import Config from "./config"; import { ActionType, Category, CategorySkipOption, ChannelIDInfo, ChannelIDStatus, ContentContainer, HashedValue, Keybind, PageType, ScheduledTime, SegmentUUID, SkipToTimeParams, SponsorHideType, SponsorSourceType, SponsorTime, StorageChangesObject, ToggleSkippable, VideoID, VideoInfo, } from "./types"; import Utils from "./utils"; import PreviewBar, { PreviewBarSegment } from "./js-components/previewBar"; import SkipNotice from "./render/SkipNotice"; import SkipNoticeComponent from "./components/SkipNoticeComponent"; import SubmissionNotice from "./render/SubmissionNotice"; import { Message, MessageResponse, VoteResponse } from "./messageTypes"; import { SkipButtonControlBar } from "./js-components/skipButtonControlBar"; import { getStartTimeFromUrl } from "./utils/urlParser"; import { findValidElement, getControls, getExistingChapters, getHashParams, isVisible } from "./utils/pageUtils"; import { isSafari, keybindEquals } from "./utils/configUtils"; import { CategoryPill } from "./render/CategoryPill"; import { AnimationUtils } from "./utils/animationUtils"; import { GenericUtils } from "./utils/genericUtils"; import { logDebug } from "./utils/logger"; import { importTimes } from "./utils/exporter"; import { ChapterVote } from "./render/ChapterVote"; import { openWarningDialog } from "./utils/warnings"; import { Tooltip } from "./render/Tooltip"; import { noRefreshFetchingChaptersAllowed } from "./utils/licenseKey"; const utils = new Utils(); // Hack to get the CSS loaded on permission-based sites (Invidious) utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null, 5000, 10).then(addCSS); const skipBuffer = 0.003; //was sponsor data found when doing SponsorsLookup let sponsorDataFound = false; //the actual sponsorTimes if loaded and UUIDs associated with them let sponsorTimes: SponsorTime[] = []; let existingChaptersImported = false; //what video id are these sponsors for let sponsorVideoID: VideoID = null; // List of open skip notices const skipNotices: SkipNotice[] = []; let activeSkipKeybindElement: ToggleSkippable = null; let retryFetchTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout = null; let shownSegmentFailedToFetchWarning = false; // JSON video info let videoInfo: VideoInfo = null; // Page Type - browse/watch etc... let pageType: PageType; // if video is live or premiere let isLivePremiere: boolean // The channel this video is about let channelIDInfo: ChannelIDInfo; // Locked Categories in this tab, like: ["sponsor","intro","outro"] let lockedCategories: Category[] = []; // Used to calculate a more precise "virtual" video time let lastKnownVideoTime: { videoTime: number; preciseTime: number } = { videoTime: null, preciseTime: null }; // It resumes with a slightly later time on chromium let lastTimeFromWaitingEvent = null; const lastNextChapterKeybind = { time: 0, date: 0 }; // Skips are scheduled to ensure precision. // Skips are rescheduled every seeking event. // Skips are canceled every seeking event let currentSkipSchedule: NodeJS.Timeout = null; let currentSkipInterval: NodeJS.Timeout = null; /** Has the sponsor been skipped */ let sponsorSkipped: boolean[] = []; //the video let video: HTMLVideoElement; let videoMuted = false; // Has it been attempted to be muted let videoMutationObserver: MutationObserver = null; let waitingForNewVideo = false; // List of videos that have had event listeners added to them const videosWithEventListeners: HTMLVideoElement[] = []; const controlsWithEventListeners: HTMLElement[] = [] // This misleading variable name will be fixed soon let onInvidious: boolean; let onMobileYouTube: boolean; //the video id of the last preview bar update let lastPreviewBarUpdate: VideoID; // Is the video currently being switched let switchingVideos = null; // Used by the play and playing listeners to make sure two aren't // called at the same time let lastCheckTime = 0; let lastCheckVideoTime = -1; //is this channel whitelised from getting sponsors skipped let channelWhitelisted = false; let previewBar: PreviewBar = null; // Skip to highlight button let skipButtonControlBar: SkipButtonControlBar = null; // For full video sponsors/selfpromo let categoryPill: CategoryPill = null; /** Element containing the player controls on the YouTube player. */ let controls: HTMLElement | null = null; /** Contains buttons created by `createButton()`. */ const playerButtons: Record = {}; // Direct Links after the config is loaded utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null, 1000, 1).then(() => videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoID(document))); // wait for hover preview to appear, and refresh attachments if ever found utils.waitForElement(".ytp-inline-preview-ui").then(() => refreshVideoAttachments()); utils.waitForElement("a.ytp-title-link[data-sessionlink='feature=player-title']") .then(() => videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoID(document))); addPageListeners(); addHotkeyListener(); /** Segments created by the user which have not yet been submitted. */ let sponsorTimesSubmitting: SponsorTime[] = []; let loadedPreloadedSegment = false; //becomes true when isInfoFound is called //this is used to close the popup on YouTube when the other popup opens let popupInitialised = false; let submissionNotice: SubmissionNotice = null; // If there is an advert playing (or about to be played), this is true let isAdPlaying = false; let lastResponseStatus: number; let retryCount = 0; // Contains all of the functions and variables needed by the skip notice const skipNoticeContentContainer: ContentContainer = () => ({ vote, dontShowNoticeAgain, unskipSponsorTime, sponsorTimes, sponsorTimesSubmitting, skipNotices, v: video, sponsorVideoID, reskipSponsorTime, updatePreviewBar, onMobileYouTube, sponsorSubmissionNotice: submissionNotice, resetSponsorSubmissionNotice, updateEditButtonsOnPlayer, previewTime, videoInfo, getRealCurrentTime: getRealCurrentTime, lockedCategories, channelIDInfo }); // value determining when to count segment as skipped and send telemetry to server (percent based) const manualSkipPercentCount = 0.5; //get messages from the background script and the popup chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(messageListener); function messageListener(request: Message, sender: unknown, sendResponse: (response: MessageResponse) => void): void | boolean { //messages from popup script switch(request.message){ case "update": videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoID(document)); break; case "sponsorStart": startOrEndTimingNewSegment() sendResponse({ creatingSegment: isSegmentCreationInProgress(), }); break; case "isInfoFound": //send the sponsor times along with if it's found sendResponse({ found: sponsorDataFound, status: lastResponseStatus, sponsorTimes: sponsorTimes, time: video.currentTime, onMobileYouTube }); if (!request.updating && popupInitialised && document.getElementById("sponsorBlockPopupContainer") != null) { //the popup should be closed now that another is opening closeInfoMenu(); } popupInitialised = true; break; case "getVideoID": sendResponse({ videoID: sponsorVideoID, }); break; case "getChannelID": sendResponse({ channelID: }); break; case "isChannelWhitelisted": sendResponse({ value: channelWhitelisted }); break; case "whitelistChange": channelWhitelisted = request.value; sponsorsLookup(); break; case "submitTimes": submitSponsorTimes(); break; case "refreshSegments": // update video on refresh if videoID invalid if (!sponsorVideoID) videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoID(document)); // fetch segments sponsorsLookup(false); break; case "unskip": unskipSponsorTime(sponsorTimes.find((segment) => segment.UUID === request.UUID), null, true); break; case "reskip": reskipSponsorTime(sponsorTimes.find((segment) => segment.UUID === request.UUID), true); break; case "submitVote": vote(request.type, request.UUID).then((response) => sendResponse(response)); return true; case "hideSegment": utils.getSponsorTimeFromUUID(sponsorTimes, request.UUID).hidden = request.type; utils.addHiddenSegment(sponsorVideoID, request.UUID, request.type); updatePreviewBar(); if (skipButtonControlBar?.isEnabled() && sponsorTimesSubmitting.every((s) => s.hidden !== SponsorHideType.Visible || s.actionType !== ActionType.Poi)) { skipButtonControlBar.disable(); } break; case "closePopup": closeInfoMenu(); break; case "copyToClipboard": navigator.clipboard.writeText(request.text); break; case "importSegments": { const importedSegments = importTimes(, video.duration); let addedSegments = false; for (const segment of importedSegments) { if (!sponsorTimesSubmitting.some( (s) => Math.abs(s.segment[0] - segment.segment[0]) < 1 && Math.abs(s.segment[1] - segment.segment[1]) < 1)) { if (segment.category === "chapter" && !utils.getCategorySelection("chapter")) { segment.category = "chooseACategory" as Category; segment.actionType = ActionType.Skip; segment.description = ""; } sponsorTimesSubmitting.push(segment); addedSegments = true; } } if (addedSegments) { Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID] = sponsorTimesSubmitting; Config.forceSyncUpdate("unsubmittedSegments"); updateEditButtonsOnPlayer(); updateSponsorTimesSubmitting(false); submitSponsorTimes(); } sendResponse({ importedSegments }); break; } case "keydown": document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key: request.key, keyCode: request.keyCode, code: request.code, which: request.which, shiftKey: request.shiftKey, ctrlKey: request.ctrlKey, altKey: request.altKey, metaKey: request.metaKey })); break; } sendResponse({}); } /** * Called when the config is updated */ function contentConfigUpdateListener(changes: StorageChangesObject) { for (const key in changes) { switch(key) { case "hideVideoPlayerControls": case "hideInfoButtonPlayerControls": case "hideDeleteButtonPlayerControls": updateVisibilityOfPlayerControlsButton() break; case "categorySelections": sponsorsLookup(); break; } } } if (!Config.configSyncListeners.includes(contentConfigUpdateListener)) { Config.configSyncListeners.push(contentConfigUpdateListener); } function resetValues() { lastCheckTime = 0; lastCheckVideoTime = -1; retryCount = 0; sponsorTimes = []; existingChaptersImported = false; sponsorSkipped = []; lastResponseStatus = 0; shownSegmentFailedToFetchWarning = false; sponsorVideoID = null; videoInfo = null; pageType = null; channelWhitelisted = false; channelIDInfo = { status: ChannelIDStatus.Fetching, id: null }; lockedCategories = []; isLivePremiere = false; //empty the preview bar if (previewBar !== null) { previewBar.clear(); } //reset sponsor data found check sponsorDataFound = false; if (switchingVideos === null) { // When first loading a video, it is not switching videos switchingVideos = false; } else { switchingVideos = true; logDebug("Setting switching videos to true (reset data)"); } // Reset advert playing flag isAdPlaying = false; skipButtonControlBar?.disable(); categoryPill?.setVisibility(false); for (let i = 0; i < skipNotices.length; i++) { skipNotices.pop()?.close(); } } async function videoIDChange(id: string): Promise { // don't switch to invalid value if (!id && sponsorVideoID && !document?.URL?.includes("")) return; //if the id has not changed return unless the video element has changed if (sponsorVideoID === id && (isVisible(video) || !video)) return; resetValues(); sponsorVideoID = id; //id is not valid if (!id) return; // Wait for options to be ready await utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null, 5000, 1); // If enabled, it will check if this video is private or unlisted and double check with the user if the sponsors should be looked up if (Config.config.checkForUnlistedVideos) { const shouldContinue = confirm("SponsorBlock: You have the setting 'Ignore Unlisted/Private Videos' enabled." + " Due to a change in how segment fetching works, this setting is not needed anymore as it cannot leak your video ID to the server." + " It instead sends just the first 4 characters of a longer hash of the videoID to the server, and filters through a subset of the database." + " More info about this implementation can be found here:" + "\n\nPlease click okay to confirm that you acknowledge this and continue using SponsorBlock."); if (shouldContinue) { Config.config.checkForUnlistedVideos = false; } else { return; } } // Update whitelist data when the video data is loaded whitelistCheck(); //setup the preview bar if (previewBar === null) { if (onMobileYouTube) { // Mobile YouTube workaround const observer = new MutationObserver(handleMobileControlsMutations); let controlsContainer = null; utils.wait(() => { controlsContainer = document.getElementById("player-control-container") return controlsContainer !== null }).then(() => { observer.observe(document.getElementById("player-control-container"), { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }); }).catch(); } else { utils.wait(getControls).then(createPreviewBar); } } // Notify the popup about the video change chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "videoChanged", videoID: sponsorVideoID, whitelisted: channelWhitelisted }); sponsorsLookup(); // Make sure all player buttons are properly added updateVisibilityOfPlayerControlsButton(); // Clear unsubmitted segments from the previous video sponsorTimesSubmitting = []; updateSponsorTimesSubmitting(); } function handleMobileControlsMutations(): void { updateVisibilityOfPlayerControlsButton(); skipButtonControlBar?.updateMobileControls(); if (previewBar !== null) { if (document.body.contains(previewBar.container)) { const progressBarBackground = document.querySelector(".progress-bar-background"); if (progressBarBackground !== null) { updatePreviewBarPositionMobile(progressBarBackground); } return; } else { // The container does not exist anymore, remove that old preview bar previewBar.remove(); previewBar = null; } } // Create the preview bar if needed (the function hasn't returned yet) createPreviewBar(); } /** * Creates a preview bar on the video */ function createPreviewBar(): void { if (previewBar !== null) return; const progressElementOptions = [{ // For mobile YouTube selector: ".progress-bar-background", isVisibleCheck: true }, { // For new mobile YouTube (#1287) selector: ".progress-bar-line", isVisibleCheck: true }, { // For Desktop YouTube selector: ".ytp-progress-bar", isVisibleCheck: true }, { // For Desktop YouTube selector: ".no-model.cue-range-marker", isVisibleCheck: true }, { // For Invidious/VideoJS selector: ".vjs-progress-holder", isVisibleCheck: false }, { // For Youtube Music // there are two sliders, one for volume and one for progress - both called #progressContainer selector: "#progress-bar>#sliderContainer>div>#sliderBar>#progressContainer", isVisibleCheck: false } ]; for (const option of progressElementOptions) { const allElements = document.querySelectorAll(option.selector) as NodeListOf; const el = option.isVisibleCheck ? findValidElement(allElements) : allElements[0]; if (el) { const chapterVote = new ChapterVote(voteAsync); previewBar = new PreviewBar(el, onMobileYouTube, onInvidious, chapterVote, () => importExistingChapters(false)); updatePreviewBar(); break; } } } /** * Triggered every time the video duration changes. * This happens when the resolution changes or at random time to clear memory. */ function durationChangeListener(): void { updateAdFlag(); updatePreviewBar(); } /** * Triggered once the video is ready. * This is mainly to attach to embedded players who don't have a video element visible. */ function videoOnReadyListener(): void { createPreviewBar(); updatePreviewBar(); updateVisibilityOfPlayerControlsButton() } function cancelSponsorSchedule(): void { logDebug("Pausing skipping"); if (currentSkipSchedule !== null) { clearTimeout(currentSkipSchedule); currentSkipSchedule = null; } if (currentSkipInterval !== null) { clearInterval(currentSkipInterval); currentSkipInterval = null; } } /** * @param currentTime Optional if you don't want to use the actual current time */ function startSponsorSchedule(includeIntersectingSegments = false, currentTime?: number, includeNonIntersectingSegments = true): void { cancelSponsorSchedule(); // Don't skip if advert playing and reset last checked time if (isAdPlaying) { // Reset lastCheckVideoTime lastCheckVideoTime = -1; lastCheckTime = 0; logDebug("[SB] Ad playing, pausing skipping"); return; } // ensure we are on the correct video const newVideoID = getYouTubeVideoID(document); if (newVideoID !== sponsorVideoID) { videoIDChange(newVideoID); return; } logDebug(`Considering to start skipping: ${!video}, ${video?.paused}`); if (!video) return; if (currentTime === undefined || currentTime === null) { currentTime = getVirtualTime(); } lastTimeFromWaitingEvent = null; updateActiveSegment(currentTime); if (video.paused) return; const skipInfo = getNextSkipIndex(currentTime, includeIntersectingSegments, includeNonIntersectingSegments); const currentSkip = skipInfo.array[skipInfo.index]; const skipTime: number[] = [currentSkip?.scheduledTime, skipInfo.array[skipInfo.endIndex]?.segment[1]]; const timeUntilSponsor = skipTime?.[0] - currentTime; const videoID = sponsorVideoID; if (videoMuted && !inMuteSegment(currentTime, skipInfo.index !== -1 && timeUntilSponsor < skipBuffer && shouldAutoSkip(currentSkip))) { video.muted = false; videoMuted = false; for (const notice of skipNotices) { // So that the notice can hide buttons notice.unmutedListener(currentTime); } } logDebug(`Ready to start skipping: ${skipInfo.index} at ${currentTime}`); if (skipInfo.index === -1) return; if (Config.config.disableSkipping || channelWhitelisted || (channelIDInfo.status === ChannelIDStatus.Fetching && Config.config.forceChannelCheck)){ return; } if (incorrectVideoCheck()) return; // Find all indexes in between the start and end let skippingSegments = [skipInfo.array[skipInfo.index]]; if (skipInfo.index !== skipInfo.endIndex) { skippingSegments = []; for (const segment of skipInfo.array) { if (shouldAutoSkip(segment) && segment.segment[0] >= skipTime[0] && segment.segment[1] <= skipTime[1] && segment.segment[0] === segment.scheduledTime) { // Don't include artifical scheduled segments (end times for mutes) skippingSegments.push(segment); } } } logDebug(`Next step in starting skipping: ${!shouldSkip(currentSkip)}, ${!sponsorTimesSubmitting?.some((segment) => segment.segment === currentSkip.segment)}`); const skippingFunction = (forceVideoTime?: number) => { let forcedSkipTime: number = null; let forcedIncludeIntersectingSegments = false; let forcedIncludeNonIntersectingSegments = true; if (incorrectVideoCheck(videoID, currentSkip)) return; forceVideoTime ||= Math.max(video.currentTime, getVirtualTime()); if ((shouldSkip(currentSkip) || sponsorTimesSubmitting?.some((segment) => segment.segment === currentSkip.segment))) { if (forceVideoTime >= skipTime[0] - skipBuffer && forceVideoTime < skipTime[1]) { skipToTime({ v: video, skipTime, skippingSegments, openNotice: skipInfo.openNotice }); // These are segments that start at the exact same time but need seperate notices for (const extra of skipInfo.extraIndexes) { const extraSkip = skipInfo.array[extra]; if (shouldSkip(extraSkip)) { skipToTime({ v: video, skipTime: [extraSkip.scheduledTime, extraSkip.segment[1]], skippingSegments: [extraSkip], openNotice: skipInfo.openNotice }); } } if (utils.getCategorySelection(currentSkip.category)?.option === CategorySkipOption.ManualSkip || currentSkip.actionType === ActionType.Mute) { forcedSkipTime = skipTime[0] + 0.001; } else { forcedSkipTime = skipTime[1]; forcedIncludeIntersectingSegments = true; forcedIncludeNonIntersectingSegments = false; } } else { forcedSkipTime = forceVideoTime + 0.001; } } else { forcedSkipTime = forceVideoTime + 0.001; } startSponsorSchedule(forcedIncludeIntersectingSegments, forcedSkipTime, forcedIncludeNonIntersectingSegments); }; if (timeUntilSponsor < skipBuffer) { skippingFunction(currentTime); } else { const delayTime = timeUntilSponsor * 1000 * (1 / video.playbackRate); if (delayTime < 300) { // Use interval instead of timeout near the end to combat imprecise video time const startIntervalTime =; const startVideoTime = Math.max(currentTime, video.currentTime); logDebug(`Starting setInterval skipping ${video.currentTime} to skip at ${skipTime[0]}`); currentSkipInterval = setInterval(() => { const intervalDuration = - startIntervalTime; if (intervalDuration >= delayTime || video.currentTime >= skipTime[0]) { clearInterval(currentSkipInterval); if (!utils.isFirefox() && !video.muted) { // Workaround for more accurate skipping on Chromium video.muted = true; video.muted = false; } skippingFunction(Math.max(video.currentTime, startVideoTime + video.playbackRate * intervalDuration / 1000)); } }, 1); } else { logDebug(`Starting timeout to skip ${video.currentTime} to skip at ${skipTime[0]}`); // Schedule for right before to be more precise than normal timeout currentSkipSchedule = setTimeout(skippingFunction, Math.max(0, delayTime - 150)); } } } function getVirtualTime(): number { const virtualTime = lastTimeFromWaitingEvent ?? (lastKnownVideoTime.videoTime ? ( - lastKnownVideoTime.preciseTime) * video.playbackRate / 1000 + lastKnownVideoTime.videoTime : null); if (Config.config.useVirtualTime && !utils.isFirefox() && !isSafari() && virtualTime && Math.abs(virtualTime - video.currentTime) < 0.6 && video.currentTime !== 0) { return virtualTime; } else { return video.currentTime; } } function inMuteSegment(currentTime: number, includeOverlap: boolean): boolean { const checkFunction = (segment) => segment.actionType === ActionType.Mute && segment.segment[0] <= currentTime && (segment.segment[1] > currentTime || (includeOverlap && segment.segment[1] + 0.02 > currentTime)); return sponsorTimes?.some(checkFunction) || sponsorTimesSubmitting.some(checkFunction); } /** * This makes sure the videoID is still correct and if the sponsorTime is included */ function incorrectVideoCheck(videoID?: string, sponsorTime?: SponsorTime): boolean { const currentVideoID = getYouTubeVideoID(document); if (currentVideoID !== (videoID || sponsorVideoID) || (sponsorTime && (!sponsorTimes || !sponsorTimes?.some((time) => time.segment === sponsorTime.segment)) && !sponsorTimesSubmitting.some((time) => time.segment === sponsorTime.segment))) { // Something has really gone wrong console.error("[SponsorBlock] The videoID recorded when trying to skip is different than what it should be."); console.error("[SponsorBlock] VideoID recorded: " + sponsorVideoID + ". Actual VideoID: " + currentVideoID); // Video ID change occured videoIDChange(currentVideoID); return true; } else { return false; } } function setupVideoMutationListener() { const videoContainer = document.querySelector(".html5-video-container"); if (!videoContainer || videoMutationObserver !== null || onInvidious) return; videoMutationObserver = new MutationObserver(refreshVideoAttachments); videoMutationObserver.observe(videoContainer, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }); } async function refreshVideoAttachments(): Promise { if (waitingForNewVideo) return; waitingForNewVideo = true; const newVideo = await utils.waitForElement("video", true) as HTMLVideoElement; waitingForNewVideo = false; video = newVideo; if (!videosWithEventListeners.includes(video)) { videosWithEventListeners.push(video); setupVideoListeners(); setupSkipButtonControlBar(); setupCategoryPill(); } if (previewBar && !utils.findReferenceNode()?.contains(previewBar.container)) { previewBar.remove(); previewBar = null; createPreviewBar(); } videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoID(document)); } function setupVideoListeners() { //wait until it is loaded video.addEventListener('loadstart', videoOnReadyListener) video.addEventListener('durationchange', durationChangeListener); if (!Config.config.disableSkipping) { switchingVideos = false; let startedWaiting = false; let lastPausedAtZero = true; video.addEventListener('play', () => { // If it is not the first event, then the only way to get to 0 is if there is a seek event // This check makes sure that changing the video resolution doesn't cause the extension to think it // gone back to the begining if (video.readyState <= HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA && video.currentTime === 0) return; updateVirtualTime(); if (switchingVideos || lastPausedAtZero) { switchingVideos = false; logDebug("Setting switching videos to false"); // If already segments loaded before video, retry to skip starting segments if (sponsorTimes) startSkipScheduleCheckingForStartSponsors(); } lastPausedAtZero = false; // Check if an ad is playing updateAdFlag(); // Make sure it doesn't get double called with the playing event if (Math.abs(lastCheckVideoTime - video.currentTime) > 0.3 || (lastCheckVideoTime !== video.currentTime && - lastCheckTime > 2000)) { lastCheckTime =; lastCheckVideoTime = video.currentTime; startSponsorSchedule(); } }); video.addEventListener('playing', () => { updateVirtualTime(); lastPausedAtZero = false; if (startedWaiting) { startedWaiting = false; logDebug(`[SB] Playing event after buffering: ${Math.abs(lastCheckVideoTime - video.currentTime) > 0.3 || (lastCheckVideoTime !== video.currentTime && - lastCheckTime > 2000)}`); } if (switchingVideos) { switchingVideos = false; logDebug("Setting switching videos to false"); // If already segments loaded before video, retry to skip starting segments if (sponsorTimes) startSkipScheduleCheckingForStartSponsors(); } // Make sure it doesn't get double called with the play event if (Math.abs(lastCheckVideoTime - video.currentTime) > 0.3 || (lastCheckVideoTime !== video.currentTime && - lastCheckTime > 2000)) { lastCheckTime =; lastCheckVideoTime = video.currentTime; startSponsorSchedule(); } }); video.addEventListener('seeking', () => { if (!video.paused){ // Reset lastCheckVideoTime lastCheckTime =; lastCheckVideoTime = video.currentTime; updateVirtualTime(); lastTimeFromWaitingEvent = null; startSponsorSchedule(); } else { updateActiveSegment(video.currentTime); if (video.currentTime === 0) { lastPausedAtZero = true; } } }); video.addEventListener('ratechange', () => { updateVirtualTime(); lastTimeFromWaitingEvent = null; startSponsorSchedule(); }); // Used by videospeed extension ( video.addEventListener('videoSpeed_ratechange', () => { updateVirtualTime(); lastTimeFromWaitingEvent = null; startSponsorSchedule(); }); const paused = () => { // Reset lastCheckVideoTime lastCheckVideoTime = -1; lastCheckTime = 0; lastKnownVideoTime = { videoTime: null, preciseTime: null } lastTimeFromWaitingEvent = video.currentTime; cancelSponsorSchedule(); }; video.addEventListener('pause', () => paused()); video.addEventListener('waiting', () => { logDebug("[SB] Not skipping due to buffering"); startedWaiting = true; paused(); }); startSponsorSchedule(); } } function updateVirtualTime() { lastKnownVideoTime = { videoTime: video.currentTime, preciseTime: }; } function setupSkipButtonControlBar() { if (!skipButtonControlBar) { skipButtonControlBar = new SkipButtonControlBar({ skip: (segment) => skipToTime({ v: video, skipTime: segment.segment, skippingSegments: [segment], openNotice: true, forceAutoSkip: true }), onMobileYouTube }); } skipButtonControlBar.attachToPage(); } function setupCategoryPill() { if (!categoryPill) { categoryPill = new CategoryPill(); } categoryPill.attachToPage(onMobileYouTube, onInvidious, voteAsync); } async function sponsorsLookup(keepOldSubmissions = true) { if (!video || !isVisible(video)) refreshVideoAttachments(); //there is still no video here if (!video) { setTimeout(() => sponsorsLookup(), 100); return; } setupVideoMutationListener(); const showChapterMessage = Config.config.showUpsells && Config.config.payments.lastCheck !== 0 && !noRefreshFetchingChaptersAllowed() && Config.config.showChapterInfoMessage && Config.config.skipCount > 200; if (!showChapterMessage && Config.config.showChapterInfoMessage && Config.config.payments.freeAccess) { Config.config.showChapterInfoMessage = false; if (!utils.getCategorySelection("chapter")) { const prependElement = document.querySelector(".ytp-chrome-bottom") as HTMLElement; if (prependElement) { Config.config.showChapterInfoMessage = false; new Tooltip({ text: chrome.i18n.getMessage("chapterNewFeature2"), linkOnClick: () => void chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ "message": "openConfig" }), referenceNode: prependElement.parentElement, prependElement, timeout: 1500, leftOffset: "20px", positionRealtive: false }); } } } const categories: string[] = =>; if (showChapterMessage && !categories.includes("chapter")) categories.push("chapter"); const extraRequestData: Record = {}; const hashParams = getHashParams(); if (hashParams.requiredSegment) extraRequestData.requiredSegment = hashParams.requiredSegment; const hashPrefix = (await utils.getHash(sponsorVideoID, 1)).slice(0, 4) as VideoID & HashedValue; const response = await utils.asyncRequestToServer('GET', "/api/skipSegments/" + hashPrefix, { categories, actionTypes: getEnabledActionTypes(showChapterMessage), userAgent: `${}`, ...extraRequestData }); // store last response status lastResponseStatus = response?.status; if (response?.ok) { let recievedSegments: SponsorTime[] = JSON.parse(response.responseText) ?.filter((video) => video.videoID === sponsorVideoID) ?.map((video) => video.segments)?.[0] ?.map((segment) => ({ ...segment, source: SponsorSourceType.Server })) ?.sort((a, b) => a.segment[0] - b.segment[0]); if (!recievedSegments || !recievedSegments.length) { // return if no video found chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "infoUpdated", found: false, status: lastResponseStatus, sponsorTimes: sponsorTimes, time: video.currentTime, onMobileYouTube }); retryFetch(404); return; } if (showChapterMessage) { const chapterSegments = recievedSegments.filter((s) => s.actionType === ActionType.Chapter); if (chapterSegments.length > 3) { const prependElement = document.querySelector(".ytp-chrome-bottom") as HTMLElement; if (prependElement) { Config.config.showChapterInfoMessage = false; new Tooltip({ text: `🟨${chrome.i18n.getMessage("chapterNewFeature")}${chapterSegments.slice(0, 3).map((s) => s.description).join(", ")}`, linkOnClick: () => void chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ "message": "openUpsell" }), referenceNode: prependElement.parentElement, prependElement, timeout: 1500, leftOffset: "20px", positionRealtive: false }); } } recievedSegments = recievedSegments.filter((s) => s.actionType !== ActionType.Chapter); } sponsorDataFound = true; // Check if any old submissions should be kept if (sponsorTimes !== null && keepOldSubmissions) { for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) { if (sponsorTimes[i].source === SponsorSourceType.Local) { // This is a user submission, keep it recievedSegments.push(sponsorTimes[i]); } } } const oldSegments = sponsorTimes || []; sponsorTimes = recievedSegments; existingChaptersImported = false; // Hide all submissions smaller than the minimum duration if (Config.config.minDuration !== 0) { for (const segment of sponsorTimes) { const duration = segment.segment[1] - segment.segment[0]; if (duration > 0 && duration < Config.config.minDuration) { segment.hidden = SponsorHideType.MinimumDuration; } } } if (keepOldSubmissions) { for (const segment of oldSegments) { const otherSegment = sponsorTimes.find((other) => segment.UUID === other.UUID); if (otherSegment) { // If they downvoted it, or changed the category, keep it otherSegment.hidden = segment.hidden; otherSegment.category = segment.category; } } } // See if some segments should be hidden const downvotedData = Config.local.downvotedSegments[hashPrefix]; if (downvotedData) { for (const segment of sponsorTimes) { const hashedUUID = await utils.getHash(segment.UUID, 1); const segmentDownvoteData = downvotedData.segments.find((downvote) => downvote.uuid === hashedUUID); if (segmentDownvoteData) { segment.hidden = segmentDownvoteData.hidden; } } } startSkipScheduleCheckingForStartSponsors(); //update the preview bar //leave the type blank for now until categories are added if (lastPreviewBarUpdate == sponsorVideoID || (lastPreviewBarUpdate == null && !isNaN(video.duration))) { //set it now //otherwise the listener can handle it updatePreviewBar(); } } else { retryFetch(lastResponseStatus); } importExistingChapters(true); // notify popup of segment changes chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "infoUpdated", found: sponsorDataFound, status: lastResponseStatus, sponsorTimes: sponsorTimes, time: video.currentTime, onMobileYouTube }); if (Config.config.isVip) { lockedCategoriesLookup(); } } function importExistingChapters(wait: boolean) { if (!existingChaptersImported) { GenericUtils.wait(() => video?.duration && getExistingChapters(sponsorVideoID, video.duration), wait ? 5000 : 0, 100, (c) => c?.length > 0).then((chapters) => { if (!existingChaptersImported && chapters?.length > 0) { sponsorTimes = (sponsorTimes ?? []).concat(...chapters).sort((a, b) => a.segment[0] - b.segment[0]); existingChaptersImported = true; updatePreviewBar(); } }).catch(() => {}); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function } } function getEnabledActionTypes(forceFullVideo = false): ActionType[] { const actionTypes = [ActionType.Skip, ActionType.Poi, ActionType.Chapter]; if (Config.config.muteSegments) { actionTypes.push(ActionType.Mute); } if (Config.config.fullVideoSegments || forceFullVideo) { actionTypes.push(ActionType.Full); } return actionTypes; } async function lockedCategoriesLookup(): Promise { const hashPrefix = (await utils.getHash(sponsorVideoID, 1)).slice(0, 4); const response = await utils.asyncRequestToServer("GET", "/api/lockCategories/" + hashPrefix); if (response.ok) { try { const categoriesResponse = JSON.parse(response.responseText).filter((lockInfo) => lockInfo.videoID === sponsorVideoID)[0]?.categories; if (Array.isArray(categoriesResponse)) { lockedCategories = categoriesResponse; } } catch (e) { } //eslint-disable-line no-empty } } function retryFetch(errorCode: number): void { sponsorDataFound = false; if (!Config.config.refetchWhenNotFound) return; if (retryFetchTimeout) clearTimeout(retryFetchTimeout); if ((errorCode !== 404 && retryCount > 1) || (errorCode !== 404 && retryCount > 10)) { // Too many errors (50x), give up return; } retryCount++; const delay = errorCode === 404 ? (30000 + Math.random() * 30000) : (2000 + Math.random() * 10000); retryFetchTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (sponsorVideoID && sponsorTimes?.length === 0 || sponsorTimes.every((segment) => segment.source !== SponsorSourceType.Server)) { sponsorsLookup(); } }, delay); } /** * Only should be used when it is okay to skip a sponsor when in the middle of it * * Ex. When segments are first loaded */ function startSkipScheduleCheckingForStartSponsors() { // switchingVideos is ignored in Safari due to event fire order. See #1142 if ((!switchingVideos || isSafari) && sponsorTimes) { // See if there are any starting sponsors let startingSegmentTime = getStartTimeFromUrl(document.URL) || -1; let found = false; for (const time of sponsorTimes) { if (time.segment[0] <= video.currentTime && time.segment[0] > startingSegmentTime && time.segment[1] > video.currentTime && time.actionType !== ActionType.Poi) { startingSegmentTime = time.segment[0]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { for (const time of sponsorTimesSubmitting) { if (time.segment[0] <= video.currentTime && time.segment[0] > startingSegmentTime && time.segment[1] > video.currentTime && time.actionType !== ActionType.Poi) { startingSegmentTime = time.segment[0]; found = true; break; } } } // For highlight category const poiSegments = sponsorTimes .filter((time) => time.segment[1] > video.currentTime && time.actionType === ActionType.Poi && time.hidden === SponsorHideType.Visible) .sort((a, b) => b.segment[0] - a.segment[0]); for (const time of poiSegments) { const skipOption = utils.getCategorySelection(time.category)?.option; if (skipOption !== CategorySkipOption.ShowOverlay) { skipToTime({ v: video, skipTime: time.segment, skippingSegments: [time], openNotice: true, unskipTime: video.currentTime }); if (skipOption === CategorySkipOption.AutoSkip) break; } } const fullVideoSegment = sponsorTimes.filter((time) => time.actionType === ActionType.Full)[0]; if (fullVideoSegment) { categoryPill?.setSegment(fullVideoSegment); } if (startingSegmentTime !== -1) { startSponsorSchedule(undefined, startingSegmentTime); } else { startSponsorSchedule(); } } } function getYouTubeVideoID(document: Document, url?: string): string { url ||= document.URL; // pageType shortcut if (pageType === PageType.Channel) return getYouTubeVideoIDFromDocument(); // clips should never skip, going from clip to full video has no indications. if (url.includes("")) return null; // skip to document and don't hide if on /embed/ if (url.includes("/embed/") && url.includes("")) return getYouTubeVideoIDFromDocument(false, PageType.Embed); // skip to URL if matches youtube watch or invidious or matches youtube pattern if ((!url.includes("")) || url.includes("/watch") || url.includes("/shorts/") || url.includes("playlist")) return getYouTubeVideoIDFromURL(url); // skip to document if matches pattern if (url.includes("/channel/") || url.includes("/user/") || url.includes("/c/")) return getYouTubeVideoIDFromDocument(true, PageType.Channel); // not sure, try URL then document return getYouTubeVideoIDFromURL(url) || getYouTubeVideoIDFromDocument(false); } function getYouTubeVideoIDFromDocument(hideIcon = true, pageHint = PageType.Watch): string { const selector = "a.ytp-title-link[data-sessionlink='feature=player-title']"; // get ID from document (channel trailer / embedded playlist) const element = pageHint === PageType.Embed ? document.querySelector(selector) : video?.parentElement?.parentElement?.querySelector(selector); const videoURL = element?.getAttribute("href"); if (videoURL) { onInvidious = hideIcon; // if href found, hint was correct pageType = pageHint; return getYouTubeVideoIDFromURL(videoURL); } else { return null; } } function getYouTubeVideoIDFromURL(url: string): string { if(url.startsWith("")) url = url.replace("#", ""); //Attempt to parse url let urlObject: URL = null; try { urlObject = new URL(url); } catch (e) { console.error("[SB] Unable to parse URL: " + url); return null; } // Check if valid hostname if (Config.config && Config.config.invidiousInstances.includes( { onInvidious = true; } else if ( === "") { onMobileYouTube = true; } else if (!["", "", "", ""].includes( { if (!Config.config) { // Call this later, in case this is an Invidious tab utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null).then(() => videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoIDFromURL(url))); } return null; } else { onInvidious = false; } //Get ID from searchParam if (urlObject.searchParams.has("v") && ["/watch", "/watch/"].includes(urlObject.pathname) || urlObject.pathname.startsWith("/tv/watch")) { const id = urlObject.searchParams.get("v"); return id.length == 11 ? id : null; } else if (urlObject.pathname.startsWith("/embed/") || urlObject.pathname.startsWith("/shorts/")) { try { const id = urlObject.pathname.split("/")[2] if (id?.length >=11 ) return id.slice(0, 11); } catch (e) { console.error("[SB] Video ID not valid for " + url); return null; } } return null; } /** * This function is required on mobile YouTube and will keep getting called whenever the preview bar disapears */ function updatePreviewBarPositionMobile(parent: HTMLElement) { if (document.getElementById("previewbar") === null) { previewBar.createElement(parent); } } function updatePreviewBar(): void { if (previewBar === null) return; if (isAdPlaying) { previewBar.clear(); return; } if (video === null) return; const hashParams = getHashParams(); const previewBarSegments: PreviewBarSegment[] = []; if (sponsorTimes) { sponsorTimes.forEach((segment) => { if (segment.hidden !== SponsorHideType.Visible) return; previewBarSegments.push({ segment: segment.segment as [number, number], category: segment.category, actionType: segment.actionType, unsubmitted: false, showLarger: segment.actionType === ActionType.Poi, description: segment.description, source: segment.source, requiredSegment: hashParams.requiredSegment && segment.UUID === hashParams.requiredSegment }); }); } sponsorTimesSubmitting.forEach((segment) => { previewBarSegments.push({ segment: segment.segment as [number, number], category: segment.category, actionType: segment.actionType, unsubmitted: true, showLarger: segment.actionType === ActionType.Poi, description: segment.description, source: segment.source }); }); previewBar.set(previewBarSegments.filter((segment) => segment.actionType !== ActionType.Full), video?.duration) if (video) updateActiveSegment(video.currentTime); if (Config.config.showTimeWithSkips) { const skippedDuration = utils.getTimestampsDuration(previewBarSegments .filter(({actionType}) => ![ActionType.Mute, ActionType.Chapter].includes(actionType)) .map(({segment}) => segment)); showTimeWithoutSkips(skippedDuration); } // Update last video id lastPreviewBarUpdate = sponsorVideoID; } //checks if this channel is whitelisted, should be done only after the channelID has been loaded async function whitelistCheck() { const whitelistedChannels = Config.config.whitelistedChannels; try { await utils.wait(() => channelIDInfo.status === ChannelIDStatus.Found, 6000, 20); // If found, continue on, it was set by the listener } catch (e) { // Try fallback const channelIDFallback = (document.querySelector("a.ytd-video-owner-renderer") // YouTube ?? document.querySelector("a.ytp-title-channel-logo") // YouTube Embed ?? document.querySelector(".channel-profile #channel-name")?.parentElement.parentElement // Invidious ?? document.querySelector("a.slim-owner-icon-and-title")) // Mobile YouTube ?.getAttribute("href")?.match(/\/(?:channel|c|user)\/(UC[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{22}|[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/)?.[1]; if (channelIDFallback) { channelIDInfo = { status: ChannelIDStatus.Found, id: channelIDFallback }; } else { channelIDInfo = { status: ChannelIDStatus.Failed, id: null }; } } //see if this is a whitelisted channel if (whitelistedChannels != undefined && channelIDInfo.status === ChannelIDStatus.Found && whitelistedChannels.includes( { channelWhitelisted = true; } // check if the start of segments were missed if (Config.config.forceChannelCheck && sponsorTimes?.length > 0) startSkipScheduleCheckingForStartSponsors(); } /** * Returns info about the next upcoming sponsor skip */ function getNextSkipIndex(currentTime: number, includeIntersectingSegments: boolean, includeNonIntersectingSegments: boolean): {array: ScheduledTime[]; index: number; endIndex: number; extraIndexes: number[]; openNotice: boolean} { const autoSkipSorter = (segment: ScheduledTime) => { const skipOption = utils.getCategorySelection(segment.category)?.option; if ((skipOption === CategorySkipOption.AutoSkip || shouldAutoSkip(segment)) && segment.actionType === ActionType.Skip) { return 0; } else if (skipOption !== CategorySkipOption.ShowOverlay) { return 1; } else { return 2; } } const { includedTimes: submittedArray, scheduledTimes: sponsorStartTimes } = getStartTimes(sponsorTimes, includeIntersectingSegments, includeNonIntersectingSegments); const { scheduledTimes: sponsorStartTimesAfterCurrentTime } = getStartTimes(sponsorTimes, includeIntersectingSegments, includeNonIntersectingSegments, currentTime, true); // This is an array in-case multiple segments have the exact same start time const minSponsorTimeIndexes = GenericUtils.indexesOf(sponsorStartTimes, Math.min(...sponsorStartTimesAfterCurrentTime)); // Find auto skipping segments if possible, sort by duration otherwise const minSponsorTimeIndex = minSponsorTimeIndexes.sort( (a, b) => ((autoSkipSorter(submittedArray[a]) - autoSkipSorter(submittedArray[b])) || (submittedArray[a].segment[1] - submittedArray[a].segment[0]) - (submittedArray[b].segment[1] - submittedArray[b].segment[0])))[0] ?? -1; // Store extra indexes for the non-auto skipping segments if others occur at the exact same start time const extraIndexes = minSponsorTimeIndexes.filter((i) => i !== minSponsorTimeIndex && autoSkipSorter(submittedArray[i]) !== 0); const endTimeIndex = getLatestEndTimeIndex(submittedArray, minSponsorTimeIndex); const { includedTimes: unsubmittedArray, scheduledTimes: unsubmittedSponsorStartTimes } = getStartTimes(sponsorTimesSubmitting, includeIntersectingSegments, includeNonIntersectingSegments); const { scheduledTimes: unsubmittedSponsorStartTimesAfterCurrentTime } = getStartTimes(sponsorTimesSubmitting, includeIntersectingSegments, includeNonIntersectingSegments, currentTime, false); const minUnsubmittedSponsorTimeIndex = unsubmittedSponsorStartTimes.indexOf(Math.min(...unsubmittedSponsorStartTimesAfterCurrentTime)); const previewEndTimeIndex = getLatestEndTimeIndex(unsubmittedArray, minUnsubmittedSponsorTimeIndex); if ((minUnsubmittedSponsorTimeIndex === -1 && minSponsorTimeIndex !== -1) || sponsorStartTimes[minSponsorTimeIndex] < unsubmittedSponsorStartTimes[minUnsubmittedSponsorTimeIndex]) { return { array: submittedArray, index: minSponsorTimeIndex, endIndex: endTimeIndex, extraIndexes, // Segments at same time that need seperate notices openNotice: true }; } else { return { array: unsubmittedArray, index: minUnsubmittedSponsorTimeIndex, endIndex: previewEndTimeIndex, extraIndexes: [], // No manual things for unsubmitted openNotice: false }; } } /** * This returns index if the skip option is not AutoSkip * * Finds the last endTime that occurs in a segment that the given * segment skips into that is part of an AutoSkip category. * * Used to find where a segment should truely skip to if there are intersecting submissions due to * them having different categories. * * @param sponsorTimes * @param index Index of the given sponsor * @param hideHiddenSponsors */ function getLatestEndTimeIndex(sponsorTimes: SponsorTime[], index: number, hideHiddenSponsors = true): number { // Only combine segments for AutoSkip if (index == -1 || !shouldAutoSkip(sponsorTimes[index]) || sponsorTimes[index].actionType !== ActionType.Skip) { return index; } // Default to the normal endTime let latestEndTimeIndex = index; for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes?.length; i++) { const currentSegment = sponsorTimes[i].segment; const latestEndTime = sponsorTimes[latestEndTimeIndex].segment[1]; if (currentSegment[0] - skipBuffer <= latestEndTime && currentSegment[1] > latestEndTime && (!hideHiddenSponsors || sponsorTimes[i].hidden === SponsorHideType.Visible) && shouldAutoSkip(sponsorTimes[i]) && sponsorTimes[i].actionType === ActionType.Skip) { // Overlapping segment latestEndTimeIndex = i; } } // Keep going if required if (latestEndTimeIndex !== index) { latestEndTimeIndex = getLatestEndTimeIndex(sponsorTimes, latestEndTimeIndex, hideHiddenSponsors); } return latestEndTimeIndex; } /** * Gets just the start times from a sponsor times array. * Optionally specify a minimum * * @param sponsorTimes * @param minimum * @param hideHiddenSponsors * @param includeIntersectingSegments If true, it will include segments that start before * the current time, but end after */ function getStartTimes(sponsorTimes: SponsorTime[], includeIntersectingSegments: boolean, includeNonIntersectingSegments: boolean, minimum?: number, hideHiddenSponsors = false): {includedTimes: ScheduledTime[]; scheduledTimes: number[]} { if (!sponsorTimes) return {includedTimes: [], scheduledTimes: []}; const includedTimes: ScheduledTime[] = []; const scheduledTimes: number[] = []; const possibleTimes = => ({ ...sponsorTime, scheduledTime: sponsorTime.segment[0] })); // Schedule at the end time to know when to unmute and remove title from seek bar sponsorTimes.forEach(sponsorTime => { if (!possibleTimes.some((time) => sponsorTime.segment[1] === time.scheduledTime) && (minimum === undefined || sponsorTime.segment[1] > minimum)) { possibleTimes.push({ ...sponsorTime, scheduledTime: sponsorTime.segment[1] }); } }); for (let i = 0; i < possibleTimes.length; i++) { if ((minimum === undefined || ((includeNonIntersectingSegments && possibleTimes[i].scheduledTime >= minimum) || (includeIntersectingSegments && possibleTimes[i].scheduledTime < minimum && possibleTimes[i].segment[1] > minimum))) && (!hideHiddenSponsors || possibleTimes[i].hidden === SponsorHideType.Visible) && possibleTimes[i].segment.length === 2 && possibleTimes[i].actionType !== ActionType.Poi) { scheduledTimes.push(possibleTimes[i].scheduledTime); includedTimes.push(possibleTimes[i]); } } return { includedTimes, scheduledTimes }; } /** * Skip to exact time in a video and autoskips * * @param time */ function previewTime(time: number, unpause = true) { video.currentTime = time; // Unpause the video if needed if (unpause && video.paused){; } } //send telemetry and count skip function sendTelemetryAndCount(skippingSegments: SponsorTime[], secondsSkipped: number, fullSkip: boolean) { if (!Config.config.trackViewCount || (!Config.config.trackViewCountInPrivate && chrome.extension.inIncognitoContext)) return; let counted = false; for (const segment of skippingSegments) { const index = sponsorTimes?.findIndex((s) => s.segment === segment.segment); if (index !== -1 && !sponsorSkipped[index]) { sponsorSkipped[index] = true; if (!counted) { Config.config.minutesSaved = Config.config.minutesSaved + secondsSkipped / 60; if (segment.actionType !== ActionType.Chapter) { Config.config.skipCount = Config.config.skipCount + 1; } counted = true; } if (fullSkip) utils.asyncRequestToServer("POST", "/api/viewedVideoSponsorTime?UUID=" + segment.UUID); } } } //skip from the start time to the end time for a certain index sponsor time function skipToTime({v, skipTime, skippingSegments, openNotice, forceAutoSkip, unskipTime}: SkipToTimeParams): void { if (Config.config.disableSkipping) return; // There will only be one submission if it is manual skip const autoSkip: boolean = forceAutoSkip || shouldAutoSkip(skippingSegments[0]); if ((autoSkip || sponsorTimesSubmitting.some((time) => time.segment === skippingSegments[0].segment)) && v.currentTime !== skipTime[1]) { switch(skippingSegments[0].actionType) { case ActionType.Poi: case ActionType.Skip: { // Fix for looped videos not working when skipping to the end #426 // for some reason you also can't skip to 1 second before the end if (v.loop && v.duration > 1 && skipTime[1] >= v.duration - 1) { v.currentTime = 0; } else if (navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc." && v.duration > 1 && skipTime[1] >= v.duration) { // MacOS will loop otherwise #1027 v.currentTime = v.duration - 0.001; } else { v.currentTime = skipTime[1]; } break; } case ActionType.Mute: { if (!v.muted) { v.muted = true; videoMuted = true; } break; } } } if (autoSkip && Config.config.audioNotificationOnSkip) { const beep = new Audio(chrome.runtime.getURL("icons/beep.ogg")); beep.volume = video.volume * 0.1; const oldMetadata = navigator.mediaSession.metadata; beep.addEventListener("ended", () => { navigator.mediaSession.metadata = null; setTimeout(() => navigator.mediaSession.metadata = oldMetadata ); }) } if (!autoSkip && skippingSegments.length === 1 && skippingSegments[0].actionType === ActionType.Poi) { skipButtonControlBar.enable(skippingSegments[0]); if (onMobileYouTube || Config.config.skipKeybind == null) skipButtonControlBar.setShowKeybindHint(false); activeSkipKeybindElement?.setShowKeybindHint(false); activeSkipKeybindElement = skipButtonControlBar; } else { if (openNotice) { //send out the message saying that a sponsor message was skipped if (!Config.config.dontShowNotice || !autoSkip) { createSkipNotice(skippingSegments, autoSkip, unskipTime, false); } else if (autoSkip) { activeSkipKeybindElement?.setShowKeybindHint(false); activeSkipKeybindElement = { setShowKeybindHint: () => {}, //eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function toggleSkip: () => { unskipSponsorTime(skippingSegments[0], unskipTime); createSkipNotice(skippingSegments, autoSkip, unskipTime, true); } }; } } } //send telemetry that a this sponsor was skipped if (autoSkip) sendTelemetryAndCount(skippingSegments, skipTime[1] - skipTime[0], true); } function createSkipNotice(skippingSegments: SponsorTime[], autoSkip: boolean, unskipTime: number, startReskip: boolean) { for (const skipNotice of skipNotices) { if (skippingSegments.length === skipNotice.segments.length && skippingSegments.every((segment) => skipNotice.segments.some((s) => s.UUID === segment.UUID))) { // Skip notice already exists return; } } const newSkipNotice = new SkipNotice(skippingSegments, autoSkip, skipNoticeContentContainer, unskipTime, startReskip); if (onMobileYouTube || Config.config.skipKeybind == null) newSkipNotice.setShowKeybindHint(false); skipNotices.push(newSkipNotice); activeSkipKeybindElement?.setShowKeybindHint(false); activeSkipKeybindElement = newSkipNotice; } function unskipSponsorTime(segment: SponsorTime, unskipTime: number = null, forceSeek = false) { if (segment.actionType === ActionType.Mute) { video.muted = false; videoMuted = false; } if (forceSeek || segment.actionType === ActionType.Skip) { //add a tiny bit of time to make sure it is not skipped again video.currentTime = unskipTime ?? segment.segment[0] + 0.001; } } function reskipSponsorTime(segment: SponsorTime, forceSeek = false) { if (segment.actionType === ActionType.Mute && !forceSeek) { video.muted = true; videoMuted = true; } else { const skippedTime = Math.max(segment.segment[1] - video.currentTime, 0); const segmentDuration = segment.segment[1] - segment.segment[0]; const fullSkip = skippedTime / segmentDuration > manualSkipPercentCount; video.currentTime = segment.segment[1]; sendTelemetryAndCount([segment], segment.actionType !== ActionType.Chapter ? skippedTime : 0, fullSkip); startSponsorSchedule(true, segment.segment[1], false); } } function createButton(baseID: string, title: string, callback: () => void, imageName: string, isDraggable = false): HTMLElement { const existingElement = document.getElementById(baseID + "Button"); if (existingElement !== null) return existingElement; // Button HTML const newButton = document.createElement("button"); newButton.draggable = isDraggable; = baseID + "Button"; newButton.classList.add("playerButton"); newButton.classList.add("ytp-button"); newButton.setAttribute("title", chrome.i18n.getMessage(title)); newButton.addEventListener("click", () => { callback(); }); // Image HTML const newButtonImage = document.createElement("img"); newButton.draggable = isDraggable; = baseID + "Image"; newButtonImage.className = "playerButtonImage"; newButtonImage.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/" + imageName); // Append image to button newButton.appendChild(newButtonImage); // Add the button to player if (controls) controls.prepend(newButton); // Store the elements to prevent unnecessary querying playerButtons[baseID] = { button: newButton, image: newButtonImage, setupListener: false }; return newButton; } function shouldAutoSkip(segment: SponsorTime): boolean { return (!Config.config.manualSkipOnFullVideo || !sponsorTimes?.some((s) => s.category === segment.category && s.actionType === ActionType.Full)) && (utils.getCategorySelection(segment.category)?.option === CategorySkipOption.AutoSkip || (Config.config.autoSkipOnMusicVideos && sponsorTimes?.some((s) => s.category === "music_offtopic") && segment.actionType !== ActionType.Poi)); } function shouldSkip(segment: SponsorTime): boolean { return (segment.actionType !== ActionType.Full && segment.source !== SponsorSourceType.YouTube && utils.getCategorySelection(segment.category)?.option !== CategorySkipOption.ShowOverlay) || (Config.config.autoSkipOnMusicVideos && sponsorTimes?.some((s) => s.category === "music_offtopic")); } /** Creates any missing buttons on the YouTube player if possible. */ async function createButtons(): Promise { controls = await utils.wait(getControls).catch(); // Add button if does not already exist in html createButton("startSegment", "sponsorStart", () => startOrEndTimingNewSegment(), "PlayerStartIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); createButton("cancelSegment", "sponsorCancel", () => cancelCreatingSegment(), "PlayerCancelSegmentIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); createButton("delete", "clearTimes", () => clearSponsorTimes(), "PlayerDeleteIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); createButton("submit", "SubmitTimes", () => submitSponsorTimes(), "PlayerUploadIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); createButton("info", "openPopup", () => openInfoMenu(), "PlayerInfoIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); const controlsContainer = getControls(); if (Config.config.autoHideInfoButton && !onInvidious && controlsContainer && playerButtons["info"]?.button && !controlsWithEventListeners.includes(controlsContainer)) { controlsWithEventListeners.push(controlsContainer); AnimationUtils.setupAutoHideAnimation(playerButtons["info"].button, controlsContainer); } } /** Creates any missing buttons on the player and updates their visiblity. */ async function updateVisibilityOfPlayerControlsButton(): Promise { // Not on a proper video yet if (!sponsorVideoID || onMobileYouTube) return; await createButtons(); updateEditButtonsOnPlayer(); // Don't show the info button on embeds if (Config.config.hideInfoButtonPlayerControls || document.URL.includes("/embed/") || onInvidious || document.getElementById("sponsorBlockPopupContainer") != null) { = "none"; } else {"display"); } } /** Updates the visibility of buttons on the player related to creating segments. */ function updateEditButtonsOnPlayer(): void { // Don't try to update the buttons if we aren't on a YouTube video page if (!sponsorVideoID || onMobileYouTube) return; const buttonsEnabled = !(Config.config.hideVideoPlayerControls || onInvidious); let creatingSegment = false; let submitButtonVisible = false; let deleteButtonVisible = false; // Only check if buttons should be visible if they're enabled if (buttonsEnabled) { creatingSegment = isSegmentCreationInProgress(); // Show only if there are any segments to submit submitButtonVisible = sponsorTimesSubmitting.length > 0; // Show only if there are any segments to delete deleteButtonVisible = sponsorTimesSubmitting.length > 1 || (sponsorTimesSubmitting.length > 0 && !creatingSegment); } // Update the elements = buttonsEnabled ? "unset" : "none"; = buttonsEnabled && creatingSegment ? "unset" : "none"; if (buttonsEnabled) { if (creatingSegment) { playerButtons.startSegment.image.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/PlayerStopIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); playerButtons.startSegment.button.setAttribute("title", chrome.i18n.getMessage("sponsorEnd")); } else { playerButtons.startSegment.image.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/PlayerStartIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); playerButtons.startSegment.button.setAttribute("title", chrome.i18n.getMessage("sponsorStart")); } } = submitButtonVisible && !Config.config.hideUploadButtonPlayerControls ? "unset" : "none"; = deleteButtonVisible && !Config.config.hideDeleteButtonPlayerControls ? "unset" : "none"; } /** * Used for submitting. This will use the HTML displayed number when required as the video's * current time is out of date while scrubbing or at the end of the video. This is not needed * for sponsor skipping as the video is not playing during these times. */ function getRealCurrentTime(): number { // Used to check if replay button const playButtonSVGData = document.querySelector(".ytp-play-button")?.querySelector(".ytp-svg-fill")?.getAttribute("d"); const replaceSVGData = "M 18,11 V 7 l -5,5 5,5 v -4 c 3.3,0 6,2.7 6,6 0,3.3 -2.7,6 -6,6 -3.3,0 -6,-2.7 -6,-6 h -2 c 0,4.4 3.6,8 8,8 4.4,0 8,-3.6 8,-8 0,-4.4 -3.6,-8 -8,-8 z"; if (playButtonSVGData === replaceSVGData) { // At the end of the video return video?.duration; } else { return video.currentTime; } } function startOrEndTimingNewSegment() { const roundedTime = Math.round((getRealCurrentTime() + Number.EPSILON) * 1000) / 1000; if (!isSegmentCreationInProgress()) { sponsorTimesSubmitting.push({ segment: [roundedTime], UUID: GenericUtils.generateUserID() as SegmentUUID, category: Config.config.defaultCategory, actionType: ActionType.Skip, source: SponsorSourceType.Local }); } else { // Finish creating the new segment const existingSegment = getIncompleteSegment(); const existingTime = existingSegment.segment[0]; const currentTime = roundedTime; // Swap timestamps if the user put the segment end before the start existingSegment.segment = [Math.min(existingTime, currentTime), Math.max(existingTime, currentTime)]; } // Save the newly created segment Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID] = sponsorTimesSubmitting; Config.forceSyncUpdate("unsubmittedSegments"); // Make sure they know if someone has already submitted something it while they were watching sponsorsLookup(); updateEditButtonsOnPlayer(); updateSponsorTimesSubmitting(false); importExistingChapters(false); if (lastResponseStatus !== 200 && lastResponseStatus !== 404 && !shownSegmentFailedToFetchWarning && Config.config.showSegmentFailedToFetchWarning) { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage("segmentFetchFailureWarning")); shownSegmentFailedToFetchWarning = true; } } function getIncompleteSegment(): SponsorTime { return sponsorTimesSubmitting[sponsorTimesSubmitting.length - 1]; } /** Is the latest submitting segment incomplete */ function isSegmentCreationInProgress(): boolean { const segment = getIncompleteSegment(); return segment && segment?.segment?.length !== 2; } function cancelCreatingSegment() { if (isSegmentCreationInProgress()) { if (sponsorTimesSubmitting.length > 1) { // If there's more than one segment: remove last sponsorTimesSubmitting.pop(); Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID] = sponsorTimesSubmitting; } else { // Otherwise delete the video entry & close submission menu resetSponsorSubmissionNotice(); sponsorTimesSubmitting = []; delete Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID]; } Config.forceSyncUpdate("unsubmittedSegments"); } updateEditButtonsOnPlayer(); updateSponsorTimesSubmitting(false); } function updateSponsorTimesSubmitting(getFromConfig = true) { const segmentTimes = Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID]; //see if this data should be saved in the sponsorTimesSubmitting variable if (getFromConfig && segmentTimes != undefined) { sponsorTimesSubmitting = []; for (const segmentTime of segmentTimes) { sponsorTimesSubmitting.push({ segment: segmentTime.segment, UUID: segmentTime.UUID, category: segmentTime.category, actionType: segmentTime.actionType, description: segmentTime.description, source: segmentTime.source }); } if (sponsorTimesSubmitting.length > 0) { importExistingChapters(true); } } updatePreviewBar(); // Restart skipping schedule if (video !== null) startSponsorSchedule(); if (submissionNotice !== null) { submissionNotice.update(); } checkForPreloadedSegment(); } function openInfoMenu() { if (document.getElementById("sponsorBlockPopupContainer") != null) { //it's already added return; } popupInitialised = false; //hide info button if ( = "none"; const popup = document.createElement("div"); = "sponsorBlockPopupContainer"; const frame = document.createElement("iframe"); frame.width = "374"; frame.height = "500"; frame.addEventListener("load", () => frame.contentWindow.postMessage("", "*")); frame.src = chrome.extension.getURL("popup.html"); popup.appendChild(frame); const parentNodes = document.querySelectorAll("#secondary-inner"); let parentNode = null; for (let i = 0; i < parentNodes.length; i++) { if (parentNodes[i].firstElementChild !== null) { parentNode = parentNodes[i]; } } if (parentNode == null) { //old youtube theme parentNode = document.getElementById("watch7-sidebar-contents"); } parentNode.insertBefore(popup, parentNode.firstChild); } function closeInfoMenu() { const popup = document.getElementById("sponsorBlockPopupContainer"); if (popup === null) return; popup.remove(); // Show info button if it's not an embed if (!document.URL.includes("/embed/") && { = "unset"; } } function clearSponsorTimes() { const currentVideoID = sponsorVideoID; const sponsorTimes = Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[currentVideoID]; if (sponsorTimes != undefined && sponsorTimes.length > 0) { const confirmMessage = chrome.i18n.getMessage("clearThis") + getSegmentsMessage(sponsorTimes) + "\n" + chrome.i18n.getMessage("confirmMSG") if(!confirm(confirmMessage)) return; resetSponsorSubmissionNotice(); //clear the sponsor times delete Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[currentVideoID]; Config.forceSyncUpdate("unsubmittedSegments"); //clear sponsor times submitting sponsorTimesSubmitting = []; updatePreviewBar(); updateEditButtonsOnPlayer(); } } //if skipNotice is null, it will not affect the UI async function vote(type: number, UUID: SegmentUUID, category?: Category, skipNotice?: SkipNoticeComponent): Promise { if (skipNotice !== null && skipNotice !== undefined) { //add loading info skipNotice.addVoteButtonInfo.bind(skipNotice)(chrome.i18n.getMessage("Loading")) skipNotice.setNoticeInfoMessage.bind(skipNotice)(); } const response = await voteAsync(type, UUID, category); if (response != undefined) { //see if it was a success or failure if (skipNotice != null) { if (response.successType == 1 || (response.successType == -1 && response.statusCode == 429)) { //success (treat rate limits as a success) skipNotice.afterVote.bind(skipNotice)(utils.getSponsorTimeFromUUID(sponsorTimes, UUID), type, category); } else if (response.successType == -1) { if (response.statusCode === 403 && response.responseText.startsWith("Vote rejected due to a warning from a moderator.")) { openWarningDialog(skipNoticeContentContainer); } else { skipNotice.setNoticeInfoMessage.bind(skipNotice)(GenericUtils.getErrorMessage(response.statusCode, response.responseText)) } skipNotice.resetVoteButtonInfo.bind(skipNotice)(); } } } return response; } async function voteAsync(type: number, UUID: SegmentUUID, category?: Category): Promise { const sponsorIndex = utils.getSponsorIndexFromUUID(sponsorTimes, UUID); // Don't vote for preview sponsors if (sponsorIndex == -1 || sponsorTimes[sponsorIndex].source !== SponsorSourceType.Server) return Promise.resolve(undefined); // See if the local time saved count and skip count should be saved if (type === 0 && sponsorSkipped[sponsorIndex] || type === 1 && !sponsorSkipped[sponsorIndex]) { let factor = 1; if (type == 0) { factor = -1; sponsorSkipped[sponsorIndex] = false; } // Count this as a skip Config.config.minutesSaved = Config.config.minutesSaved + factor * (sponsorTimes[sponsorIndex].segment[1] - sponsorTimes[sponsorIndex].segment[0]) / 60; Config.config.skipCount = Config.config.skipCount + factor; } return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "submitVote", type: type, UUID: UUID, category: category }, (response) => { if (response.successType === 1) { // Change the sponsor locally const segment = utils.getSponsorTimeFromUUID(sponsorTimes, UUID); if (segment) { if (type === 0) { segment.hidden = SponsorHideType.Downvoted; } else if (category) { segment.category = category; } else if (type === 1) { segment.hidden = SponsorHideType.Visible; } if (!category && !Config.config.isVip) { utils.addHiddenSegment(sponsorVideoID, segment.UUID, segment.hidden); } updatePreviewBar(); } } resolve(response); }); }); } //Closes all notices that tell the user that a sponsor was just skipped function closeAllSkipNotices(){ const notices = document.getElementsByClassName("sponsorSkipNotice"); for (let i = 0; i < notices.length; i++) { notices[i].remove(); } } function dontShowNoticeAgain() { Config.config.dontShowNotice = true; closeAllSkipNotices(); } /** * Helper method for the submission notice to clear itself when it closes */ function resetSponsorSubmissionNotice(callRef = true) { submissionNotice?.close(callRef); submissionNotice = null; } function submitSponsorTimes() { if (submissionNotice !== null){ submissionNotice.close(); submissionNotice = null; return; } if (sponsorTimesSubmitting !== undefined && sponsorTimesSubmitting.length > 0) { submissionNotice = new SubmissionNotice(skipNoticeContentContainer, sendSubmitMessage); } } //send the message to the background js //called after all the checks have been made that it's okay to do so async function sendSubmitMessage() { // Block if submitting on a running livestream or premiere if (isLivePremiere || isVisible(document.querySelector(".ytp-live-badge"))) { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage("liveOrPremiere")); return; } // Add loading animation playerButtons.submit.image.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/PlayerUploadIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); const stopAnimation = AnimationUtils.applyLoadingAnimation(playerButtons.submit.button, 1, () => updateEditButtonsOnPlayer()); //check if a sponsor exceeds the duration of the video for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimesSubmitting.length; i++) { if (sponsorTimesSubmitting[i].segment[1] > video.duration) { sponsorTimesSubmitting[i].segment[1] = video.duration; } } //update sponsorTimes Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID] = sponsorTimesSubmitting; Config.forceSyncUpdate("unsubmittedSegments"); // Check to see if any of the submissions are below the minimum duration set if (Config.config.minDuration > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimesSubmitting.length; i++) { const duration = sponsorTimesSubmitting[i].segment[1] - sponsorTimesSubmitting[i].segment[0]; if (duration > 0 && duration < Config.config.minDuration) { const confirmShort = chrome.i18n.getMessage("shortCheck") + "\n\n" + getSegmentsMessage(sponsorTimesSubmitting); if(!confirm(confirmShort)) return; } } } const response = await utils.asyncRequestToServer("POST", "/api/skipSegments", { videoID: sponsorVideoID, userID: Config.config.userID, segments: sponsorTimesSubmitting, videoDuration: video?.duration, userAgent: `${}/v${chrome.runtime.getManifest().version}` }); if (response.status === 200) { stopAnimation(); // Remove segments from storage since they've already been submitted delete Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID]; Config.forceSyncUpdate("unsubmittedSegments"); const newSegments = sponsorTimesSubmitting; try { const recievedNewSegments = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (recievedNewSegments?.length === newSegments.length) { for (let i = 0; i < recievedNewSegments.length; i++) { newSegments[i].UUID = recievedNewSegments[i].UUID; newSegments[i].source = SponsorSourceType.Server; } } } catch(e) {} // eslint-disable-line no-empty // Add submissions to current sponsors list sponsorTimes = (sponsorTimes || []).concat(newSegments).sort((a, b) => a.segment[0] - b.segment[0]); // Increase contribution count Config.config.sponsorTimesContributed = Config.config.sponsorTimesContributed + sponsorTimesSubmitting.length; // New count just used to see if a warning "Read The Guidelines!!" message needs to be shown // One per time submitting Config.config.submissionCountSinceCategories = Config.config.submissionCountSinceCategories + 1; // Empty the submitting times sponsorTimesSubmitting = []; updatePreviewBar(); const fullVideoSegment = sponsorTimes.filter((time) => time.actionType === ActionType.Full)[0]; if (fullVideoSegment) { categoryPill?.setSegment(fullVideoSegment); } } else { // Show that the upload failed = "unset"; playerButtons.submit.image.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/PlayerUploadFailedIconSponsorBlocker.svg"); if (response.status === 403 && response.responseText.startsWith("Submission rejected due to a warning from a moderator.")) { openWarningDialog(skipNoticeContentContainer); } else { alert(GenericUtils.getErrorMessage(response.status, response.responseText)); } } } //get the message that visually displays the video times function getSegmentsMessage(sponsorTimes: SponsorTime[]): string { let sponsorTimesMessage = ""; for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) { for (let s = 0; s < sponsorTimes[i].segment.length; s++) { let timeMessage = GenericUtils.getFormattedTime(sponsorTimes[i].segment[s]); //if this is an end time if (s == 1) { timeMessage = " " + chrome.i18n.getMessage("to") + " " + timeMessage; } else if (i > 0) { //add commas if necessary timeMessage = ", " + timeMessage; } sponsorTimesMessage += timeMessage; } } return sponsorTimesMessage; } function windowListenerHandler(event: MessageEvent): void { const data =; const dataType = data.type; if (data.source !== "sponsorblock" || document?.URL?.includes("")) return; if (dataType === "navigation" && data.videoID) { pageType = data.pageType; if (data.channelID) { channelIDInfo = { id: data.channelID, status: ChannelIDStatus.Found }; } videoIDChange(data.videoID); } else if (dataType === "ad") { if (isAdPlaying != data.playing) { isAdPlaying = data.playing updatePreviewBar(); updateVisibilityOfPlayerControlsButton(); } } else if (dataType === "data" && data.videoID) { videoIDChange(data.videoID); isLivePremiere = data.isLive || data.isPremiere } } function updateActiveSegment(currentTime: number): void { const activeSegments = previewBar?.updateChapterText(sponsorTimes, sponsorTimesSubmitting, currentTime); chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "time", time: currentTime }); const chapterSegments = activeSegments?.filter((segment) => segment.actionType === ActionType.Chapter); if (chapterSegments?.length > 0) { sendTelemetryAndCount(chapterSegments, 0, true); } } function nextChapter(): void { const chapters = previewBar.unfilteredChapterGroups?.filter((time) => [ActionType.Chapter, null].includes(time.actionType)); if (!chapters || chapters.length <= 0) return; lastNextChapterKeybind.time = video.currentTime; =; const nextChapter = chapters.findIndex((time) => time.segment[0] > video.currentTime); if (nextChapter !== -1) { video.currentTime = chapters[nextChapter].segment[0]; } else { video.currentTime = video.duration; } } function previousChapter(): void { if ( - < 3000) { video.currentTime = lastNextChapterKeybind.time; = 0; return; } const chapters = previewBar.unfilteredChapterGroups?.filter((time) => [ActionType.Chapter, null].includes(time.actionType)); if (!chapters || chapters.length <= 0) { video.currentTime = 0; return; } // subtract 5 seconds to allow skipping back to the previous chapter if close to start of // the current one const nextChapter = chapters.findIndex((time) => time.segment[0] > video.currentTime - Math.min(5, time.segment[1] - time.segment[0])); const previousChapter = nextChapter !== -1 ? (nextChapter - 1) : (chapters.length - 1); if (previousChapter !== -1) { video.currentTime = chapters[previousChapter].segment[0]; } else { video.currentTime = 0; } } function addPageListeners(): void { const refreshListners = () => { if (!isVisible(video)) { refreshVideoAttachments(); } }; // inject into document const docScript = document.createElement("script"); docScript.src = chrome.runtime.getURL("js/document.js"); // Not injected on invidious (document.head || document.documentElement)?.appendChild(docScript); document.addEventListener("yt-navigate-start", resetValues); document.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", refreshListners); window.addEventListener("message", windowListenerHandler); } function addHotkeyListener(): void { document.addEventListener("keydown", hotkeyListener); } function hotkeyListener(e: KeyboardEvent): void { if (["textarea", "input"].includes(document.activeElement?.tagName?.toLowerCase()) || document.activeElement?.id?.toLowerCase()?.includes("editable")) return; const key: Keybind = { key: e.key, code: e.code, alt: e.altKey, ctrl: e.ctrlKey, shift: e.shiftKey }; const skipKey = Config.config.skipKeybind; const startSponsorKey = Config.config.startSponsorKeybind; const submitKey = Config.config.submitKeybind; const nextChapterKey = Config.config.nextChapterKeybind; const previousChapterKey = Config.config.previousChapterKeybind; if (keybindEquals(key, skipKey)) { if (activeSkipKeybindElement); return; } else if (keybindEquals(key, startSponsorKey)) { startOrEndTimingNewSegment(); return; } else if (keybindEquals(key, submitKey)) { submitSponsorTimes(); return; } else if (keybindEquals(key, nextChapterKey)) { nextChapter(); return; } else if (keybindEquals(key, previousChapterKey)) { previousChapter(); return; } //legacy - to preserve keybinds for skipKey, startSponsorKey and submitKey for people who set it before the update. (shouldn't be changed for future keybind options) if (key.key == skipKey?.key && skipKey.code == null && !keybindEquals(Config.syncDefaults.skipKeybind, skipKey)) { if (activeSkipKeybindElement); } else if (key.key == startSponsorKey?.key && startSponsorKey.code == null && !keybindEquals(Config.syncDefaults.startSponsorKeybind, startSponsorKey)) { startOrEndTimingNewSegment(); } else if (key.key == submitKey?.key && submitKey.code == null && !keybindEquals(Config.syncDefaults.submitKeybind, submitKey)) { submitSponsorTimes(); } } /** * Adds the CSS to the page if needed. Required on optional sites with Chrome. */ function addCSS() { if (!utils.isFirefox() && Config.config.invidiousInstances.includes(new URL(document.URL).host)) { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; for (const file of utils.css) { const fileref = document.createElement("link"); fileref.rel = "stylesheet"; fileref.type = "text/css"; fileref.href = chrome.extension.getURL(file); head.appendChild(fileref); } }); } } /** * Update the isAdPlaying flag and hide preview bar/controls if ad is playing */ function updateAdFlag(): void { const wasAdPlaying = isAdPlaying; isAdPlaying = document.getElementsByClassName('ad-showing').length > 0; if(wasAdPlaying != isAdPlaying) { updatePreviewBar(); updateVisibilityOfPlayerControlsButton(); } } function showTimeWithoutSkips(skippedDuration: number): void { if (onInvidious) return; if (isNaN(skippedDuration) || skippedDuration < 0) { skippedDuration = 0; } // YouTube player time display const displayClass = onMobileYouTube ? "ytm-time-display" : "ytp-time-display.notranslate" const display = document.querySelector(`.${displayClass}`); if (!display) return; const durationID = "sponsorBlockDurationAfterSkips"; let duration = document.getElementById(durationID); // Create span if needed if (duration === null) { duration = document.createElement('span'); = durationID; duration.classList.add(displayClass); display.appendChild(duration); } const durationAfterSkips = GenericUtils.getFormattedTime(video?.duration - skippedDuration); duration.innerText = (durationAfterSkips == null || skippedDuration <= 0) ? "" : " (" + durationAfterSkips + ")"; } function checkForPreloadedSegment() { if (loadedPreloadedSegment) return; loadedPreloadedSegment = true; const hashParams = getHashParams(); let pushed = false; const segments = hashParams.segments; if (Array.isArray(segments)) { for (const segment of segments) { if (Array.isArray(segment.segment)) { if (!sponsorTimesSubmitting.some((s) => s.segment[0] === segment.segment[0] && s.segment[1] === s.segment[1])) { sponsorTimesSubmitting.push({ segment: segment.segment, UUID: GenericUtils.generateUserID() as SegmentUUID, category: segment.category ? segment.category : Config.config.defaultCategory, actionType: segment.actionType ? segment.actionType : ActionType.Skip, description: segment.description ?? "", source: SponsorSourceType.Local }); pushed = true; } } } } if (pushed) { Config.config.unsubmittedSegments[sponsorVideoID] = sponsorTimesSubmitting; Config.forceSyncUpdate("unsubmittedSegments"); } } // Register listener for URL change via Navigation API const navigationApiAvailable = "navigation" in window; if (navigationApiAvailable) { // TODO: Remove type cast once type declarations are updated (window as unknown as { navigation: EventTarget }).navigation.addEventListener("navigate", (e) => videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoID(document, (e as unknown as Record>).destination.url))); } // Record availability of Navigation API utils.wait(() => Config.local !== null).then(() => { if (Config.local.navigationApiAvailable !== navigationApiAvailable) { Config.local.navigationApiAvailable = navigationApiAvailable; Config.forceLocalUpdate("navigationApiAvailable"); } });