SI_COE;
- }
- if (avg_data > si_avg)
- abs = avg_data - si_avg;
- else
- abs = si_avg - avg_data;
- if (abs > SI_THRESHOLD)
- sum_avg = SI_COE * avg_data;
- else
- sum_avg += avg_data - sum_avg / SI_COE;
- return sum_avg / SI_COE;
- Function:
- Description: Read the thermocouple in the soldering iron head
- Output:Soldering Iron temperature
- *******************************************************************************/
-u32 Get_AvgAd(void) {
- /*The head has a thermocouple inline with the heater
- This is read by turning off the heater
- Then read the output of the op-amp that is connected across the connections
- */
- static u32 ad_sum = 0;
- static u32 max = 0, min = 5000;
- u32 ad_value, avg_data, slide_data = 0;
- Set_HeatingTime(0); //set the remaining time to zero
- HEAT_OFF(); //heater must be off
- Delay_HalfMs(25); //wait for the heater to time out
- gMeas_cnt = 10; //how many measurements to make
- while (gMeas_cnt > 0) {
- ad_value = Get_AdcValue(0); //Read_Tmp();
- ad_sum += ad_value;
- if (ad_value > max)
- max = ad_value;
- if (ad_value < min)
- min = ad_value;
- if (gMeas_cnt == 1) { //We have just taken the last reading
- ad_sum = ad_sum - max - min; //remove the two outliers
- avg_data = ad_sum / 8; //take the average
- slide_data = Get_SlAvg(avg_data);
- ad_sum = 0;
- min = 5000;
- max = 0;
- }
- gMeas_cnt--;
- }
- return slide_data; //gSlide_data;
- Function:
- Description:
- *******************************************************************************/
-int Get_TempSlAvg(int avg_data) {
- static int sum_avg = 0;
- static u8 init_flag = 0;
- if (init_flag == 0) {
- sum_avg = 8 * avg_data;
- init_flag = 1;
- return sum_avg / 8;
- }
- sum_avg += avg_data - sum_avg / 8;
- return sum_avg / 8;
- Function:
- Description:Reads the temperature of the on board temp sensor for calibration
- http://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/TMP35_36_37.pdf
- Output: The onboardTemp in C
- *******************************************************************************/
-int Get_SensorTmp(void) {
- u32 ad_sum = 0;
- u32 max = 0, min = 5000;
- u32 ad_value, avg_data, slide_data;
- int sensor_temp = 0;
- gMeas_cnt = 10;
- while (gMeas_cnt > 0) {
- ad_value = Get_AdcValue(1);
- ad_sum += ad_value;
- if (ad_value > max)
- max = ad_value;
- if (ad_value < min)
- min = ad_value;
- if (gMeas_cnt == 1) {
- ad_sum = ad_sum - max - min;
- avg_data = ad_sum / 8;
- //^ Removes the two outliers from the data spread
- slide_data = Get_TempSlAvg(avg_data);
- sensor_temp = (250 + (3300 * slide_data / 4096) - 750); //(25 + ((10*(33*gSlide_data)/4096)-75));
- //^ Convert the reading to C
- ad_sum = 0;
- min = 5000;
- max = 0;
- }
- gMeas_cnt--;
- }
- return sensor_temp;
- Function:
- Description: Reads the Zero Temp.. And does something..
- *******************************************************************************/
-void Zero_Calibration(void) {
- u32 zerop;
- int cool_tmp;
- zerop = Get_AvgAd(); //get the current
- cool_tmp = Get_SensorTmp(); //get the temp of the onboard sensor
- if (zerop >= 400) { //If the tip is too hot abort
- gCalib_flag = 2;
- } else {
- if (cool_tmp < 300) { //If cool temp is cool enough continue
- gZerop_ad = zerop; //store the zero point
- gCalib_flag = 1;
- } else { //abort if too warm
- gCalib_flag = 2;
- }
- }
- ������: Get_Temp
- ��������:�������,�ȶ��¶�,����AD�����¶�
- �������:wk_temp �����¶�
- ���ز���:ʵ���¶�
- *******************************************************************************/
-s16 Get_Temp(s16 wk_temp) {
- int ad_value, cool_tmp, compensation = 0;
- static u16 cnt = 0, h_cnt = 0;
- ad_value = Get_AvgAd();
- cool_tmp = Get_SensorTmp();
- if (ad_value == 4095)
- h_cnt++;
- else {
- h_cnt = 0;
- if (ad_value > 3800 && ad_value < 4095)
- cnt++;
- else
- cnt = 0;
- }
- if (h_cnt >= 60 && cnt == 0)
- gAlarm_type = SEN_ERR; //Sensor error -- too many invalid readings
- if (h_cnt == 0 && cnt >= 10)
- gAlarm_type = HIGH_TEMP; //Stuck at a really high temp -> Has mosfet failed
- if (h_cnt < 60 && cnt < 10)
- gAlarm_type = NORMAL_TEMP; //No errors so far
- compensation = 80 + 150 * (wk_temp - 1000) / 3000;
- if (wk_temp == 1000)
- compensation -= 10;
- if (wk_temp != 0) {
- if (ad_value > (compensation + gZerop_ad))
- ad_value -= compensation;
- }
- if (cool_tmp > 400)
- cool_tmp = 400; //cap cool temp at 40C
- return (ad_value * 1000 + 806 * cool_tmp - gZerop_ad * 1000) / 806;
- Function:Start_Watchdog
- Description: Starts the system watchdog timer
- *******************************************************************************/
-u32 Start_Watchdog(u32 ms) {
- IWDG_WriteAccessCmd(IWDG_WriteAccess_Enable);
- /* IWDG counter clock: 40KHz(LSI) / 32 = 1.25 KHz (min:0.8ms -- max:3276.8ms */
- IWDG_SetPrescaler(IWDG_Prescaler_32);
- /* Set counter reload value to XXms */
- IWDG_SetReload(ms * 10 / 8);
- /* Reload IWDG counter */
- IWDG_ReloadCounter();
- /* Enable IWDG (the LSI oscillator will be enabled by hardware) */
- IWDG_Enable();
- return 1;
- Function:Clear_Watchdog
- Description:Resets the watchdog timer
- *******************************************************************************/
-void Clear_Watchdog(void) {
- IWDG_ReloadCounter();
-/******************************** END OF FILE *********************************/