path: root/tpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tpl')
4 files changed, 246 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/tpl/collections/collections.go b/tpl/collections/collections.go
index a7e36f689..c1e7286ce 100644
--- a/tpl/collections/collections.go
+++ b/tpl/collections/collections.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
- "net/url"
@@ -383,47 +382,6 @@ func (ns *Namespace) Last(limit any, l any) (any, error) {
return seqv.Slice(seqv.Len()-limitv, seqv.Len()).Interface(), nil
-// Querify encodes the given params in URL-encoded form ("bar=baz&foo=quux") sorted by key.
-func (ns *Namespace) Querify(params ...any) (string, error) {
- qs := url.Values{}
- if len(params) == 1 {
- switch v := params[0].(type) {
- case []string:
- if len(v)%2 != 0 {
- return "", errors.New("invalid query")
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(v); i += 2 {
- qs.Add(v[i], v[i+1])
- }
- return qs.Encode(), nil
- case []any:
- params = v
- default:
- return "", errors.New("query keys must be strings")
- }
- }
- if len(params)%2 != 0 {
- return "", errors.New("invalid query")
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(params); i += 2 {
- switch v := params[i].(type) {
- case string:
- qs.Add(v, fmt.Sprintf("%v", params[i+1]))
- default:
- return "", errors.New("query keys must be strings")
- }
- }
- return qs.Encode(), nil
// Reverse creates a copy of the list l and reverses it.
func (ns *Namespace) Reverse(l any) (any, error) {
if l == nil {
diff --git a/tpl/collections/collections_test.go b/tpl/collections/collections_test.go
index 0f4bf82f5..2cd6bfc3f 100644
--- a/tpl/collections/collections_test.go
+++ b/tpl/collections/collections_test.go
@@ -512,68 +512,6 @@ func TestLast(t *testing.T) {
-func TestQuerify(t *testing.T) {
- t.Parallel()
- c := qt.New(t)
- ns := newNs()
- for i, test := range []struct {
- params []any
- expect any
- }{
- {[]any{"a", "b"}, "a=b"},
- {[]any{"a", "b", "c", "d", "f", " &"}, `a=b&c=d&f=+%26`},
- {[]any{[]string{"a", "b"}}, "a=b"},
- {[]any{[]string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "f", " &"}}, `a=b&c=d&f=+%26`},
- {[]any{[]any{"x", "y"}}, `x=y`},
- {[]any{[]any{"x", 5}}, `x=5`},
- // errors
- {[]any{5, "b"}, false},
- {[]any{"a", "b", "c"}, false},
- {[]any{[]string{"a", "b", "c"}}, false},
- {[]any{[]string{"a", "b"}, "c"}, false},
- {[]any{[]any{"c", "d", "e"}}, false},
- } {
- errMsg := qt.Commentf("[%d] %v", i, test.params)
- result, err := ns.Querify(test.params...)
- if b, ok := test.expect.(bool); ok && !b {
- c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), errMsg)
- continue
- }
- c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil, errMsg)
- c.Assert(result, qt.Equals, test.expect, errMsg)
- }
-func BenchmarkQuerify(b *testing.B) {
- ns := newNs()
- params := []any{"a", "b", "c", "d", "f", " &"}
- b.ResetTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- _, err := ns.Querify(params...)
- if err != nil {
- b.Fatal(err)
- }
- }
-func BenchmarkQuerifySlice(b *testing.B) {
- ns := newNs()
- params := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "f", " &"}
- b.ResetTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- _, err := ns.Querify(params)
- if err != nil {
- b.Fatal(err)
- }
- }
func TestSeq(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
diff --git a/tpl/collections/querify.go b/tpl/collections/querify.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19e6d8afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/collections/querify.go
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package collections
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "net/url"
+ "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/maps"
+ "github.com/spf13/cast"
+var (
+ errWrongArgStructure = errors.New("expected a map, a slice with an even number of elements, or an even number of scalar values, and each key must be a string")
+ errKeyIsEmptyString = errors.New("one of the keys is an empty string")
+// Querify returns a URL query string composed of the given key-value pairs,
+// encoded and sorted by key.
+func (ns *Namespace) Querify(params ...any) (string, error) {
+ if len(params) == 0 {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ if len(params) == 1 {
+ switch v := params[0].(type) {
+ case map[string]any: // created with collections.Dictionary
+ return mapToQueryString(v)
+ case maps.Params: // site configuration or page parameters
+ return mapToQueryString(v)
+ case []string:
+ return stringSliceToQueryString(v)
+ case []any:
+ s, err := interfaceSliceToStringSlice(v)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return stringSliceToQueryString(s)
+ default:
+ return "", errWrongArgStructure
+ }
+ }
+ if len(params)%2 != 0 {
+ return "", errWrongArgStructure
+ }
+ s, err := interfaceSliceToStringSlice(params)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ return stringSliceToQueryString(s)
+// mapToQueryString returns a URL query string derived from the given string
+// map, encoded and sorted by key. The function returns an error if it cannot
+// convert an element value to a string.
+func mapToQueryString[T map[string]any | maps.Params](m T) (string, error) {
+ if len(m) == 0 {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ qs := url.Values{}
+ for k, v := range m {
+ if len(k) == 0 {
+ return "", errKeyIsEmptyString
+ }
+ vs, err := cast.ToStringE(v)
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ qs.Add(k, vs)
+ }
+ return qs.Encode(), nil
+// sliceToQueryString returns a URL query string derived from the given slice
+// of strings, encoded and sorted by key. The function returns an error if
+// there are an odd number of elements.
+func stringSliceToQueryString(s []string) (string, error) {
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ return "", nil
+ }
+ if len(s)%2 != 0 {
+ return "", errWrongArgStructure
+ }
+ qs := url.Values{}
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i += 2 {
+ if len(s[i]) == 0 {
+ return "", errKeyIsEmptyString
+ }
+ qs.Add(s[i], s[i+1])
+ }
+ return qs.Encode(), nil
+// interfaceSliceToStringSlice converts a slice of interfaces to a slice of
+// strings, returning an error if it cannot convert an element to a string.
+func interfaceSliceToStringSlice(s []any) ([]string, error) {
+ if len(s) == 0 {
+ return []string{}, nil
+ }
+ ss := make([]string, 0, len(s))
+ for _, v := range s {
+ vs, err := cast.ToStringE(v)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []string{}, err
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, vs)
+ }
+ return ss, nil
diff --git a/tpl/collections/querify_test.go b/tpl/collections/querify_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17556e4cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tpl/collections/querify_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package collections
+import (
+ "testing"
+ qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
+ "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/maps"
+func TestQuerify(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ c := qt.New(t)
+ ns := newNs()
+ for _, test := range []struct {
+ name string
+ params []any
+ expect any
+ }{
+ // map
+ {"01", []any{maps.Params{"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}}, `a=foo&b=bar`},
+ {"02", []any{maps.Params{"a": 6, "b": 7}}, `a=6&b=7`},
+ {"03", []any{maps.Params{"a": "foo", "b": 7}}, `a=foo&b=7`},
+ {"04", []any{map[string]any{"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}}, `a=foo&b=bar`},
+ {"05", []any{map[string]any{"a": 6, "b": 7}}, `a=6&b=7`},
+ {"06", []any{map[string]any{"a": "foo", "b": 7}}, `a=foo&b=7`},
+ // slice
+ {"07", []any{[]string{"a", "foo", "b", "bar"}}, `a=foo&b=bar`},
+ {"08", []any{[]any{"a", 6, "b", 7}}, `a=6&b=7`},
+ {"09", []any{[]any{"a", "foo", "b", 7}}, `a=foo&b=7`},
+ // sequence of scalar values
+ {"10", []any{"a", "foo", "b", "bar"}, `a=foo&b=bar`},
+ {"11", []any{"a", 6, "b", 7}, `a=6&b=7`},
+ {"12", []any{"a", "foo", "b", 7}, `a=foo&b=7`},
+ // empty map
+ {"13", []any{map[string]any{}}, ``},
+ // empty slice
+ {"14", []any{[]string{}}, ``},
+ {"15", []any{[]any{}}, ``},
+ // no arguments
+ {"16", []any{}, ``},
+ // errors: zero key length
+ {"17", []any{maps.Params{"": "foo"}}, false},
+ {"18", []any{map[string]any{"": "foo"}}, false},
+ {"19", []any{[]string{"", "foo"}}, false},
+ {"20", []any{[]any{"", 6}}, false},
+ {"21", []any{"", "foo"}, false},
+ // errors: odd number of values
+ {"22", []any{[]string{"a", "foo", "b"}}, false},
+ {"23", []any{[]any{"a", 6, "b"}}, false},
+ {"24", []any{"a", "foo", "b"}, false},
+ // errors: value cannot be cast to string
+ {"25", []any{map[string]any{"a": "foo", "b": tstNoStringer{}}}, false},
+ {"26", []any{[]any{"a", "foo", "b", tstNoStringer{}}}, false},
+ {"27", []any{"a", "foo", "b", tstNoStringer{}}, false},
+ } {
+ errMsg := qt.Commentf("[%s] %v", test.name, test.params)
+ result, err := ns.Querify(test.params...)
+ if b, ok := test.expect.(bool); ok && !b {
+ c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), errMsg)
+ continue
+ }
+ c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil, errMsg)
+ c.Assert(result, qt.Equals, test.expect, errMsg)
+ }
+func BenchmarkQuerify(b *testing.B) {
+ ns := newNs()
+ params := []any{"a", "b", "c", "d", "f", " &"}
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ _, err := ns.Querify(params...)
+ if err != nil {
+ b.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkQuerifySlice(b *testing.B) {
+ ns := newNs()
+ params := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "f", " &"}
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ _, err := ns.Querify(params)
+ if err != nil {
+ b.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ }
+func BenchmarkQuerifyMap(b *testing.B) {
+ ns := newNs()
+ params := map[string]any{"a": "b", "c": "d", "f": " &"}
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ _, err := ns.Querify(params)
+ if err != nil {
+ b.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ }