import * as React from "react"; import Config from "../config" import { Category, CategorySkipOption } from "../types"; import Utils from "../utils"; const utils = new Utils(); export interface CategorySkipOptionsProps { category: Category; defaultColor?: string; defaultPreviewColor?: string; } export interface CategorySkipOptionsState { color: string; previewColor: string; } class CategorySkipOptionsComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props: CategorySkipOptionsProps) { super(props); // Setup state this.state = { color: props.defaultColor || Config.config.barTypes[this.props.category]?.color, previewColor: props.defaultPreviewColor || Config.config.barTypes["preview-" + this.props.category]?.color, } } render(): React.ReactElement { let defaultOption = "disable"; // Set the default opton properly for (const categorySelection of Config.config.categorySelections) { if ( === this.props.category) { switch (categorySelection.option) { case CategorySkipOption.ShowOverlay: defaultOption = "showOverlay"; break; case CategorySkipOption.ManualSkip: defaultOption = "manualSkip"; break; case CategorySkipOption.AutoSkip: defaultOption = "autoSkip"; break; } break; } } return ( <> {chrome.i18n.getMessage("category_" + this.props.category)} this.setColorState(event, false)} value={this.state.color} /> this.setColorState(event, true)} value={this.state.previewColor} /> {chrome.i18n.getMessage("category_" + this.props.category + "_description")} ); } skipOptionSelected(event: React.ChangeEvent): void { let option: CategorySkipOption; this.removeCurrentCategorySelection(); switch ( { case "disable": return; case "showOverlay": option = CategorySkipOption.ShowOverlay; break; case "manualSkip": option = CategorySkipOption.ManualSkip; break; case "autoSkip": option = CategorySkipOption.AutoSkip; break; } Config.config.categorySelections.push({ name: this.props.category, option: option }); // Forces the Proxy to send this to the chrome storage API Config.config.categorySelections = Config.config.categorySelections; } /** Removes this category from the config list of category selections */ removeCurrentCategorySelection(): void { // Remove it if it exists for (let i = 0; i < Config.config.categorySelections.length; i++) { if (Config.config.categorySelections[i].name === this.props.category) { Config.config.categorySelections.splice(i, 1); // Forces the Proxy to send this to the chrome storage API Config.config.categorySelections = Config.config.categorySelections; break; } } } getCategorySkipOptions(): JSX.Element[] { const elements: JSX.Element[] = []; const optionNames = ["disable", "showOverlay", "manualSkip", "autoSkip"]; console.log(utils.getCategoryActionType(this.props.category)) for (const optionName of optionNames) { elements.push( ); } return elements; } setColorState(event: React.FormEvent, preview: boolean): void { if (preview) { this.setState({ previewColor: event.currentTarget.value }); Config.config.barTypes["preview-" + this.props.category].color = event.currentTarget.value; } else { this.setState({ color: event.currentTarget.value }); Config.config.barTypes[this.props.category].color = event.currentTarget.value; } // Make listener get called Config.config.barTypes = Config.config.barTypes; } } export default CategorySkipOptionsComponent;