#!/bin/sh # This script can be used to apply OpenCortex patches to a mounted QC file system # And create a new update file from it # This script is intended to be run from the QC-dev-environment directory BLUE='\033[0;34m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color echo "${BLUE}========= OpenCortex Update Builder =========${NC}" cd /qc-fs-uncompressed echo "" echo "${BLUE}[+]${NC} Building update file..." echo "" tar cvf update-opencortex.bin rootfs.ext3 uImage zpu.dtb echo "" echo "This can take some seconds, please wait..." gzip -k update-opencortex.bin cp update-opencortex.bin.gz /qc-fs/update-opencortex.bin.gz echo "" echo "${BLUE}[+]${NC} Update file created: update-opencortex.bin.gz"