path: root/desktop/sources/scripts/lib/controller.js
diff options
authorDevine Lu Linvega <[email protected]>2018-02-18 15:35:36 +1300
committerDevine Lu Linvega <[email protected]>2018-02-18 15:35:36 +1300
commit123b0be12be739cf8b8a72ef917336ea45d7ce1c (patch)
tree0e4f1c136b39e917b95137658c82718b43b9c27c /desktop/sources/scripts/lib/controller.js
parentf9d3a5eb1e7b837429cdc923634e33ba8b65e3b1 (diff)
Added splash
Diffstat (limited to 'desktop/sources/scripts/lib/controller.js')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desktop/sources/scripts/lib/controller.js b/desktop/sources/scripts/lib/controller.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cab825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desktop/sources/scripts/lib/controller.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+function Controller()
+ this.menu = {default:{}};
+ this.mode = "default";
+ this.app = require('electron').remote.app;
+ this.start = function()
+ {
+ }
+ this.add = function(mode,cat,label,fn,accelerator)
+ {
+ if(!this.menu[mode]){ this.menu[mode] = {}; }
+ if(!this.menu[mode][cat]){ this.menu[mode][cat] = {}; }
+ this.menu[mode][cat][label] = {fn:fn,accelerator:accelerator};
+ console.log(`${mode}/${cat}/${label} <${accelerator}>`);
+ }
+ this.add_role = function(mode,cat,label)
+ {
+ if(!this.menu[mode]){ this.menu[mode] = {}; }
+ if(!this.menu[mode][cat]){ this.menu[mode][cat] = {}; }
+ this.menu[mode][cat][label] = {role:label};
+ }
+ this.set = function(mode = "default")
+ {
+ this.mode = mode;
+ this.commit();
+ }
+ this.format = function()
+ {
+ var f = [];
+ var m = this.menu[this.mode];
+ for(cat in m){
+ var submenu = [];
+ for(name in m[cat]){
+ var option = m[cat][name];
+ if(option.role){
+ submenu.push({role:option.role})
+ }
+ else{
+ submenu.push({label:name,accelerator:option.accelerator,click:option.fn})
+ }
+ }
+ f.push({label:cat,submenu:submenu});
+ }
+ return f;
+ }
+ this.commit = function()
+ {
+ this.app.inject_menu(this.format());
+ }
+ this.docs = function()
+ {
+ console.log("Generating docs..");
+ var svg = this.generate_svg(this.format())
+ var txt = this.documentation(this.format());
+ dialog.showSaveDialog((fileName) => {
+ if (fileName === undefined){ return; }
+ fileName = fileName.substr(-4,4) != ".svg" ? fileName+".svg" : fileName;
+ fs.writeFile(fileName,svg);
+ fs.writeFile(fileName.replace(".svg",".md"),txt);
+ });
+ }
+ this.generate_svg = function(m)
+ {
+ var svg_html = "";
+ for(id in this.layout){
+ var key = this.layout[id];
+ var acc = this.accelerator_for_key(key.name,m);
+ svg_html += `<rect x="${key.x + 1}" y="${key.y + 1}" width="${key.width - 2}" height="${key.height - 2}" rx="4" ry="4" title="${key.name}" stroke="#ccc" fill="none" stroke-width="1"/>`;
+ svg_html += `<rect x="${key.x + 3}" y="${key.y + 3}" width="${key.width - 6}" height="${key.height - 12}" rx="3" ry="3" title="${key.name}" stroke="${acc.basic ? '#000' : acc.ctrl ? '#ccc' : '#fff'}" fill="${acc.basic ? '#000' : acc.ctrl ? '#ccc' : '#fff'}" stroke-width="1"/>`;
+ svg_html += `<text x="${key.x + 10}" y="${key.y + 20}" font-size='11' font-family='Input Mono' stroke-width='0' fill='${acc.basic ? '#fff' : '#000'}'>${key.name.toUpperCase()}</text>`;
+ svg_html += acc && acc.basic ? `<text x="${key.x + 10}" y="${key.y + 35}" font-size='7' font-family='Input Mono' stroke-width='0' fill='#fff'>${acc.basic}</text>` : '';
+ svg_html += acc && acc.ctrl ? `<text x="${key.x + 10}" y="${key.y + 45}" font-size='7' font-family='Input Mono' stroke-width='0' fill='#000'>${acc.ctrl}</text>` : '';
+ }
+ return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="900" height="300" version="1.0" style="fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;">${svg_html}</svg>`;
+ }
+ this.documentation = function()
+ {
+ var txt = "";
+ txt += this.documentation_for_mode("default",this.menu.default);
+ for(name in this.menu){
+ if(name == "default"){ continue; }
+ txt += this.documentation_for_mode(name,this.menu[name]);
+ }
+ return txt;
+ }
+ this.documentation_for_mode = function(name,mode)
+ {
+ var txt = `## ${name} Mode\n\n`;
+ for(id in mode){
+ if(id == "*" || id == "Edit"){ continue; }
+ txt += `### ${id}\n`;
+ for(name in mode[id]){
+ var option = mode[id][name];
+ txt += `- ${name}: \`${option.accelerator}\`\n`;
+ }
+ txt += "\n"
+ }
+ return txt+"\n";
+ }
+ this.accelerator_for_key = function(key,menu)
+ {
+ var acc = {basic:null,ctrl:null}
+ for(cat in menu){
+ var options = menu[cat];
+ for(id in options.submenu){
+ var option = options.submenu[id]; if(option.role){ continue; }
+ acc.basic = (option.accelerator.toLowerCase() == key.toLowerCase()) ? option.label.toUpperCase().replace("TOGGLE ","").substr(0,8).trim() : acc.basic;
+ acc.ctrl = (option.accelerator.toLowerCase() == ("CmdOrCtrl+"+key).toLowerCase()) ? option.label.toUpperCase().replace("TOGGLE ","").substr(0,8).trim() : acc.ctrl;
+ }
+ }
+ return acc;
+ }
+ this.layout = [
+ {x:0, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"esc"},
+ {x:60, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"1"},
+ {x:120, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"2"},
+ {x:180, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"3"},
+ {x:240, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"4"},
+ {x:300, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"5"},
+ {x:360, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"6"},
+ {x:420, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"7"},
+ {x:480, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"8"},
+ {x:540, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"9"},
+ {x:600, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"0"},
+ {x:660, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"-"},
+ {x:720, y:0, width:60, height:60, name:"plus"},
+ {x:780, y:0, width:120, height:60, name:"backspace"},
+ {x:0, y:60, width:90, height:60, name:"tab"},
+ {x:90, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"q"},
+ {x:150, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"w"},
+ {x:210, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"e"},
+ {x:270, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"r"},
+ {x:330, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"t"},
+ {x:390, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"y"},
+ {x:450, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"u"},
+ {x:510, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"i"},
+ {x:570, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"o"},
+ {x:630, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"p"},
+ {x:690, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"["},
+ {x:750, y:60, width:60, height:60, name:"]"},
+ {x:810, y:60, width:90, height:60, name:"|"},
+ {x:0, y:120, width:105, height:60, name:"caps"},
+ {x:105, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"a"},
+ {x:165, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"s"},
+ {x:225, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"d"},
+ {x:285, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"f"},
+ {x:345, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"g"},
+ {x:405, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"h"},
+ {x:465, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"j"},
+ {x:525, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"k"},
+ {x:585, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"l"},
+ {x:645, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:";"},
+ {x:705, y:120, width:60, height:60, name:"'"},
+ {x:765, y:120, width:135, height:60, name:"enter"},
+ {x:0, y:180, width:135, height:60, name:"shift"},
+ {x:135, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"z"},
+ {x:195, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"x"},
+ {x:255, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"c"},
+ {x:315, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"v"},
+ {x:375, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"b"},
+ {x:435, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"n"},
+ {x:495, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"m"},
+ {x:555, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:","},
+ {x:615, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"."},
+ {x:675, y:180, width:60, height:60, name:"/"},
+ {x:735, y:180, width:165, height:60, name:"capslock"},
+ {x:0, y:240, width:90, height:60, name:"ctrl"},
+ {x:90, y:240, width:90, height:60, name:"cmd"},
+ {x:180, y:240, width:90, height:60, name:"alt"},
+ {x:270, y:240, width:270, height:60, name:"space"},
+ {x:810, y:240, width:90, height:60, name:"ctrl"},
+ {x:720, y:240, width:90, height:60, name:"pn"},
+ {x:630, y:240, width:90, height:60, name:"fn"},
+ {x:540, y:240, width:90, height:60, name:"alt"}
+ ];
+module.exports = new Controller(); \ No newline at end of file