// Copyright 2024 Cloudflare, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. //! Distributed tracing helpers use rustracing_jaeger::span::SpanContextState; use std::time::SystemTime; use crate::{CacheMeta, CachePhase, HitStatus}; pub use rustracing::tag::Tag; pub type Span = rustracing::span::Span; pub type SpanHandle = rustracing::span::SpanHandle; #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct CacheTraceCTX { // parent span pub cache_span: Span, // only spans across multiple calls need to store here pub miss_span: Span, pub hit_span: Span, } impl CacheTraceCTX { pub fn new() -> Self { CacheTraceCTX { cache_span: Span::inactive(), miss_span: Span::inactive(), hit_span: Span::inactive(), } } pub fn enable(&mut self, cache_span: Span) { self.cache_span = cache_span; } pub fn get_cache_span(&self) -> SpanHandle { self.cache_span.handle() } #[inline] pub fn child(&self, name: &'static str) -> Span { self.cache_span.child(name, |o| o.start()) } pub fn start_miss_span(&mut self) { self.miss_span = self.child("miss"); } pub fn get_miss_span(&self) -> SpanHandle { self.miss_span.handle() } pub fn finish_miss_span(&mut self) { self.miss_span.set_finish_time(SystemTime::now); } pub fn start_hit_span(&mut self, phase: CachePhase, hit_status: HitStatus) { self.hit_span = self.child("hit"); self.hit_span.set_tag(|| Tag::new("phase", phase.as_str())); self.hit_span .set_tag(|| Tag::new("status", hit_status.as_str())); } pub fn get_hit_span(&self) -> SpanHandle { self.hit_span.handle() } pub fn finish_hit_span(&mut self) { self.hit_span.set_finish_time(SystemTime::now); } fn log_meta(span: &mut Span, meta: &CacheMeta) { fn ts2epoch(ts: SystemTime) -> f64 { ts.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap_or_default() // should never overflow but be safe here .as_secs_f64() } let internal = &meta.0.internal; span.set_tags(|| { [ Tag::new("created", ts2epoch(internal.created)), Tag::new("fresh_until", ts2epoch(internal.fresh_until)), Tag::new("updated", ts2epoch(internal.updated)), Tag::new("stale_if_error_sec", internal.stale_if_error_sec as i64), Tag::new( "stale_while_revalidate_sec", internal.stale_while_revalidate_sec as i64, ), Tag::new("variance", internal.variance.is_some()), ] }); } pub fn log_meta_in_hit_span(&mut self, meta: &CacheMeta) { CacheTraceCTX::log_meta(&mut self.hit_span, meta); } pub fn log_meta_in_miss_span(&mut self, meta: &CacheMeta) { CacheTraceCTX::log_meta(&mut self.miss_span, meta); } }