diff options
6 files changed, 668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/content/en/functions/images/Dither.md b/docs/content/en/functions/images/Dither.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8084d83c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/en/functions/images/Dither.md
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+title: images.Dither
+description: Returns an image filter that dithers an image.
+categories: []
+keywords: []
+ aliases: []
+ related:
+ - functions/images/Filter
+ - functions/images/Process
+ - methods/resource/Colors
+ - methods/resource/Filter
+ returnType: images.filter
+ signatures: ['images.Dither [OPTIONS]']
+toc: true
+## Options
+: (`string array`) A slice of two or more colors that make up the dithering palette, each expressed as an RGB or RGBA [hexadecimal] value, with or without a leading hash mark. The default values are opaque black (`000000ff`) and opaque white (`ffffffff`).
+[hexadecimal]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/hex-color
+: (`string`) The dithering method. See the [dithering methods](#dithering-methods) section below for a list of the available methods. Default is `FloydSteinberg`.
+: (`bool`) Applicable to error diffusion dithering methods, serpentine controls whether the error diffusion matrix is applied in a serpentine manner, meaning that it goes right-to-left every other line. This greatly reduces line-type artifacts. Default is `true`.
+: (`float`) The strength at which to apply the dithering matrix, typically a value in the range [0, 1]. A value of `1.0` applies the dithering matrix at 100% strength (no modifification of the dither matrix). The `strength` is inversely proportional to contrast; reducing the strength increases the contrast. Setting `strength` to a value such as `0.8` can be useful to reduce noise in the dithered image. Default is `1.0`.
+## Usage
+Create the options map:
+{{ $opts := dict
+ "colors" (slice "222222" "808080" "dddddd")
+ "method" "ClusteredDot4x4"
+ "strength" 0.85
+Create the filter:
+{{ $filter := images.Dither $opts }}
+Or create the filter using the default settings:
+{{ $filter := images.Dither }}
+{{% include "functions/images/_common/apply-image-filter.md" %}}
+## Dithering methods
+See the [Go documentation] for descriptions of each of the dithering methods below.
+[Go documentation]: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/dither/v2#pkg-variables
+Error diffusion dithering methods:
+- Atkinson
+- Burkes
+- FalseFloydSteinberg
+- FloydSteinberg
+- JarvisJudiceNinke
+- Sierra
+- Sierra2
+- Sierra2_4A
+- Sierra3
+- SierraLite
+- Simple2D
+- StevenPigeon
+- Stucki
+- TwoRowSierra
+Ordered dithering methods:
+- ClusteredDot4x4
+- ClusteredDot6x6
+- ClusteredDot6x6_2
+- ClusteredDot6x6_3
+- ClusteredDot8x8
+- ClusteredDotDiagonal16x16
+- ClusteredDotDiagonal6x6
+- ClusteredDotDiagonal8x8
+- ClusteredDotDiagonal8x8_2
+- ClusteredDotDiagonal8x8_3
+- ClusteredDotHorizontalLine
+- ClusteredDotSpiral5x5
+- ClusteredDotVerticalLine
+- Horizontal3x5
+- Vertical5x3
+## Example
+This example uses the default dithering options.
+{{< img
+ src="images/examples/zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="Dither"
+ filterArgs=""
+ example=true
+## Recommendations
+Regardless of dithering method, do both of the following to obtain the best results:
+1. Scale the image _before_ dithering
+2. Output the image to a lossless format such as GIF or PNG
+The example below does both of these, and it sets the dithering palette to the three most dominant colors in the image.
+{{ with resources.Get "original.jpg" }}
+ {{ $opts := dict
+ "method" "ClusteredDotSpiral5x5"
+ "colors" (first 3 .Colors)
+ }}
+ {{ $filters := slice
+ (images.Process "resize 800x")
+ (images.Dither $opts)
+ (images.Process "png")
+ }}
+ {{ with . | images.Filter $filters }}
+ <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
+ {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+For best results, if the dithering palette is grayscale, convert the image to grayscale before dithering.
+{{ $opts := dict "colors" (slice "222" "808080" "ddd") }}
+{{ $filters := slice
+ (images.Process "resize 800x")
+ (images.Grayscale)
+ (images.Dither $opts)
+ (images.Process "png")
+{{ with images.Filter $filters . }}
+ <img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" width="{{ .Width }}" height="{{ .Height }}" alt="">
+{{ end }}
+The example above:
+1. Resizes the image to be 800 px wide
+2. Converts the image to grayscale
+3. Dithers the image using the default (`FloydSteinberg`) dithering method with a grayscale palette
+4. Converts the image to the PNG format
diff --git a/docs/layouts/shortcodes/img.html b/docs/layouts/shortcodes/img.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34476b3d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/layouts/shortcodes/img.html
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+{{- /*
+Renders the given image using the given filter, if any.
+@param {string} src The path to the image which must be a remote, page, or global resource.
+@param {string} [filter] The filter to apply to the image (case-insensitive).
+@param {string} [filterArgs] A comma-delimited list of arguments to pass to the filter.
+@param {bool} [example=false] If true, renders a before/after example.
+@param {int} [exampleWidth=384] Image width, in pixels, when rendering a before/after example.
+@returns {template.HTML}
+ {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" >}}
+ {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" >}}
+ {{< img
+ src="zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="grayscale"
+ >}}
+ {{< img
+ src="zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="process"
+ filterArgs="resize 400x webp"
+ >}}
+ {{< img
+ src="zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="colorize"
+ filterArgs="180,50,20"
+ >}}
+ {{< img
+ src="zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="grayscale"
+ example=true
+ >}}
+ {{< img
+ src="zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="grayscale"
+ example=true
+ exampleWidth=400
+ >}}
+ When using the text filter, provide the arguments in this order:
+ 0. The text
+ 1. The horizontal offset, in pixels, relative to the left of the image (default 20)
+ 2. The vertical offset, in pixels, relative to the top of the image (default 20)
+ 3. The font size in pixels (default 64)
+ 4. The line height (default 1.2)
+ 5. The font color (default #ffffff)
+ {{< img
+ src="images/examples/zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="Text"
+ filterArgs="Zion National Park,25,250,56"
+ example=true
+ >}}
+ When using the padding filter, provide all arguments in this order:
+ 0. Padding top
+ 1. Padding right
+ 2. Padding bottom
+ 3. Padding right
+ 4. Canvas color
+ {{< img
+ src="images/examples/zion-national-park.jpg"
+ alt="Zion National Park"
+ filter="Padding"
+ filterArgs="20,50,20,50,#0705"
+ example=true
+ >}}
+{{- /* Initialize. */}}
+{{- $alt := "" }}
+{{- $src := "" }}
+{{- $filter := "" }}
+{{- $filterArgs := slice }}
+{{- $example := false }}
+{{- $exampleWidth := 384 }}
+{{- /* Default values to use with the text filter. */}}
+{{ $textFilterOpts := dict
+ "xOffset" 20
+ "yOffset" 20
+ "fontSize" 64
+ "lineHeight" 1.2
+ "fontColor" "#ffffff"
+ "fontPath" "https://github.com/google/fonts/raw/main/ofl/lato/Lato-Regular.ttf"
+{{- /* Get and validate parameters. */}}
+{{- with .Get "alt" }}
+ {{- $alt = .}}
+{{- end }}
+{{- with .Get "src" }}
+ {{- $src = . }}
+{{- else }}
+ {{- errorf "The %q shortcode requires a file parameter. See %s" .Name .Position }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- with .Get "filter" }}
+ {{- $filter = . | lower }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- $validFilters := slice
+ "autoorient" "brightness" "colorbalance" "colorize" "contrast" "dither"
+ "gamma" "gaussianblur" "grayscale" "hue" "invert" "none" "opacity" "overlay"
+ "padding" "pixelate" "process" "saturation" "sepia" "sigmoid" "text"
+ "unsharpmask"
+{{- with $filter }}
+ {{- if not (in $validFilters .) }}
+ {{- errorf "The filter passed to the %q shortcode is invalid. The filter must be one of %s. See %s" $.Name (delimit $validFilters ", " ", or ") $.Position }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- with .Get "filterArgs" }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = split . "," }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "trim" "." " " }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- if in (slice "false" false 0) (.Get "example") }}
+ {{- $example = false }}
+{{- else if in (slice "true" true 1) (.Get "example")}}
+ {{- $example = true }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- with .Get "exampleWidth" }}
+ {{- $exampleWidth = . | int }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- /* Get image. */}}
+{{- $ctx := dict "page" .Page "src" $src "name" .Name "position" .Position }}
+{{- $i := partial "inline/get-resource.html" $ctx }}
+{{- /* Resize if rendering before/after examples. */}}
+{{- if $example }}
+ {{- $i = $i.Resize (printf "%dx" $exampleWidth) }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- /* Create filter. */}}
+{{- $f := "" }}
+{{- $ctx := dict "filter" $filter "args" $filterArgs "name" .Name "position" .Position }}
+{{- if eq $filter "autoorient" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 0) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.AutoOrient }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "brightness" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 100) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Brightness (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "colorbalance" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage red" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 500) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage green" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" -100 "max" 500) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage blue" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 2) "min" -100 "max" 500) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.ColorBalance (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) (index $filterArgs 2) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "colorize" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "hue" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 360) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "saturation" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" 0 "max" 100) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 2) "min" 0 "max" 100) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Colorize (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) (index $filterArgs 2) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "contrast" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 100) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Contrast (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "dither" }}
+ {{- $f = images.Dither }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "gamma" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "gamma" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 100) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Gamma (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "gaussianblur" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "sigma" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1000) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.GaussianBlur (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "grayscale" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 0) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Grayscale }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "hue" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "shift" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -180 "max" 180) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Hue (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "invert" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 0) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Invert }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "opacity" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "opacity" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Opacity (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "overlay" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx := dict "src" (index $filterArgs 0) "name" .Name "position" .Position }}
+ {{- $overlayImg := partial "inline/get-resource.html" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Overlay $overlayImg (index $filterArgs 1 | float ) (index $filterArgs 2 | float) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "padding" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 5) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Padding
+ (index $filterArgs 0 | int)
+ (index $filterArgs 1 | int)
+ (index $filterArgs 2 | int)
+ (index $filterArgs 3 | int)
+ (index $filterArgs 4)
+ }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "pixelate" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "size" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1000) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Pixelate (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "process" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Process (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "saturation" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 500) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Saturation (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "sepia" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 100) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Sepia (index $filterArgs 0) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "sigmoid" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 2) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "midpoint" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "factor" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" -10 "max" 10) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.Sigmoid (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "text" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx := dict "src" $textFilterOpts.fontPath "name" .Name "position" .Position }}
+ {{- $font := or (partial "inline/get-resource.html" $ctx) }}
+ {{- $fontSize := or (index $filterArgs 3 | int) $textFilterOpts.fontSize }}
+ {{- $lineHeight := math.Max (or (index $filterArgs 4 | float) $textFilterOpts.lineHeight) 1 }}
+ {{- $opts := dict
+ "x" (or (index $filterArgs 1 | int) $textFilterOpts.xOffset)
+ "y" (or (index $filterArgs 2 | int) $textFilterOpts.yOffset)
+ "size" $fontSize
+ "linespacing" (mul (sub $lineHeight 1) $fontSize)
+ "color" (or (index $filterArgs 5) $textFilterOpts.fontColor)
+ "font" $font
+ }}
+ {{- $f = images.Text (index $filterArgs 0) $opts }}
+{{- else if eq $filter "unsharpmask" }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }}
+ {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "sigma" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 500) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "amount" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" 0 "max" 100) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "threshold" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 2) "min" 0 "max" 1) }}
+ {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }}
+ {{- $f = images.UnsharpMask (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) (index $filterArgs 2) }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- /* Apply filter. */}}
+{{- $fi := $i }}
+{{- with $f }}
+ {{- $fi = $i.Filter . }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- /* Render. */}}
+{{- if $example }}
+ <p>Original</p>
+ <img class='di ba b--black-20' style="width: initial;" src="{{ $i.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $alt }}">
+ <p>Processed</p>
+ <img class='di ba b--black-20' style="width: initial;" src="{{ $fi.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $alt }}">
+{{- else -}}
+ <img class='di' style="width: initial;" src="{{ $fi.RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $alt }}">
+{{- end }}
+{{- define "validate-arg-count" }}
+ {{- $msg := "When using the %q filter, the %q shortcode requires an args parameter with %d %s. See %s" }}
+ {{- if lt (len .args) .argsRequired }}
+ {{- $text := "values" }}
+ {{- if eq 1 .argsRequired }}
+ {{- $text = "value" }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- errorf $msg .filter .name .argsRequired $text .position }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- define "validate-arg-value" }}
+ {{- $msg := "The %q argument passed to the %q shortcode is invalid. Expected a value in the range [%v,%v], but received %v. See %s" }}
+ {{- if or (lt .argValue .min) (gt .argValue .max) }}
+ {{- errorf $msg .argName .name .min .max .argValue .position }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end }}
+{{- define "partials/inline/get-resource.html" }}
+ {{- $r := "" }}
+ {{- $u := urls.Parse .src }}
+ {{- $msg := "The %q shortcode was unable to resolve %s. See %s" }}
+ {{- if $u.IsAbs }}
+ {{- with resources.GetRemote $u.String }}
+ {{- with .Err }}
+ {{- errorf "%s" }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- /* This is a remote resource. */}}
+ {{- $r = . }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- errorf $msg $.name $u.String $.position }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- with .page.Resources.Get (strings.TrimPrefix "./" $u.Path) }}
+ {{- /* This is a page resource. */}}
+ {{- $r = . }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- with resources.Get $u.Path }}
+ {{- /* This is a global resource. */}}
+ {{- $r = . }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- errorf $msg $.name $u.Path $.position }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- return $r}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index f61ff8c78..07f60fa28 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ require (
github.com/kylelemons/godebug v1.1.0
github.com/kyokomi/emoji/v2 v2.2.12
github.com/magefile/mage v1.15.0
+ github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/dither/v2 v2.4.0
github.com/marekm4/color-extractor v1.2.1
github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.20
github.com/mitchellh/hashstructure v1.1.0
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 18d51c61b..914f63efc 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -347,6 +347,8 @@ github.com/magefile/mage v1.15.0 h1:BvGheCMAsG3bWUDbZ8AyXXpCNwU9u5CB6sM+HNb9HYg=
github.com/magefile/mage v1.15.0/go.mod h1:z5UZb/iS3GoOSn0JgWuiw7dxlurVYTu+/jHXqQg881A=
github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7 h1:UGYAvKxe3sBsEDzO8ZeWOSlIQfWFlxbzLZe7hwFURr0=
github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.7.7/go.mod h1:xzfreul335JAWq5oZzymOObrkdz5UnU4kGfJJLY9Nlc=
+github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/dither/v2 v2.4.0 h1:Az/dYXiTcwcRSe59Hzw4RI1rSnAZns+1msaCXetrMFE=
+github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/dither/v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:VBtN8DXO7SNtyGmLiGA7IsFeKrBkQPze1/iAeM95arc=
github.com/marekm4/color-extractor v1.2.1 h1:3Zb2tQsn6bITZ8MBVhc33Qn1k5/SEuZ18mrXGUqIwn0=
github.com/marekm4/color-extractor v1.2.1/go.mod h1:90VjmiHI6M8ez9eYUaXLdcKnS+BAOp7w+NpwBdkJmpA=
github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.13 h1:fFA4WZxdEF4tXPZVKMLwD8oUnCTTo08duU7wxecdEvA=
diff --git a/resources/images/dither.go b/resources/images/dither.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19d7e088d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/images/dither.go
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package images
+import (
+ "image"
+ "image/draw"
+ "github.com/disintegration/gift"
+ "github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/dither/v2"
+var _ gift.Filter = (*ditherFilter)(nil)
+type ditherFilter struct {
+ ditherer *dither.Ditherer
+var ditherMethodsErrorDiffusion = map[string]dither.ErrorDiffusionMatrix{
+ "atkinson": dither.Atkinson,
+ "burkes": dither.Burkes,
+ "falsefloydsteinberg": dither.FalseFloydSteinberg,
+ "floydsteinberg": dither.FloydSteinberg,
+ "jarvisjudiceninke": dither.JarvisJudiceNinke,
+ "sierra": dither.Sierra,
+ "sierra2": dither.Sierra2,
+ "sierra2_4a": dither.Sierra2_4A,
+ "sierra3": dither.Sierra3,
+ "sierralite": dither.SierraLite,
+ "simple2d": dither.Simple2D,
+ "stevenpigeon": dither.StevenPigeon,
+ "stucki": dither.Stucki,
+ "tworowsierra": dither.TwoRowSierra,
+var ditherMethodsOrdered = map[string]dither.OrderedDitherMatrix{
+ "clustereddot4x4": dither.ClusteredDot4x4,
+ "clustereddot6x6": dither.ClusteredDot6x6,
+ "clustereddot6x6_2": dither.ClusteredDot6x6_2,
+ "clustereddot6x6_3": dither.ClusteredDot6x6_3,
+ "clustereddot8x8": dither.ClusteredDot8x8,
+ "clustereddotdiagonal16x16": dither.ClusteredDotDiagonal16x16,
+ "clustereddotdiagonal6x6": dither.ClusteredDotDiagonal6x6,
+ "clustereddotdiagonal8x8": dither.ClusteredDotDiagonal8x8,
+ "clustereddotdiagonal8x8_2": dither.ClusteredDotDiagonal8x8_2,
+ "clustereddotdiagonal8x8_3": dither.ClusteredDotDiagonal8x8_3,
+ "clustereddothorizontalline": dither.ClusteredDotHorizontalLine,
+ "clustereddotspiral5x5": dither.ClusteredDotSpiral5x5,
+ "clustereddotverticalline": dither.ClusteredDotVerticalLine,
+ "horizontal3x5": dither.Horizontal3x5,
+ "vertical5x3": dither.Vertical5x3,
+func (f ditherFilter) Draw(dst draw.Image, src image.Image, options *gift.Options) {
+ gift.New().Draw(dst, f.ditherer.Dither(src))
+func (f ditherFilter) Bounds(srcBounds image.Rectangle) image.Rectangle {
+ return image.Rect(0, 0, srcBounds.Dx(), srcBounds.Dy())
diff --git a/resources/images/filters.go b/resources/images/filters.go
index 572a10d71..53818c97d 100644
--- a/resources/images/filters.go
+++ b/resources/images/filters.go
@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@ package images
import (
+ "strings"
+ "github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/dither/v2"
+ "github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure"
@@ -174,6 +177,56 @@ func (*Filters) Padding(args ...any) gift.Filter {
+// Dither creates a filter that dithers an image.
+func (*Filters) Dither(options ...any) gift.Filter {
+ ditherOptions := struct {
+ Colors []string
+ Method string
+ Serpentine bool
+ Strength float32
+ }{
+ Colors: []string{"000000ff", "ffffffff"},
+ Method: "floydsteinberg",
+ Serpentine: true,
+ Strength: 1.0,
+ }
+ if len(options) != 0 {
+ err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(options[0], &ditherOptions)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to decode options: %s", err))
+ }
+ }
+ if len(ditherOptions.Colors) < 2 {
+ panic("palette must have at least two colors")
+ }
+ var palette []color.Color
+ for _, c := range ditherOptions.Colors {
+ cc, err := hexStringToColor(c)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q is an invalid color: specify RGB or RGBA using hexadecimal notation", c))
+ }
+ palette = append(palette, cc)
+ }
+ d := dither.NewDitherer(palette)
+ if method, ok := ditherMethodsErrorDiffusion[strings.ToLower(ditherOptions.Method)]; ok {
+ d.Matrix = dither.ErrorDiffusionStrength(method, ditherOptions.Strength)
+ d.Serpentine = ditherOptions.Serpentine
+ } else if method, ok := ditherMethodsOrdered[strings.ToLower(ditherOptions.Method)]; ok {
+ d.Mapper = dither.PixelMapperFromMatrix(method, ditherOptions.Strength)
+ } else {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("%q is an invalid dithering method: see documentation", ditherOptions.Method))
+ }
+ return filter{
+ Options: newFilterOpts(ditherOptions),
+ Filter: ditherFilter{ditherer: d},
+ }
// AutoOrient creates a filter that rotates and flips an image as needed per
// its EXIF orientation tag.
func (*Filters) AutoOrient() gift.Filter {