path: root/background.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'background.js')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/background.js b/background.js
index da9a1d39..c08ad16b 100644
--- a/background.js
+++ b/background.js
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
-//the id of this user, randomly generated once per install
-var userID = null;
-//the last video id loaded, to make sure it is a video id change
-var sponsorVideoID = null;
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, {
message: 'update',
@@ -40,14 +34,39 @@ chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, callback) {
//add help page on install
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function (object) {
- chrome.storage.sync.get(["shownInstallPage"], function(result) {
- let shownInstallPage = result.shownInstallPage;
- if (shownInstallPage == undefined || !shownInstallPage) {
- //open up the install page
- chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL("/help/index.html")});
- //save that this happened
- chrome.storage.sync.set({shownInstallPage: true});
+ // TODO (shownInstallPage): remove shownInstallPage logic after sufficient amount of time,
+ // so that people have time to upgrade and move to shownInstallPage-free code.
+ chrome.storage.sync.get(["userID", "shownInstallPage"], function(result) {
+ const userID = result.userID;
+ // TODO (shownInstallPage): delete row below
+ const shownInstallPage = result.shownInstallPage;
+ // If there is no userID, then it is the first install.
+ if (!userID){
+ // Show install page, if there is no user id
+ // and there is no shownInstallPage.
+ // TODO (shownInstallPage): remove this if statement, but leave contents
+ if (!shownInstallPage){
+ //open up the install page
+ chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL("/help/index.html")});
+ }
+ // TODO (shownInstallPage): delete if statement and contents
+ // If shownInstallPage is set, remove it.
+ if (!!shownInstallPage){
+ chrome.storage.sync.remove("shownInstallPage");
+ }
+ //generate a userID
+ const newUserID = generateUUID();
+ //save this UUID
+ chrome.storage.sync.set({
+ "userID": newUserID,
+ "serverAddress": serverAddress,
+ //the last video id loaded, to make sure it is a video id change
+ "sponsorVideoID": null,
+ "previousVideoID": null
+ });
@@ -87,9 +106,12 @@ function addSponsorTime(time, videoID, callback) {
function submitVote(type, UUID, callback) {
- getUserID(function(userID) {
+ chrome.storage.sync.get(["serverAddress", "userID"], function(result) {
+ const serverAddress = result.serverAddress;
+ const userID = result.userID;
//publish this vote
- sendRequestToServer('GET', "/api/voteOnSponsorTime?UUID=" + UUID + "&userID=" + userID + "&type=" + type, function(xmlhttp, error) {
+ sendRequestToServer("GET", serverAddress + "/api/voteOnSponsorTime?UUID=" + UUID + "&userID=" + userID + "&type=" + type, function(xmlhttp, error) {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
successType: 1
@@ -114,16 +136,17 @@ function submitVote(type, UUID, callback) {
function submitTimes(videoID, callback) {
//get the video times from storage
let sponsorTimeKey = 'sponsorTimes' + videoID;
- chrome.storage.sync.get([sponsorTimeKey], function(result) {
+ chrome.storage.sync.get([sponsorTimeKey, "serverAddress"], function(result) {
let sponsorTimes = result[sponsorTimeKey];
+ const serverAddress = result.serverAddress;
+ const userID = result.userID;
if (sponsorTimes != undefined && sponsorTimes.length > 0) {
//submit these times
for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) {
- getUserID(function(userIDStorage) {
//submit the sponsorTime
- sendRequestToServer('GET', "/api/postVideoSponsorTimes?videoID=" + videoID + "&startTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][0] + "&endTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][1]
- + "&userID=" + userIDStorage, function(xmlhttp, error) {
+ sendRequestToServer("GET", serverAddress + "/api/postVideoSponsorTimes?videoID=" + videoID + "&startTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][0] + "&endTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][1]
+ + "&userID=" + userID, function(xmlhttp, error) {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && !error) {
statusCode: xmlhttp.status
@@ -147,47 +170,16 @@ function submitTimes(videoID, callback) {
statusCode: -1
- });
-function getUserID(callback) {
- if (userID != null) {
- callback(userID);
- return;
- }
- //if it is not cached yet, grab it from storage
- chrome.storage.sync.get(["userID"], function(result) {
- let userIDStorage = result.userID;
- if (userIDStorage != undefined) {
- userID = userIDStorage;
- callback(userID);
- } else {
- //double check if a UUID hasn't been created since this was first called
- if (userID != null) {
- callback(userID);
- return;
- }
- //generate a userID
- userID = generateUUID();
- //save this UUID
- chrome.storage.sync.set({"userID": userID});
- callback(userID);
- }
- });
function sendRequestToServer(type, address, callback) {
let xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- xmlhttp.open(type, serverAddress + address, true);
+ xmlhttp.open(type, address, true);
if (callback != undefined) {
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {