import * as React from "react"; import Config from "../config"; import SbSvg from "../svg-icons/sb_svg"; enum CountdownMode { Timer, Paused, Stopped } export interface NoticeProps { noticeTitle: string; maxCountdownTime?: () => number; dontPauseCountdown?: boolean; amountOfPreviousNotices?: number; showInSecondSlot?: boolean; timed?: boolean; idSuffix?: string; fadeIn?: boolean; startFaded?: boolean; firstColumn?: React.ReactElement[] | React.ReactElement; firstRow?: React.ReactElement; bottomRow?: React.ReactElement[]; smaller?: boolean; limitWidth?: boolean; extraClass?: string; hideLogo?: boolean; hideRightInfo?: boolean; logoFill?: string; // Callback for when this is closed closeListener: () => void; onMouseEnter?: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void; zIndex?: number; style?: React.CSSProperties; biggerCloseButton?: boolean; children?: React.ReactNode; } interface MouseDownInfo { x: number; y: number; right: number; bottom: number; } export interface NoticeState { maxCountdownTime: () => number; countdownTime: number; countdownMode: CountdownMode; mouseHovering: boolean; startFaded: boolean; mouseDownInfo: MouseDownInfo | null; mouseMoved: boolean; right: number; bottom: number; } // Limits for dragging notice around const bounds = [10, 100, 10, 10]; class NoticeComponent extends React.Component { countdownInterval: NodeJS.Timeout; idSuffix: string; amountOfPreviousNotices: number; parentRef: React.RefObject; handleMouseMoveBinded: (e: MouseEvent) => void = this.handleMouseMove.bind(this); constructor(props: NoticeProps) { super(props); this.parentRef = React.createRef(); const maxCountdownTime = () => { if (this.props.maxCountdownTime) return this.props.maxCountdownTime(); else return Config.config.skipNoticeDuration; }; //the id for the setInterval running the countdown this.countdownInterval = null; this.amountOfPreviousNotices = props.amountOfPreviousNotices || 0; this.idSuffix = props.idSuffix || ""; // Setup state this.state = { maxCountdownTime, //the countdown until this notice closes countdownTime: maxCountdownTime(), countdownMode: CountdownMode.Timer, mouseHovering: false, startFaded: this.props.startFaded ?? false, mouseDownInfo: null, mouseMoved: false, right: bounds[0], bottom: props.showInSecondSlot ? 290 : bounds[1] } } componentDidMount(): void { this.startCountdown(); } render(): React.ReactElement { const noticeStyle: React.CSSProperties = { zIndex: this.props.zIndex || (1000 + this.amountOfPreviousNotices), right: this.state.right, bottom: this.state.bottom, userSelect: this.state.mouseDownInfo && this.state.mouseMoved ? "none" : "auto", ...( ?? {}) } return (
this.onMouseEnter(e) } onMouseLeave={() => { this.timerMouseLeave(); }} onMouseDown={(e) => { document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMoveBinded); this.setState({ mouseDownInfo: { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY, right: this.state.right, bottom: this.state.bottom }, mouseMoved: false }); }} onMouseUp={() => { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMoveBinded); this.setState({ mouseDownInfo: null }); }} ref={this.parentRef} style={noticeStyle} >
{/* First row */} {/* Left column */} {this.props.firstRow} {/* Right column */} {!this.props.hideRightInfo && } {this.props.children} {!this.props.smaller && this.props.bottomRow ? this.props.bottomRow : null}
{/* Logo */} {!this.props.hideLogo && } {this.props.noticeTitle} {this.props.firstColumn} {/* Time left */} {this.props.timed ? ( this.toggleManualPause()} className="sponsorSkipObject sponsorSkipNoticeTimeLeft"> {this.getCountdownElements()} ) : ""} {/* Close button */} this.close()}>
{/* Add as a hidden table to keep the height constant */} {this.props.smaller && this.props.bottomRow ? {this.props.bottomRow}
: null}
); } getCountdownElements(): React.ReactElement[] { return [( {chrome.i18n.getMessage("NoticeTimeAfterSkip").replace("{seconds}", this.state.countdownTime.toString())} ),( {chrome.i18n.getMessage("paused")} ),( {chrome.i18n.getMessage("manualPaused")} )]; } onMouseEnter(event: React.MouseEvent): void { if (this.props.onMouseEnter) this.props.onMouseEnter(event); this.fadedMouseEnter(); this.timerMouseEnter(); } fadedMouseEnter(): void { if (this.state.startFaded) { this.setState({ startFaded: false }); } } timerMouseEnter(): void { if (this.state.countdownMode === CountdownMode.Stopped) return; this.pauseCountdown(); this.setState({ mouseHovering: true }); } timerMouseLeave(): void { if (this.state.countdownMode === CountdownMode.Stopped) return; this.startCountdown(); this.setState({ mouseHovering: false }); } toggleManualPause(): void { this.setState({ countdownMode: this.state.countdownMode === CountdownMode.Stopped ? CountdownMode.Timer : CountdownMode.Stopped }, () => { if (this.state.countdownMode === CountdownMode.Stopped || this.state.mouseHovering) { this.pauseCountdown(); } else { this.startCountdown(); } }); } //called every second to lower the countdown before hiding the notice countdown(): void { if (!this.props.timed) return; const countdownTime = Math.min(this.state.countdownTime - 1, this.state.maxCountdownTime()); if (countdownTime <= 0) { //remove this from setInterval clearInterval(this.countdownInterval); //time to close this notice this.close(); return; } if (countdownTime == 3) { //start fade out animation const notice = document.getElementById("sponsorSkipNotice" + this.idSuffix); notice?.style.removeProperty("animation"); notice?.classList.add("sponsorSkipNoticeFadeOut"); } this.setState({ countdownTime }) } removeFadeAnimation(): void { //remove the fade out class if it exists const notice = document.getElementById("sponsorSkipNotice" + this.idSuffix); notice.classList.remove("sponsorSkipNoticeFadeOut"); = "none"; } pauseCountdown(): void { if (!this.props.timed || this.props.dontPauseCountdown) return; //remove setInterval if (this.countdownInterval) clearInterval(this.countdownInterval); this.countdownInterval = null; //reset countdown and inform the user this.setState({ countdownTime: this.state.maxCountdownTime(), countdownMode: this.state.countdownMode === CountdownMode.Timer ? CountdownMode.Paused : this.state.countdownMode }); this.removeFadeAnimation(); } startCountdown(): void { if (!this.props.timed) return; //if it has already started, don't start it again if (this.countdownInterval !== null) return; this.setState({ countdownTime: this.state.maxCountdownTime(), countdownMode: CountdownMode.Timer }); this.setupInterval(); } setupInterval(): void { if (this.countdownInterval) clearInterval(this.countdownInterval); this.countdownInterval = setInterval(this.countdown.bind(this), 1000); } resetCountdown(): void { if (!this.props.timed) return; this.setupInterval(); this.setState({ countdownTime: this.state.maxCountdownTime(), countdownMode: CountdownMode.Timer }); this.removeFadeAnimation(); } /** * @param silent If true, the close listener will not be called */ close(silent?: boolean): void { //remove setInterval if (this.countdownInterval !== null) clearInterval(this.countdownInterval); if (!silent) this.props.closeListener(); } addNoticeInfoMessage(message: string, message2 = ""): void { //TODO: Replace const previousInfoMessage = document.getElementById("sponsorTimesInfoMessage" + this.idSuffix); if (previousInfoMessage != null) { //remove it document.getElementById("sponsorSkipNotice" + this.idSuffix).removeChild(previousInfoMessage); } const previousInfoMessage2 = document.getElementById("sponsorTimesInfoMessage" + this.idSuffix + "2"); if (previousInfoMessage2 != null) { //remove it document.getElementById("sponsorSkipNotice" + this.idSuffix).removeChild(previousInfoMessage2); } //add info const thanksForVotingText = document.createElement("p"); = "sponsorTimesInfoMessage" + this.idSuffix; thanksForVotingText.className = "sponsorTimesInfoMessage"; thanksForVotingText.innerText = message; //add element to div document.querySelector("#sponsorSkipNotice" + this.idSuffix + " > tbody").insertBefore(thanksForVotingText, document.getElementById("sponsorSkipNoticeSpacer" + this.idSuffix)); if (message2 !== undefined) { const thanksForVotingText2 = document.createElement("p"); = "sponsorTimesInfoMessage" + this.idSuffix + "2"; thanksForVotingText2.className = "sponsorTimesInfoMessage"; thanksForVotingText2.innerText = message2; //add element to div document.querySelector("#sponsorSkipNotice" + this.idSuffix + " > tbody").insertBefore(thanksForVotingText2, document.getElementById("sponsorSkipNoticeSpacer" + this.idSuffix)); } } getElement(): React.RefObject { return this.parentRef; } componentWillUnmount(): void { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMoveBinded); } // For dragging around notice handleMouseMove(e: MouseEvent): void { if (this.state.mouseDownInfo && e.buttons === 1) { const [mouseX, mouseY] = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; const deltaX = mouseX - this.state.mouseDownInfo.x; const deltaY = mouseY - this.state.mouseDownInfo.y; if (deltaX > 0 || deltaY > 0) this.setState({ mouseMoved: true }); const element = this.parentRef.current; const parent = element.parentElement.parentElement; this.setState({ right: Math.min(parent.clientWidth - element.clientWidth - bounds[2], Math.max(bounds[0], this.state.mouseDownInfo.right - deltaX)), bottom: Math.min(parent.clientHeight - element.clientHeight - bounds[3], Math.max(bounds[1], this.state.mouseDownInfo.bottom - deltaY)) }); } else { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMouseMoveBinded); } } } export default NoticeComponent;