path: root/hugolib/content_map_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hugolib/content_map_test.go')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/hugolib/content_map_test.go b/hugolib/content_map_test.go
index 883587a01..a41b2aae9 100644
--- a/hugolib/content_map_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/content_map_test.go
@@ -16,295 +16,11 @@ package hugolib
import (
- "strings"
- "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/paths"
- "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/htesting/hqt"
- "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugofs/files"
- "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugofs"
- "github.com/spf13/afero"
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
-func BenchmarkContentMap(b *testing.B) {
- writeFile := func(c *qt.C, fs afero.Fs, filename, content string) hugofs.FileMetaInfo {
- c.Helper()
- filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
- c.Assert(fs.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0777), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(fs, filename, []byte(content), 0777), qt.IsNil)
- fi, err := fs.Stat(filename)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
- mfi := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo)
- return mfi
- }
- createFs := func(fs afero.Fs, lang string) afero.Fs {
- return hugofs.NewBaseFileDecorator(fs,
- func(fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo) {
- meta := fi.Meta()
- // We have a more elaborate filesystem setup in the
- // real flow, so simulate this here.
- meta.Lang = lang
- meta.Path = meta.Filename
- meta.Classifier = files.ClassifyContentFile(fi.Name(), meta.OpenFunc)
- })
- }
- b.Run("CreateMissingNodes", func(b *testing.B) {
- c := qt.New(b)
- b.StopTimer()
- mps := make([]*contentMap, b.N)
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- m := newContentMap(contentMapConfig{lang: "en"})
- mps[i] = m
- memfs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
- fs := createFs(memfs, "en")
- for i := 1; i <= 20; i++ {
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(writeFile(c, fs, fmt.Sprintf("sect%d/a/index.md", i), "page")), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(writeFile(c, fs, fmt.Sprintf("sect2%d/%sindex.md", i, strings.Repeat("b/", i)), "page")), qt.IsNil)
- }
- }
- b.StartTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- m := mps[i]
- c.Assert(m.CreateMissingNodes(), qt.IsNil)
- b.StopTimer()
- m.pages.DeletePrefix("/")
- m.sections.DeletePrefix("/")
- b.StartTimer()
- }
- })
-func TestContentMap(t *testing.T) {
- c := qt.New(t)
- writeFile := func(c *qt.C, fs afero.Fs, filename, content string) hugofs.FileMetaInfo {
- c.Helper()
- filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
- c.Assert(fs.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0777), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(fs, filename, []byte(content), 0777), qt.IsNil)
- fi, err := fs.Stat(filename)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
- mfi := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo)
- return mfi
- }
- createFs := func(fs afero.Fs, lang string) afero.Fs {
- return hugofs.NewBaseFileDecorator(fs,
- func(fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo) {
- meta := fi.Meta()
- // We have a more elaborate filesystem setup in the
- // real flow, so simulate this here.
- meta.Lang = lang
- meta.Path = meta.Filename
- meta.TranslationBaseName = paths.Filename(fi.Name())
- meta.Classifier = files.ClassifyContentFile(fi.Name(), meta.OpenFunc)
- })
- }
- c.Run("AddFiles", func(c *qt.C) {
- memfs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
- fsl := func(lang string) afero.Fs {
- return createFs(memfs, lang)
- }
- fs := fsl("en")
- header := writeFile(c, fs, "blog/a/index.md", "page")
- c.Assert(header.Meta().Lang, qt.Equals, "en")
- resources := []hugofs.FileMetaInfo{
- writeFile(c, fs, "blog/a/b/data.json", "data"),
- writeFile(c, fs, "blog/a/logo.png", "image"),
- }
- m := newContentMap(contentMapConfig{lang: "en"})
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(header, resources...), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(writeFile(c, fs, "blog/b/c/index.md", "page")), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(
- writeFile(c, fs, "blog/_index.md", "section page"),
- writeFile(c, fs, "blog/sectiondata.json", "section resource"),
- ), qt.IsNil)
- got := m.testDump()
- expect := `
- Tree 0:
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_
- /blog/__hb_b/c__hl_
- Tree 1:
- /blog/
- Tree 2:
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_b/data.json
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_logo.png
- /blog/__hl_sectiondata.json
- en/pages/blog/__hb_a__hl_|f:blog/a/index.md
- - R: blog/a/b/data.json
- - R: blog/a/logo.png
- en/pages/blog/__hb_b/c__hl_|f:blog/b/c/index.md
- en/sections/blog/|f:blog/_index.md
- - P: blog/a/index.md
- - P: blog/b/c/index.md
- - R: blog/sectiondata.json
- c.Assert(got, hqt.IsSameString, expect, qt.Commentf(got))
- // Add a data file to the section bundle
- c.Assert(m.AddFiles(
- writeFile(c, fs, "blog/sectiondata2.json", "section resource"),
- ), qt.IsNil)
- // And then one to the leaf bundles
- c.Assert(m.AddFiles(
- writeFile(c, fs, "blog/a/b/data2.json", "data2"),
- ), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.AddFiles(
- writeFile(c, fs, "blog/b/c/d/data3.json", "data3"),
- ), qt.IsNil)
- got = m.testDump()
- expect = `
- Tree 0:
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_
- /blog/__hb_b/c__hl_
- Tree 1:
- /blog/
- Tree 2:
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_b/data.json
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_b/data2.json
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_logo.png
- /blog/__hb_b/c__hl_d/data3.json
- /blog/__hl_sectiondata.json
- /blog/__hl_sectiondata2.json
- en/pages/blog/__hb_a__hl_|f:blog/a/index.md
- - R: blog/a/b/data.json
- - R: blog/a/b/data2.json
- - R: blog/a/logo.png
- en/pages/blog/__hb_b/c__hl_|f:blog/b/c/index.md
- - R: blog/b/c/d/data3.json
- en/sections/blog/|f:blog/_index.md
- - P: blog/a/index.md
- - P: blog/b/c/index.md
- - R: blog/sectiondata.json
- - R: blog/sectiondata2.json
- c.Assert(got, hqt.IsSameString, expect, qt.Commentf(got))
- // Add a regular page (i.e. not a bundle)
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(writeFile(c, fs, "blog/b.md", "page")), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.testDump(), hqt.IsSameString, `
- Tree 0:
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_
- /blog/__hb_b/c__hl_
- /blog/__hb_b__hl_
- Tree 1:
- /blog/
- Tree 2:
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_b/data.json
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_b/data2.json
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_logo.png
- /blog/__hb_b/c__hl_d/data3.json
- /blog/__hl_sectiondata.json
- /blog/__hl_sectiondata2.json
- en/pages/blog/__hb_a__hl_|f:blog/a/index.md
- - R: blog/a/b/data.json
- - R: blog/a/b/data2.json
- - R: blog/a/logo.png
- en/pages/blog/__hb_b/c__hl_|f:blog/b/c/index.md
- - R: blog/b/c/d/data3.json
- en/pages/blog/__hb_b__hl_|f:blog/b.md
- en/sections/blog/|f:blog/_index.md
- - P: blog/a/index.md
- - P: blog/b/c/index.md
- - P: blog/b.md
- - R: blog/sectiondata.json
- - R: blog/sectiondata2.json
- `, qt.Commentf(m.testDump()))
- })
- c.Run("CreateMissingNodes", func(c *qt.C) {
- memfs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
- fsl := func(lang string) afero.Fs {
- return createFs(memfs, lang)
- }
- fs := fsl("en")
- m := newContentMap(contentMapConfig{lang: "en"})
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(writeFile(c, fs, "blog/page.md", "page")), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(writeFile(c, fs, "blog/a/index.md", "page")), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.AddFilesBundle(writeFile(c, fs, "bundle/index.md", "page")), qt.IsNil)
- c.Assert(m.CreateMissingNodes(), qt.IsNil)
- got := m.testDump()
- c.Assert(got, hqt.IsSameString, `
- Tree 0:
- /__hb_bundle__hl_
- /blog/__hb_a__hl_
- /blog/__hb_page__hl_
- Tree 1:
- /
- /blog/
- Tree 2:
- en/pages/__hb_bundle__hl_|f:bundle/index.md
- en/pages/blog/__hb_a__hl_|f:blog/a/index.md
- en/pages/blog/__hb_page__hl_|f:blog/page.md
- en/sections/
- - P: bundle/index.md
- en/sections/blog/
- - P: blog/a/index.md
- - P: blog/page.md
- `, qt.Commentf(got))
- })
- c.Run("cleanKey", func(c *qt.C) {
- for _, test := range []struct {
- in string
- expected string
- }{
- {"/a/b/", "/a/b"},
- {filepath.FromSlash("/a/b/"), "/a/b"},
- {"/a//b/", "/a/b"},
- } {
- c.Assert(cleanTreeKey(test.in), qt.Equals, test.expected)
- }
- })
func TestContentMapSite(t *testing.T) {
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
@@ -313,13 +29,17 @@ func TestContentMapSite(t *testing.T) {
title: "Page %d"
date: "2019-06-0%d"
lastMod: "2019-06-0%d"
-categories: ["funny"]
+categories: [%q]
Page content.
createPage := func(i int) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(pageTempl, i, i, i+1)
+ return fmt.Sprintf(pageTempl, i, i, i+1, "funny")
+ }
+ createPageInCategory := func(i int, category string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(pageTempl, i, i, i+1, category)
draftTemplate := `---
@@ -358,12 +78,12 @@ Home Content.
b.WithContent("blog/draftsection/sub/_index.md", createPage(12))
b.WithContent("blog/draftsection/sub/page.md", createPage(13))
b.WithContent("docs/page6.md", createPage(11))
- b.WithContent("tags/_index.md", createPage(32))
- b.WithContent("overlap/_index.md", createPage(33))
+ b.WithContent("tags/_index.md", createPageInCategory(32, "sad"))
+ b.WithContent("overlap/_index.md", createPageInCategory(33, "sad"))
b.WithContent("overlap2/_index.md", createPage(34))
b.WithTemplatesAdded("layouts/index.html", `
-Num Regular: {{ len .Site.RegularPages }}
+Num Regular: {{ len .Site.RegularPages }}|{{ range .Site.RegularPages }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}$
Main Sections: {{ .Site.Params.mainSections }}
Pag Num Pages: {{ len .Paginator.Pages }}
{{ $home := .Site.Home }}
@@ -394,13 +114,13 @@ InSection: true: {{ $page.InSection $blog }} false: {{ $page.InSection $blogSub
Next: {{ $page2.Next.RelPermalink }}
NextInSection: {{ $page2.NextInSection.RelPermalink }}
Pages: {{ range $blog.Pages }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}
-Sections: {{ range $home.Sections }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}
-Categories: {{ range .Site.Taxonomies.categories }}{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}; {{ .Page.Title }}; {{ .Count }}|{{ end }}
-Category Terms: {{ $categories.Kind}}: {{ range $categories.Data.Terms.Alphabetical }}{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}; {{ .Page.Title }}; {{ .Count }}|{{ end }}
-Category Funny: {{ $funny.Kind}}; {{ $funny.Data.Term }}: {{ range $funny.Pages }}{{ .RelPermalink }};|{{ end }}
+Sections: {{ range $home.Sections }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}:END
+Categories: {{ range .Site.Taxonomies.categories }}{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}; {{ .Page.Title }}; {{ .Count }}|{{ end }}:END
+Category Terms: {{ $categories.Kind}}: {{ range $categories.Data.Terms.Alphabetical }}{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}; {{ .Page.Title }}; {{ .Count }}|{{ end }}:END
+Category Funny: {{ $funny.Kind}}; {{ $funny.Data.Term }}: {{ range $funny.Pages }}{{ .RelPermalink }};|{{ end }}:END
Pag Num Pages: {{ len .Paginator.Pages }}
Pag Blog Num Pages: {{ len $blog.Paginator.Pages }}
-Blog Num RegularPages: {{ len $blog.RegularPages }}
+Blog Num RegularPages: {{ len $blog.RegularPages }}|{{ range $blog.RegularPages }}P: {{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}
Blog Num Pages: {{ len $blog.Pages }}
Draft1: {{ if (.Site.GetPage "blog/subsection/draft") }}FOUND{{ end }}|
@@ -409,7 +129,7 @@ Draft3: {{ if (.Site.GetPage "blog/draftsection/page") }}FOUND{{ end }}|
Draft4: {{ if (.Site.GetPage "blog/draftsection/sub") }}FOUND{{ end }}|
Draft5: {{ if (.Site.GetPage "blog/draftsection/sub/page") }}FOUND{{ end }}|
-{{ define "print-page" }}{{ .Title }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}|Current Section: {{ .CurrentSection.SectionsPath }}|Resources: {{ range .Resources }}{{ .ResourceType }}: {{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}{{ end }}
+{{ define "print-page" }}{{ .Title }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}|Current Section: {{ with .CurrentSection }}{{ .Path }}{{ else }}NIL{{ end }}|Resources: {{ range .Resources }}{{ .ResourceType }}: {{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}{{ end }}
@@ -417,15 +137,15 @@ Draft5: {{ if (.Site.GetPage "blog/draftsection/sub/page") }}FOUND{{ end }}|
- Num Regular: 7
+ Num Regular: 9
Main Sections: [blog]
- Pag Num Pages: 7
+ Pag Num Pages: 9
- Home: Hugo Home|/|2019-06-08|Current Section: |Resources:
- Blog Section: Blogs|/blog/|2019-06-08|Current Section: blog|Resources:
- Blog Sub Section: Page 3|/blog/subsection/|2019-06-03|Current Section: blog/subsection|Resources: application: /blog/subsection/subdata.json|
- Page: Page 1|/blog/page1/|2019-06-01|Current Section: blog|Resources:
- Bundle: Page 12|/blog/bundle/|0001-01-01|Current Section: blog|Resources: application: /blog/bundle/data.json|page: |
+ Home: Hugo Home|/|2019-06-08|Current Section: /|Resources:
+ Blog Section: Blogs|/blog/|2019-06-08|Current Section: /blog|Resources:
+ Blog Sub Section: Page 3|/blog/subsection/|2019-06-03|Current Section: /blog/subsection|Resources: application: /blog/subsection/subdata.json|
+ Page: Page 1|/blog/page1/|2019-06-01|Current Section: /blog|Resources:
+ Bundle: Page 12|/blog/bundle/|0001-01-01|Current Section: /blog|Resources: application: /blog/bundle/data.json|page: |
IsDescendant: true: true true: true true: true true: true true: true false: false false: false
IsAncestor: true: true true: true true: true true: true true: true true: true false: false false: false false: false false: false
IsDescendant overlap1: false: false
@@ -437,20 +157,126 @@ Draft5: {{ if (.Site.GetPage "blog/draftsection/sub/page") }}FOUND{{ end }}|
Next: /blog/page3/
NextInSection: /blog/page3/
Pages: /blog/page3/|/blog/subsection/|/blog/page2/|/blog/page1/|/blog/bundle/|
- Sections: /blog/|/docs/|
- Categories: /categories/funny/; funny; 11|
- Category Terms: taxonomy: /categories/funny/; funny; 11|
- Category Funny: term; funny: /blog/subsection/page4/;|/blog/page3/;|/blog/subsection/;|/blog/page2/;|/blog/page1/;|/blog/subsection/page5/;|/docs/page6/;|/blog/bundle/;|;|
- Pag Num Pages: 7
+ Sections: /blog/|/docs/|/overlap/|/overlap2/|:END
+ Categories: /categories/funny/; Funny; 12|/categories/sad/; Sad; 2|:END
+ Category Terms: taxonomy: /categories/funny/; Funny; 12|/categories/sad/; Sad; 2|:END
+ Category Funny: term; Funny: /blog/subsection/page4/;|/blog/page3/;|/blog/subsection/;|/blog/page2/;|/blog/page1/;|/blog/subsection/page5/;|/docs/page6/;|/blog/bundle/;|/blog/draftsection/page/;|/blog/draftsection/sub/;|/blog/draftsection/sub/page/;|/overlap2/;|:END
+ Pag Num Pages: 9
Pag Blog Num Pages: 4
Blog Num RegularPages: 4
Blog Num Pages: 5
Draft1: |
- Draft2: |
- Draft3: |
- Draft4: |
- Draft5: |
+ Draft2: FOUND|
+ Draft3: FOUND|
+ Draft4: FOUND|
+ Draft5: FOUND|
+func TestIntegrationTestTemplate(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ c := qt.New(t)
+ files := `
+-- config.toml --
+title = "Integration Test"
+disableKinds=["page", "section", "taxonomy", "term", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "RSS"]
+-- layouts/index.html --
+Home: {{ .Title }}|
+ `
+ b := NewIntegrationTestBuilder(
+ IntegrationTestConfig{
+ T: c,
+ TxtarString: files,
+ }).Build()
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Home: Integration Test|")
+// Issue #11840
+func TestBundleResourceLanguageBestMatch(t *testing.T) {
+ files := `
+-- hugo.toml --
+defaultContentLanguage = "fr"
+defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
+weight = 1
+weight = 2
+weight = 3
+-- layouts/index.html --
+{{ $bundle := site.GetPage "bundle" }}
+{{ $r := $bundle.Resources.GetMatch "*.txt" }}
+{{ .Language.Lang }}: {{ $r.RelPermalink }}|{{ $r.Content }}
+-- content/bundle/index.fr.md --
+title: "Bundle Fr"
+-- content/bundle/index.en.md --
+title: "Bundle En"
+-- content/bundle/index.de.md --
+title: "Bundle De"
+-- content/bundle/data.fr.txt --
+Data fr
+-- content/bundle/data.en.txt --
+Data en
+ b := Test(t, files)
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/fr/index.html", "fr: /fr/bundle/data.fr.txt|Data fr")
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/en/index.html", "en: /en/bundle/data.en.txt|Data en")
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/de/index.html", "de: /fr/bundle/data.fr.txt|Data fr")
+func TestBundleMultipleContentPageWithSamePath(t *testing.T) {
+ files := `
+-- hugo.toml --
+-- content/bundle/index.md --
+title: "Bundle md"
+foo: md
+-- content/bundle/index.html --
+title: "Bundle html"
+foo: html
+-- content/bundle/data.txt --
+-- content/p1.md --
+title: "P1 md"
+foo: md
+-- content/p1.html --
+title: "P1 html"
+foo: html
+-- layouts/index.html --
+{{ $bundle := site.GetPage "bundle" }}
+Bundle: {{ $bundle.Title }}|{{ $bundle.Params.foo }}|{{ $bundle.File.Filename }}|
+{{ $p1 := site.GetPage "p1" }}
+P1: {{ $p1.Title }}|{{ $p1.Params.foo }}|{{ $p1.File.Filename }}|
+ b := Test(t, files)
+ // There's multiple content files sharing the same logical path and language.
+ // This is a little arbitrary, but we have to pick one and prefer the Markdown version.
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html",
+ filepath.FromSlash("Bundle: Bundle md|md|/content/bundle/index.md|"),
+ filepath.FromSlash("P1: P1 md|md|/content/p1.md|"),
+ )