var plexUrl; var plexToken; var clientIdentifier; // UID for the device being used var plexProduct = "PASTA-cglatot"; var backOffTimer = 0; var serverList = []; // save server information for pin login and multiple servers var libraryNumber = ""; // The Library ID that was clicked var showId = ""; // Stores the Id for the most recently clicked series var seasonsList = []; // Stores the Ids for all seasons of the most recently clicked series var seasonId = ""; // Store the Id of the most recently clicked season var episodeId = ""; // Stores the Id of the most recently clicked episode $(document).ready(() => { // Check if there is a page refresh, if so we want to push the history without the # let navigationType = performance.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].type; if ((navigationType == 'reload') && (window.location.href.indexOf('#authentication') == -1)) { window.history.pushState('', document.title, window.location.pathname + '#authentication'); } // Enable Tooltips $('#helpAboutIcon, #titleLogo').tooltip(); // Enable history tracking for tabs $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').historyTabs(); // Check if the page was loaded locally or over http and warn them about the value of https if ((location.protocol == "http:") || (location.protocol == "file:")) { if (localStorage.showHttpAlert == 'false') { } else { $("#insecureWarning").show(); } } // Validation listeners on the Plex URL Input $('#plexUrl').on("input", () => { validateEnableConnectBtn('plexUrl'); }); // Validation listeners on the Plex Token Input $('#plexToken').on("input", () => { validateEnableConnectBtn('plexToken'); }); // Setup on change listener for toggle buttons $('input[type=radio][name=pinOrAuth]').change(function() { toggleAuthPages(this.value); }); // Set the clientID, this might get overridden if one is saved to localstorage clientIdentifier = `PASTA-cglatot-${}-${Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)}`; if (!localStorage.isPinAuth) { // Not using PIN auth, so must be using url / token if (localStorage.plexUrl && localStorage.plexUrl !== "") { plexUrl = localStorage.plexUrl; $('#plexUrl').val(localStorage.plexUrl); validateEnableConnectBtn('plexUrl'); $('#forgetDivider, #forgetDetailsSection').show(); } if (localStorage.plexToken && localStorage.plexToken !== "") { plexToken = localStorage.plexToken; $('#plexToken').val(localStorage.plexToken); validateEnableConnectBtn('plexToken'); $('#forgetDivider, #forgetDetailsSection').show(); } // Display a PIN code for that authentication as well $.ajax({ "url": `${plexProduct}&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=${clientIdentifier}`, "method": "POST", "success": (data) => { let pinId = $(data).find('id')[0].innerHTML; let pinCode = $(data).find('code')[0].innerHTML; $('#pin-code-holder').html(pinCode); backOffTimer =; listenForValidPincode(pinId); }, "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L59"); console.log(data); } }); } else { $('#new-pin-container').hide(); $('#authed-pin-container').show(); // We are using Pin Auth clientIdentifier = localStorage.clientIdentifier; plexToken = localStorage.pinAuthToken; getServers(); } }); function toggleAuthPages(value) { if (value == 'showPinControls') { $('#pin-auth-over-container').show(); $('#url-auth-over-container').hide(); } else { $('#pin-auth-over-container').hide(); $('#url-auth-over-container').show(); if (localStorage.isPinAuth) { $("#authWarningText").html(``); } } } function listenForValidPincode (pinId) { let currentTime =; if ((currentTime - backOffTimer)/1000 < 180) { $.ajax({ "url": `${pinId}?X-Plex-Product=${plexProduct}&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=${clientIdentifier}`, "method": "GET", "success": (data) => { if ( != null) { plexToken =; // Save to local storage localStorage.isPinAuth = true; localStorage.pinAuthToken = plexToken; localStorage.clientIdentifier = clientIdentifier; $('#new-pin-container').hide(); $('#authed-pin-container').show(); getServers(); } else { setTimeout(() => { listenForValidPincode(pinId); }, 5000); } }, "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L73"); console.log(data); return; } }); } else { $('#new-pin-container').html('

PIN entry timed out. \ Please refresh the page to get a new PIN.

'); } } function getServers () { $.ajax({ "url": `${plexProduct}&X-Plex-Client-Identifier=${clientIdentifier}`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken }, "success": (data) => { let servers = $(data).find('Server'); if (servers.length > 1) { displayServers(servers); // Add server info to the list for (let i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { serverList.push({ name: $(servers[i]).attr("name"), accessToken: $(servers[i]).attr("accessToken"), address: $(servers[i]).attr("address"), port: $(servers[i]).attr("port") }); } } else { plexToken = $(servers[0]).attr("accessToken"); plexUrl = `http://${$(servers[0]).attr("address")}:${$(servers[0]).attr("port")}`; connectToPlex(); } }, "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L59"); console.log(data); } }); } function displayServers(servers) { $("#serverTable tbody").empty(); $("#libraryTable tbody").empty(); $("#tvShowsTable tbody").empty(); $("#seasonsTable tbody").empty(); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); for (let i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { let rowHTML = ` ${$(servers[i]).attr("name")} `; $("#serverTable tbody").append(rowHTML); } $("#serverTableContainer").show(); } function chooseServer(number, row) { $("#libraryTable tbody").empty(); $("#tvShowsTable tbody").empty(); $("#seasonsTable tbody").empty(); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active"); plexToken = serverList[number].accessToken; plexUrl = `http://${serverList[number].address}:${serverList[number].port}`; connectToPlex(); } function validateEnableConnectBtn(context) { // Apply validation highlighting to URL field if (context == 'plexUrl') { if ($('#plexUrl').val() != "") { $('#plexUrl').removeClass("is-invalid").addClass("is-valid"); } else { $('#plexUrl').removeClass("is-valid").addClass("is-invalid"); } } else { // Apply validation highlighting to Plex Token field if ($('#plexToken').val() != "") { $('#plexToken').removeClass("is-invalid").addClass("is-valid"); } else { $('#plexToken').removeClass("is-valid").addClass("is-invalid"); } } // Enable or disable the button, depending on field status if (($('#plexUrl').val() != "") && ($('#plexToken').val() != "")) { $("#btnConnectToPlex").prop("disabled", false); } else { $("#btnConnectToPlex").prop("disabled", true); } } function forgetDetails() { localStorage.removeItem('plexUrl'); localStorage.removeItem('plexToken'); $('#plexUrl, #plexToken').val('').removeClass('is-valid is-invalid'); $('#confirmForget').fadeIn(250).delay(750).fadeOut(1250, () => { $('#forgetDivider, #forgetDetailsSection').hide(); }); } function forgetPinDetails() { localStorage.removeItem('isPinAuth'); localStorage.removeItem('pinAuthToken'); localStorage.removeItem('clientIdentifier'); window.location.reload(); } function hideAlertForever() { $("#insecureWarning").hide(); localStorage.showHttpAlert = 'false'; } function connectToPlex() { plexUrl = plexUrl || $("#plexUrl").val().trim().replace(/\/+$/, ''); plexToken = plexToken || $("#plexToken").val().trim(); if (plexUrl.toLowerCase().indexOf("http") < 0) { plexUrl = `http://${plexUrl}` } $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/sections/`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => { $("#authWarningText").empty(); if ($('#rememberDetails').prop('checked')) { localStorage.plexUrl = plexUrl; localStorage.plexToken = plexToken; $('#forgetDivider, #forgetDetailsSection').show(); } displayLibraries(data); }, "error": (data) => { if (data.status == 401) { console.log("Unauthorized"); $("#authWarningText").html(``); } else if ((location.protocol == 'https:') && (plexUrl.indexOf('http:') > -1)) { console.log("Trying to use http over a https site"); $("#authWarningText").html(``); } else { console.log("Unknown error, most likely bad URL / IP"); $("#authWarningText").html(``); } $("#libraryTable tbody").empty(); $("#tvShowsTable tbody").empty(); $("#seasonsTable tbody").empty(); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); } }); } function displayLibraries(data) { const libraries = data.MediaContainer.Directory; $("#libraryTable tbody").empty(); $("#tvShowsTable tbody").empty(); $("#seasonsTable tbody").empty(); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); for (let i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) { let rowHTML = ` ${libraries[i].title} `; $("#libraryTable tbody").append(rowHTML); } } function getAlphabet(uid, row) { $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/sections/${uid}/firstCharacter`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => { libraryNumber = uid; displayAlphabet(data, row); $('#series-tab').tab('show'); }, "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L131"); console.log(data); } }); } function displayAlphabet(data, row) { const availableAlphabet = data.MediaContainer.Directory; $("#tvShowsTable tbody").empty(); $("#seasonsTable tbody").empty(); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active"); $('#alphabetGroup').children().removeClass("btn-dark").addClass("btn-outline-dark").prop("disabled", true); for (let i = 0; i < availableAlphabet.length; i++) { if (availableAlphabet[i].title == "#") { $(`#btnHash`).prop("disabled", false); } else { $(`#btn${availableAlphabet[i].title}`).prop("disabled", false); } } } function getLibraryByLetter(element) { let letter = $(element).text(); if (letter == "#") letter = "%23"; $(element).siblings().removeClass("btn-dark").addClass("btn-outline-dark"); $(element).removeClass("btn-outline-dark").addClass("btn-dark"); $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/sections/${libraryNumber}/firstCharacter/${letter}`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => displayTitles(data), "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L178"); console.log(data); } }); } function displayTitles(titles) { const tvShows = titles.MediaContainer.Metadata; $("#tvShowsTable tbody").empty(); $("#seasonsTable tbody").empty(); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); for (let i = 0; i < tvShows.length; i++) { let rowHTML = ` ${tvShows[i].title} ${tvShows[i].year} `; $("#tvShowsTable tbody").append(rowHTML); } } function getTitleInfo(uid, row) { showId = uid; $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/metadata/${uid}/children`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => { showTitleInfo(data, row); $('#episodes-tab').tab('show'); }, "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L143"); console.log(data); if (data.status == 400) { // This is a "bad request" - this usually means a Movie was selected $('#progressModal #progressModalTitle').empty(); $('#progressModal #progressModalTitle').text(`Invalid TV Show`); $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').empty(); $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').append(``); $('#progressModal').modal(); } } }); } function showTitleInfo(data, row) { const seasons = data.MediaContainer.Metadata; seasonsList.length = 0; $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active"); $("#seasonsTable tbody").empty(); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); for (let i = 0; i < seasons.length; i++) { seasonsList.push(seasons[i].ratingKey); let rowHTML = ` ${seasons[i].title} `; $("#seasonsTable tbody").append(rowHTML); } } function getSeasonInfo(uid, row) { seasonId = uid; $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/metadata/${uid}/children`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => showSeasonInfo(data, row), "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L183"); console.log(data); } }); } function showSeasonInfo(data, row) { const episodes = data.MediaContainer.Metadata; $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active"); $("#episodesTable tbody").empty(); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); for (let i = 0; i < episodes.length; i++) { let rowHTML = ` ${episodes[i].title} `; $("#episodesTable tbody").append(rowHTML); } } function getEpisodeInfo(uid, row) { episodeId = uid; $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/metadata/${uid}`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => showEpisodeInfo(data, row), "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L220"); console.log(data); } }); } function showEpisodeInfo(data, row) { const streams = data.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].Media[0].Part[0].Stream; const partId = data.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].Media[0].Part[0].id; $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active"); $("#audioTable tbody").empty(); $("#subtitleTable tbody").empty(); // We need to keep track if any subtitles are selected - if not, then we need to make the subtitle row table-active let subtitlesChosen = false; for (let i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { if (streams[i].streamType == 2) { let rowHTML = ` ${streams[i].displayTitle} ${streams[i].title} ${streams[i].language} ${streams[i].languageCode} `; $("#audioTable tbody").append(rowHTML); } else if (streams[i].streamType == 3) { if (streams[i].selected) subtitlesChosen = true; let rowHTML = ` ${streams[i].displayTitle} ${streams[i].title} ${streams[i].language} ${streams[i].languageCode} `; $("#subtitleTable tbody").append(rowHTML); } } // Append the "No Subtitles" row to the top of the tracks table let noSubsRow = ` No Subtitles -- -- -- `; $("#subtitleTable tbody").prepend(noSubsRow); } async function setAudioStream(partsId, streamId, row) { let singleEpisode = $("#singleEpisode").prop("checked"); // Need these 2 variables and function for progress bar let currentProgress = 0; let maxProgress = 0; if (singleEpisode) { $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/parts/${partsId}?audioStreamID=${streamId}&allParts=1`, "method": "POST", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => { $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active").addClass("success-transition"); setTimeout(() => { $(row).removeClass('success-transition'); }, 1750); }, "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L283"); console.log(data); } }); } else { // Show the modal to set progress $('#progressModal #progressModalTitle').empty(); $('#progressModal #progressModalTitle').text(`Processing Audio Changes`); $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').empty(); $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').append(``); $('#progressModal').modal(); let promiseConstructors = []; // This will hold the details that will then be added to the full promises in matchPromises let matchPromises = []; // This will store the promises to change the audio for given files. It means we can run in parallel and await them all let searchTitle = ($(".title", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".title", row).text(); let searchName = ($(".name", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".name", row).text(); let searchLanguage = ($(".language", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".language", row).text(); let searchCode = ($(".code", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".code", row).text(); // We have the Seasons Ids stored in seasonsList, so iterate over them to get all the episodes let episodeList = []; for (let i = 0; i < seasonsList.length; i++) { let seasonEpisodes = await $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/metadata/${seasonsList[i]}/children`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" } }); for (let j = 0; j < seasonEpisodes.MediaContainer.Metadata.length; j++) { episodeList.push(seasonEpisodes.MediaContainer.Metadata[j].ratingKey); } } // Set the progress bar to have a certain length maxProgress = episodeList.length; $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuemax', maxProgress); // We have the episodes in episodeList, now we need to go through each one and see what streams are available for (let i = 0; i < episodeList.length; i++) { // Update the progressbar currentProgress++; const calculatedWidth = (currentProgress / maxProgress) * 100; console.log(calculatedWidth); $('#progressBar').width(`${calculatedWidth}%`); $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuenow', currentProgress); let episodeData = await $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/metadata/${episodeList[i]}`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" } }); const seasonNumber = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].parentIndex; const episodeNumber = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].index; const episodePartId = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].Media[0].Part[0].id; const episodeStreams = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].Media[0].Part[0].Stream; // Loop through each audio stream and check for any matches using the searchTitle, searchName, searchLanguage, searchCode let hasMatch = false; let matchType = ""; let potentialMatches = []; let selectedTrack = { "matchId": "", "matchLevel": 0, "matchName": "" }; let bestMatch; for (let j = 0; j < episodeStreams.length; j++) { // Audio streams are streamType 2, so we only care about that if (episodeStreams[j].streamType == "2") { // If EVERYTHING is a match, even if they are "undefined" then select it if ((episodeStreams[j].title == searchTitle) && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle == searchName) && (episodeStreams[j].language == searchLanguage) && (episodeStreams[j].languageCode == searchCode)) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 6; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 6, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the displayTitle and title are the same, we have an instant match (also rule out any undefined matches) else if ((episodeStreams[j].title == searchTitle) && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle == searchName) && (episodeStreams[j].title != "undefined") && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 5; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 5, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the titles are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].title == searchTitle) && (episodeStreams[j].title != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 4; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 4, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the names are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].displayTitle == searchName) && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 3; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 3, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the languages are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].language == searchLanguage) && (episodeStreams[j].language != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 2; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 2, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the language codes are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].languageCode == searchCode) && (episodeStreams[j].languageCode != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 1; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 1, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } } } // If there are no potential matches, then return hasMatch = false so we can skip sending unnecessary commands to plex if (potentialMatches.length == 0) { hasMatch = false; } else { // If there are potential matches - get the highest matchLevel (most accurate) and compare it to the currently selected track bestMatch = potentialMatches.reduce((p, c) => p.matchLevel > c.matchLevel ? p : c); if (bestMatch.matchLevel > selectedTrack.matchLevel) { // By default selectedTrack.matchLevel = 0, so even if there is no selected track, this comparison will work hasMatch = true; if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 6) matchType = "Everything"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 5) matchType = "Name and Title"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 4) matchType = "Title"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 3) matchType = "Name"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 2) matchType = "Language"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 1) matchType = "Language Code"; } else { hasMatch = false; } } if (hasMatch) { // There is a match, so update the audio track using the newStreamId and episodePartId promiseConstructors.push({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/parts/${episodePartId}?audioStreamID=${bestMatch.matchId}&allParts=1`, "messageAppend": `S${seasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} - ${episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].title} updated with Audio Track: ${bestMatch.matchName} because of a match on ${matchType}
` }); } else { //console.log(`Episode: ${episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].title} has no match, or there is only 1 audio track`); } } // Reset the progress bar and modal text $("#modalBodyText #modalTitleText").text("Updating matches... Please do not close this tab or refresh until the process is complete."); maxProgress = promiseConstructors.length; $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuemax', maxProgress); $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuenow', 0); function futurePromise(data) { return axios({ "url": data.url, "method": "POST", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" } }).then((result) => { $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').append(data.messageAppend); $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active"); handleProgress(); }).catch((e) => console.log(e)); } for (let k = 0; k < promiseConstructors.length; k++) { let axiosPromise = futurePromise(promiseConstructors[k]); matchPromises.push(axiosPromise); } function handleProgress() { currentProgress++; const calculatedWidth = (currentProgress / maxProgress) * 100; $('#progressBar').width(`${calculatedWidth}%`); $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuenow', currentProgress); }; try { Promise.allSettled(matchPromises).then(() => { $('#modalBodyText .alert').removeClass("alert-warning").addClass("alert-success"); $("#modalBodyText #modalTitleText").text("Processing Complete! You can now close this popup."); $('#modalBodyText #progressBarContainer').hide(); }); } catch (e) { console.log("ERROR L419"); console.log(e); } } } async function setSubtitleStream(partsId, streamId, row) { let singleEpisode = $("#singleEpisode").prop("checked"); // Need these 2 variables and function for progress bar let currentProgress = 0; let maxProgress = 0; if (singleEpisode) { $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/parts/${partsId}?subtitleStreamID=${streamId}&allParts=1`, "method": "POST", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" }, "success": (data) => { $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active").addClass("success-transition"); setTimeout(() => { $(row).removeClass('success-transition'); }, 1750); }, "error": (data) => { console.log("ERROR L449"); console.log(data); } }); } else { // Show the modal to set progress $('#progressModal #progressModalTitle').empty(); $('#progressModal #progressModalTitle').text(`Processing Subtitle Changes`); $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').empty(); $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').append(``); $('#progressModal').modal(); let promiseConstructors = []; // This will hold the details that will then be added to the full promises in matchPromises let matchPromises = []; // This will store the promises to change the audio for given files. It means we can run in parallel and await them all let searchTitle = ($(".title", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".title", row).text(); let searchName = ($(".name", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".name", row).text(); let searchLanguage = ($(".language", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".language", row).text(); let searchCode = ($(".code", row).text() == "undefined") ? undefined : $(".code", row).text(); // We have the Seasons Ids stored in seasonsList, so iterate over them to get all the episodes let episodeList = []; for (let i = 0; i < seasonsList.length; i++) { let seasonEpisodes = await $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/metadata/${seasonsList[i]}/children`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" } }); for (let j = 0; j < seasonEpisodes.MediaContainer.Metadata.length; j++) { episodeList.push(seasonEpisodes.MediaContainer.Metadata[j].ratingKey); } } // Set the progress bar to have a certain length maxProgress = episodeList.length; $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuemax', maxProgress); // We have the episodes in episodeList, now we need to go through each one and see what streams are available for (let i = 0; i < episodeList.length; i++) { // Update the progressbar currentProgress++; const calculatedWidth = (currentProgress / maxProgress) * 100; console.log(calculatedWidth); $('#progressBar').width(`${calculatedWidth}%`); $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuenow', currentProgress); let episodeData = await $.ajax({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/metadata/${episodeList[i]}`, "method": "GET", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" } }); const seasonNumber = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].parentIndex; const episodeNumber = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].index; const episodePartId = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].Media[0].Part[0].id; const episodeStreams = episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].Media[0].Part[0].Stream; // If streamId = 0 then we are unsetting the subtitles. Otherwise we need to find the best matches for each episode if (streamId != 0) { // Loop through each subtitle stream and check for any matches using the searchTitle, searchName, searchLanguage, searchCode let hasMatch = false; let matchType = ""; let potentialMatches = []; let selectedTrack = { "matchId": "", "matchLevel": 0, "matchName": "" }; let bestMatch; for (let j = 0; j < episodeStreams.length; j++) { // Subtitle streams are streamType 3, so we only care about that if (episodeStreams[j].streamType == "3") { // If EVERYTHING is a match, even if they are "undefined" then select it if ((episodeStreams[j].title == searchTitle) && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle == searchName) && (episodeStreams[j].language == searchLanguage) && (episodeStreams[j].languageCode == searchCode)) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 6; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 6, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the displayTitle and title are the same, we have an instant match (also rule out any undefined matches) else if ((episodeStreams[j].title == searchTitle) && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle == searchName) && (episodeStreams[j].title != "undefined") && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 5; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 5, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the titles are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].title == searchTitle) && (episodeStreams[j].title != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 4; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 4, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the names are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].displayTitle == searchName) && (episodeStreams[j].displayTitle != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 3; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 3, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the languages are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].language == searchLanguage) && (episodeStreams[j].language != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 2; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 2, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } // If the language codes are the same (rule out undefined match) else if ((episodeStreams[j].languageCode == searchCode) && (episodeStreams[j].languageCode != "undefined")) { if (episodeStreams[j].selected == true) { selectedTrack.matchId = episodeStreams[j].id; selectedTrack.matchLevel = 1; selectedTrack.matchName = episodeStreams[j].displayTitle; } else { potentialMatches.push({ "matchId": episodeStreams[j].id, "matchLevel": 1, "matchName": episodeStreams[j].displayTitle }); } } } } // If there are no potential matches, then return hasMatch = false so we can skip sending unnecessary commands to plex if (potentialMatches.length == 0) { hasMatch = false; } else { // If there are potential matches - get the highest matchLevel (most accurate) and compare it to the currently selected track bestMatch = potentialMatches.reduce((p, c) => p.matchLevel > c.matchLevel ? p : c); if (bestMatch.matchLevel > selectedTrack.matchLevel) { // By default selectedTrack.matchLevel = 0, so even if there is no selected track, this comparison will work hasMatch = true; if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 6) matchType = "Everything"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 5) matchType = "Name and Title"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 4) matchType = "Title"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 3) matchType = "Name"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 2) matchType = "Language"; else if (bestMatch.matchLevel == 1) matchType = "Language Code"; } else { hasMatch = false; } } if (hasMatch) { // There is a match, so update the subtitle track using the currentMatch.matchId and episodePartId promiseConstructors.push({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/parts/${episodePartId}?subtitleStreamID=${bestMatch.matchId}&allParts=1`, "messageAppend": `S${seasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} - ${episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].title} updated with Subtitle Track: ${bestMatch.matchName} because of a match on ${matchType}
` }); } else { //console.log(`Episode: ${episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].title} has no match, or there is only 1 subtitle track`); } } else { // streamId = 0, which means we just want to set the subtitleStreamID = 0 for every episode promiseConstructors.push({ "url": `${plexUrl}/library/parts/${episodePartId}?subtitleStreamID=0&allParts=1`, "messageAppend": `S${seasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} - ${episodeData.MediaContainer.Metadata[0].title} has had the subtitles deselected
` }); } } // Reset the progress bar and modal text $("#modalBodyText #modalTitleText").text("Updating matches... Please do not close this tab or refresh until the process is complete."); maxProgress = promiseConstructors.length; $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuemax', maxProgress); $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuenow', 0); function futurePromise(data) { return axios({ "url": data.url, "method": "POST", "headers": { "X-Plex-Token": plexToken, "Accept": "application/json" } }).then((result) => { $('#progressModal #modalBodyText').append(data.messageAppend); $(row).siblings().removeClass("table-active"); $(row).addClass("table-active"); handleProgress(); }).catch((e) => console.log(e)); } for (let k = 0; k < promiseConstructors.length; k++) { let axiosPromise = futurePromise(promiseConstructors[k]); matchPromises.push(axiosPromise); } function handleProgress() { currentProgress++; const calculatedWidth = (currentProgress / maxProgress) * 100; console.log(calculatedWidth); $('#progressBar').width(`${calculatedWidth}%`); $('#progressBar').attr('aria-valuenow', currentProgress); }; try { Promise.allSettled(matchPromises).then(() => { $('#modalBodyText .alert').removeClass("alert-warning").addClass("alert-success"); $("#modalBodyText #modalTitleText").text("Processing Complete! You can now close this popup."); $('#modalBodyText #progressBarContainer').hide(); }); } catch (e) { console.log("ERROR L419"); console.log(e); } } }