import Config from "../config"; import Utils from "../utils"; const utils = new Utils(); export interface ChatConfig { displayName: string, composerInitialValue?: string, customDescription?: string } export function openChat(config: ChatConfig): void { const chat = document.createElement("div"); chat.classList.add("sbChatNotice"); = "2000"; const iframe= document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = "" + utils.objectToURI("", config, false); chat.appendChild(iframe); const closeButton = document.createElement("img"); closeButton.classList.add("sbChatClose"); closeButton.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/close.png"); closeButton.addEventListener("click", () => { chat.remove(); closeButton.remove(); }); chat.appendChild(closeButton); const referenceNode = utils.findReferenceNode(); referenceNode.prepend(chat); } export async function openWarningChat(warningMessage: string): Promise { const userNameData = await utils.asyncRequestToServer("GET", "/api/getUsername?userID=" + Config.config.userID); const userName = userNameData.ok ? JSON.parse(userNameData.responseText).userName : ""; const publicUserID = await utils.getHash(Config.config.userID); const warningReasonMatch = warningMessage.match(/Warning reason: '(.+)'/); openChat({ displayName: `${userName ? userName : ``}${userName !== publicUserID ? ` | ${publicUserID}` : ``}`, composerInitialValue: `I got a warning and want to know what I need to do to improve.` + warningReasonMatch ? ` Warning reason: ${warningReasonMatch[1]}` : ``, customDescription: chrome.i18n.getMessage("warningChatInfo") }); }