# Project info site_name: IronOS site_url: https://ralim.github.io/IronOS/ site_description: "IronOS Open Source Soldering Iron firmware for Miniware and Pinecil" # Repo config repo_url: https://github.com/ralim/IronOS/ # Dir & location config docs_dir: ../Documentation edit_uri: edit/dev/Documentation/ # Theme and config theme: name: readthedocs highlightsjs: true hljs_languages: - yaml # Navigation structure nav: - Home: index.md - Getting Started: GettingStarted.md - Flashing the firmware: - MHP30: Flashing/MHP30.md - Pinecil V1: Flashing/Pinecil V1.md - Pinecil V2: Flashing/Pinecil V2.md - TS80(P): Flashing/TS80(P).md - TS100: Flashing/TS100.md - Operation: - Main Menu: Menu.md - Settings: Settings.md - Debug Menu: DebugMenu.md - Power: Power.md - Temperature: Temperature.md - Startup Logo: Logo.md - Hardware: - Hall Sensor (Pinecil): HallSensor.md - Bluetooth (Pinecil V2): Bluetooth.md - Hardware Notes: Hardware.md - Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting.md - Known Hardware Issues: HardwareIssues.md - Power sources: PowerSources.md - New Hardware Requirements: PortingToNewDevice.md - Translations: Translation.md - Development: Development.md - Changelog: History.md # Plugins plugins: - search - autolinks - awesome-pages - git-revision-date # Markdown Extensions markdown_extensions: - attr_list - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:pymdownx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:pymdownx.emoji.to_svg