path: root/hugolib/site_sections_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hugolib/site_sections_test.go')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/hugolib/site_sections_test.go b/hugolib/site_sections_test.go
index f5cb41d28..4d4ff965b 100644
--- a/hugolib/site_sections_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/site_sections_test.go
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
+ "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/htesting"
@@ -31,8 +32,10 @@ func TestNestedSections(t *testing.T) {
cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
+ tt := htesting.NewPinnedRunner(c, "")
cfg.Set("permalinks", map[string]string{
- "perm a": ":sections/:title",
+ "perm-a": ":sections/:title",
pageTemplate := `---
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
{"elsewhere", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
c.Assert(len(p.Pages()), qt.Equals, 1)
for _, p := range p.Pages() {
- c.Assert(p.SectionsPath(), qt.Equals, "elsewhere")
+ c.Assert(p.SectionsPath(), qt.Equals, "/elsewhere")
{"post", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
@@ -179,8 +182,7 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
c.Assert(home.IsHome(), qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(len(p.Sections()), qt.Equals, 0)
c.Assert(home.CurrentSection(), qt.Equals, home)
- active, err := home.InSection(home)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ active := home.InSection(home)
c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(p.FirstSection(), qt.Equals, p)
c.Assert(len(p.Ancestors()), qt.Equals, 1)
@@ -208,29 +210,22 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
c.Assert(child.CurrentSection(), qt.Equals, p)
- active, err := child.InSection(p)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ active := child.InSection(p)
c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, true)
- active, err = p.InSection(child)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ active = p.InSection(child)
c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, true)
- active, err = p.InSection(getPage(p, "/"))
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ active = p.InSection(getPage(p, "/"))
c.Assert(active, qt.Equals, false)
- isAncestor, err := p.IsAncestor(child)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isAncestor := p.IsAncestor(child)
c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, true)
- isAncestor, err = child.IsAncestor(p)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isAncestor = child.IsAncestor(p)
c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
- isDescendant, err := p.IsDescendant(child)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isDescendant := p.IsDescendant(child)
c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
- isDescendant, err = child.IsDescendant(p)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isDescendant = child.IsDescendant(p)
c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, true)
@@ -254,32 +249,26 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
c.Assert(len(p.Ancestors()), qt.Equals, 3)
l1 := getPage(p, "/l1")
- isDescendant, err := l1.IsDescendant(p)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isDescendant := l1.IsDescendant(p)
c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
- isDescendant, err = l1.IsDescendant(nil)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isDescendant = l1.IsDescendant(nil)
c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
- isDescendant, err = nilp.IsDescendant(p)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isDescendant = nilp.IsDescendant(p)
c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, false)
- isDescendant, err = p.IsDescendant(l1)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isDescendant = p.IsDescendant(l1)
c.Assert(isDescendant, qt.Equals, true)
- isAncestor, err := l1.IsAncestor(p)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isAncestor := l1.IsAncestor(p)
c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, true)
- isAncestor, err = p.IsAncestor(l1)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isAncestor = p.IsAncestor(l1)
c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
c.Assert(p.FirstSection(), qt.Equals, l1)
- isAncestor, err = p.IsAncestor(nil)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
+ isAncestor = p.IsAncestor(nil)
c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
- isAncestor, err = nilp.IsAncestor(l1)
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(isAncestor, qt.Equals, false)
+ l3 := getPage(p, "/l1/l2/l3")
+ c.Assert(l3.FirstSection(), qt.Equals, l1)
{"perm a,link", func(c *qt.C, p page.Page) {
c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, "T9_-1")
@@ -294,15 +283,14 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
- home := s.getPage(kinds.KindHome)
+ home := s.getPageOldVersion(kinds.KindHome)
for _, test := range tests {
test := test
- t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("sections %s", test.sections), func(t *testing.T) {
- t.Parallel()
- c := qt.New(t)
+ tt.Run(fmt.Sprintf("sections %s", test.sections), func(c *qt.C) {
+ c.Parallel()
sections := strings.Split(test.sections, ",")
- p := s.getPage(kinds.KindSection, sections...)
+ p := s.getPageOldVersion(kinds.KindSection, sections...)
c.Assert(p, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), qt.Commentf(fmt.Sprint(sections)))
if p.Pages() != nil {
@@ -319,19 +307,14 @@ PAG|{{ .Title }}|{{ $sect.InSection . }}
c.Assert(len(home.Sections()), qt.Equals, 9)
c.Assert(s.Sections(), deepEqualsPages, home.Sections())
- rootPage := s.getPage(kinds.KindPage, "mypage.md")
+ rootPage := s.getPageOldVersion(kinds.KindPage, "mypage.md")
c.Assert(rootPage, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(rootPage.Parent().IsHome(), qt.Equals, true)
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/6365
c.Assert(rootPage.Sections(), qt.HasLen, 0)
- // Add a odd test for this as this looks a little bit off, but I'm not in the mood
- // to think too hard a out this right now. It works, but people will have to spell
- // out the directory name as is.
- // If we later decide to do something about this, we will have to do some normalization in
- // getPage.
- // TODO(bep)
- sectionWithSpace := s.getPage(kinds.KindSection, "Spaces in Section")
+ sectionWithSpace := s.getPageOldVersion(kinds.KindSection, "Spaces in Section")
+ // s.h.pageTrees.debugPrint()
c.Assert(sectionWithSpace, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(sectionWithSpace.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/spaces-in-section/")
@@ -381,3 +364,37 @@ Next: {{ with .NextInSection }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ end }}|
"Prev: |", "Next: /blog/cool/cool1/|")
+func TestSectionEntries(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ files := `
+-- hugo.toml --
+baseURL = "https://example.com/"
+-- content/myfirstsection/p1.md --
+title: "P1"
+-- content/a/b/c/_index.md --
+title: "C"
+-- content/a/b/c/mybundle/index.md --
+title: "My Bundle"
+-- layouts/_default/list.html --
+Kind: {{ .Kind }}|RelPermalink: {{ .RelPermalink }}|SectionsPath: {{ .SectionsPath }}|SectionsEntries: {{ .SectionsEntries }}|Len: {{ len .SectionsEntries }}|
+-- layouts/_default/single.html --
+Kind: {{ .Kind }}|RelPermalink: {{ .RelPermalink }}|SectionsPath: {{ .SectionsPath }}|SectionsEntries: {{ .SectionsEntries }}|Len: {{ len .SectionsEntries }}|
+ b := Test(t, files)
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/myfirstsection/p1/index.html", "RelPermalink: /myfirstsection/p1/|SectionsPath: /myfirstsection|SectionsEntries: [myfirstsection]|Len: 1")
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/a/b/c/index.html", "RelPermalink: /a/b/c/|SectionsPath: /a/b/c|SectionsEntries: [a b c]|Len: 3")
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/a/b/c/mybundle/index.html", "Kind: page|RelPermalink: /a/b/c/mybundle/|SectionsPath: /a/b/c|SectionsEntries: [a b c]|Len: 3")
+ b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Kind: home|RelPermalink: /|SectionsPath: /|SectionsEntries: []|Len: 0")