import * as React from "react"; import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import Config, { generateDebugDetails } from "./config"; import * as invidiousList from "../ci/invidiouslist.json"; // Make the config public for debugging purposes window.SB = Config; import Utils from "./utils"; import CategoryChooser from "./render/CategoryChooser"; import UnsubmittedVideos from "./render/UnsubmittedVideos"; import KeybindComponent from "./components/options/KeybindComponent"; import { showDonationLink } from "./utils/configUtils"; import { localizeHtmlPage } from "../maze-utils/src/setup"; import { StorageChangesObject } from "../maze-utils/src/config"; import { getHash } from "../maze-utils/src/hash"; import { isFirefoxOrSafari } from "../maze-utils/src"; import { isDeArrowInstalled } from "./utils/crossExtension"; import { asyncRequestToServer } from "./utils/requests"; const utils = new Utils(); let embed = false; const categoryChoosers: CategoryChooser[] = []; const unsubmittedVideos: UnsubmittedVideos[] = []; if (document.readyState === "complete") { init(); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init); } async function init() { localizeHtmlPage(); // selected tab if (location.hash != "") { const substr = location.hash.slice(1); let menuItem = document.querySelector(`[data-for='${substr}']`); if (menuItem == null) menuItem = document.querySelector(`[data-for='behavior']`); menuItem.classList.add("selected"); } else { document.querySelector(`[data-for='behavior']`).classList.add("selected"); } document.getElementById("version").innerText = "v. " + chrome.runtime.getManifest().version; // Remove header if needed if (window.location.hash === "#embed") { embed = true; for (const element of document.getElementsByClassName("titleBar")) { element.classList.add("hidden"); } document.getElementById("options").classList.add("embed"); createStickyHeader(); } if (!Config.configSyncListeners.includes(optionsConfigUpdateListener)) { Config.configSyncListeners.push(optionsConfigUpdateListener); } if (!Config.configLocalListeners.includes(optionsLocalConfigUpdateListener)) { Config.configLocalListeners.push(optionsLocalConfigUpdateListener); } await utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null); if (!Config.config.darkMode) { document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "light"); } const donate = document.getElementById("sbDonate"); donate.addEventListener("click", () => Config.config.donateClicked = Config.config.donateClicked + 1); if (!showDonationLink()) { donate.classList.add("hidden"); } // DeArrow promotion if (Config.config.showNewFeaturePopups && Config.config.showUpsells && Config.config.showDeArrowInSettings) { isDeArrowInstalled().then((installed) => { if (!installed) { const deArrowPromotion = document.getElementById("deArrowPromotion"); deArrowPromotion.classList.remove("hidden"); deArrowPromotion.addEventListener("click", () => Config.config.showDeArrowPromotion = false); const closeButton = deArrowPromotion.querySelector(".close-button"); closeButton.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); deArrowPromotion.classList.add("hidden"); Config.config.showDeArrowPromotion = false; Config.config.showDeArrowInSettings = false; }); } }); } const skipToHighlightKeybind = document.querySelector(`[data-sync="skipToHighlightKeybind"] .optionLabel`) as HTMLElement; skipToHighlightKeybind.innerText = `${chrome.i18n.getMessage("skip_to_category").replace("{0}", chrome.i18n.getMessage("category_poi_highlight")).replace("?", "")}:`; // Set all of the toggle options to the correct option const optionsContainer = document.getElementById("options"); const optionsElements = optionsContainer.querySelectorAll("*"); for (let i = 0; i < optionsElements.length; i++) { const dependentOnName = optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-dependent-on"); const dependentOn = optionsContainer.querySelector(`[data-sync='${dependentOnName}']`); let isDependentOnReversed = false; if (dependentOn) isDependentOnReversed = dependentOn.getAttribute("data-toggle-type") === "reverse" || optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-dependent-on-inverted") === "true"; if (await shouldHideOption(optionsElements[i]) || (dependentOn && (isDependentOnReversed ? Config.config[dependentOnName] : !Config.config[dependentOnName]))) { optionsElements[i].classList.add("hidden", "hiding"); if (!dependentOn) continue; } const option = optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-sync"); switch (optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-type")) { case "toggle": { const optionResult = Config.config[option]; const checkbox = optionsElements[i].querySelector("input"); const reverse = optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-toggle-type") === "reverse"; const confirmMessage = optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-confirm-message"); const confirmOnTrue = optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-confirm-on") !== "false"; if (optionResult != undefined) checkbox.checked = reverse ? !optionResult : optionResult; // See if anything extra should be run first time switch (option) { case "supportInvidious": invidiousInit(checkbox, option); break; } // Add click listener checkbox.addEventListener("click", async () => { // Confirm if required if (confirmMessage && ((confirmOnTrue && checkbox.checked) || (!confirmOnTrue && !checkbox.checked)) && !confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage(confirmMessage))){ checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked; return; } Config.config[option] = reverse ? !checkbox.checked : checkbox.checked; // See if anything extra must be run switch (option) { case "supportInvidious": invidiousOnClick(checkbox, option); break; case "disableAutoSkip": if (!checkbox.checked) { // Enable the notice Config.config["dontShowNotice"] = false; const showNoticeSwitch = document.querySelector("[data-sync='dontShowNotice'] > div > label > input"); showNoticeSwitch.checked = true; } break; case "showDonationLink": if (checkbox.checked) document.getElementById("sbDonate").classList.add("hidden"); else document.getElementById("sbDonate").classList.remove("hidden"); break; case "darkMode": if (checkbox.checked) { document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "dark"); } else { document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "light"); } break; case "trackDownvotes": if (!checkbox.checked) { Config.local.downvotedSegments = {}; } break; } // If other options depend on this, hide/show them const dependents = optionsContainer.querySelectorAll(`[data-dependent-on='${option}']`); for (let j = 0; j < dependents.length; j++) { const disableWhenChecked = dependents[j].getAttribute("data-dependent-on-inverted") === "true"; if (!await shouldHideOption(dependents[j]) && (!disableWhenChecked && checkbox.checked || disableWhenChecked && !checkbox.checked)) { dependents[j].classList.remove("hidden"); setTimeout(() => dependents[j].classList.remove("hiding"), 1); } else { dependents[j].classList.add("hiding"); setTimeout(() => dependents[j].classList.add("hidden"), 400); } } }); break; } case "text-change": { const textChangeInput = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".option-text-box"); const textChangeSetButton = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".text-change-set"); textChangeInput.value = Config.config[option]; textChangeSetButton.addEventListener("click", async () => { // See if anything extra must be done switch (option) { case "serverAddress": { const result = validateServerAddress(textChangeInput.value); if (result !== null) { textChangeInput.value = result; } else { return; } // Permission needed on Firefox if (isFirefoxOrSafari()) { const permissionSuccess = await new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.permissions.request({ origins: [textChangeInput.value + "/"], permissions: [] }, resolve); }); if (!permissionSuccess) return; } break; } } Config.config[option] = textChangeInput.value; }); // Reset to the default if needed const textChangeResetButton = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".text-change-reset"); textChangeResetButton.addEventListener("click", () => { if (!confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage("areYouSureReset"))) return; Config.config[option] = Config.syncDefaults[option]; textChangeInput.value = Config.config[option]; }); break; } case "private-text-change": { const button = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".trigger-button"); button.addEventListener("click", () => activatePrivateTextChange( optionsElements[i])); if (option == "*") { const downloadButton = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".download-button"); downloadButton.addEventListener("click", () => downloadConfig(optionsElements[i])); const uploadButton = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".upload-button"); uploadButton.addEventListener("change", (e) => uploadConfig(e, optionsElements[i] as HTMLElement)); } const privateTextChangeOption = optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-sync"); // See if anything extra must be done switch (privateTextChangeOption) { case "invidiousInstances": invidiousInstanceAddInit( optionsElements[i], privateTextChangeOption); } break; } case "button-press": { const actionButton = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".trigger-button"); const confirmMessage = optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-confirm-message"); actionButton.addEventListener("click", () => { if (confirmMessage !== null && !confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage(confirmMessage))) { return; } switch (optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-sync")) { case "copyDebugInformation": copyDebugOutputToClipboard(); break; case "resetToDefault": Config.resetToDefault(); setTimeout(() => window.location.reload(), 200); break; } }); break; } case "keybind-change": { const root = createRoot(optionsElements[i].querySelector("div")); root.render(React.createElement(KeybindComponent, {option: option})); break; } case "display": { updateDisplayElement( optionsElements[i]) break; } case "number-change": { const configValue = Config.config[option]; const numberInput = optionsElements[i].querySelector("input"); if (isNaN(configValue) || configValue < 0) { numberInput.value = Config.syncDefaults[option]; } else { numberInput.value = configValue; } numberInput.addEventListener("input", () => { Config.config[option] = numberInput.value; }); break; } case "selector": { const configValue = Config.config[option]; const selectorElement = optionsElements[i].querySelector(".selector-element") as HTMLSelectElement; selectorElement.value = configValue; selectorElement.addEventListener("change", () => { let value: string | number = selectorElement.value; if (!isNaN(Number(value))) value = Number(value); Config.config[option] = value; }); break; } case "react-CategoryChooserComponent": categoryChoosers.push(new CategoryChooser(optionsElements[i])); break; case "react-UnsubmittedVideosComponent": unsubmittedVideos.push(new UnsubmittedVideos(optionsElements[i])); break; } } // Tab interaction const tabElements = document.getElementsByClassName("tab-heading"); for (let i = 0; i < tabElements.length; i++) { const tabFor = tabElements[i].getAttribute("data-for"); if (tabElements[i].classList.contains("selected")) document.getElementById(tabFor).classList.remove("hidden"); tabElements[i].addEventListener("click", () => { if (!embed) location.hash = tabFor; createStickyHeader(); document.querySelectorAll(".tab-heading").forEach(element => { element.classList.remove("selected"); }); optionsContainer.querySelectorAll(".option-group").forEach(element => { element.classList.add("hidden"); }); tabElements[i].classList.add("selected"); document.getElementById(tabFor).classList.remove("hidden"); }); } window.addEventListener("scroll", () => createStickyHeader()); optionsContainer.classList.add("animated"); } function createStickyHeader() { const container = document.getElementById("options-container"); const options = document.getElementById("options"); if (!embed && window.pageYOffset > 90 && (window.innerHeight <= 770 || window.innerWidth <= 1200)) { if (!container.classList.contains("sticky")) { = options.offsetTop.toString()+"px"; container.classList.add("sticky"); } } else { = "unset"; container.classList.remove("sticky"); } } /** * Handle special cases where an option shouldn't show * * @param {String} element */ async function shouldHideOption(element: Element): Promise { return (element.getAttribute("data-private-only") === "true" && !(await isIncognitoAllowed())) || (element.getAttribute("data-no-safari") === "true" && navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc."); } /** * Called when the config is updated */ function optionsConfigUpdateListener(changes: StorageChangesObject) { const optionsContainer = document.getElementById("options"); const optionsElements = optionsContainer.querySelectorAll("*"); for (let i = 0; i < optionsElements.length; i++) { switch (optionsElements[i].getAttribute("data-type")) { case "display": updateDisplayElement( optionsElements[i]) break; } } if (changes.categorySelections || changes.payments) { for (const chooser of categoryChoosers) { chooser.update(); } } } function optionsLocalConfigUpdateListener(changes: StorageChangesObject) { if (changes.unsubmittedSegments) { for (const chooser of unsubmittedVideos) { chooser.update(); } } } /** * Will set display elements to the proper text * * @param element */ function updateDisplayElement(element: HTMLElement) { const displayOption = element.getAttribute("data-sync") const displayText = Config.config[displayOption]; element.innerText = displayText; // See if anything extra must be run switch (displayOption) { case "invidiousInstances": { element.innerText = displayText.join(', '); let allEquals = displayText.length == invidiousList.length; for (let i = 0; i < invidiousList.length && allEquals; i++) { if (displayText[i] != invidiousList[i]) allEquals = false; } if (!allEquals) { const resetButton = element.parentElement.querySelector(".invidious-instance-reset"); resetButton.classList.remove("hidden"); } break; } } } /** * Initializes the option to add Invidious instances * * @param element * @param option */ function invidiousInstanceAddInit(element: HTMLElement, option: string) { const textBox = element.querySelector(".option-text-box"); const button = element.querySelector(".trigger-button"); const setButton = element.querySelector(".text-change-set"); const cancelButton = element.querySelector(".text-change-reset"); const resetButton = element.querySelector(".invidious-instance-reset"); setButton.addEventListener("click", async function() { if (textBox.value == "" || textBox.value.includes("/") || textBox.value.includes("http")) { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage("addInvidiousInstanceError")); } else { // Add this let instanceList = Config.config[option]; if (!instanceList) instanceList = []; let domain = textBox.value.trim().toLowerCase(); if (domain.includes(":")) { domain = domain.split(":")[0]; } instanceList.push(domain); Config.config[option] = instanceList; const checkbox = document.querySelector("#support-invidious input"); checkbox.checked = true; invidiousOnClick(checkbox, "supportInvidious"); resetButton.classList.remove("hidden"); // Hide this section again textBox.value = ""; element.querySelector(".option-hidden-section").classList.add("hidden"); button.classList.remove("disabled"); } }); cancelButton.addEventListener("click", async function() { textBox.value = ""; element.querySelector(".option-hidden-section").classList.add("hidden"); button.classList.remove("disabled"); }); resetButton.addEventListener("click", function() { if (confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage("resetInvidiousInstanceAlert"))) { // Set to CI populated list Config.config[option] = invidiousList; resetButton.classList.add("hidden"); } }); } /** * Run when the invidious button is being initialized * * @param checkbox * @param option */ function invidiousInit(checkbox: HTMLInputElement, option: string) { utils.containsInvidiousPermission().then((result) => { if (result != checkbox.checked) { Config.config[option] = result; checkbox.checked = result; } }); } /** * Run whenever the invidious checkbox is clicked * * @param checkbox * @param option */ async function invidiousOnClick(checkbox: HTMLInputElement, option: string): Promise { const enabled = await utils.applyInvidiousPermissions(checkbox.checked, option); checkbox.checked = enabled; } /** * Will trigger the textbox to appear to be able to change an option's text. * * @param element */ function activatePrivateTextChange(element: HTMLElement) { const button = element.querySelector(".trigger-button"); if (button.classList.contains("disabled")) return; button.classList.add("disabled"); const textBox = element.querySelector(".option-text-box"); const option = element.getAttribute("data-sync"); const optionType = element.getAttribute("data-sync-type"); // See if anything extra must be done switch (option) { case "invidiousInstances": element.querySelector(".option-hidden-section").classList.remove("hidden"); return; } let result = Config.config[option]; // See if anything extra must be done switch (option) { case "*": { if (optionType === "local") { result = JSON.stringify(Config.cachedLocalStorage); } else { result = JSON.stringify(Config.cachedSyncConfig); } break; } } textBox.value = result; const setButton = element.querySelector(".text-change-set"); setButton.addEventListener("click", async () => { setTextOption(option, element, textBox.value); }); // See if anything extra must be done switch (option) { case "userID": if (Config.config[option]) { asyncRequestToServer("GET", "/api/userInfo", { publicUserID: getHash(Config.config[option]), values: ["warnings", "banned"] }).then((result) => { const userInfo = JSON.parse(result.responseText); if (userInfo.warnings > 0 || userInfo.banned) { setButton.classList.add("hidden"); } }); } break; } element.querySelector(".option-hidden-section").classList.remove("hidden"); } /** * Function to run when a textbox change is submitted * * @param option data-sync value * @param element main container div * @param value new text * @param callbackOnError function to run if confirmMessage was denied */ async function setTextOption(option: string, element: HTMLElement, value: string, callbackOnError?: () => void) { const confirmMessage = element.getAttribute("data-confirm-message"); const optionType = element.getAttribute("data-sync-type"); if (confirmMessage === null || confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage(confirmMessage))) { // See if anything extra must be done switch (option) { case "*": try { const newConfig = JSON.parse(value); for (const key in newConfig) { if (optionType === "local") { Config.local[key] = newConfig[key]; } else { Config.config[key] = newConfig[key]; } } if (optionType !== "local" && newConfig.supportInvidious) { const checkbox = document.querySelector("#support-invidious > div > label > input"); checkbox.checked = true; await invidiousOnClick(checkbox, "supportInvidious"); } setTimeout(() => window.location.reload(), 200); } catch (e) { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage("incorrectlyFormattedOptions")); } break; default: Config.config[option] = value; } } else { if (typeof callbackOnError == "function") callbackOnError(); } } function downloadConfig(element: Element) { const optionType = element.getAttribute("data-sync-type"); const file = document.createElement("a"); const jsonData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(optionType === "local" ? Config.cachedLocalStorage : Config.cachedSyncConfig)); const dateTimeString = new Date().toJSON().replace("T", "_").replace(/:/g, ".").replace(/.\d+Z/g, "") file.setAttribute("href", `data:text/json;charset=utf-8,${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(jsonData))}`); file.setAttribute("download", `SponsorBlock${optionType === "local" ? "OtherData" : "Config"}_${dateTimeString}.json`); document.body.append(file);; file.remove(); } function uploadConfig(e: Event, element: HTMLElement) { const target = as HTMLInputElement; if (target.files.length == 1) { const file = target.files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(ev) { setTextOption("*", element, as string, () => { target.value = null; }); }; reader.readAsText(file); } } /** * Validates the value used for the database server address. * Returns null and alerts the user if there is an issue. * * @param input Input server address */ function validateServerAddress(input: string): string { input = input.trim(); // Trim the trailing slashes input = input.replace(/\/+$/, ""); // If it isn't HTTP protocol if ((!input.startsWith("https://") && !input.startsWith("http://"))) { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage("customAddressError")); return null; } return input; } function copyDebugOutputToClipboard() { // Copy object to clipboard navigator.clipboard.writeText(generateDebugDetails()) .then(() => { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage("copyDebugInformationComplete")); }) .catch(() => { alert(chrome.i18n.getMessage("copyDebugInformationFailed")); }); } function isIncognitoAllowed(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => chrome.extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess(resolve)); }