diff options
10 files changed, 531 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8baa9b0e..bcf3a10c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -49,6 +49,16 @@ ext-workspace-unstable-v1-protocol.c:
ext-workspace-unstable-v1-protocol.o: ext-workspace-unstable-v1-protocol.h
+ $(WAYLAND_SCANNER) server-header \
+ protocols/pointer-constraints-unstable-v1.xml $@
+ $(WAYLAND_SCANNER) private-code \
+ protocols/pointer-constraints-unstable-v1.xml $@
+pointer-constraints-unstable-v1-protocol.o: pointer-constraints-unstable-v1-protocol.h
$(WAYLAND_SCANNER) server-header \
protocols/idle.xml $@
@@ -102,4 +112,4 @@ uninstall:
rm -f /usr/bin/hyprctl
rm -rf /usr/share/hyprland
-config: xdg-shell-protocol.o wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-protocol.o wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1-protocol.o idle-protocol.o ext-workspace-unstable-v1-protocol.o
+config: xdg-shell-protocol.o wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-protocol.o wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1-protocol.o idle-protocol.o ext-workspace-unstable-v1-protocol.o pointer-constraints-unstable-v1-protocol.o
diff --git a/protocols/pointer-constraints-unstable-v1.xml b/protocols/pointer-constraints-unstable-v1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efd64b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/pointer-constraints-unstable-v1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<protocol name="pointer_constraints_unstable_v1">
+ <copyright>
+ Copyright © 2014 Jonas Ådahl
+ Copyright © 2015 Red Hat Inc.
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+ paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+ Software.
+ </copyright>
+ <description summary="protocol for constraining pointer motions">
+ This protocol specifies a set of interfaces used for adding constraints to
+ the motion of a pointer. Possible constraints include confining pointer
+ motions to a given region, or locking it to its current position.
+ In order to constrain the pointer, a client must first bind the global
+ interface "wp_pointer_constraints" which, if a compositor supports pointer
+ constraints, is exposed by the registry. Using the bound global object, the
+ client uses the request that corresponds to the type of constraint it wants
+ to make. See wp_pointer_constraints for more details.
+ Warning! The protocol described in this file is experimental and backward
+ incompatible changes may be made. Backward compatible changes may be added
+ together with the corresponding interface version bump. Backward
+ incompatible changes are done by bumping the version number in the protocol
+ and interface names and resetting the interface version. Once the protocol
+ is to be declared stable, the 'z' prefix and the version number in the
+ protocol and interface names are removed and the interface version number is
+ reset.
+ </description>
+ <interface name="zwp_pointer_constraints_v1" version="1">
+ <description summary="constrain the movement of a pointer">
+ The global interface exposing pointer constraining functionality. It
+ exposes two requests: lock_pointer for locking the pointer to its
+ position, and confine_pointer for locking the pointer to a region.
+ The lock_pointer and confine_pointer requests create the objects
+ wp_locked_pointer and wp_confined_pointer respectively, and the client can
+ use these objects to interact with the lock.
+ For any surface, only one lock or confinement may be active across all
+ wl_pointer objects of the same seat. If a lock or confinement is requested
+ when another lock or confinement is active or requested on the same surface
+ and with any of the wl_pointer objects of the same seat, an
+ 'already_constrained' error will be raised.
+ </description>
+ <enum name="error">
+ <description summary="wp_pointer_constraints error values">
+ These errors can be emitted in response to wp_pointer_constraints
+ requests.
+ </description>
+ <entry name="already_constrained" value="1"
+ summary="pointer constraint already requested on that surface"/>
+ </enum>
+ <enum name="lifetime">
+ <description summary="constraint lifetime">
+ These values represent different lifetime semantics. They are passed
+ as arguments to the factory requests to specify how the constraint
+ lifetimes should be managed.
+ </description>
+ <entry name="oneshot" value="1">
+ <description summary="the pointer constraint is defunct once deactivated">
+ A oneshot pointer constraint will never reactivate once it has been
+ deactivated. See the corresponding deactivation event
+ (wp_locked_pointer.unlocked and wp_confined_pointer.unconfined) for
+ details.
+ </description>
+ </entry>
+ <entry name="persistent" value="2">
+ <description summary="the pointer constraint may reactivate">
+ A persistent pointer constraint may again reactivate once it has
+ been deactivated. See the corresponding deactivation event
+ (wp_locked_pointer.unlocked and wp_confined_pointer.unconfined) for
+ details.
+ </description>
+ </entry>
+ </enum>
+ <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
+ <description summary="destroy the pointer constraints manager object">
+ Used by the client to notify the server that it will no longer use this
+ pointer constraints object.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="lock_pointer">
+ <description summary="lock pointer to a position">
+ The lock_pointer request lets the client request to disable movements of
+ the virtual pointer (i.e. the cursor), effectively locking the pointer
+ to a position. This request may not take effect immediately; in the
+ future, when the compositor deems implementation-specific constraints
+ are satisfied, the pointer lock will be activated and the compositor
+ sends a locked event.
+ The protocol provides no guarantee that the constraints are ever
+ satisfied, and does not require the compositor to send an error if the
+ constraints cannot ever be satisfied. It is thus possible to request a
+ lock that will never activate.
+ There may not be another pointer constraint of any kind requested or
+ active on the surface for any of the wl_pointer objects of the seat of
+ the passed pointer when requesting a lock. If there is, an error will be
+ raised. See general pointer lock documentation for more details.
+ The intersection of the region passed with this request and the input
+ region of the surface is used to determine where the pointer must be
+ in order for the lock to activate. It is up to the compositor whether to
+ warp the pointer or require some kind of user interaction for the lock
+ to activate. If the region is null the surface input region is used.
+ A surface may receive pointer focus without the lock being activated.
+ The request creates a new object wp_locked_pointer which is used to
+ interact with the lock as well as receive updates about its state. See
+ the the description of wp_locked_pointer for further information.
+ Note that while a pointer is locked, the wl_pointer objects of the
+ corresponding seat will not emit any wl_pointer.motion events, but
+ relative motion events will still be emitted via wp_relative_pointer
+ objects of the same seat. wl_pointer.axis and wl_pointer.button events
+ are unaffected.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="zwp_locked_pointer_v1"/>
+ <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"
+ summary="surface to lock pointer to"/>
+ <arg name="pointer" type="object" interface="wl_pointer"
+ summary="the pointer that should be locked"/>
+ <arg name="region" type="object" interface="wl_region" allow-null="true"
+ summary="region of surface"/>
+ <arg name="lifetime" type="uint" enum="lifetime" summary="lock lifetime"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="confine_pointer">
+ <description summary="confine pointer to a region">
+ The confine_pointer request lets the client request to confine the
+ pointer cursor to a given region. This request may not take effect
+ immediately; in the future, when the compositor deems implementation-
+ specific constraints are satisfied, the pointer confinement will be
+ activated and the compositor sends a confined event.
+ The intersection of the region passed with this request and the input
+ region of the surface is used to determine where the pointer must be
+ in order for the confinement to activate. It is up to the compositor
+ whether to warp the pointer or require some kind of user interaction for
+ the confinement to activate. If the region is null the surface input
+ region is used.
+ The request will create a new object wp_confined_pointer which is used
+ to interact with the confinement as well as receive updates about its
+ state. See the the description of wp_confined_pointer for further
+ information.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="zwp_confined_pointer_v1"/>
+ <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"
+ summary="surface to lock pointer to"/>
+ <arg name="pointer" type="object" interface="wl_pointer"
+ summary="the pointer that should be confined"/>
+ <arg name="region" type="object" interface="wl_region" allow-null="true"
+ summary="region of surface"/>
+ <arg name="lifetime" type="uint" enum="lifetime" summary="confinement lifetime"/>
+ </request>
+ </interface>
+ <interface name="zwp_locked_pointer_v1" version="1">
+ <description summary="receive relative pointer motion events">
+ The wp_locked_pointer interface represents a locked pointer state.
+ While the lock of this object is active, the wl_pointer objects of the
+ associated seat will not emit any wl_pointer.motion events.
+ This object will send the event 'locked' when the lock is activated.
+ Whenever the lock is activated, it is guaranteed that the locked surface
+ will already have received pointer focus and that the pointer will be
+ within the region passed to the request creating this object.
+ To unlock the pointer, send the destroy request. This will also destroy
+ the wp_locked_pointer object.
+ If the compositor decides to unlock the pointer the unlocked event is
+ sent. See wp_locked_pointer.unlock for details.
+ When unlocking, the compositor may warp the cursor position to the set
+ cursor position hint. If it does, it will not result in any relative
+ motion events emitted via wp_relative_pointer.
+ If the surface the lock was requested on is destroyed and the lock is not
+ yet activated, the wp_locked_pointer object is now defunct and must be
+ destroyed.
+ </description>
+ <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
+ <description summary="destroy the locked pointer object">
+ Destroy the locked pointer object. If applicable, the compositor will
+ unlock the pointer.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_cursor_position_hint">
+ <description summary="set the pointer cursor position hint">
+ Set the cursor position hint relative to the top left corner of the
+ surface.
+ If the client is drawing its own cursor, it should update the position
+ hint to the position of its own cursor. A compositor may use this
+ information to warp the pointer upon unlock in order to avoid pointer
+ jumps.
+ The cursor position hint is double buffered. The new hint will only take
+ effect when the associated surface gets it pending state applied. See
+ wl_surface.commit for details.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="surface_x" type="fixed"
+ summary="surface-local x coordinate"/>
+ <arg name="surface_y" type="fixed"
+ summary="surface-local y coordinate"/>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_region">
+ <description summary="set a new lock region">
+ Set a new region used to lock the pointer.
+ The new lock region is double-buffered. The new lock region will
+ only take effect when the associated surface gets its pending state
+ applied. See wl_surface.commit for details.
+ For details about the lock region, see wp_locked_pointer.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="region" type="object" interface="wl_region" allow-null="true"
+ summary="region of surface"/>
+ </request>
+ <event name="locked">
+ <description summary="lock activation event">
+ Notification that the pointer lock of the seat's pointer is activated.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ <event name="unlocked">
+ <description summary="lock deactivation event">
+ Notification that the pointer lock of the seat's pointer is no longer
+ active. If this is a oneshot pointer lock (see
+ wp_pointer_constraints.lifetime) this object is now defunct and should
+ be destroyed. If this is a persistent pointer lock (see
+ wp_pointer_constraints.lifetime) this pointer lock may again
+ reactivate in the future.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ </interface>
+ <interface name="zwp_confined_pointer_v1" version="1">
+ <description summary="confined pointer object">
+ The wp_confined_pointer interface represents a confined pointer state.
+ This object will send the event 'confined' when the confinement is
+ activated. Whenever the confinement is activated, it is guaranteed that
+ the surface the pointer is confined to will already have received pointer
+ focus and that the pointer will be within the region passed to the request
+ creating this object. It is up to the compositor to decide whether this
+ requires some user interaction and if the pointer will warp to within the
+ passed region if outside.
+ To unconfine the pointer, send the destroy request. This will also destroy
+ the wp_confined_pointer object.
+ If the compositor decides to unconfine the pointer the unconfined event is
+ sent. The wp_confined_pointer object is at this point defunct and should
+ be destroyed.
+ </description>
+ <request name="destroy" type="destructor">
+ <description summary="destroy the confined pointer object">
+ Destroy the confined pointer object. If applicable, the compositor will
+ unconfine the pointer.
+ </description>
+ </request>
+ <request name="set_region">
+ <description summary="set a new confine region">
+ Set a new region used to confine the pointer.
+ The new confine region is double-buffered. The new confine region will
+ only take effect when the associated surface gets its pending state
+ applied. See wl_surface.commit for details.
+ If the confinement is active when the new confinement region is applied
+ and the pointer ends up outside of newly applied region, the pointer may
+ warped to a position within the new confinement region. If warped, a
+ wl_pointer.motion event will be emitted, but no
+ wp_relative_pointer.relative_motion event.
+ The compositor may also, instead of using the new region, unconfine the
+ pointer.
+ For details about the confine region, see wp_confined_pointer.
+ </description>
+ <arg name="region" type="object" interface="wl_region" allow-null="true"
+ summary="region of surface"/>
+ </request>
+ <event name="confined">
+ <description summary="pointer confined">
+ Notification that the pointer confinement of the seat's pointer is
+ activated.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ <event name="unconfined">
+ <description summary="pointer unconfined">
+ Notification that the pointer confinement of the seat's pointer is no
+ longer active. If this is a oneshot pointer confinement (see
+ wp_pointer_constraints.lifetime) this object is now defunct and should
+ be destroyed. If this is a persistent pointer confinement (see
+ wp_pointer_constraints.lifetime) this pointer confinement may again
+ reactivate in the future.
+ </description>
+ </event>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/src/Compositor.cpp b/src/Compositor.cpp
index 95e2ac48..a6bd140b 100644
--- a/src/Compositor.cpp
+++ b/src/Compositor.cpp
@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@ CCompositor::CCompositor() {
m_sWLRKbShInhibitMgr = wlr_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibit_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay);
m_sWLREXTWorkspaceMgr = wlr_ext_workspace_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay);
+ m_sWLRPointerConstraints = wlr_pointer_constraints_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay);
+ m_sWLRRelPointerMgr = wlr_relative_pointer_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay);
CCompositor::~CCompositor() {
@@ -118,6 +122,7 @@ void CCompositor::initAllSignals() {
addWLSignal(&m_sWLROutputMgr->events.test, &Events::listen_outputMgrTest, m_sWLROutputMgr, "OutputMgr");
addWLSignal(&m_sWLRInhibitMgr->events.activate, &Events::listen_InhibitActivate, m_sWLRInhibitMgr, "InhibitMgr");
addWLSignal(&m_sWLRInhibitMgr->events.deactivate, &Events::listen_InhibitDeactivate, m_sWLRInhibitMgr, "InhibitMgr");
+ addWLSignal(&m_sWLRPointerConstraints->events.new_constraint, &Events::listen_newConstraint, m_sWLRPointerConstraints, "PointerConstraints");
void CCompositor::startCompositor() {
diff --git a/src/Compositor.hpp b/src/Compositor.hpp
index 2435b972..0e036079 100644
--- a/src/Compositor.hpp
+++ b/src/Compositor.hpp
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ public:
int m_iDRMFD;
wlr_ext_workspace_manager_v1* m_sWLREXTWorkspaceMgr;
wlr_linux_dmabuf_v1* m_sWLRDmabuf;
+ wlr_pointer_constraints_v1* m_sWLRPointerConstraints;
+ wlr_relative_pointer_manager_v1* m_sWLRRelPointerMgr;
// ------------------------------------------------- //
diff --git a/src/events/Devices.cpp b/src/events/Devices.cpp
index 57fb221f..ade94b5d 100644
--- a/src/events/Devices.cpp
+++ b/src/events/Devices.cpp
@@ -80,4 +80,40 @@ void Events::listener_newInput(wl_listener* listener, void* data) {
wlr_seat_set_capabilities(g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.seat, capabilities);
+void Events::listener_newConstraint(wl_listener* listener, void* data) {
+ const auto PCONSTRAINT = (wlr_pointer_constraint_v1*)data;
+ Debug::log(LOG, "New mouse constraint at %x", PCONSTRAINT);
+ g_pInputManager->m_lConstraints.emplace_back();
+ const auto CONSTRAINT = &g_pInputManager->m_lConstraints.back();
+ CONSTRAINT->pMouse = g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.mouse;
+ CONSTRAINT->hyprListener_destroyConstraint.initCallback(&PCONSTRAINT->events.destroy, &Events::listener_destroyConstraint, CONSTRAINT, "Constraint");
+ CONSTRAINT->hyprListener_setConstraintRegion.initCallback(&PCONSTRAINT->events.set_region, &Events::listener_setConstraintRegion, CONSTRAINT, "Constraint");
+ if (g_pCompositor->m_pLastFocus == PCONSTRAINT->surface) {
+ g_pInputManager->constrainMouse(CONSTRAINT->pMouse, PCONSTRAINT);
+ }
+void Events::listener_destroyConstraint(void* owner, void* data) {
+ const auto PCONSTRAINT = (SConstraint*)owner;
+ if (PCONSTRAINT->pMouse->currentConstraint == PCONSTRAINT->constraint) {
+ PCONSTRAINT->pMouse->hyprListener_commitConstraint.removeCallback();
+ PCONSTRAINT->pMouse->currentConstraint = nullptr;
+ }
+ Debug::log(LOG, "Unconstrained mouse from %x", PCONSTRAINT->constraint);
+ g_pInputManager->m_lConstraints.remove(*PCONSTRAINT);
+void Events::listener_setConstraintRegion(void* owner, void* data) {
+ // no
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/events/Events.hpp b/src/events/Events.hpp
index 4e8246fe..ab910aee 100644
--- a/src/events/Events.hpp
+++ b/src/events/Events.hpp
@@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ namespace Events {
+ DYNLISTENFUNC(commitConstraint);
+ LISTENER(newConstraint);
+ DYNLISTENFUNC(setConstraintRegion);
+ DYNLISTENFUNC(destroyConstraint);
// Various
diff --git a/src/helpers/WLClasses.hpp b/src/helpers/WLClasses.hpp
index 295ec41f..4011dc06 100644
--- a/src/helpers/WLClasses.hpp
+++ b/src/helpers/WLClasses.hpp
@@ -60,6 +60,32 @@ struct SKeyboard {
+struct SMouse {
+ wlr_input_device* mouse = nullptr;
+ wlr_pointer_constraint_v1* currentConstraint = nullptr;
+ pixman_region32_t confinedTo;
+ DYNLISTENER(commitConstraint);
+ bool operator==(const SMouse& b) {
+ return mouse == b.mouse;
+ }
+struct SConstraint {
+ SMouse* pMouse = nullptr;
+ wlr_pointer_constraint_v1* constraint = nullptr;
+ DYNLISTENER(setConstraintRegion);
+ DYNLISTENER(destroyConstraint);
+ bool operator==(const SConstraint& b) {
+ return constraint == b.constraint;
+ }
struct SMonitor;
struct SXDGPopup {
@@ -87,6 +113,8 @@ struct SXDGPopup {
struct SSeat {
wlr_seat* seat = nullptr;
wl_client* exclusiveClient = nullptr;
+ SMouse* mouse = nullptr;
struct SDrag {
diff --git a/src/includes.hpp b/src/includes.hpp
index 45347672..0b77cdb8 100644
--- a/src/includes.hpp
+++ b/src/includes.hpp
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ extern "C" {
#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include <wlr/render/gles2.h>
#include <wlr/render/wlr_texture.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_pointer_constraints_v1.h>
+#include <wlr/types/wlr_relative_pointer_v1.h>
#undef class
diff --git a/src/managers/InputManager.cpp b/src/managers/InputManager.cpp
index c45a5530..8380d92d 100644
--- a/src/managers/InputManager.cpp
+++ b/src/managers/InputManager.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ void CInputManager::onMouseMoved(wlr_pointer_motion_event* e) {
float sensitivity = g_pConfigManager->getFloat("general:sensitivity");
+ wlr_relative_pointer_manager_v1_send_relative_motion(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRRelPointerMgr, g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.seat, (uint64_t)e->time_msec * 1000, e->delta_x, e->delta_y, e->unaccel_dx, e->unaccel_dy);
wlr_cursor_move(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRCursor, &e->pointer->base, e->delta_x * sensitivity, e->delta_y * sensitivity);
@@ -129,6 +131,19 @@ void CInputManager::mouseMoveUnified(uint32_t time, bool refocus) {
wlr_seat_pointer_notify_enter(g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.seat, foundSurface, surfaceLocal.x, surfaceLocal.y);
wlr_seat_pointer_notify_motion(g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.seat, time, surfaceLocal.x, surfaceLocal.y);
+ // constraints
+ // All constraints TODO: multiple mice?
+ if (g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.mouse->currentConstraint) {
+ const auto CONSTRAINTWINDOW = g_pCompositor->getWindowFromSurface(g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.mouse->currentConstraint->surface);
+ if (g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow == CONSTRAINTWINDOW) {
+ // todo: this is incorrect, but it will work in most cases for now
+ // i made this cuz i wanna play minecraft lol
+ Vector2D deltaToMiddle = (CONSTRAINTWINDOW->m_vRealPosition + CONSTRAINTWINDOW->m_vRealSize / 2.f) - mouseCoords;
+ wlr_cursor_move(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRCursor, g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.mouse->mouse, deltaToMiddle.x, deltaToMiddle.y);
+ }
+ }
void CInputManager::onMouseButton(wlr_pointer_button_event* e) {
@@ -239,6 +254,11 @@ void CInputManager::setKeyboardLayout() {
void CInputManager::newMouse(wlr_input_device* mouse) {
+ m_lMice.emplace_back();
+ const auto PMOUSE = &m_lMice.back();
+ PMOUSE->mouse = mouse;
if (wlr_input_device_is_libinput(mouse)) {
const auto LIBINPUTDEV = (libinput_device*)wlr_libinput_get_device_handle(mouse);
@@ -251,6 +271,8 @@ void CInputManager::newMouse(wlr_input_device* mouse) {
wlr_cursor_attach_input_device(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRCursor, mouse);
+ g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.mouse = PMOUSE;
Debug::log(LOG, "New mouse created, pointer WLR: %x", mouse);
@@ -263,7 +285,14 @@ void CInputManager::destroyKeyboard(SKeyboard* pKeyboard) {
void CInputManager::destroyMouse(wlr_input_device* mouse) {
- //
+ for (auto& m : m_lMice) {
+ if (m.mouse == mouse) {
+ m_lMice.remove(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.mouse = m_lMice.size() > 0 ? &m_lMice.front() : nullptr;
void CInputManager::onKeyboardKey(wlr_keyboard_key_event* e, SKeyboard* pKeyboard) {
@@ -314,4 +343,70 @@ void CInputManager::updateDragIcon() {
-} \ No newline at end of file
+void CInputManager::recheckConstraint(SMouse* pMouse) {
+ if (!pMouse->currentConstraint)
+ return;
+ const auto MOUSECOORDS = getMouseCoordsInternal();
+ const auto PWINDOW = g_pCompositor->getWindowFromSurface(pMouse->currentConstraint->surface);
+ const auto PREGION = &pMouse->currentConstraint->region;
+ if (pMouse->currentConstraint->type == WLR_POINTER_CONSTRAINT_V1_CONFINED) {
+ pixman_region32_copy(&pMouse->confinedTo, PREGION);
+ } else {
+ pixman_region32_clear(&pMouse->confinedTo);
+ }
+ Debug::log(LOG, "Constraint rechecked: %i, %i to %i, %i", PREGION->extents.x1, PREGION->extents.y1, PREGION->extents.x2, PREGION->extents.y2);
+void CInputManager::constrainMouse(SMouse* pMouse, wlr_pointer_constraint_v1* constraint) {
+ if (pMouse->currentConstraint == constraint)
+ return;
+ const auto PWINDOW = g_pCompositor->getWindowFromSurface(constraint->surface);
+ const auto MOUSECOORDS = getMouseCoordsInternal();
+ pMouse->hyprListener_commitConstraint.removeCallback();
+ if (pMouse->currentConstraint) {
+ if (!constraint) {
+ // warpe to hint
+ if (constraint->current.committed & WLR_POINTER_CONSTRAINT_V1_STATE_CURSOR_HINT) {
+ if (PWINDOW) {
+ wlr_cursor_warp(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRCursor, nullptr,
+ constraint->current.cursor_hint.x + PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.x, constraint->current.cursor_hint.y + PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.y);
+ wlr_seat_pointer_warp(constraint->seat, constraint->current.cursor_hint.x, constraint->current.cursor_hint.y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wlr_pointer_constraint_v1_send_deactivated(pMouse->currentConstraint);
+ }
+ pMouse->currentConstraint = constraint;
+ if (pixman_region32_not_empty(&constraint->current.region)) {
+ pixman_region32_intersect(&constraint->region, &constraint->surface->input_region, &constraint->current.region);
+ } else {
+ pixman_region32_copy(&constraint->region, &constraint->surface->input_region);
+ }
+ // warp to the constraint
+ recheckConstraint(pMouse);
+ wlr_pointer_constraint_v1_send_activated(pMouse->currentConstraint);
+ pMouse->hyprListener_commitConstraint.initCallback(&pMouse->currentConstraint->surface->events.commit, &Events::listener_commitConstraint, pMouse, "Mouse constraint commit");
+ Debug::log(LOG, "Constrained mouse to %x", pMouse->currentConstraint);
+void Events::listener_commitConstraint(void* owner, void* data) {
+ //g_pInputManager->recheckConstraint((SMouse*)owner);
diff --git a/src/managers/InputManager.hpp b/src/managers/InputManager.hpp
index c0d2c708..6850929b 100644
--- a/src/managers/InputManager.hpp
+++ b/src/managers/InputManager.hpp
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ public:
void destroyKeyboard(SKeyboard*);
void destroyMouse(wlr_input_device*);
+ void constrainMouse(SMouse*, wlr_pointer_constraint_v1*);
+ void recheckConstraint(SMouse*);
Vector2D getMouseCoordsInternal();
void refocus();
@@ -33,12 +36,14 @@ public:
SDrag m_sDrag;
+ std::list<SConstraint> m_lConstraints;
std::list<SKeyboard> m_lKeyboards;
+ std::list<SMouse> m_lMice;
void mouseMoveUnified(uint32_t, bool refocus = false);
inline std::unique_ptr<CInputManager> g_pInputManager; \ No newline at end of file