path: root/src/managers/PointerManager.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/managers/PointerManager.cpp')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/src/managers/PointerManager.cpp b/src/managers/PointerManager.cpp
index 75be235f..0580c9be 100644
--- a/src/managers/PointerManager.cpp
+++ b/src/managers/PointerManager.cpp
@@ -375,6 +375,8 @@ SP<Aquamarine::IBuffer> CPointerManager::renderHWCursorBuffer(SP<CPointerManager
auto maxSize = state->monitor->output->cursorPlaneSize();
auto const& cursorSize = currentCursorImage.size;
+ static auto PDUMB = CConfigValue<Hyprlang::INT>("cursor:use_cpu_buffer");
if (maxSize == Vector2D{})
return nullptr;
@@ -386,10 +388,23 @@ SP<Aquamarine::IBuffer> CPointerManager::renderHWCursorBuffer(SP<CPointerManager
} else
maxSize = cursorSize;
- if (!state->monitor->cursorSwapchain || maxSize != state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->currentOptions().size) {
+ if (!state->monitor->cursorSwapchain || maxSize != state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->currentOptions().size ||
+ *PDUMB != (state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->getAllocator()->type() != Aquamarine::AQ_ALLOCATOR_TYPE_GBM)) {
+ if (!state->monitor->cursorSwapchain || *PDUMB != (state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->getAllocator()->type() != Aquamarine::AQ_ALLOCATOR_TYPE_GBM)) {
+ auto allocator = state->monitor->output->getBackend()->preferredAllocator();
+ if (*PDUMB) {
+ for (const auto& a : state->monitor->output->getBackend()->getAllocators()) {
+ if (a->type() == Aquamarine::AQ_ALLOCATOR_TYPE_DRM_DUMB) {
+ allocator = a;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (!state->monitor->cursorSwapchain)
- state->monitor->cursorSwapchain = Aquamarine::CSwapchain::create(state->monitor->output->getBackend()->preferredAllocator(), state->monitor->output->getBackend());
+ state->monitor->cursorSwapchain = Aquamarine::CSwapchain::create(allocator, state->monitor->output->getBackend());
+ }
auto options = state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->currentOptions();
options.size = maxSize;
@@ -397,8 +412,10 @@ SP<Aquamarine::IBuffer> CPointerManager::renderHWCursorBuffer(SP<CPointerManager
options.scanout = true;
options.cursor = true;
options.multigpu = state->monitor->output->getBackend()->preferredAllocator()->drmFD() != g_pCompositor->m_iDRMFD;
- // We do not set the format. If it's unset (DRM_FORMAT_INVALID) then the swapchain will pick for us,
+ // We do not set the format (unless shm). If it's unset (DRM_FORMAT_INVALID) then the swapchain will pick for us,
// but if it's set, we don't wanna change it.
+ if (*PDUMB)
+ options.format = DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888;
if (!state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->reconfigure(options)) {
Debug::log(TRACE, "Failed to reconfigure cursor swapchain");
@@ -420,62 +437,71 @@ SP<Aquamarine::IBuffer> CPointerManager::renderHWCursorBuffer(SP<CPointerManager
return nullptr;
- g_pHyprRenderer->makeEGLCurrent();
- g_pHyprOpenGL->m_RenderData.pMonitor = state->monitor;
- auto RBO = g_pHyprRenderer->getOrCreateRenderbuffer(buf, state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->currentOptions().format);
- if (!RBO) {
- Debug::log(TRACE, "Failed to create cursor RB with format {}, mod {}", buf->dmabuf().format, buf->dmabuf().modifier);
- static auto PDUMB = CConfigValue<Hyprlang::INT>("cursor:allow_dumb_copy");
- if (!*PDUMB)
- return nullptr;
- auto bufData = buf->beginDataPtr(0);
- auto bufPtr = std::get<0>(bufData);
- // clear buffer
- memset(bufPtr, 0, std::get<2>(bufData));
- if (currentCursorImage.pBuffer) {
- auto texAttrs = currentCursorImage.pBuffer->shm();
- if (!texAttrs.success) {
+ if (*PDUMB) {
+ // get the texture data if available.
+ auto texData = texture->dataCopy();
+ if (texData.empty()) {
+ if (currentCursorImage.surface && currentCursorImage.surface->resource()->role->role() == SURFACE_ROLE_CURSOR) {
+ const auto SURFACE = currentCursorImage.surface->resource();
+ auto& shmBuffer = CCursorSurfaceRole::cursorPixelData(SURFACE);
+ bool flipRB = false;
+ if (SURFACE->current.texture) {
+ Debug::log(TRACE, "Cursor CPU surface: format {}, expecting AR24", FormatUtils::drmFormatName(SURFACE->current.texture->m_iDrmFormat));
+ if (SURFACE->current.texture->m_iDrmFormat == DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888) {
+ Debug::log(TRACE, "Cursor CPU surface format AB24, will flip. WARNING: this will break on big endian!");
+ flipRB = true;
+ } else if (SURFACE->current.texture->m_iDrmFormat != DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888) {
+ Debug::log(TRACE, "Cursor CPU surface format rejected, falling back to sw");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (shmBuffer.data())
+ texData = shmBuffer;
+ else {
+ texData.resize(texture->m_vSize.x * 4 * texture->m_vSize.y);
+ memset(texData.data(), 0x00, texData.size());
+ }
+ if (flipRB) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < shmBuffer.size(); i += 4) {
+ std::swap(shmBuffer.at(i), shmBuffer.at(i + 2)); // little-endian!!!!!!
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
Debug::log(TRACE, "Cannot use dumb copy on dmabuf cursor buffers");
return nullptr;
+ }
- auto texData = currentCursorImage.pBuffer->beginDataPtr(GBM_BO_TRANSFER_WRITE);
- auto texPtr = std::get<0>(texData);
- Debug::log(TRACE, "cursor texture {}x{} {} {} {}", texAttrs.size.x, texAttrs.size.y, (void*)texPtr, texAttrs.format, texAttrs.stride);
- // copy cursor texture
- for (int i = 0; i < texAttrs.size.y; i++)
- memcpy(bufPtr + i * buf->dmabuf().strides[0], texPtr + i * texAttrs.stride, texAttrs.stride);
- } else if (currentCursorImage.surface && currentCursorImage.surface->resource()->role->role() == SURFACE_ROLE_CURSOR) {
- const auto SURFACE = currentCursorImage.surface->resource();
- auto& shmBuffer = CCursorSurfaceRole::cursorPixelData(SURFACE);
- Debug::log(TRACE, "cursor texture pixel data length: {}B", shmBuffer.size());
- if (shmBuffer.data()) {
- // copy cursor texture
- // assume format is 32bpp
- size_t STRIDE = 4 * SURFACE->current.bufferSize.x;
- for (int i = 0; i < SURFACE->current.bufferSize.y; i++)
- memcpy(bufPtr + i * buf->dmabuf().strides[0], shmBuffer.data() + i * STRIDE, STRIDE);
- } else {
- // if there is no data, hide the cursor
- memset(bufPtr, '\0', buf->size.x * buf->size.y * 4 /* assume 32bpp */);
- }
+ // then, we just yeet it into the dumb buffer
- } else {
- Debug::log(TRACE, "Unsupported cursor buffer/surface, falling back to sw (can't dumb copy)");
- return nullptr;
- }
+ auto [data, fmt, size] = buf->beginDataPtr(0);
+ memset(data, 0, size);
+ if (buf->dmabuf().size.x > texture->m_vSize.x) {
+ size_t STRIDE = 4 * texture->m_vSize.x;
+ for (int i = 0; i < texture->m_vSize.y; i++)
+ memcpy(data + i * buf->dmabuf().strides[0], texData.data() + i * STRIDE, STRIDE);
+ } else
+ memcpy(data, texData.data(), std::min(size, texData.size()));
return buf;
+ g_pHyprRenderer->makeEGLCurrent();
+ g_pHyprOpenGL->m_RenderData.pMonitor = state->monitor;
+ auto RBO = g_pHyprRenderer->getOrCreateRenderbuffer(buf, state->monitor->cursorSwapchain->currentOptions().format);
+ if (!RBO) {
+ Debug::log(TRACE, "Failed to create cursor RB with format {}, mod {}", buf->dmabuf().format, buf->dmabuf().modifier);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
g_pHyprOpenGL->beginSimple(state->monitor.lock(), {0, 0, INT16_MAX, INT16_MAX}, RBO);
@@ -773,7 +799,7 @@ SP<CTexture> CPointerManager::getCurrentCursorTexture() {
if (currentCursorImage.pBuffer) {
if (!currentCursorImage.bufferTex)
- currentCursorImage.bufferTex = makeShared<CTexture>(currentCursorImage.pBuffer);
+ currentCursorImage.bufferTex = makeShared<CTexture>(currentCursorImage.pBuffer, true);
return currentCursorImage.bufferTex;