#!/bin/bash # Decompress archive and mount rootfs.ext3 gunzip -d -k /qc-fs/$UPDATE_FILE # Run tar command on the decompressed file to extract the rootfs.ext3 file # We need to remove the .gz extension from the file name tar -xvf /qc-fs/${UPDATE_FILE::-3} -C /qc-fs-uncompressed rm /qc-fs/${UPDATE_FILE::-3} echo "Mounting rootfs.ext3" mount -t ext4 /qc-fs-uncompressed/rootfs.ext3 $QEMU_LD_PREFIX echo "Mounting rootfs.ext3 finished" # Promt the user to install custom QT # if the user types "y" or "Y" then install custom QT echo "Do you want to install the custom compiled QT? (y/n)" echo "" read -n 1 -r echo "" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo "Installing QT" cd /qt_src && ./install_qt_compiled.sh echo "Installing QT finished" fi # Prompt user to chroot into the $QEMU_LD_PREFIX directory # if the user types "y" or "Y" then chroot into the $QEMU_LD_PREFIX directory # otherwise exit the script echo "Do you want to chroot into the created QC-filesystem? (y/n)" echo "" read -n 1 -r echo "" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo "" echo "Chrooting into $QEMU_LD_PREFIX" chroot $QEMU_LD_PREFIX fi