#!/usr/bin/env bash # little helper for docker deployment to: # - start development environment for IronOS ("shell" sub-command) # - generate full set of builds ("build" sub-command) # - probably doing some other routines (check source briefly before running undocumented commands!) #set -x #set -e ### helper functions # brief help (some supported commands may be missing!) usage() { echo -e "\nUsage: ${0} [CMD]\n" echo "CMD (docker related):" echo -e "\tshell - start docker container with shell inside to work on IronOS with all tools needed" echo -e "\tbuild - compile builds of IronOS inside docker container for supported hardware" echo -e "\tclean - delete created docker image for IronOS & its build cache objects\n" echo "CMD (helper routines):" echo -e "\tdocs_readme - generate & OVERWRITE(!) README.md inside Documentation/ based on nav section from mkdocs.yml if it changed\n" echo -e "\tcheck_style_file SRC - run code style checks based on clang-format & custom parsers for source code file SRC\n" echo -e "\tcheck_style_log - run clang-format using source/Makefile and generate gcc-compatible error log in source/check-style.log\n" echo -e "STORAGE NOTICE: for \"shell\" and \"build\" commands extra files will be downloaded so make sure that you have ~5GB of free space.\n" } # Documentation/README.md automagical generation routine docs_readme() { # WARNING: ON RUN Documentaion/README.md MAY BE OVERWRITTEN WITHOUT ANY WARNINGS / CONFIRMATIONS !!! # Returns: ## 0 to the environment & silence - if there are no any changes in README.md nor updates in mkdocs.yml ## 1 to the environment (as error) & note message - if the update of README.md in repo is required yml="scripts/IronOS-mkdocs.yml" md_old="Documentation/README.md" md_new="Documentation/README" # ^^^^ hardcoded paths relative to IronOS/ to make this func very trivial # file overwritten section looks out of style but hoping to make shellcheck happy cat << EOF > "${md_new}" #### This is autogenerated README for brief navigation through github over official documentation for IronOS project #### This documentation is also available [here online](https://ralim.github.io/IronOS) EOF # it probably will become unexplainable in a few months but so far it works: sed '1,/^nav/d; /^ *$/,$d; s,- ,- [,; s,: ,](../Documentation/,; s,.md,.md),; s,:$,],; s,/Pinecil ,/Pinecil%20,; /^ - \[.*\]$/ s,\[,,; s,]$,,' "${yml}" >> "${md_new}" ret=0 if [ -z "$(diff -q "${md_old}" "${md_new}")" ]; then rm "${md_new}" ret=0 else mv "${md_new}" "${md_old}" echo "" echo "${yml} seems to be updated..." echo "... while ${md_old} is out-of-date!" echo "" echo "Please, update ${md_old} in your local working copy by command:" echo "" echo " $ ./scripts/deploy.sh docs_readme" echo "" echo "And then commit & push changes to update ${md_old} in the repo:" echo "" echo " $ git commit ${md_old} -m \"${md_old}: update autogenerated file\" && git push" echo "" ret=1 fi; return "${ret}" } # Helper function to check code style using clang-format & grep/sed custom parsers: # - basic logic moved from source/Makefile : `check-style` target for better maintainance since a lot of sh script involved; # - output goes in gcc-like error compatible format for IDEs/editors. check_style_file() { ret=0 src="${1}" test ! -f "${src}" && echo "ERROR!!! Provided file ${src} is not available to check/read!!!" && exit 1 # count lines using diff between beauty-fied file & original file to detect format issue var="$(clang-format "$src" | diff "$src" - | wc -l)" if [ "${var}" -ne 0 ]; then # show full log error or, if LIST=anything provided, then show only filename of interest (implemented for debug purposes mainly) if [ -z "${LIST}" ]; then # sed is here only for pretty logging clang-format "${src}" | diff "${src}" - | sed 's/^---/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------/; s/^< /--- /; s/^> /+++ /; /^[0-9].*/ s/[acd,].*$/ERROR1/; /^[0-9].*/ s,^,\n\n\n\n'"${src}"':,; /ERROR1$/ s,ERROR1$,:1: error: clang-format code style mismatch:,; ' else echo "${src}" fi; ret=1 fi; return "${ret}" } # check_style routine for those who too lazy to do it everytime manually check_style_log() { log="source/check-style.log" make -C source check-style 2>&1 | tee "${log}" chmod 0666 "${log}" sed -i -e 's,\r,,g' "${log}" return 0 } ### main docker_conf="Env.yml" # get absolute location of project root dir to make docker happy with config(s) # (successfully tested on relatively POSIX-compliant Dash shell) # this script script_file="/deploy.sh" # IronOS/scripts/deploy.sh script_path="${PWD}"/"${0}" # IronOS/scripts/ script_dir=${script_path%"${script_file}"} # IronOS/ root_dir="${script_dir}/.." # IronOS/Env.yml docker_file="-f ${root_dir}/${docker_conf}" # allow providing custom path to docker tool using DOCKER_BIN external env. var. # (compose sub-command must be included, i.e. DOCKER_BIN="/usr/local/bin/docker compose" ./deploy.sh) if [ -z "${DOCKER_BIN}" ]; then docker_bin="" else docker_bin="${DOCKER_BIN}" fi; # detect availability of docker docker_compose="$(command -v docker-compose)" if [ -n "${docker_compose}" ] && [ -z "${docker_bin}" ]; then docker_bin="${docker_compose}" fi; docker_tool="$(command -v docker)" if [ -n "${docker_tool}" ] && [ -z "${docker_bin}" ]; then docker_bin="${docker_tool} compose" fi; # give function argument a name cmd="${1}" # if only README.md for Documentation update is required then run it & exit if [ "docs_readme" = "${cmd}" ]; then docs_readme exit "${?}" fi; if [ "check_style_file" = "${cmd}" ]; then check_style_file "${2}" exit "${?}" fi; if [ "check_style_log" = "${cmd}" ]; then check_style_log exit "${?}" fi; # if docker is not presented in any way show warning & exit if [ -z "${docker_bin}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't find docker-compose nor docker tool. Please, install docker and try again." exit 1 fi; # construct command to run if [ -z "${cmd}" ] || [ "${cmd}" = "shell" ]; then docker_cmd="run --rm builder" elif [ "${cmd}" = "build" ]; then docker_cmd="run --rm builder make build-all OUT=${OUT}" elif [ "${cmd}" = "clean" ]; then docker rmi ironos-builder:latest docker system prune --filter label=ironos-builder:latest --force exit "${?}" else usage exit 1 fi; # change dir to project root dir & run constructed command cd "${root_dir}" || exit 1 echo -e "\n====>>>> Firing up & starting container..." if [ "${cmd}" = "shell" ]; then echo -e "\t* type \"exit\" to end the session when done;" fi; echo -e "\t* type \"${0} clean\" to delete created container (but not cached data)" echo -e "\n====>>>> ${docker_bin} ${docker_file} ${docker_cmd}\n" eval "${docker_bin} ${docker_file} ${docker_cmd}" exit "${?}"