#pragma once #include #include namespace NSplashes { inline const std::vector SPLASHES = { // clang-format off "Woo, animations!", "It's like Hypr, but better.", "Release 1.0 when?", "It's not awesome, it's Hyprland!", "\"I commit too often, people can't catch up lmao\" - Vaxry", "This text is random.", "\"There are reasons to not use rust.\" - Boga", "Read the wiki.", "\"Hello everyone this is YOUR daily dose of ‘read the wiki’\" - Vaxry", "h", "\"‘why no work’, bro I haven't hacked your pc to get live feeds yet\" - Vaxry", "Compile, wait for 20 minutes, notice a new commit, compile again.", "To rice, or not to rice, that is the question.", "Now available on Fedora!", "\"Hyprland is so good it starts with a capital letter\" - Hazel", "\"please make this message a splash\" - eriedaberrie", "\"the only wayland compositor powered by fried chicken\" - raf", "\"This will never get into Hyprland\" - Flafy", "\"Hyprland only gives you up on -git\" - fazzi", "Segmentation fault (core dumped)", "\"disabling hyprland logo is a war crime\" - vaxry", "some basic startup code", "\"I think I am addicted to hyprland\" - mathisbuilder", "\"hyprland is the most important package in the arch repos\" - jacekpoz", "Thanks Brodie!", "Thanks fufexan!", "Thanks raf!", "You can't use --splash to change this message :)", "Hyprland will overtake Gnome in popularity by [insert year]", "Designed in California - Assembled in China", "\"something