#include "DwindleLayout.hpp" #include "../render/decorations/CHyprGroupBarDecoration.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" void SDwindleNodeData::recalcSizePosRecursive(bool force, bool horizontalOverride, bool verticalOverride) { if (children[0]) { static auto* const PSMARTSPLIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:smart_split")->intValue; static auto* const PPRESERVESPLIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:preserve_split")->intValue; static auto* const PFLMULT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:split_width_multiplier")->floatValue; if (*PPRESERVESPLIT == 0 && *PSMARTSPLIT == 0) { splitTop = box.h * *PFLMULT > box.w; } if (verticalOverride == true) splitTop = true; else if (horizontalOverride == true) splitTop = false; const auto SPLITSIDE = !splitTop; if (SPLITSIDE) { // split left/right const float FIRSTSIZE = box.w / 2.0 * splitRatio; children[0]->box = CBox{box.x, box.y, FIRSTSIZE, box.h}; children[1]->box = CBox{box.x + FIRSTSIZE, box.y, box.w - FIRSTSIZE, box.h}; } else { // split top/bottom const float FIRSTSIZE = box.h / 2.0 * splitRatio; children[0]->box = CBox{box.x, box.y, box.w, FIRSTSIZE}; children[1]->box = CBox{box.x, box.y + FIRSTSIZE, box.w, box.h - FIRSTSIZE}; } children[0]->recalcSizePosRecursive(force); children[1]->recalcSizePosRecursive(force); } else { layout->applyNodeDataToWindow(this, force); } } void SDwindleNodeData::getAllChildrenRecursive(std::deque* pDeque) { if (children[0]) { children[0]->getAllChildrenRecursive(pDeque); children[1]->getAllChildrenRecursive(pDeque); } else { pDeque->push_back(this); } } int CHyprDwindleLayout::getNodesOnWorkspace(const int& id) { int no = 0; for (auto& n : m_lDwindleNodesData) { if (n.workspaceID == id && n.valid) ++no; } return no; } SDwindleNodeData* CHyprDwindleLayout::getFirstNodeOnWorkspace(const int& id) { for (auto& n : m_lDwindleNodesData) { if (n.workspaceID == id && n.pWindow && g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(n.pWindow)) return &n; } return nullptr; } SDwindleNodeData* CHyprDwindleLayout::getNodeFromWindow(CWindow* pWindow) { for (auto& n : m_lDwindleNodesData) { if (n.pWindow == pWindow && !n.isNode) return &n; } return nullptr; } SDwindleNodeData* CHyprDwindleLayout::getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(const int& id) { for (auto& n : m_lDwindleNodesData) { if (!n.pParent && n.workspaceID == id) return &n; } return nullptr; } void CHyprDwindleLayout::applyNodeDataToWindow(SDwindleNodeData* pNode, bool force) { // Don't set nodes, only windows. if (pNode->isNode) return; CMonitor* PMONITOR = nullptr; if (g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(pNode->workspaceID)) { for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { if (m->specialWorkspaceID == pNode->workspaceID) { PMONITOR = m.get(); break; } } } else { PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(pNode->workspaceID)->m_iMonitorID); } if (!PMONITOR) { Debug::log(ERR, "Orphaned Node {}!!", pNode); return; } // for gaps outer const bool DISPLAYLEFT = STICKS(pNode->box.x, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.x); const bool DISPLAYRIGHT = STICKS(pNode->box.x + pNode->box.w, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecSize.x - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.x); const bool DISPLAYTOP = STICKS(pNode->box.y, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.y); const bool DISPLAYBOTTOM = STICKS(pNode->box.y + pNode->box.h, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecSize.y - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.y); const auto PWINDOW = pNode->pWindow; // get specific gaps and rules for this workspace, // if user specified them in config const auto WORKSPACERULE = g_pConfigManager->getWorkspaceRuleFor(g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID)); if (PWINDOW->m_bIsFullscreen && !pNode->ignoreFullscreenChecks) return; PWINDOW->updateSpecialRenderData(); static auto* const PGAPSIN = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_in")->intValue; static auto* const PGAPSOUT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_out")->intValue; static auto* const PNOGAPSWHENONLY = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:no_gaps_when_only")->intValue; auto gapsIn = WORKSPACERULE.gapsIn.value_or(*PGAPSIN); auto gapsOut = WORKSPACERULE.gapsOut.value_or(*PGAPSOUT); if (!g_pCompositor->windowExists(PWINDOW) || !PWINDOW->m_bIsMapped) { Debug::log(ERR, "Node {} holding invalid {}!!", pNode, PWINDOW); onWindowRemovedTiling(PWINDOW); return; } CBox nodeBox = pNode->box; nodeBox.round(); PWINDOW->m_vSize = nodeBox.size(); PWINDOW->m_vPosition = nodeBox.pos(); const auto NODESONWORKSPACE = getNodesOnWorkspace(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID); if (*PNOGAPSWHENONLY && !g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID) && (NODESONWORKSPACE == 1 || (PWINDOW->m_bIsFullscreen && g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_MAXIMIZED))) { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.border = WORKSPACERULE.border.value_or(*PNOGAPSWHENONLY == 2); PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.decorate = WORKSPACERULE.decorate.value_or(true); PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.rounding = false; PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.shadow = false; const auto RESERVED = PWINDOW->getFullWindowReservedArea(); const int BORDERSIZE = PWINDOW->getRealBorderSize(); PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = PWINDOW->m_vPosition + Vector2D(BORDERSIZE, BORDERSIZE) + RESERVED.topLeft; PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = PWINDOW->m_vSize - Vector2D(2 * BORDERSIZE, 2 * BORDERSIZE) - (RESERVED.topLeft + RESERVED.bottomRight); PWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(PWINDOW, PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv()); return; } const int BORDERSIZE = PWINDOW->getRealBorderSize(); auto calcPos = PWINDOW->m_vPosition + Vector2D(BORDERSIZE, BORDERSIZE); auto calcSize = PWINDOW->m_vSize - Vector2D(2 * BORDERSIZE, 2 * BORDERSIZE); const auto OFFSETTOPLEFT = Vector2D(DISPLAYLEFT ? gapsOut : gapsIn, DISPLAYTOP ? gapsOut : gapsIn); const auto OFFSETBOTTOMRIGHT = Vector2D(DISPLAYRIGHT ? gapsOut : gapsIn, DISPLAYBOTTOM ? gapsOut : gapsIn); calcPos = calcPos + OFFSETTOPLEFT; calcSize = calcSize - OFFSETTOPLEFT - OFFSETBOTTOMRIGHT; if (PWINDOW->m_bIsPseudotiled) { // Calculate pseudo float scale = 1; // adjust if doesnt fit if (PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.x > calcSize.x || PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.y > calcSize.y) { if (PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.x > calcSize.x) { scale = calcSize.x / PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.x; } if (PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.y * scale > calcSize.y) { scale = calcSize.y / PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.y; } auto DELTA = calcSize - PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize * scale; calcSize = PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize * scale; calcPos = calcPos + DELTA / 2.f; // center } else { auto DELTA = calcSize - PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize; calcPos = calcPos + DELTA / 2.f; // center calcSize = PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize; } } const auto RESERVED = PWINDOW->getFullWindowReservedArea(); calcPos = calcPos + RESERVED.topLeft; calcSize = calcSize - (RESERVED.topLeft + RESERVED.bottomRight); if (g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID)) { // if special, we adjust the coords a bit static auto* const PSCALEFACTOR = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:special_scale_factor")->floatValue; CBox wb = {calcPos + (calcSize - calcSize * *PSCALEFACTOR) / 2.f, calcSize * *PSCALEFACTOR}; wb.round(); // avoid rounding mess PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = wb.pos(); PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = wb.size(); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(PWINDOW, wb.size()); } else { PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = calcSize; PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = calcPos; g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(PWINDOW, calcSize); } if (force) { g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(PWINDOW); PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.warp(); PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.warp(); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(PWINDOW); } PWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::onWindowCreatedTiling(CWindow* pWindow, eDirection direction) { if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) return; m_lDwindleNodesData.push_back(SDwindleNodeData()); const auto PNODE = &m_lDwindleNodesData.back(); const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); static auto* const PUSEACTIVE = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:use_active_for_splits")->intValue; static auto* const PDEFAULTSPLIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:default_split_ratio")->floatValue; if (direction != DIRECTION_DEFAULT && overrideDirection == DIRECTION_DEFAULT) overrideDirection = direction; // Populate the node with our window's data PNODE->workspaceID = pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID; PNODE->pWindow = pWindow; PNODE->isNode = false; PNODE->layout = this; SDwindleNodeData* OPENINGON; const auto MOUSECOORDS = m_vOverrideFocalPoint.value_or(g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal()); const auto MONFROMCURSOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(MOUSECOORDS); if (PMONITOR->ID == MONFROMCURSOR->ID && (PNODE->workspaceID == PMONITOR->activeWorkspace || (g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(PNODE->workspaceID) && PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceID)) && !*PUSEACTIVE) { OPENINGON = getNodeFromWindow(g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowTiled(MOUSECOORDS)); // happens on reserved area if (!OPENINGON && g_pCompositor->getWindowsOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID) > 0) OPENINGON = getFirstNodeOnWorkspace(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); } else if (*PUSEACTIVE) { if (g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow && !g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_bIsFloating && g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow != pWindow && g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID && g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_bIsMapped) { OPENINGON = getNodeFromWindow(g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow); } else { OPENINGON = getNodeFromWindow(g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowTiled(MOUSECOORDS)); } if (!OPENINGON && g_pCompositor->getWindowsOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID) > 0) OPENINGON = getFirstNodeOnWorkspace(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); } else OPENINGON = getFirstNodeOnWorkspace(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); Debug::log(LOG, "OPENINGON: {}, Monitor: {}", OPENINGON, PMONITOR->ID); if (OPENINGON && OPENINGON->workspaceID != PNODE->workspaceID) { // special workspace handling OPENINGON = getFirstNodeOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID); } // first, check if OPENINGON isn't too big. const auto PREDSIZEMAX = OPENINGON ? Vector2D(OPENINGON->box.w, OPENINGON->box.h) : PMONITOR->vecSize; if (const auto MAXSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMaxSizeForWindow(pWindow); MAXSIZE.x < PREDSIZEMAX.x || MAXSIZE.y < PREDSIZEMAX.y) { // we can't continue. make it floating. pWindow->m_bIsFloating = true; m_lDwindleNodesData.remove(*PNODE); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->onWindowCreatedFloating(pWindow); return; } // last fail-safe to avoid duplicate fullscreens if ((!OPENINGON || OPENINGON->pWindow == pWindow) && getNodesOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID) > 1) { for (auto& node : m_lDwindleNodesData) { if (node.workspaceID == PNODE->workspaceID && node.pWindow != nullptr && node.pWindow != pWindow) { OPENINGON = &node; break; } } } // if it's the first, it's easy. Make it fullscreen. if (!OPENINGON || OPENINGON->pWindow == pWindow) { PNODE->box = CBox{PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft, PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight}; applyNodeDataToWindow(PNODE); pWindow->applyGroupRules(); return; } if (!m_vOverrideFocalPoint && g_pInputManager->m_bWasDraggingWindow) { for (auto& wd : OPENINGON->pWindow->m_dWindowDecorations) { if (!(wd->getDecorationFlags() & DECORATION_ALLOWS_MOUSE_INPUT)) continue; if (g_pDecorationPositioner->getWindowDecorationBox(wd.get()).containsPoint(MOUSECOORDS)) { if (!wd->onEndWindowDragOnDeco(pWindow, MOUSECOORDS)) return; break; } } } // if it's a group, add the window if (OPENINGON->pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow // target is group && pWindow->canBeGroupedInto(OPENINGON->pWindow) && !m_vOverrideFocalPoint) { // we are not moving window m_lDwindleNodesData.remove(*PNODE); static const auto* USECURRPOS = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("group:insert_after_current")->intValue; (*USECURRPOS ? OPENINGON->pWindow : OPENINGON->pWindow->getGroupTail())->insertWindowToGroup(pWindow); OPENINGON->pWindow->setGroupCurrent(pWindow); pWindow->applyGroupRules(); pWindow->updateWindowDecos(); recalculateWindow(pWindow); if (!pWindow->getDecorationByType(DECORATION_GROUPBAR)) pWindow->addWindowDeco(std::make_unique(pWindow)); return; } // If it's not, get the node under our cursor m_lDwindleNodesData.push_back(SDwindleNodeData()); const auto NEWPARENT = &m_lDwindleNodesData.back(); // make the parent have the OPENINGON's stats NEWPARENT->box = OPENINGON->box; NEWPARENT->workspaceID = OPENINGON->workspaceID; NEWPARENT->pParent = OPENINGON->pParent; NEWPARENT->isNode = true; // it is a node NEWPARENT->splitRatio = std::clamp(*PDEFAULTSPLIT, 0.1f, 1.9f); const auto PWIDTHMULTIPLIER = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:split_width_multiplier")->floatValue; // if cursor over first child, make it first, etc const auto SIDEBYSIDE = NEWPARENT->box.w > NEWPARENT->box.h * *PWIDTHMULTIPLIER; NEWPARENT->splitTop = !SIDEBYSIDE; static auto* const PFORCESPLIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:force_split")->intValue; static auto* const PERMANENTDIRECTIONOVERRIDE = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:permanent_direction_override")->intValue; static auto* const PSMARTSPLIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:smart_split")->intValue; bool horizontalOverride = false; bool verticalOverride = false; // let user select position -> top, right, bottom, left if (overrideDirection != DIRECTION_DEFAULT) { // this is horizontal if (overrideDirection % 2 == 0) verticalOverride = true; else horizontalOverride = true; // 0 -> top and left | 1,2 -> right and bottom if (overrideDirection % 3 == 0) { NEWPARENT->children[1] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[0] = PNODE; } else { NEWPARENT->children[0] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[1] = PNODE; } // whether or not the override persists after opening one window if (*PERMANENTDIRECTIONOVERRIDE == 0) overrideDirection = DIRECTION_DEFAULT; } else if (*PSMARTSPLIT == 1) { const auto tl = NEWPARENT->box.pos(); const auto tr = NEWPARENT->box.pos() + Vector2D(NEWPARENT->box.w, 0); const auto bl = NEWPARENT->box.pos() + Vector2D(0, NEWPARENT->box.h); const auto br = NEWPARENT->box.pos() + NEWPARENT->box.size(); const auto cc = NEWPARENT->box.pos() + NEWPARENT->box.size() / 2; if (MOUSECOORDS.inTriangle(tl, tr, cc)) { NEWPARENT->splitTop = true; NEWPARENT->children[0] = PNODE; NEWPARENT->children[1] = OPENINGON; } else if (MOUSECOORDS.inTriangle(tr, cc, br)) { NEWPARENT->splitTop = false; NEWPARENT->children[0] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[1] = PNODE; } else if (MOUSECOORDS.inTriangle(br, bl, cc)) { NEWPARENT->splitTop = true; NEWPARENT->children[0] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[1] = PNODE; } else { NEWPARENT->splitTop = false; NEWPARENT->children[0] = PNODE; NEWPARENT->children[1] = OPENINGON; } } else if (*PFORCESPLIT == 0 || !pWindow->m_bFirstMap) { if ((SIDEBYSIDE && VECINRECT(MOUSECOORDS, NEWPARENT->box.x, NEWPARENT->box.y / *PWIDTHMULTIPLIER, NEWPARENT->box.x + NEWPARENT->box.w / 2.f, NEWPARENT->box.y + NEWPARENT->box.h)) || (!SIDEBYSIDE && VECINRECT(MOUSECOORDS, NEWPARENT->box.x, NEWPARENT->box.y / *PWIDTHMULTIPLIER, NEWPARENT->box.x + NEWPARENT->box.w, NEWPARENT->box.y + NEWPARENT->box.h / 2.f))) { // we are hovering over the first node, make PNODE first. NEWPARENT->children[1] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[0] = PNODE; } else { // we are hovering over the second node, make PNODE second. NEWPARENT->children[0] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[1] = PNODE; } } else { if (*PFORCESPLIT == 1) { NEWPARENT->children[1] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[0] = PNODE; } else { NEWPARENT->children[0] = OPENINGON; NEWPARENT->children[1] = PNODE; } } // and update the previous parent if it exists if (OPENINGON->pParent) { if (OPENINGON->pParent->children[0] == OPENINGON) { OPENINGON->pParent->children[0] = NEWPARENT; } else { OPENINGON->pParent->children[1] = NEWPARENT; } } // Update the children if (!verticalOverride && (NEWPARENT->box.w * *PWIDTHMULTIPLIER > NEWPARENT->box.h || horizontalOverride)) { // split left/right -> forced OPENINGON->box = {NEWPARENT->box.pos(), Vector2D(NEWPARENT->box.w / 2.f, NEWPARENT->box.h)}; PNODE->box = {Vector2D(NEWPARENT->box.x + NEWPARENT->box.w / 2.f, NEWPARENT->box.y), Vector2D(NEWPARENT->box.w / 2.f, NEWPARENT->box.h)}; } else { // split top/bottom OPENINGON->box = {NEWPARENT->box.pos(), Vector2D(NEWPARENT->box.w, NEWPARENT->box.h / 2.f)}; PNODE->box = {Vector2D(NEWPARENT->box.x, NEWPARENT->box.y + NEWPARENT->box.h / 2.f), Vector2D(NEWPARENT->box.w, NEWPARENT->box.h / 2.f)}; } OPENINGON->pParent = NEWPARENT; PNODE->pParent = NEWPARENT; NEWPARENT->recalcSizePosRecursive(false, horizontalOverride, verticalOverride); recalculateMonitor(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); pWindow->applyGroupRules(); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::onWindowRemovedTiling(CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE) { Debug::log(ERR, "onWindowRemovedTiling node null?"); return; } pWindow->updateSpecialRenderData(); if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, false, FULLSCREEN_FULL); const auto PPARENT = PNODE->pParent; if (!PPARENT) { Debug::log(LOG, "Removing last node (dwindle)"); m_lDwindleNodesData.remove(*PNODE); return; } const auto PSIBLING = PPARENT->children[0] == PNODE ? PPARENT->children[1] : PPARENT->children[0]; PSIBLING->box = PPARENT->box; PSIBLING->pParent = PPARENT->pParent; if (PPARENT->pParent != nullptr) { if (PPARENT->pParent->children[0] == PPARENT) { PPARENT->pParent->children[0] = PSIBLING; } else { PPARENT->pParent->children[1] = PSIBLING; } } PPARENT->valid = false; PNODE->valid = false; if (PSIBLING->pParent) PSIBLING->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(); else PSIBLING->recalcSizePosRecursive(); m_lDwindleNodesData.remove(*PPARENT); m_lDwindleNodesData.remove(*PNODE); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::recalculateMonitor(const int& monid) { const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(monid); if (!PMONITOR) return; // ??? const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); if (!PWORKSPACE) return; g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(PMONITOR); if (PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceID) { const auto TOPNODE = getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceID); if (TOPNODE && PMONITOR) { TOPNODE->box = {PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft, PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight}; TOPNODE->recalcSizePosRecursive(); } } if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow) { // massive hack from the fullscreen func const auto PFULLWINDOW = g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); if (PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_FULL) { PFULLWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = PMONITOR->vecPosition; PFULLWINDOW->m_vRealSize = PMONITOR->vecSize; } else if (PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_MAXIMIZED) { SDwindleNodeData fakeNode; fakeNode.pWindow = PFULLWINDOW; fakeNode.box = {PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft, PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight}; fakeNode.workspaceID = PWORKSPACE->m_iID; PFULLWINDOW->m_vPosition = fakeNode.box.pos(); PFULLWINDOW->m_vSize = fakeNode.box.size(); fakeNode.ignoreFullscreenChecks = true; applyNodeDataToWindow(&fakeNode); } return; } const auto TOPNODE = getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); if (TOPNODE && PMONITOR) { TOPNODE->box = {PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft, PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight}; TOPNODE->recalcSizePosRecursive(); } } bool CHyprDwindleLayout::isWindowTiled(CWindow* pWindow) { return getNodeFromWindow(pWindow) != nullptr; } void CHyprDwindleLayout::onBeginDragWindow() { m_PseudoDragFlags.started = false; m_PseudoDragFlags.pseudo = false; IHyprLayout::onBeginDragWindow(); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::resizeActiveWindow(const Vector2D& pixResize, eRectCorner corner, CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PWINDOW = pWindow ? pWindow : g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow; if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(PWINDOW)) return; const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(PWINDOW); if (!PNODE) { PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = Vector2D(std::max((PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv() + pixResize).x, 20.0), std::max((PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv() + pixResize).y, 20.0)); PWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); return; } const auto PANIMATE = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("misc:animate_manual_resizes")->intValue; const auto PSMARTRESIZING = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("dwindle:smart_resizing")->intValue; // get some data about our window const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(PWINDOW->m_iMonitorID); const bool DISPLAYLEFT = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.x, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.x); const bool DISPLAYRIGHT = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.x + PWINDOW->m_vSize.x, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecSize.x - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.x); const bool DISPLAYTOP = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.y, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.y); const bool DISPLAYBOTTOM = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.y + PWINDOW->m_vSize.y, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecSize.y - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.y); if (PWINDOW->m_bIsPseudotiled) { if (!m_PseudoDragFlags.started) { m_PseudoDragFlags.started = true; const auto pseudoSize = PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv(); const auto mouseOffset = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal() - (PNODE->box.pos() + ((PNODE->box.size() / 2) - (pseudoSize / 2))); if (mouseOffset.x > 0 && mouseOffset.x < pseudoSize.x && mouseOffset.y > 0 && mouseOffset.y < pseudoSize.y) { m_PseudoDragFlags.pseudo = true; m_PseudoDragFlags.xExtent = mouseOffset.x > pseudoSize.x / 2; m_PseudoDragFlags.yExtent = mouseOffset.y > pseudoSize.y / 2; PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize = pseudoSize; } else { m_PseudoDragFlags.pseudo = false; } } if (m_PseudoDragFlags.pseudo) { if (m_PseudoDragFlags.xExtent) PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.x += pixResize.x * 2; else PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.x -= pixResize.x * 2; if (m_PseudoDragFlags.yExtent) PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.y += pixResize.y * 2; else PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.y -= pixResize.y * 2; PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.x = std::clamp(PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.x, 30.0, PNODE->box.w); PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.y = std::clamp(PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize.y, 30.0, PNODE->box.h); PWINDOW->m_vLastFloatingSize = PWINDOW->m_vPseudoSize; PNODE->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); return; } } // construct allowed movement Vector2D allowedMovement = pixResize; if (DISPLAYLEFT && DISPLAYRIGHT) allowedMovement.x = 0; if (DISPLAYBOTTOM && DISPLAYTOP) allowedMovement.y = 0; if (*PSMARTRESIZING == 1) { // Identify inner and outer nodes for both directions SDwindleNodeData* PVOUTER = nullptr; SDwindleNodeData* PVINNER = nullptr; SDwindleNodeData* PHOUTER = nullptr; SDwindleNodeData* PHINNER = nullptr; const auto LEFT = corner == CORNER_TOPLEFT || corner == CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT || DISPLAYRIGHT; const auto TOP = corner == CORNER_TOPLEFT || corner == CORNER_TOPRIGHT || DISPLAYBOTTOM; const auto RIGHT = corner == CORNER_TOPRIGHT || corner == CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT || DISPLAYLEFT; const auto BOTTOM = corner == CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT || corner == CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT || DISPLAYTOP; const auto NONE = corner == CORNER_NONE; for (auto PCURRENT = PNODE; PCURRENT && PCURRENT->pParent; PCURRENT = PCURRENT->pParent) { const auto PPARENT = PCURRENT->pParent; if (!PVOUTER && PPARENT->splitTop && (NONE || (TOP && PPARENT->children[1] == PCURRENT) || (BOTTOM && PPARENT->children[0] == PCURRENT))) PVOUTER = PCURRENT; else if (!PVOUTER && !PVINNER && PPARENT->splitTop) PVINNER = PCURRENT; else if (!PHOUTER && !PPARENT->splitTop && (NONE || (LEFT && PPARENT->children[1] == PCURRENT) || (RIGHT && PPARENT->children[0] == PCURRENT))) PHOUTER = PCURRENT; else if (!PHOUTER && !PHINNER && !PPARENT->splitTop) PHINNER = PCURRENT; if (PVOUTER && PHOUTER) break; } if (PHOUTER) { PHOUTER->pParent->splitRatio = std::clamp(PHOUTER->pParent->splitRatio + allowedMovement.x * 2.f / PHOUTER->pParent->box.w, 0.1, 1.9); if (PHINNER) { const auto ORIGINAL = PHINNER->box.w; PHOUTER->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); if (PHINNER->pParent->children[0] == PHINNER) PHINNER->pParent->splitRatio = std::clamp((ORIGINAL - allowedMovement.x) / PHINNER->pParent->box.w * 2.f, 0.1, 1.9); else PHINNER->pParent->splitRatio = std::clamp(2 - (ORIGINAL + allowedMovement.x) / PHINNER->pParent->box.w * 2.f, 0.1, 1.9); PHINNER->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } else PHOUTER->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } if (PVOUTER) { PVOUTER->pParent->splitRatio = std::clamp(PVOUTER->pParent->splitRatio + allowedMovement.y * 2.f / PVOUTER->pParent->box.h, 0.1, 1.9); if (PVINNER) { const auto ORIGINAL = PVINNER->box.h; PVOUTER->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); if (PVINNER->pParent->children[0] == PVINNER) PVINNER->pParent->splitRatio = std::clamp((ORIGINAL - allowedMovement.y) / PVINNER->pParent->box.h * 2.f, 0.1, 1.9); else PVINNER->pParent->splitRatio = std::clamp(2 - (ORIGINAL + allowedMovement.y) / PVINNER->pParent->box.h * 2.f, 0.1, 1.9); PVINNER->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } else PVOUTER->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } } else { // get the correct containers to apply splitratio to const auto PPARENT = PNODE->pParent; if (!PPARENT) return; // the only window on a workspace, ignore const bool PARENTSIDEBYSIDE = !PPARENT->splitTop; // Get the parent's parent auto PPARENT2 = PPARENT->pParent; // No parent means we have only 2 windows, and thus one axis of freedom if (!PPARENT2) { if (PARENTSIDEBYSIDE) { allowedMovement.x *= 2.f / PPARENT->box.w; PPARENT->splitRatio = std::clamp(PPARENT->splitRatio + allowedMovement.x, 0.1, 1.9); PPARENT->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } else { allowedMovement.y *= 2.f / PPARENT->box.h; PPARENT->splitRatio = std::clamp(PPARENT->splitRatio + allowedMovement.y, 0.1, 1.9); PPARENT->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } return; } // Get first parent with other split while (PPARENT2 && PPARENT2->splitTop == !PARENTSIDEBYSIDE) PPARENT2 = PPARENT2->pParent; // no parent, one axis of freedom if (!PPARENT2) { if (PARENTSIDEBYSIDE) { allowedMovement.x *= 2.f / PPARENT->box.w; PPARENT->splitRatio = std::clamp(PPARENT->splitRatio + allowedMovement.x, 0.1, 1.9); PPARENT->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } else { allowedMovement.y *= 2.f / PPARENT->box.h; PPARENT->splitRatio = std::clamp(PPARENT->splitRatio + allowedMovement.y, 0.1, 1.9); PPARENT->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } return; } // 2 axes of freedom const auto SIDECONTAINER = PARENTSIDEBYSIDE ? PPARENT : PPARENT2; const auto TOPCONTAINER = PARENTSIDEBYSIDE ? PPARENT2 : PPARENT; allowedMovement.x *= 2.f / SIDECONTAINER->box.w; allowedMovement.y *= 2.f / TOPCONTAINER->box.h; SIDECONTAINER->splitRatio = std::clamp(SIDECONTAINER->splitRatio + allowedMovement.x, 0.1, 1.9); TOPCONTAINER->splitRatio = std::clamp(TOPCONTAINER->splitRatio + allowedMovement.y, 0.1, 1.9); SIDECONTAINER->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); TOPCONTAINER->recalcSizePosRecursive(*PANIMATE == 0); } } void CHyprDwindleLayout::fullscreenRequestForWindow(CWindow* pWindow, eFullscreenMode fullscreenMode, bool on) { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(pWindow)) return; if (on == pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen || g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID)) return; // ignore const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && on) { // if the window wants to be fullscreen but there already is one, // ignore the request. return; } // otherwise, accept it. pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen = on; PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow = !PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow; g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"fullscreen", std::to_string((int)on)}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("fullscreen", pWindow); if (!pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) { // if it got its fullscreen disabled, set back its node if it had one const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (PNODE) applyNodeDataToWindow(PNODE); else { // get back its' dimensions from position and size pWindow->m_vRealPosition = pWindow->m_vLastFloatingPosition; pWindow->m_vRealSize = pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize; pWindow->updateSpecialRenderData(); } } else { // if it now got fullscreen, make it fullscreen PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode = fullscreenMode; // save position and size if floating if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv(); pWindow->m_vLastFloatingPosition = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); pWindow->m_vPosition = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); pWindow->m_vSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv(); } // apply new pos and size being monitors' box if (fullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_FULL) { pWindow->m_vRealPosition = PMONITOR->vecPosition; pWindow->m_vRealSize = PMONITOR->vecSize; } else { // This is a massive hack. // We make a fake "only" node and apply // To keep consistent with the settings without C+P code SDwindleNodeData fakeNode; fakeNode.pWindow = pWindow; fakeNode.box = {PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft, PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight}; fakeNode.workspaceID = pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID; pWindow->m_vPosition = fakeNode.box.pos(); pWindow->m_vSize = fakeNode.box.size(); applyNodeDataToWindow(&fakeNode); } } g_pCompositor->updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(pWindow); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(pWindow, pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv()); g_pCompositor->changeWindowZOrder(pWindow, true); recalculateMonitor(PMONITOR->ID); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::recalculateWindow(CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE) return; PNODE->recalcSizePosRecursive(); } void addToDequeRecursive(std::deque* pDeque, std::deque* pParents, SDwindleNodeData* node) { if (node->isNode) { pParents->push_back(node); addToDequeRecursive(pDeque, pParents, node->children[0]); addToDequeRecursive(pDeque, pParents, node->children[1]); } else { pDeque->emplace_back(node); } } SWindowRenderLayoutHints CHyprDwindleLayout::requestRenderHints(CWindow* pWindow) { // window should be valid, insallah SWindowRenderLayoutHints hints; const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE) return hints; // left for the future, maybe floating funkiness return hints; } void CHyprDwindleLayout::moveWindowTo(CWindow* pWindow, const std::string& dir) { if (!isDirection(dir)) return; const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE) return; Vector2D focalPoint; switch (dir[0]) { case 't': case 'u': focalPoint = pWindow->m_vPosition + Vector2D{pWindow->m_vSize.x / 2.f, -1}; break; case 'd': case 'b': focalPoint = pWindow->m_vPosition + Vector2D{pWindow->m_vSize.x / 2.f, pWindow->m_vSize.y + 1}; break; case 'l': focalPoint = pWindow->m_vPosition + Vector2D{-1, pWindow->m_vSize.y / 2.f}; break; case 'r': focalPoint = pWindow->m_vPosition + Vector2D{pWindow->m_vSize.x + 1, pWindow->m_vSize.y / 2.f}; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } onWindowRemovedTiling(pWindow); m_vOverrideFocalPoint = focalPoint; const auto PMONITORFOCAL = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(focalPoint); if (PMONITORFOCAL->ID != pWindow->m_iMonitorID) { pWindow->moveToWorkspace(PMONITORFOCAL->activeWorkspace); pWindow->m_iMonitorID = PMONITORFOCAL->ID; } onWindowCreatedTiling(pWindow); m_vOverrideFocalPoint.reset(); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::switchWindows(CWindow* pWindow, CWindow* pWindow2) { // windows should be valid, insallah auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); auto PNODE2 = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow2); if (!PNODE2 || !PNODE) { return; } SDwindleNodeData* ACTIVE1 = nullptr; SDwindleNodeData* ACTIVE2 = nullptr; // swap the windows and recalc PNODE2->pWindow = pWindow; PNODE->pWindow = pWindow2; if (PNODE->workspaceID != PNODE2->workspaceID) { std::swap(pWindow2->m_iMonitorID, pWindow->m_iMonitorID); std::swap(pWindow2->m_iWorkspaceID, pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); } // recalc the workspace getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID)->recalcSizePosRecursive(); if (PNODE2->workspaceID != PNODE->workspaceID) { getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(PNODE2->workspaceID)->recalcSizePosRecursive(); } if (ACTIVE1) { ACTIVE1->box = PNODE->box; ACTIVE1->pWindow->m_vPosition = ACTIVE1->box.pos(); ACTIVE1->pWindow->m_vSize = ACTIVE1->box.size(); } if (ACTIVE2) { ACTIVE2->box = PNODE2->box; ACTIVE2->pWindow->m_vPosition = ACTIVE2->box.pos(); ACTIVE2->pWindow->m_vSize = ACTIVE2->box.size(); } g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(pWindow); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(pWindow2); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::alterSplitRatio(CWindow* pWindow, float ratio, bool exact) { // window should be valid, insallah const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE || !PNODE->pParent) return; float newRatio = exact ? ratio : PNODE->pParent->splitRatio + ratio; PNODE->pParent->splitRatio = std::clamp(newRatio, 0.1f, 1.9f); PNODE->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(); } std::any CHyprDwindleLayout::layoutMessage(SLayoutMessageHeader header, std::string message) { const auto ARGS = CVarList(message, 0, ' '); if (ARGS[0] == "togglesplit") { toggleSplit(header.pWindow); } else if (ARGS[0] == "preselect") { std::string direction = ARGS[1]; if (direction.empty()) { Debug::log(ERR, "Expected direction for preselect"); return ""; } switch (direction.front()) { case 'u': case 't': { overrideDirection = DIRECTION_UP; break; } case 'd': case 'b': { overrideDirection = DIRECTION_DOWN; break; } case 'r': { overrideDirection = DIRECTION_RIGHT; break; } case 'l': { overrideDirection = DIRECTION_LEFT; break; } default: { // any other character resets the focus direction // needed for the persistent mode overrideDirection = DIRECTION_DEFAULT; break; } } } return ""; } void CHyprDwindleLayout::toggleSplit(CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE || !PNODE->pParent) return; if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) return; PNODE->pParent->splitTop = !PNODE->pParent->splitTop; PNODE->pParent->recalcSizePosRecursive(); } void CHyprDwindleLayout::replaceWindowDataWith(CWindow* from, CWindow* to) { const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(from); if (!PNODE) return; PNODE->pWindow = to; applyNodeDataToWindow(PNODE, true); } std::string CHyprDwindleLayout::getLayoutName() { return "dwindle"; } void CHyprDwindleLayout::onEnable() { for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsFloating || !w->m_bMappedX11 || !w->m_bIsMapped || w->isHidden()) continue; onWindowCreatedTiling(w.get()); } } void CHyprDwindleLayout::onDisable() { m_lDwindleNodesData.clear(); }