import * as React from "react"; import { createRoot, Root } from "react-dom/client"; import CategoryPillComponent, { CategoryPillState } from "../components/CategoryPillComponent"; import Config from "../config"; import { VoteResponse } from "../messageTypes"; import { Category, SegmentUUID, SponsorTime } from "../types"; import { Tooltip } from "./Tooltip"; import { waitFor } from "../../maze-utils/src"; import { getYouTubeTitleNode } from "../../maze-utils/src/elements"; import { addCleanupListener } from "../../maze-utils/src/cleanup"; const id = "categoryPill"; export class CategoryPill { container: HTMLElement; ref: React.RefObject; root: Root; lastState: CategoryPillState; mutationObserver?: MutationObserver; onMobileYouTube: boolean; onInvidious: boolean; vote: (type: number, UUID: SegmentUUID, category?: Category) => Promise; constructor() { this.ref = React.createRef(); addCleanupListener(() => { if (this.mutationObserver) { this.mutationObserver.disconnect(); } }); } async attachToPage(onMobileYouTube: boolean, onInvidious: boolean, vote: (type: number, UUID: SegmentUUID, category?: Category) => Promise): Promise { this.onMobileYouTube = onMobileYouTube; this.onInvidious = onInvidious; = vote; this.attachToPageInternal(); } private async attachToPageInternal(): Promise { let referenceNode = await waitFor(() => getYouTubeTitleNode()); // Experimental YouTube layout with description on right const isOnDescriptionOnRightLayout = document.querySelector("#title #description"); if (isOnDescriptionOnRightLayout) { referenceNode = referenceNode.parentElement; } if (referenceNode && !referenceNode.contains(this.container)) { if (!this.container) { this.container = document.createElement('span'); = id; = "relative"; this.root = createRoot(this.container); this.ref = React.createRef(); this.root.render(); if (this.onMobileYouTube) { if (this.mutationObserver) { this.mutationObserver.disconnect(); } this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((changes) => { if (changes.some((change) => change.removedNodes.length > 0)) { this.attachToPageInternal(); } }); this.mutationObserver.observe(referenceNode, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } } if (this.lastState) { waitFor(() => this.ref.current).then(() => { this.ref.current?.setState(this.lastState); }); } // Use a parent because YouTube does weird things to the top level object // react would have to rerender if container was the top level const parent = document.createElement("span"); = "categoryPillParent"; parent.appendChild(this.container); referenceNode.prepend(parent); if (!isOnDescriptionOnRightLayout) { = "flex"; } } } close(): void { this.root.unmount(); this.container.remove(); } setVisibility(show: boolean): void { const newState = { show, open: show ? this.ref.current? : false }; this.ref.current?.setState(newState); this.lastState = newState; } async setSegment(segment: SponsorTime): Promise { if (this.ref.current?.state?.segment !== segment) { const newState = { segment, show: true, open: false }; this.ref.current?.setState(newState); this.lastState = newState; if (!Config.config.categoryPillUpdate) { Config.config.categoryPillUpdate = true; const watchDiv = await waitFor(() => document.querySelector("#info.ytd-watch-flexy") as HTMLElement); if (watchDiv) { new Tooltip({ text: chrome.i18n.getMessage("categoryPillNewFeature"), link: "", referenceNode: watchDiv, prependElement: watchDiv.firstChild as HTMLElement, bottomOffset: "-10px", opacity: 0.95, timeout: 50000 }); } } } if (this.onMobileYouTube && !document.contains(this.container)) { this.attachToPageInternal(); } } }