chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { message: 'update', }); }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, callback) { switch(request.message) { case "submitTimes": submitTimes(request.videoID, callback); //this allows the callback to be called later by the submitTimes function return true; case "addSponsorTime": addSponsorTime(request.time, request.videoID, callback); //this allows the callback to be called later return true; case "getSponsorTimes": getSponsorTimes(request.videoID, function(sponsorTimes) { callback({ sponsorTimes: sponsorTimes }) }); //this allows the callback to be called later return true; case "submitVote": submitVote(request.type, request.UUID, callback); //this allows the callback to be called later return true; case "alertPrevious": chrome.notifications.create("stillThere" + Math.random(), { type: "basic", title: "Do you want to submit the sponsor times for video id " + request.previousVideoID + "?", message: "You seem to have left some sponsor times unsubmitted. Go back to that page to submit them (they are not deleted).", iconUrl: "./icons/LogoSponsorBlocker256px.png" }); } }); //add help page on install chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function (object) { // TODO (shownInstallPage): remove shownInstallPage logic after sufficient amount of time, // so that people have time to upgrade and move to shownInstallPage-free code.["userID", "shownInstallPage"], function(result) { const userID = result.userID; // TODO (shownInstallPage): delete row below const shownInstallPage = result.shownInstallPage; // If there is no userID, then it is the first install. if (!userID){ // Show install page, if there is no user id // and there is no shownInstallPage. // TODO (shownInstallPage): remove this if statement, but leave contents if (!shownInstallPage){ //open up the install page chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL("/help/"+chrome.i18n.getMessage("helpPage"))}); } // TODO (shownInstallPage): delete if statement and contents // If shownInstallPage is set, remove it. if (!!shownInstallPage){"shownInstallPage"); } //generate a userID const newUserID = generateUUID(); //save this UUID{ "userID": newUserID, //the last video id loaded, to make sure it is a video id change "sponsorVideoID": null, "previousVideoID": null }); } }); }); //gets the sponsor times from memory function getSponsorTimes(videoID, callback) { let sponsorTimes = []; let sponsorTimeKey = "sponsorTimes" + videoID;[sponsorTimeKey], function(result) { let sponsorTimesStorage = result[sponsorTimeKey]; if (sponsorTimesStorage != undefined && sponsorTimesStorage.length > 0) { sponsorTimes = sponsorTimesStorage; } callback(sponsorTimes) }); } function addSponsorTime(time, videoID, callback) { getSponsorTimes(videoID, function(sponsorTimes) { //add to sponsorTimes if (sponsorTimes.length > 0 && sponsorTimes[sponsorTimes.length - 1].length < 2) { //it is an end time sponsorTimes[sponsorTimes.length - 1][1] = time; } else { //it is a start time let sponsorTimesIndex = sponsorTimes.length; sponsorTimes[sponsorTimesIndex] = []; sponsorTimes[sponsorTimesIndex][0] = time; } //save this info let sponsorTimeKey = "sponsorTimes" + videoID;{[sponsorTimeKey]: sponsorTimes}, callback); }); } function submitVote(type, UUID, callback) {["userID"], function(result) { let userID = result.userID; //publish this vote sendRequestToServer("GET", "/api/voteOnSponsorTime?UUID=" + UUID + "&userID=" + userID + "&type=" + type, function(xmlhttp, error) { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { callback({ successType: 1 }); } else if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 405) { //duplicate vote callback({ successType: 0, statusCode: xmlhttp.status }); } else if (error) { //error while connect callback({ successType: -1, statusCode: xmlhttp.status }); } }) }) } function submitTimes(videoID, callback) { //get the video times from storage let sponsorTimeKey = 'sponsorTimes' + videoID;[sponsorTimeKey, "userID"], function(result) { let sponsorTimes = result[sponsorTimeKey]; let userID = result.userID; if (sponsorTimes != undefined && sponsorTimes.length > 0) { //submit these times for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) { //submit the sponsorTime sendRequestToServer("GET", "/api/postVideoSponsorTimes?videoID=" + videoID + "&startTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][0] + "&endTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][1] + "&userID=" + userID, function(xmlhttp, error) { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && !error) { callback({ statusCode: xmlhttp.status }); if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { //add these to the storage log["sponsorTimesContributed"], function(result) { let currentContributionAmount = 0; if (result.sponsorTimesContributed != undefined) { //current contribution amount is known currentContributionAmount = result.sponsorTimesContributed; } //save the amount contributed{"sponsorTimesContributed": currentContributionAmount + sponsorTimes.length}); }); } } else if (error) { callback({ statusCode: -1 }); } }); } } }); } function sendRequestToServer(type, address, callback) { let xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();, serverAddress + address, true); if (callback != undefined) { xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { callback(xmlhttp, false); }; xmlhttp.onerror = function(ev) { callback(xmlhttp, true); }; } //submit this request xmlhttp.send(); } function generateUUID(length = 36) { let charset = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; let result = ""; let isOpera = == '[object Opera]'; if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) { values = new Uint32Array(length); window.crypto.getRandomValues(values); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += charset[values[i] % charset.length]; } return result; } else { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += charset[Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)]; } return result; } }