{ "languageCode": "SR_LATN", "languageLocalName": "Srpski", "tempUnitFahrenheit": false, "messagesWarn": { "CalibrationDone": { "message": "Calibration\ndone!" }, "ResetOKMessage": { "message": "Reset OK" }, "SettingsResetMessage": { "message": "Certain settings\nwere changed!" }, "NoAccelerometerMessage": { "message": "No accelerometer\ndetected!" }, "NoPowerDeliveryMessage": { "message": "No USB-PD IC\ndetected!" }, "LockingKeysString": { "message": "LOCKED" }, "UnlockingKeysString": { "message": "UNLOCKED" }, "WarningKeysLockedString": { "message": "!LOCKED!" }, "WarningThermalRunaway": { "message": "Thermal\nRunaway" }, "WarningTipShorted": { "message": "!Tip Shorted!" }, "SettingsCalibrationWarning": { "message": "Before rebooting, make sure tip & handle are at room temperature!" }, "CJCCalibrating": { "message": "calibrating\n" }, "SettingsResetWarning": { "message": "Da li zaista želite da vratite postavke na fabričke vrednosti?" }, "UVLOWarningString": { "message": "NIZ.NAP." }, "UndervoltageString": { "message": "PRENIZAK NAPON\n" }, "InputVoltageString": { "message": "Ul. napon: \n" }, "SleepingAdvancedString": { "message": "Spavanje...\n" }, "SleepingTipAdvancedString": { "message": "Vrh: \n" }, "ProfilePreheatString": { "message": "Preheat\n" }, "ProfileCooldownString": { "message": "Cooldown\n" }, "DeviceFailedValidationWarning": { "message": "Your device is most likely a counterfeit!" }, "TooHotToStartProfileWarning": { "message": "Too hot to\nstart profile" } }, "characters": { "SettingRightChar": "D", "SettingLeftChar": "L", "SettingAutoChar": "A", "SettingSlowChar": "S", "SettingMediumChar": "M", "SettingFastChar": "B", "SettingStartSolderingChar": "L", "SettingStartSleepChar": "S", "SettingStartSleepOffChar": "X", "SettingLockBoostChar": "B", "SettingLockFullChar": "F" }, "menuGroups": { "PowerMenu": { "displayText": "Power\nsettings", "description": "" }, "SolderingMenu": { "displayText": "Postavke\nlemljenja", "description": "" }, "PowerSavingMenu": { "displayText": "Ušteda\nenergije", "description": "" }, "UIMenu": { "displayText": "Korisničko\nsučelje", "description": "" }, "AdvancedMenu": { "displayText": "Napredne\npostavke", "description": "" } }, "menuValues": { "USBPDModeDefault": { "displayText": "Default\nMode" }, "USBPDModeNoDynamic": { "displayText": "No\nDynamic" }, "USBPDModeSafe": { "displayText": "Safe\nMode" }, "TipTypeAuto": { "displayText": "Auto\nSense" }, "TipTypeT12Long": { "displayText": "TS100\nLong" }, "TipTypeT12Short": { "displayText": "Pine\nShort" }, "TipTypeT12PTS": { "displayText": "PTS\n200" }, "TipTypeTS80": { "displayText": "TS80\n" }, "TipTypeJBCC210": { "displayText": "JBC\nC210" } }, "menuOptions": { "DCInCutoff": { "displayText": "Vrsta\nnapajanja", "description": "Tip napajanja; određuje najniži radni napon. (DC=adapter [10V], S=baterija [3,3V po ćeliji])" }, "MinVolCell": { "displayText": "Minimum\nvoltage", "description": "Minimum allowed voltage per battery cell (3S: 3 - 3.7V | 4-6S: 2.4 - 3.7V)" }, "QCMaxVoltage": { "displayText": "Ulazna\nsnaga", "description": "Snaga napajanja u vatima." }, "PDNegTimeout": { "displayText": "PD\ntimeout", "description": "PD negotiation timeout in 100ms steps for compatibility with some QC chargers" }, "USBPDMode": { "displayText": "PD\nMode", "description": "No Dynamic disables EPR & PPS, Safe mode does not use padding resistance" }, "BoostTemperature": { "displayText": "Temp.\npojačanja", "description": "Temperatura vrha lemilice u toku pojačanja." }, "AutoStart": { "displayText": "Vrući\nstart", "description": "Lemilica odmah po pokretanju prelazi u režim lemljenja i greje se. (L=lemljenje | S=spavati | X=spavati sobna temperatura)" }, "TempChangeShortStep": { "displayText": "Temp change\nshort", "description": "Temperature-change-increment on short button press" }, "TempChangeLongStep": { "displayText": "Temp change\nlong", "description": "Temperature-change-increment on long button press" }, "LockingMode": { "displayText": "Allow locking\nbuttons", "description": "While soldering, hold down both buttons to toggle locking them (B=boost mode only | F=full locking)" }, "ProfilePhases": { "displayText": "Profile\nPhases", "description": "Number of phases in profile mode" }, "ProfilePreheatTemp": { "displayText": "Preheat\nTemp", "description": "Preheat to this temperature at the start of profile mode" }, "ProfilePreheatSpeed": { "displayText": "Preheat\nSpeed", "description": "Preheat at this rate (degrees per second)" }, "ProfilePhase1Temp": { "displayText": "Phase 1\nTemp", "description": "Target temperature for the end of this phase" }, "ProfilePhase1Duration": { "displayText": "Phase 1\nDuration", "description": "Target duration of this phase (seconds)" }, "ProfilePhase2Temp": { "displayText": "Phase 2\nTemp", "description": "" }, "ProfilePhase2Duration": { "displayText": "Phase 2\nDuration", "description": "" }, "ProfilePhase3Temp": { "displayText": "Phase 3\nTemp", "description": "" }, "ProfilePhase3Duration": { "displayText": "Phase 3\nDuration", "description": "" }, "ProfilePhase4Temp": { "displayText": "Phase 4\nTemp", "description": "" }, "ProfilePhase4Duration": { "displayText": "Phase 4\nDuration", "description": "" }, "ProfilePhase5Temp": { "displayText": "Phase 5\nTemp", "description": "" }, "ProfilePhase5Duration": { "displayText": "Phase 5\nDuration", "description": "" }, "ProfileCooldownSpeed": { "displayText": "Cooldown\nSpeed", "description": "Cooldown at this rate at the end of profile mode (degrees per second)" }, "MotionSensitivity": { "displayText": "Osetljivost\nna pokret", "description": "Osetljivost senzora pokreta. (1=najmanje osetljivo | ... | 9=najosetljivije)" }, "SleepTemperature": { "displayText": "Temp.\nspavanja", "description": "Temperatura na koju se spušta lemilica nakon određenog vremena mirovanja. (C | F)" }, "SleepTimeout": { "displayText": "Vreme do\nspavanja", "description": "Vreme mirovanja nakon koga lemilica spušta temperaturu. (m=minuti | s=sekunde)" }, "ShutdownTimeout": { "displayText": "Vreme do\ngašenja", "description": "Vreme mirovanja nakon koga se lemilica gasi. (m=minuti)" }, "HallEffSensitivity": { "displayText": "Hall sensor\nsensitivity", "description": "Sensitivity to magnets (1=najmanje osetljivo | ... | 9=najosetljivije)" }, "HallEffSleepTimeout": { "displayText": "HallSensor\nSleepTime", "description": "Interval before \"sleep mode\" starts when hall effect is above threshold" }, "TemperatureUnit": { "displayText": "Jedinica\ntemperature", "description": "Jedinice u kojima se prikazuje temperatura. (C=celzijus | F=farenhajt)" }, "DisplayRotation": { "displayText": "Orijentacija\nekrana", "description": "Kako je okrenut ekran. (D=za desnoruke | L=za levoruke | A=automatski)" }, "CooldownBlink": { "displayText": "Upozorenje\npri hlađenju", "description": "Prikaz temperature trepće prilikom hlađenja dokle god je vrh i dalje vruć." }, "ScrollingSpeed": { "displayText": "Brzina\nporuka", "description": "Brzina kretanja opisnih poruka poput ove. (S=sporo | B=brzo)" }, "ReverseButtonTempChange": { "displayText": "Swap\n+ - keys", "description": "Reverse assignment of buttons for temperature adjustment" }, "AnimSpeed": { "displayText": "Anim.\nspeed", "description": "Pace of icon animations in menu (S=slow | M=medium | B=fast)" }, "AnimLoop": { "displayText": "Anim.\nloop", "description": "Loop icon animations in main menu" }, "Brightness": { "displayText": "Screen\nbrightness", "description": "Adjust the OLED screen brightness" }, "ColourInversion": { "displayText": "Invert\nscreen", "description": "Invert the OLED screen colors" }, "LOGOTime": { "displayText": "Boot logo\nduration", "description": "Set boot logo duration (s=seconds)" }, "AdvancedIdle": { "displayText": "Detalji tokom\nmirovanja", "description": "Prikazivanje detaljnih informacija na ekranu tokom mirovanja." }, "AdvancedSoldering": { "displayText": "Detalji tokom\nlemljenja", "description": "Prikazivanje detaljnih informacija na ekranu tokom lemljenja." }, "BluetoothLE": { "displayText": "Bluetooth\n", "description": "Enables BLE" }, "PowerLimit": { "displayText": "Power\nlimit", "description": "Average maximum power the iron can use (W=watt)" }, "CalibrateCJC": { "displayText": "Calibrate CJC\nat next boot", "description": "At next boot tip Cold Junction Compensation will be calibrated (not required if Delta T is < 5°C)" }, "VoltageCalibration": { "displayText": "Kalibracija\nulaznog napona", "description": "Kalibrisanje ulaznog napona. Podešava se na tastere; dugi pritisak za kraj." }, "PowerPulsePower": { "displayText": "Power\npulse", "description": "Intensity of power of keep-awake-pulse (W=watt)" }, "PowerPulseWait": { "displayText": "Power pulse\ndelay", "description": "Delay before keep-awake-pulse is triggered (x 2.5s)" }, "PowerPulseDuration": { "displayText": "Power pulse\nduration", "description": "Keep-awake-pulse duration (x 250ms)" }, "SettingsReset": { "displayText": "Fabričke\npostavke", "description": "Vraćanje svih postavki na fabričke vrednosti." }, "LanguageSwitch": { "displayText": "Jezik:\n SR Srpski", "description": "" }, "SolderingTipType": { "displayText": "Soldering\nTip Type", "description": "Select the tip type fitted" } } }