import * as CompileConfig from "../config.json"; import Config from "./config"; import { Registration } from "./types"; // Make the config public for debugging purposes window.SB = Config; import Utils from "./utils"; const utils = new Utils({ registerFirefoxContentScript, unregisterFirefoxContentScript }); // Used only on Firefox, which does not support non persistent background pages. const contentScriptRegistrations = {}; // Register content script if needed if (utils.isFirefox()) { utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null).then(function() { if (Config.config.supportInvidious) utils.setupExtraSiteContentScripts(); }); } chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { message: 'update', }, () => void chrome.runtime.lastError ); // Suppress error on Firefox }); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, callback) { switch(request.message) { case "openConfig": chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.runtime.getURL('options/options.html' + (request.hash ? '#' + request.hash : ''))}); return; case "openHelp": chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.runtime.getURL('help/index.html')}); return; case "openPage": chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.runtime.getURL(request.url)}); return; case "sendRequest": sendRequestToCustomServer(request.type, request.url, (response) => { callback({ responseText: await response.text(), status: response.status, ok: response.ok }); }); return true; case "submitVote": submitVote(request.type, request.UUID, request.category).then(callback); //this allows the callback to be called later return true; case "registerContentScript": registerFirefoxContentScript(request); return false; case "unregisterContentScript": unregisterFirefoxContentScript( return false; } }); //add help page on install chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function () { // This let's the config sync to run fully before checking. // This is required on Firefox setTimeout(function() { const userID = Config.config.userID; // If there is no userID, then it is the first install. if (!userID){ //open up the install page chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL("/help/index.html")}); //generate a userID const newUserID = utils.generateUserID(); //save this UUID Config.config.userID = newUserID; } }, 1500); }); /** * Only works on Firefox. * Firefox requires that it be applied after every extension restart. * * @param {JSON} options */ function registerFirefoxContentScript(options: Registration) { const oldRegistration = contentScriptRegistrations[]; if (oldRegistration) oldRegistration.unregister(); browser.contentScripts.register({ allFrames: options.allFrames, js: options.js, css: options.css, matches: options.matches }).then((registration) => void (contentScriptRegistrations[] = registration)); } /** * Only works on Firefox. * Firefox requires that this is handled by the background script * */ function unregisterFirefoxContentScript(id: string) { contentScriptRegistrations[id].unregister(); delete contentScriptRegistrations[id]; } async function submitVote(type: number, UUID: string, category: string) { let userID = Config.config.userID; if (userID == undefined || userID === "undefined") { //generate one userID = utils.generateUserID(); Config.config.userID = userID; } const typeSection = (type !== undefined) ? "&type=" + type : "&category=" + category; //publish this vote const response = await asyncRequestToServer("POST", "/api/voteOnSponsorTime?UUID=" + UUID + "&userID=" + userID + typeSection); if (response.ok) { return { successType: 1, responseText: await response.text() }; } else if (response.status == 405) { //duplicate vote return { successType: 0, statusCode: response.status, responseText: await response.text() }; } else { //error while connect return { successType: -1, statusCode: response.status, responseText: await response.text() }; } } async function asyncRequestToServer(type: string, address: string, data = {}) { const serverAddress = Config.config.testingServer ? CompileConfig.testingServerAddress : Config.config.serverAddress; return await (sendRequestToCustomServer(type, serverAddress + address, data)); } /** * Sends a request to the specified url * * @param type The request type "GET", "POST", etc. * @param address The address to add to the SponsorBlock server address * @param callback */ async function sendRequestToCustomServer(type: string, url: string, data = {}) { // If GET, convert JSON to parameters if (type.toLowerCase() === "get") { url = utils.objectToURI(url, data, true); data = null; } const response = await fetch(url, { method: type, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, redirect: 'follow', body: data ? JSON.stringify(data) : null }); return response; }