#include "IHyprLayout.hpp" #include "../defines.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" #include "../render/decorations/CHyprGroupBarDecoration.hpp" #include "../config/ConfigValue.hpp" #include "../desktop/Window.hpp" #include "../protocols/XDGShell.hpp" #include "../protocols/core/Compositor.hpp" #include "../xwayland/XSurface.hpp" void IHyprLayout::onWindowCreated(PHLWINDOW pWindow, eDirection direction) { CBox desiredGeometry = {}; g_pXWaylandManager->getGeometryForWindow(pWindow, &desiredGeometry); if (desiredGeometry.width <= 5 || desiredGeometry.height <= 5) { const auto PMONITOR = pWindow->m_pMonitor.lock(); pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = PMONITOR->vecSize / 2.f; } else pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.height); pWindow->m_vPseudoSize = pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize; if (!g_pXWaylandManager->shouldBeFloated(pWindow)) // do not apply group rules to child windows pWindow->applyGroupRules(); bool autoGrouped = IHyprLayout::onWindowCreatedAutoGroup(pWindow); if (autoGrouped) return; if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) onWindowCreatedFloating(pWindow); else onWindowCreatedTiling(pWindow, direction); } void IHyprLayout::onWindowRemoved(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { if (pWindow->isFullscreen()) g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreenInternal(pWindow, FSMODE_NONE); if (!pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.expired()) { if (pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock() == pWindow) pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.reset(); else { // find last window and update PHLWINDOW PWINDOWPREV = pWindow->getGroupPrevious(); const auto WINDOWISVISIBLE = pWindow->getGroupCurrent() == pWindow; if (WINDOWISVISIBLE) PWINDOWPREV->setGroupCurrent(pWindow->m_sGroupData.head ? pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock() : PWINDOWPREV); PWINDOWPREV->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow = pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow; pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.reset(); if (pWindow->m_sGroupData.head) { std::swap(PWINDOWPREV->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow->m_sGroupData.head, pWindow->m_sGroupData.head); std::swap(PWINDOWPREV->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow->m_sGroupData.locked, pWindow->m_sGroupData.locked); } if (pWindow == m_pLastTiledWindow) m_pLastTiledWindow.reset(); pWindow->setHidden(false); pWindow->updateWindowDecos(); PWINDOWPREV->getGroupCurrent()->updateWindowDecos(); g_pCompositor->updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(pWindow); return; } } if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { onWindowRemovedFloating(pWindow); } else { onWindowRemovedTiling(pWindow); } if (pWindow == m_pLastTiledWindow) m_pLastTiledWindow.reset(); } void IHyprLayout::onWindowRemovedFloating(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { return; // no-op } void IHyprLayout::onWindowCreatedFloating(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { CBox desiredGeometry = {0}; g_pXWaylandManager->getGeometryForWindow(pWindow, &desiredGeometry); const auto PMONITOR = pWindow->m_pMonitor.lock(); if (pWindow->m_bIsX11) { Vector2D xy = {desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y}; xy = g_pXWaylandManager->xwaylandToWaylandCoords(xy); desiredGeometry.x = xy.x; desiredGeometry.y = xy.y; } static auto PXWLFORCESCALEZERO = CConfigValue("xwayland:force_zero_scaling"); if (!PMONITOR) { Debug::log(ERR, "{:m} has an invalid monitor in onWindowCreatedFloating!!!", pWindow); return; } if (desiredGeometry.width <= 5 || desiredGeometry.height <= 5) { const auto PWINDOWSURFACE = pWindow->m_pWLSurface->resource(); pWindow->m_vRealSize = PWINDOWSURFACE->current.size; if ((desiredGeometry.width <= 1 || desiredGeometry.height <= 1) && pWindow->m_bIsX11 && pWindow->isX11OverrideRedirect()) { // XDG windows should be fine. TODO: check for weird atoms? pWindow->setHidden(true); return; } // reject any windows with size <= 5x5 if (pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal().x <= 5 || pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal().y <= 5) pWindow->m_vRealSize = PMONITOR->vecSize / 2.f; if (pWindow->m_bIsX11 && pWindow->isX11OverrideRedirect()) { if (pWindow->m_pXWaylandSurface->geometry.x != 0 && pWindow->m_pXWaylandSurface->geometry.y != 0) pWindow->m_vRealPosition = g_pXWaylandManager->xwaylandToWaylandCoords(pWindow->m_pXWaylandSurface->geometry.pos()); else pWindow->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + (PMONITOR->vecSize.x - pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal().x) / 2.f, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + (PMONITOR->vecSize.y - pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal().y) / 2.f); } else { pWindow->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + (PMONITOR->vecSize.x - pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal().x) / 2.f, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + (PMONITOR->vecSize.y - pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal().y) / 2.f); } } else { // we respect the size. pWindow->m_vRealSize = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.height); // check if it's on the correct monitor! Vector2D middlePoint = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y) + Vector2D(desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.height) / 2.f; // check if it's visible on any monitor (only for XDG) bool visible = pWindow->m_bIsX11; if (!visible) { visible = g_pCompositor->isPointOnAnyMonitor(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y)) && g_pCompositor->isPointOnAnyMonitor(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x + desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.y)) && g_pCompositor->isPointOnAnyMonitor(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y + desiredGeometry.height)) && g_pCompositor->isPointOnAnyMonitor(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x + desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.y + desiredGeometry.height)); } // TODO: detect a popup in a more consistent way. if ((desiredGeometry.x == 0 && desiredGeometry.y == 0) || !visible || !pWindow->m_bIsX11) { // if the pos isn't set, fall back to the center placement if it's not a child, otherwise middle of parent if available if (!pWindow->m_bIsX11 && pWindow->m_pXDGSurface->toplevel->parent && validMapped(pWindow->m_pXDGSurface->toplevel->parent->window)) pWindow->m_vRealPosition = pWindow->m_pXDGSurface->toplevel->parent->window->m_vRealPosition.goal() + pWindow->m_pXDGSurface->toplevel->parent->window->m_vRealSize.goal() / 2.F - desiredGeometry.size() / 2.F; else pWindow->m_vRealPosition = PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecSize / 2.F - desiredGeometry.size() / 2.F; } else { // if it is, we respect where it wants to put itself, but apply monitor offset if outside // most of these are popups if (const auto POPENMON = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(middlePoint); POPENMON->ID != PMONITOR->ID) pWindow->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y) - POPENMON->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecPosition; else pWindow->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y); } } if (*PXWLFORCESCALEZERO && pWindow->m_bIsX11) pWindow->m_vRealSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal() / PMONITOR->scale; if (pWindow->m_bX11DoesntWantBorders || (pWindow->m_bIsX11 && pWindow->isX11OverrideRedirect())) { pWindow->m_vRealPosition.warp(); pWindow->m_vRealSize.warp(); } if (!pWindow->isX11OverrideRedirect()) { g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(pWindow, pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal()); g_pCompositor->changeWindowZOrder(pWindow, true); } else { pWindow->m_vPendingReportedSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal(); pWindow->m_vReportedSize = pWindow->m_vPendingReportedSize; } } bool IHyprLayout::onWindowCreatedAutoGroup(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { static auto PAUTOGROUP = CConfigValue("group:auto_group"); const PHLWINDOW OPENINGON = g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow.lock() && g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace ? g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow.lock() : g_pCompositor->getFirstWindowOnWorkspace(pWindow->workspaceID()); const bool FLOATEDINTOTILED = pWindow->m_bIsFloating && !OPENINGON->m_bIsFloating; const bool SWALLOWING = pWindow->m_pSwallowed || pWindow->m_bGroupSwallowed; if ((*PAUTOGROUP || SWALLOWING) // continue if auto_group is enabled or if dealing with window swallowing. && OPENINGON // this shouldn't be 0, but honestly, better safe than sorry. && OPENINGON != pWindow // prevent freeze when the "group set" window rule makes the new window to be already a group. && OPENINGON->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock() // check if OPENINGON is a group. && pWindow->canBeGroupedInto(OPENINGON) // check if the new window can be grouped into OPENINGON. && !g_pXWaylandManager->shouldBeFloated(pWindow) // don't group child windows. Fix for floated groups. Tiled groups don't need this because we check if !FLOATEDINTOTILED. && !FLOATEDINTOTILED) { // don't group a new floated window into a tiled group (for convenience). pWindow->m_bIsFloating = OPENINGON->m_bIsFloating; // match the floating state. Needed to autogroup a new tiled window into a floated group. static auto USECURRPOS = CConfigValue("group:insert_after_current"); (*USECURRPOS ? OPENINGON : OPENINGON->getGroupTail())->insertWindowToGroup(pWindow); OPENINGON->setGroupCurrent(pWindow); pWindow->updateWindowDecos(); recalculateWindow(pWindow); if (!pWindow->getDecorationByType(DECORATION_GROUPBAR)) pWindow->addWindowDeco(std::make_unique(pWindow)); return true; } return false; } void IHyprLayout::onBeginDragWindow() { const auto DRAGGINGWINDOW = g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow.lock(); m_iMouseMoveEventCount = 1; m_vBeginDragSizeXY = Vector2D(); // Window will be floating. Let's check if it's valid. It should be, but I don't like crashing. if (!validMapped(DRAGGINGWINDOW)) { Debug::log(ERR, "Dragging attempted on an invalid window!"); g_pKeybindManager->changeMouseBindMode(MBIND_INVALID); return; } if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->isFullscreen()) { Debug::log(LOG, "Dragging a fullscreen window"); g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreenInternal(DRAGGINGWINDOW, FSMODE_NONE); } const auto PWORKSPACE = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_pWorkspace; if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && (!DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen || !DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating)) { Debug::log(LOG, "Rejecting drag on a fullscreen workspace. (window under fullscreen)"); g_pKeybindManager->changeMouseBindMode(MBIND_INVALID); return; } DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled = false; m_vDraggingWindowOriginalFloatSize = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vLastFloatingSize; if (!DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating) { if (g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_MOVE) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vLastFloatingSize = (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goal() * 0.8489).clamp(Vector2D{5, 5}, Vector2D{}).floor(); changeWindowFloatingMode(DRAGGINGWINDOW); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating = true; DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled = true; DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal() - DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goal() / 2.f; } } m_vBeginDragXY = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal(); m_vBeginDragPositionXY = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.goal(); m_vBeginDragSizeXY = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goal(); m_vLastDragXY = m_vBeginDragXY; // get the grab corner static auto RESIZECORNER = CConfigValue("general:resize_corner"); if (*RESIZECORNER != 0 && *RESIZECORNER <= 4 && DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating) { switch (*RESIZECORNER) { case 1: m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_TOPLEFT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("nw-resize"); break; case 2: m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_TOPRIGHT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("ne-resize"); break; case 3: m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("se-resize"); break; case 4: m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("sw-resize"); break; } } else if (m_vBeginDragXY.x < m_vBeginDragPositionXY.x + m_vBeginDragSizeXY.x / 2.0) { if (m_vBeginDragXY.y < m_vBeginDragPositionXY.y + m_vBeginDragSizeXY.y / 2.0) { m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_TOPLEFT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("nw-resize"); } else { m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("sw-resize"); } } else { if (m_vBeginDragXY.y < m_vBeginDragPositionXY.y + m_vBeginDragSizeXY.y / 2.0) { m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_TOPRIGHT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("ne-resize"); } else { m_eGrabbedCorner = CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT; g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("se-resize"); } } if (g_pInputManager->dragMode != MBIND_RESIZE && g_pInputManager->dragMode != MBIND_RESIZE_FORCE_RATIO && g_pInputManager->dragMode != MBIND_RESIZE_BLOCK_RATIO) g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("grab"); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); g_pKeybindManager->shadowKeybinds(); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); g_pCompositor->changeWindowZOrder(DRAGGINGWINDOW, true); } void IHyprLayout::onEndDragWindow() { const auto DRAGGINGWINDOW = g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow.lock(); m_iMouseMoveEventCount = 1; if (!validMapped(DRAGGINGWINDOW)) { if (DRAGGINGWINDOW) { g_pInputManager->unsetCursorImage(); g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow.reset(); } return; } g_pInputManager->unsetCursorImage(); g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow.reset(); g_pInputManager->m_bWasDraggingWindow = true; if (g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_MOVE) { g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); const auto MOUSECOORDS = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal(); PHLWINDOW pWindow = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(MOUSECOORDS, RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING, DRAGGINGWINDOW); if (pWindow) { if (pWindow->checkInputOnDecos(INPUT_TYPE_DRAG_END, MOUSECOORDS, DRAGGINGWINDOW)) return; const bool FLOATEDINTOTILED = !pWindow->m_bIsFloating && !DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled; static auto PDRAGINTOGROUP = CConfigValue("group:drag_into_group"); if (pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock() && DRAGGINGWINDOW->canBeGroupedInto(pWindow) && *PDRAGINTOGROUP == 1 && !FLOATEDINTOTILED) { if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled) { changeWindowFloatingMode(DRAGGINGWINDOW); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vLastFloatingSize = m_vDraggingWindowOriginalFloatSize; DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled = false; } if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow) { PHLWINDOW next = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock(); while (next != DRAGGINGWINDOW) { next->m_bIsFloating = pWindow->m_bIsFloating; // match the floating state of group members next->m_vRealSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal(); // match the size of group members next->m_vRealPosition = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal(); // match the position of group members next = next->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock(); } } DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating = pWindow->m_bIsFloating; // match the floating state of the window if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(DRAGGINGWINDOW, pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal()); // match the size of the window static auto USECURRPOS = CConfigValue("group:insert_after_current"); (*USECURRPOS ? pWindow : pWindow->getGroupTail())->insertWindowToGroup(DRAGGINGWINDOW); pWindow->setGroupCurrent(DRAGGINGWINDOW); DRAGGINGWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); if (!DRAGGINGWINDOW->getDecorationByType(DECORATION_GROUPBAR)) DRAGGINGWINDOW->addWindowDeco(std::make_unique(DRAGGINGWINDOW)); } } } if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating = false; g_pInputManager->refocus(); changeWindowFloatingMode(DRAGGINGWINDOW); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vLastFloatingSize = m_vDraggingWindowOriginalFloatSize; } g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); g_pInputManager->m_bWasDraggingWindow = false; } static inline bool canSnap(const double SIDEA, const double SIDEB, const double GAP) { return std::abs(SIDEA - SIDEB) < GAP; } static void snapMove(double& start, double& end, const double P) { end = P + (end - start); start = P; } static void snapResize(double& start, double& end, const double P) { start = P; } typedef std::function SnapFn; static void performSnap(Vector2D& sourcePos, Vector2D& sourceSize, PHLWINDOW DRAGGINGWINDOW, const eMouseBindMode MODE, const int CORNER, const Vector2D& BEGINSIZE) { static auto SNAPWINDOWGAP = CConfigValue("general:snap:window_gap"); static auto SNAPMONITORGAP = CConfigValue("general:snap:monitor_gap"); static auto SNAPBORDEROVERLAP = CConfigValue("general:snap:border_overlap"); const SnapFn SNAP = (MODE == MBIND_MOVE) ? snapMove : snapResize; int snaps = 0; const bool OVERLAP = *SNAPBORDEROVERLAP; const int DRAGGINGBORDERSIZE = DRAGGINGWINDOW->getRealBorderSize(); struct SRange { double start = 0; double end = 0; }; SRange sourceX = {sourcePos.x, sourcePos.x + sourceSize.x}; SRange sourceY = {sourcePos.y, sourcePos.y + sourceSize.y}; if (*SNAPWINDOWGAP) { const double GAPSIZE = *SNAPWINDOWGAP; const auto WSID = DRAGGINGWINDOW->workspaceID(); for (auto& other : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (other == DRAGGINGWINDOW || other->workspaceID() != WSID || !other->m_bIsMapped || other->m_bFadingOut || other->isX11OverrideRedirect()) continue; const int OTHERBORDERSIZE = other->getRealBorderSize(); const double BORDERSIZE = OVERLAP ? std::max(DRAGGINGBORDERSIZE, OTHERBORDERSIZE) : (DRAGGINGBORDERSIZE + OTHERBORDERSIZE); const CBox SURF = other->getWindowMainSurfaceBox(); const SRange SURFBX = {SURF.x - BORDERSIZE, SURF.x + SURF.w + BORDERSIZE}; const SRange SURFBY = {SURF.y - BORDERSIZE, SURF.y + SURF.h + BORDERSIZE}; // only snap windows if their ranges overlap in the opposite axis if (sourceY.start <= SURFBY.end && SURFBY.start <= sourceY.end) { if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT) && canSnap(sourceX.start, SURFBX.end, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceX.start, sourceX.end, SURFBX.end); snaps |= SNAP_LEFT; } else if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPRIGHT | CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT) && canSnap(sourceX.end, SURFBX.start, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceX.end, sourceX.start, SURFBX.start); snaps |= SNAP_RIGHT; } } if (sourceX.start <= SURFBX.end && SURFBX.start <= sourceX.end) { if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_TOPRIGHT) && canSnap(sourceY.start, SURFBY.end, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceY.start, sourceY.end, SURFBY.end); snaps |= SNAP_UP; } else if (CORNER & (CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT | CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT) && canSnap(sourceY.end, SURFBY.start, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceY.end, sourceY.start, SURFBY.start); snaps |= SNAP_DOWN; } } // corner snapping const double BORDERDIFF = OTHERBORDERSIZE - DRAGGINGBORDERSIZE; if (sourceX.start == SURFBX.end || SURFBX.start == sourceX.end) { const SRange SURFY = {SURF.y - BORDERDIFF, SURF.y + SURF.h + BORDERDIFF}; if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_TOPRIGHT) && canSnap(sourceY.start, SURFY.start, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceY.start, sourceY.end, SURFY.start); snaps |= SNAP_UP; } else if (CORNER & (CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT | CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT) && canSnap(sourceY.end, SURFY.end, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceY.end, sourceY.start, SURFY.end); snaps |= SNAP_DOWN; } } if (sourceY.start == SURFBY.end || SURFBY.start == sourceY.end) { const SRange SURFX = {SURF.x - BORDERDIFF, SURF.x + SURF.w + BORDERDIFF}; if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT) && canSnap(sourceX.start, SURFX.start, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceX.start, sourceX.end, SURFX.start); snaps |= SNAP_LEFT; } else if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPRIGHT | CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT) && canSnap(sourceX.end, SURFX.end, GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceX.end, sourceX.start, SURFX.end); snaps |= SNAP_RIGHT; } } } } if (*SNAPMONITORGAP) { const double GAPSIZE = *SNAPMONITORGAP; const double BORDERSIZE = OVERLAP ? 0 : DRAGGINGBORDERSIZE; const double BORDERDIFF = DRAGGINGBORDERSIZE - BORDERSIZE; const auto MON = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_pMonitor.lock(); SRange monX = {MON->vecPosition.x + BORDERSIZE, MON->vecSize.x - BORDERSIZE}; SRange monY = {MON->vecPosition.y + BORDERSIZE, MON->vecSize.y - BORDERSIZE}; if (canSnap(sourceX.start, monX.start, GAPSIZE) || canSnap(sourceX.start, (monX.start += MON->vecReservedTopLeft.x + BORDERDIFF), GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceX.start, sourceX.end, monX.start); snaps |= SNAP_LEFT; } if (canSnap(sourceX.end, monX.end, GAPSIZE) || canSnap(sourceX.end, (monX.end -= MON->vecReservedBottomRight.x + BORDERDIFF), GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceX.end, sourceX.start, monX.end); snaps |= SNAP_RIGHT; } if (canSnap(sourceY.start, monY.start, GAPSIZE) || canSnap(sourceY.start, (monY.start += MON->vecReservedTopLeft.y + BORDERDIFF), GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceY.start, sourceY.end, monY.start); snaps |= SNAP_UP; } if (canSnap(sourceY.end, monY.end, GAPSIZE) || canSnap(sourceY.end, (monY.end -= MON->vecReservedBottomRight.y + BORDERDIFF), GAPSIZE)) { SNAP(sourceY.end, sourceY.start, monY.end); snaps |= SNAP_DOWN; } } if (MODE == MBIND_RESIZE_FORCE_RATIO) { if ((CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT) && snaps & SNAP_LEFT) || (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPRIGHT | CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT) && snaps & SNAP_RIGHT)) { const double SIZEY = (sourceX.end - sourceX.start) * (BEGINSIZE.y / BEGINSIZE.x); if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_TOPRIGHT)) sourceY.start = sourceY.end - SIZEY; else sourceY.end = sourceY.start + SIZEY; } else if ((CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_TOPRIGHT) && snaps & SNAP_UP) || (CORNER & (CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT | CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT) && snaps & SNAP_DOWN)) { const double SIZEX = (sourceY.end - sourceY.start) * (BEGINSIZE.x / BEGINSIZE.y); if (CORNER & (CORNER_TOPLEFT | CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT)) sourceX.start = sourceX.end - SIZEX; else sourceX.end = sourceX.start + SIZEX; } } sourcePos = {sourceX.start, sourceY.start}; sourceSize = {sourceX.end - sourceX.start, sourceY.end - sourceY.start}; } void IHyprLayout::onMouseMove(const Vector2D& mousePos) { if (g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow.expired()) return; const auto DRAGGINGWINDOW = g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow.lock(); // Window invalid or drag begin size 0,0 meaning we rejected it. if ((!validMapped(DRAGGINGWINDOW) || m_vBeginDragSizeXY == Vector2D())) { g_pKeybindManager->changeMouseBindMode(MBIND_INVALID); return; } static auto TIMER = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(), MSTIMER = TIMER; const auto SPECIAL = DRAGGINGWINDOW->onSpecialWorkspace(); const auto DELTA = Vector2D(mousePos.x - m_vBeginDragXY.x, mousePos.y - m_vBeginDragXY.y); const auto TICKDELTA = Vector2D(mousePos.x - m_vLastDragXY.x, mousePos.y - m_vLastDragXY.y); static auto PANIMATEMOUSE = CConfigValue("misc:animate_mouse_windowdragging"); static auto PANIMATE = CConfigValue("misc:animate_manual_resizes"); static auto SNAPENABLED = CConfigValue("general:snap:enabled"); const auto TIMERDELTA = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - TIMER).count(); const auto MSDELTA = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - MSTIMER).count(); const auto MSMONITOR = 1000.0 / g_pHyprRenderer->m_pMostHzMonitor->refreshRate; static int totalMs = 0; bool canSkipUpdate = true; MSTIMER = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (m_iMouseMoveEventCount == 1) totalMs = 0; if (MSMONITOR > 16.0) { totalMs += MSDELTA < MSMONITOR ? MSDELTA : std::round(totalMs * 1.0 / m_iMouseMoveEventCount); m_iMouseMoveEventCount += 1; // check if time-window is enough to skip update on 60hz monitor canSkipUpdate = std::clamp(MSMONITOR - TIMERDELTA, 0.0, MSMONITOR) > totalMs * 1.0 / m_iMouseMoveEventCount; } if ((abs(TICKDELTA.x) < 1.f && abs(TICKDELTA.y) < 1.f) || (TIMERDELTA < MSMONITOR && canSkipUpdate && (g_pInputManager->dragMode != MBIND_MOVE || *PANIMATEMOUSE))) return; TIMER = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); m_vLastDragXY = mousePos; g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); if (g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_MOVE) { Vector2D newPos = m_vBeginDragPositionXY + DELTA; Vector2D newSize = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goal(); if (*SNAPENABLED && !DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled) performSnap(newPos, newSize, DRAGGINGWINDOW, MBIND_MOVE, -1, m_vBeginDragSizeXY); CBox wb = {newPos, newSize}; wb.round(); if (*PANIMATEMOUSE) DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = wb.pos(); else DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.setValueAndWarp(wb.pos()); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(DRAGGINGWINDOW, DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goal()); } else if (g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_RESIZE || g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_RESIZE_FORCE_RATIO || g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_RESIZE_BLOCK_RATIO) { if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating) { Vector2D MINSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMinSizeForWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW).clamp(DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_sWindowData.minSize.valueOr(Vector2D(20, 20))); Vector2D MAXSIZE; if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_sWindowData.maxSize.hasValue()) MAXSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMaxSizeForWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW).clamp({}, DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_sWindowData.maxSize.value()); else MAXSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMaxSizeForWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW).clamp({}, Vector2D(std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max())); Vector2D newSize = m_vBeginDragSizeXY; Vector2D newPos = m_vBeginDragPositionXY; if (m_eGrabbedCorner == CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT) newSize = newSize + DELTA; else if (m_eGrabbedCorner == CORNER_TOPLEFT) newSize = newSize - DELTA; else if (m_eGrabbedCorner == CORNER_TOPRIGHT) newSize = newSize + Vector2D(DELTA.x, -DELTA.y); else if (m_eGrabbedCorner == CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT) newSize = newSize + Vector2D(-DELTA.x, DELTA.y); eMouseBindMode mode = g_pInputManager->dragMode; if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_sWindowData.keepAspectRatio.valueOrDefault() && mode != MBIND_RESIZE_BLOCK_RATIO) mode = MBIND_RESIZE_FORCE_RATIO; if (m_vBeginDragSizeXY.x >= 1 && m_vBeginDragSizeXY.y >= 1 && mode == MBIND_RESIZE_FORCE_RATIO) { const float RATIO = m_vBeginDragSizeXY.y / m_vBeginDragSizeXY.x; if (MINSIZE.x * RATIO > MINSIZE.y) MINSIZE = Vector2D(MINSIZE.x, MINSIZE.x * RATIO); else MINSIZE = Vector2D(MINSIZE.y / RATIO, MINSIZE.y); if (MAXSIZE.x * RATIO < MAXSIZE.y) MAXSIZE = Vector2D(MAXSIZE.x, MAXSIZE.x * RATIO); else MAXSIZE = Vector2D(MAXSIZE.y / RATIO, MAXSIZE.y); if (newSize.x * RATIO > newSize.y) newSize = Vector2D(newSize.x, newSize.x * RATIO); else newSize = Vector2D(newSize.y / RATIO, newSize.y); } newSize = newSize.clamp(MINSIZE, MAXSIZE); if (m_eGrabbedCorner == CORNER_TOPLEFT) newPos = newPos - newSize + m_vBeginDragSizeXY; else if (m_eGrabbedCorner == CORNER_TOPRIGHT) newPos = newPos + Vector2D(0.0, (m_vBeginDragSizeXY - newSize).y); else if (m_eGrabbedCorner == CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT) newPos = newPos + Vector2D((m_vBeginDragSizeXY - newSize).x, 0.0); if (*SNAPENABLED) { performSnap(newPos, newSize, DRAGGINGWINDOW, mode, m_eGrabbedCorner, m_vBeginDragSizeXY); newSize = newSize.clamp(MINSIZE, MAXSIZE); } CBox wb = {newPos, newSize}; wb.round(); if (*PANIMATE) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize = wb.size(); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = wb.pos(); } else { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.setValueAndWarp(wb.size()); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.setValueAndWarp(wb.pos()); } g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(DRAGGINGWINDOW, DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goal()); } else { resizeActiveWindow(TICKDELTA, m_eGrabbedCorner, DRAGGINGWINDOW); } } // get middle point Vector2D middle = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.value() + DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.value() / 2.f; // and check its monitor const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(middle); if (PMONITOR && !SPECIAL) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_pMonitor = PMONITOR; DRAGGINGWINDOW->moveToWorkspace(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); DRAGGINGWINDOW->updateGroupOutputs(); DRAGGINGWINDOW->updateToplevel(); } DRAGGINGWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); } void IHyprLayout::changeWindowFloatingMode(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { if (pWindow->isFullscreen()) { Debug::log(LOG, "changeWindowFloatingMode: fullscreen"); g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreenInternal(pWindow, FSMODE_NONE); } pWindow->m_bPinned = false; const auto TILED = isWindowTiled(pWindow); // event g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"changefloatingmode", std::format("{:x},{}", (uintptr_t)pWindow.get(), (int)TILED)}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("changeFloatingMode", pWindow); if (!TILED) { const auto PNEWMON = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(pWindow->m_vRealPosition.value() + pWindow->m_vRealSize.value() / 2.f); pWindow->m_pMonitor = PNEWMON; pWindow->moveToWorkspace(PNEWMON->activeSpecialWorkspace ? PNEWMON->activeSpecialWorkspace : PNEWMON->activeWorkspace); pWindow->updateGroupOutputs(); const auto PWORKSPACE = PNEWMON->activeSpecialWorkspace ? PNEWMON->activeSpecialWorkspace : PNEWMON->activeWorkspace; if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow) g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreenInternal(g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID), FSMODE_NONE); // save real pos cuz the func applies the default 5,5 mid const auto PSAVEDPOS = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal(); const auto PSAVEDSIZE = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal(); // if the window is pseudo, update its size if (!pWindow->m_bDraggingTiled) pWindow->m_vPseudoSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal(); pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = PSAVEDSIZE; // move to narnia because we don't wanna find our own node. onWindowCreatedTiling should apply the coords back. pWindow->m_vPosition = Vector2D(-999999, -999999); onWindowCreatedTiling(pWindow); pWindow->m_vRealPosition.setValue(PSAVEDPOS); pWindow->m_vRealSize.setValue(PSAVEDSIZE); // fix pseudo leaving artifacts g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(pWindow->m_pMonitor.lock()); if (pWindow == g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow) m_pLastTiledWindow = pWindow; } else { onWindowRemovedTiling(pWindow); g_pCompositor->changeWindowZOrder(pWindow, true); CBox wb = {pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal() + (pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal() - pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize) / 2.f, pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize}; wb.round(); if (!(pWindow->m_bIsFloating && pWindow->m_bIsPseudotiled) && DELTALESSTHAN(pWindow->m_vRealSize.value().x, pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize.x, 10) && DELTALESSTHAN(pWindow->m_vRealSize.value().y, pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize.y, 10)) { wb = {wb.pos() + Vector2D{10, 10}, wb.size() - Vector2D{20, 20}}; } pWindow->m_vRealPosition = wb.pos(); pWindow->m_vRealSize = wb.size(); pWindow->m_vSize = wb.pos(); pWindow->m_vPosition = wb.size(); g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(pWindow->m_pMonitor.lock()); pWindow->unsetWindowData(PRIORITY_LAYOUT); pWindow->updateWindowData(); if (pWindow == m_pLastTiledWindow) m_pLastTiledWindow.reset(); } g_pCompositor->updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(pWindow); pWindow->updateToplevel(); } void IHyprLayout::moveActiveWindow(const Vector2D& delta, PHLWINDOW pWindow) { const auto PWINDOW = pWindow ? pWindow : g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow.lock(); if (!validMapped(PWINDOW)) return; if (!PWINDOW->m_bIsFloating) { Debug::log(LOG, "Dwindle cannot move a tiled window in moveActiveWindow!"); return; } PWINDOW->setAnimationsToMove(); PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.goal() + delta; g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(PWINDOW); } void IHyprLayout::onWindowFocusChange(PHLWINDOW pNewFocus) { m_pLastTiledWindow = pNewFocus && !pNewFocus->m_bIsFloating ? pNewFocus : m_pLastTiledWindow; } PHLWINDOW IHyprLayout::getNextWindowCandidate(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { // although we don't expect nullptrs here, let's verify jic if (!pWindow) return nullptr; const auto PWORKSPACE = pWindow->m_pWorkspace; // first of all, if this is a fullscreen workspace, if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow) return g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(pWindow->workspaceID()); if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { // find whether there is a floating window below this one for (auto const& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && w->m_bIsFloating && !w->isX11OverrideRedirect() && w->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->m_sWindowData.noFocus.valueOrDefault() && w != pWindow) { if (VECINRECT((pWindow->m_vSize / 2.f + pWindow->m_vPosition), w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vPosition.x + w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vPosition.y + w->m_vSize.y)) { return w; } } } // let's try the last tiled window. if (m_pLastTiledWindow.lock() && m_pLastTiledWindow->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace) return m_pLastTiledWindow.lock(); // if we don't, let's try to find any window that is in the middle if (const auto PWINDOWCANDIDATE = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(pWindow->middle(), RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING); PWINDOWCANDIDATE && PWINDOWCANDIDATE != pWindow) return PWINDOWCANDIDATE; // if not, floating window for (auto const& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && w->m_bIsFloating && !w->isX11OverrideRedirect() && w->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->m_sWindowData.noFocus.valueOrDefault() && w != pWindow) return w; } // if there is no candidate, too bad return nullptr; } // if it was a tiled window, we first try to find the window that will replace it. auto pWindowCandidate = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(pWindow->middle(), RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING); if (!pWindowCandidate) pWindowCandidate = g_pCompositor->getTopLeftWindowOnWorkspace(pWindow->workspaceID()); if (!pWindowCandidate) pWindowCandidate = g_pCompositor->getFirstWindowOnWorkspace(pWindow->workspaceID()); if (!pWindowCandidate || pWindow == pWindowCandidate || !pWindowCandidate->m_bIsMapped || pWindowCandidate->isHidden() || pWindowCandidate->m_bX11ShouldntFocus || pWindowCandidate->isX11OverrideRedirect() || pWindowCandidate->m_pMonitor != g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor) return nullptr; return pWindowCandidate; } bool IHyprLayout::isWindowReachable(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { return pWindow && (!pWindow->isHidden() || pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow); } void IHyprLayout::bringWindowToTop(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { if (pWindow == nullptr) return; if (pWindow->isHidden() && pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow) { // grouped, change the current to this window pWindow->setGroupCurrent(pWindow); } } void IHyprLayout::requestFocusForWindow(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { bringWindowToTop(pWindow); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(pWindow); g_pCompositor->warpCursorTo(pWindow->middle()); } Vector2D IHyprLayout::predictSizeForNewWindowFloating(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { // get all rules, see if we have any size overrides. Vector2D sizeOverride = {}; if (g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor) { for (auto const& r : g_pConfigManager->getMatchingRules(pWindow, true, true)) { if (r.szRule.starts_with("size")) { try { const auto VALUE = r.szRule.substr(r.szRule.find(' ') + 1); const auto SIZEXSTR = VALUE.substr(0, VALUE.find(' ')); const auto SIZEYSTR = VALUE.substr(VALUE.find(' ') + 1); const auto MAXSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMaxSizeForWindow(pWindow); const float SIZEX = SIZEXSTR == "max" ? std::clamp(MAXSIZE.x, MIN_WINDOW_SIZE, g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->vecSize.x) : stringToPercentage(SIZEXSTR, g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->vecSize.x); const float SIZEY = SIZEYSTR == "max" ? std::clamp(MAXSIZE.y, MIN_WINDOW_SIZE, g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->vecSize.y) : stringToPercentage(SIZEYSTR, g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->vecSize.y); sizeOverride = {SIZEX, SIZEY}; } catch (...) { Debug::log(LOG, "Rule size failed, rule: {} -> {}", r.szRule, r.szValue); } break; } } } return sizeOverride; } Vector2D IHyprLayout::predictSizeForNewWindow(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { bool shouldBeFloated = g_pXWaylandManager->shouldBeFloated(pWindow, true); if (!shouldBeFloated) { for (auto const& r : g_pConfigManager->getMatchingRules(pWindow, true, true)) { if (r.szRule.starts_with("float")) { shouldBeFloated = true; break; } } } Vector2D sizePredicted = {}; if (!shouldBeFloated) sizePredicted = predictSizeForNewWindowTiled(); else sizePredicted = predictSizeForNewWindowFloating(pWindow); Vector2D maxSize = pWindow->m_pXDGSurface->toplevel->pending.maxSize; if ((maxSize.x > 0 && maxSize.x < sizePredicted.x) || (maxSize.y > 0 && maxSize.y < sizePredicted.y)) sizePredicted = {}; return sizePredicted; } IHyprLayout::~IHyprLayout() {}