import Config, { VideoDownvotes } from "./config"; import { CategorySelection, SponsorTime, BackgroundScriptContainer, Registration, VideoID, SponsorHideType, CategorySkipOption } from "./types"; import { getHash, HashedValue } from "../maze-utils/src/hash"; import { waitFor } from "../maze-utils/src"; import { findValidElementFromSelector } from "../maze-utils/src/dom"; import { isSafari } from "../maze-utils/src/config"; export default class Utils { // Contains functions needed from the background script backgroundScriptContainer: BackgroundScriptContainer | null; // Used to add content scripts and CSS required js = [ "./js/content.js" ]; css = [ "content.css", "./libs/Source+Sans+Pro.css", "popup.css", "shared.css" ]; constructor(backgroundScriptContainer: BackgroundScriptContainer = null) { this.backgroundScriptContainer = backgroundScriptContainer; } async wait(condition: () => T, timeout = 5000, check = 100): Promise { return waitFor(condition, timeout, check); } containsPermission(permissions: chrome.permissions.Permissions): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.permissions.contains(permissions, resolve) }); } /** * Asks for the optional permissions required for all extra sites. * It also starts the content script registrations. * * For now, it is just SB.config.invidiousInstances. * * @param {CallableFunction} callback */ setupExtraSitePermissions(callback: (granted: boolean) => void): void { const permissions = []; if (isSafari()) { permissions.push("webNavigation"); } chrome.permissions.request({ origins: this.getPermissionRegex(), permissions: permissions }, async (granted) => { if (granted) { this.setupExtraSiteContentScripts(); } else { this.removeExtraSiteRegistration(); } callback(granted); }); } getExtraSiteRegistration(): Registration { return { message: "registerContentScript", id: "invidious", allFrames: true, js: this.js, css: this.css, matches: this.getPermissionRegex() }; } /** * Registers the content scripts for the extra sites. * Will use a different method depending on the browser. * This is called by setupExtraSitePermissions(). * * For now, it is just SB.config.invidiousInstances. */ setupExtraSiteContentScripts(): void { const registration = this.getExtraSiteRegistration(); if (this.backgroundScriptContainer) { this.backgroundScriptContainer.registerFirefoxContentScript(registration); } else { chrome.runtime.sendMessage(registration); } } /** * Removes the permission and content script registration. */ removeExtraSiteRegistration(): void { const id = "invidious"; if (this.backgroundScriptContainer) { this.backgroundScriptContainer.unregisterFirefoxContentScript(id); } else { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "unregisterContentScript", id: id }); } chrome.permissions.remove({ origins: this.getPermissionRegex() }); } applyInvidiousPermissions(enable: boolean, option = "supportInvidious"): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (enable) { this.setupExtraSitePermissions((granted) => { if (!granted) { Config.config[option] = false; } resolve(granted); }); } else { this.removeExtraSiteRegistration(); resolve(false); } }); } containsInvidiousPermission(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { const permissions = []; if (isSafari()) { permissions.push("webNavigation"); } chrome.permissions.contains({ origins: this.getPermissionRegex(), permissions: permissions }, function (result) { resolve(result); }); }) } /** * Merges any overlapping timestamp ranges into single segments and returns them as a new array. */ getMergedTimestamps(timestamps: number[][]): [number, number][] { let deduped: [number, number][] = []; // Cases ([] = another segment, <> = current range): // [<]>, <[>], <[]>, [<>], [<][>] timestamps.forEach((range) => { // Find segments the current range overlaps const startOverlaps = deduped.findIndex((other) => range[0] >= other[0] && range[0] <= other[1]); const endOverlaps = deduped.findIndex((other) => range[1] >= other[0] && range[1] <= other[1]); if (~startOverlaps && ~endOverlaps) { // [<][>] Both the start and end of this range overlap another segment // [<>] This range is already entirely contained within an existing segment if (startOverlaps === endOverlaps) return; // Remove the range with the higher index first to avoid the index shifting const other1 = deduped.splice(Math.max(startOverlaps, endOverlaps), 1)[0]; const other2 = deduped.splice(Math.min(startOverlaps, endOverlaps), 1)[0]; // Insert a new segment spanning the start and end of the range deduped.push([Math.min(other1[0], other2[0]), Math.max(other1[1], other2[1])]); } else if (~startOverlaps) { // [<]> The start of this range overlaps another segment, extend its end deduped[startOverlaps][1] = range[1]; } else if (~endOverlaps) { // <[>] The end of this range overlaps another segment, extend its beginning deduped[endOverlaps][0] = range[0]; } else { // No overlaps, just push in a copy deduped.push(range.slice() as [number, number]); } // <[]> Remove other segments contained within this range deduped = deduped.filter((other) => !(other[0] > range[0] && other[1] < range[1])); }); return deduped; } /** * Returns the total duration of the timestamps, taking into account overlaps. */ getTimestampsDuration(timestamps: number[][]): number { return this.getMergedTimestamps(timestamps).reduce((acc, range) => { return acc + range[1] - range[0]; }, 0); } getSponsorIndexFromUUID(sponsorTimes: SponsorTime[], UUID: string): number { for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) { if (sponsorTimes[i].UUID === UUID) { return i; } } return -1; } getSponsorTimeFromUUID(sponsorTimes: SponsorTime[], UUID: string): SponsorTime { return sponsorTimes[this.getSponsorIndexFromUUID(sponsorTimes, UUID)]; } getCategorySelection(category: string): CategorySelection { for (const selection of Config.config.categorySelections) { if ( === category) { return selection; } } return { name: category, option: CategorySkipOption.Disabled} as CategorySelection; } /** * @returns {String[]} Domains in regex form */ getPermissionRegex(domains: string[] = []): string[] { const permissionRegex: string[] = []; if (domains.length === 0) { domains = [...Config.config.invidiousInstances]; } for (const url of domains) { permissionRegex.push("https://*." + url + "/*"); permissionRegex.push("http://*." + url + "/*"); } return permissionRegex; } findReferenceNode(): HTMLElement { const selectors = [ "#player-container-id", // Mobile YouTube "#movie_player", ".html5-video-player", // May 2023 Card-Based YouTube Layout "#c4-player", // Channel Trailer "#player-container", // Preview on hover "#main-panel.ytmusic-player-page", // YouTube music "#player-container .video-js", // Invidious ".main-video-section > .video-container", // Cloudtube ".shaka-video-container", // Piped "#player-container.ytk-player", // YT Kids ]; let referenceNode = findValidElementFromSelector(selectors) if (referenceNode == null) { //for embeds const player = document.getElementById("player"); referenceNode = player?.firstChild as HTMLElement; if (referenceNode) { let index = 1; //find the child that is the video player (sometimes it is not the first) while (index < player.children.length && (!referenceNode.classList?.contains("html5-video-player") || !referenceNode.classList?.contains("ytp-embed"))) { referenceNode = player.children[index] as HTMLElement; index++; } } } return referenceNode; } isContentScript(): boolean { return window.location.protocol === "http:" || window.location.protocol === "https:"; } isHex(num: string): boolean { return Boolean(num.match(/^[0-9a-f]+$/i)); } async addHiddenSegment(videoID: VideoID, segmentUUID: string, hidden: SponsorHideType) { if ((chrome.extension.inIncognitoContext && !Config.config.trackDownvotesInPrivate) || !Config.config.trackDownvotes) return; const hashedVideoID = (await getHash(videoID, 1)).slice(0, 4) as VideoID & HashedValue; const UUIDHash = await getHash(segmentUUID, 1); const allDownvotes = Config.local.downvotedSegments; const currentVideoData = allDownvotes[hashedVideoID] || { segments: [], lastAccess: 0 }; currentVideoData.lastAccess =; const existingData = currentVideoData.segments.find((segment) => segment.uuid === UUIDHash); if (hidden === SponsorHideType.Visible) { currentVideoData.segments.splice(currentVideoData.segments.indexOf(existingData), 1); if (currentVideoData.segments.length === 0) { delete allDownvotes[hashedVideoID]; } } else { if (existingData) { existingData.hidden = hidden; } else { currentVideoData.segments.push({ uuid: UUIDHash, hidden }); } allDownvotes[hashedVideoID] = currentVideoData; } const entries = Object.entries(allDownvotes); if (entries.length > 10000) { let min: [string, VideoDownvotes] = null; for (let i = 0; i < entries[0].length; i++) { if (min === null || entries[i][1].lastAccess < min[1].lastAccess) { min = entries[i]; } } delete allDownvotes[min[0]]; } Config.forceLocalUpdate("downvotedSegments"); } }