#include "HookSystem.hpp" #include "../debug/Log.hpp" #include "../helpers/varlist/VarList.hpp" #include "../managers/TokenManager.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" #define register #include #undef register #include #include #include #include #include #include CFunctionHook::CFunctionHook(HANDLE owner, void* source, void* destination) : m_pSource(source), m_pDestination(destination), m_pOwner(owner) { ; } CFunctionHook::~CFunctionHook() { if (m_bActive) unhook(); } CFunctionHook::SInstructionProbe CFunctionHook::getInstructionLenAt(void* start) { ud_t udis; ud_init(&udis); ud_set_mode(&udis, 64); ud_set_syntax(&udis, UD_SYN_ATT); size_t curOffset = 1; size_t insSize = 0; while (true) { ud_set_input_buffer(&udis, (uint8_t*)start, curOffset); insSize = ud_disassemble(&udis); if (insSize != curOffset) break; curOffset++; } // check for RIP refs std::string ins; if (const auto CINS = ud_insn_asm(&udis); CINS) ins = std::string(CINS); return {insSize, ins}; } CFunctionHook::SInstructionProbe CFunctionHook::probeMinimumJumpSize(void* start, size_t min) { size_t size = 0; std::string instrs = ""; std::vector sizes; while (size <= min) { // find info about this instruction auto probe = getInstructionLenAt((uint8_t*)start + size); sizes.push_back(probe.len); size += probe.len; instrs += probe.assembly + "\n"; } return {size, instrs, sizes}; } CFunctionHook::SAssembly CFunctionHook::fixInstructionProbeRIPCalls(const SInstructionProbe& probe) { SAssembly returns; // analyze the code and fix what we know how to. uint64_t currentAddress = (uint64_t)m_pSource; // actually newline + 1 size_t lastAsmNewline = 0; // needle for destination binary size_t currentDestinationOffset = 0; std::vector finalBytes; finalBytes.resize(probe.len); for (auto const& len : probe.insSizes) { // copy original bytes to our finalBytes for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { finalBytes[currentDestinationOffset + i] = *(char*)(currentAddress + i); } std::string code = probe.assembly.substr(lastAsmNewline, probe.assembly.find('\n', lastAsmNewline) - lastAsmNewline); if (code.contains("%rip")) { CVarList tokens{code, 0, 's'}; size_t plusPresent = tokens[1][0] == '+' ? 1 : 0; size_t minusPresent = tokens[1][0] == '-' ? 1 : 0; std::string addr = tokens[1].substr((plusPresent || minusPresent), tokens[1].find("(%rip)") - (plusPresent || minusPresent)); auto addrResult = configStringToInt(addr); if (!addrResult) return {}; const int32_t OFFSET = (minusPresent ? -1 : 1) * *addrResult; if (OFFSET == 0) return {}; const uint64_t DESTINATION = currentAddress + OFFSET + len; auto ADDREND = code.find("(%rip)"); auto ADDRSTART = (code.substr(0, ADDREND).find_last_of(' ')); if (ADDREND == std::string::npos || ADDRSTART == std::string::npos) return {}; const uint64_t PREDICTEDRIP = (uint64_t)m_pTrampolineAddr + currentDestinationOffset + len; const int32_t NEWRIPOFFSET = DESTINATION - PREDICTEDRIP; size_t ripOffset = 0; // find %rip usage offset from beginning for (int i = len - 4 /* 32-bit */; i > 0; --i) { if (*(int32_t*)(currentAddress + i) == OFFSET) { ripOffset = i; break; } } if (ripOffset == 0) return {}; // fix offset in the final bytes. This doesn't care about endianness *(int32_t*)&finalBytes[currentDestinationOffset + ripOffset] = NEWRIPOFFSET; currentDestinationOffset += len; } else { currentDestinationOffset += len; } lastAsmNewline = probe.assembly.find('\n', lastAsmNewline) + 1; currentAddress += len; } return {finalBytes}; } bool CFunctionHook::hook() { // check for unsupported platforms #if !defined(__x86_64__) return false; #endif // movabs $0,%rax | jmpq *%rax // offset for addr: 2 static constexpr uint8_t ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS[] = {0x48, 0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xE0}; static constexpr size_t ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS_OFFSET = 2; // pushq %rax static constexpr uint8_t PUSH_RAX[] = {0x50}; // popq %rax static constexpr uint8_t POP_RAX[] = {0x58}; // nop static constexpr uint8_t NOP = 0x90; // alloc trampoline const auto MAX_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE = HOOK_TRAMPOLINE_MAX_SIZE; // we will never need more. m_pTrampolineAddr = (void*)g_pFunctionHookSystem->getAddressForTrampo(); // probe instructions to be trampolin'd SInstructionProbe probe; try { probe = probeMinimumJumpSize(m_pSource, sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS) + sizeof(PUSH_RAX) + sizeof(POP_RAX)); } catch (std::exception& e) { return false; } const auto PROBEFIXEDASM = fixInstructionProbeRIPCalls(probe); if (PROBEFIXEDASM.bytes.size() == 0) { Debug::log(ERR, "[functionhook] failed, unsupported asm / failed assembling:\n{}", probe.assembly); return false; } const size_t HOOKSIZE = PROBEFIXEDASM.bytes.size(); const size_t ORIGSIZE = probe.len; const auto TRAMPOLINE_SIZE = sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS) + HOOKSIZE + sizeof(PUSH_RAX); if (TRAMPOLINE_SIZE > MAX_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE) { Debug::log(ERR, "[functionhook] failed, not enough space in trampo to alloc:\n{}", probe.assembly); return false; } m_pOriginalBytes = malloc(ORIGSIZE); memcpy(m_pOriginalBytes, m_pSource, ORIGSIZE); // populate trampoline memcpy(m_pTrampolineAddr, PROBEFIXEDASM.bytes.data(), HOOKSIZE); // first, original but fixed func bytes memcpy((uint8_t*)m_pTrampolineAddr + HOOKSIZE, PUSH_RAX, sizeof(PUSH_RAX)); // then, pushq %rax memcpy((uint8_t*)m_pTrampolineAddr + HOOKSIZE + sizeof(PUSH_RAX), ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS, sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS)); // then, jump to source // fixup trampoline addr *(uint64_t*)((uint8_t*)m_pTrampolineAddr + TRAMPOLINE_SIZE - sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS) + ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS_OFFSET) = (uint64_t)((uint8_t*)m_pSource + sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS)); // make jump to hk const auto PAGESIZE_VAR = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); const uint8_t* PROTSTART = (uint8_t*)m_pSource - ((uint64_t)m_pSource % PAGESIZE_VAR); const size_t PROTLEN = std::ceil((float)(ORIGSIZE + ((uint64_t)m_pSource - (uint64_t)PROTSTART)) / (float)PAGESIZE_VAR) * PAGESIZE_VAR; mprotect((uint8_t*)PROTSTART, PROTLEN, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC); memcpy((uint8_t*)m_pSource, ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS, sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS)); // make popq %rax and NOP all remaining memcpy((uint8_t*)m_pSource + sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS), POP_RAX, sizeof(POP_RAX)); size_t currentOp = sizeof(ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS) + sizeof(POP_RAX); memset((uint8_t*)m_pSource + currentOp, NOP, ORIGSIZE - currentOp); // fixup jump addr *(uint64_t*)((uint8_t*)m_pSource + ABSOLUTE_JMP_ADDRESS_OFFSET) = (uint64_t)(m_pDestination); // revert mprot mprotect((uint8_t*)PROTSTART, PROTLEN, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC); // set original addr to trampo addr m_pOriginal = m_pTrampolineAddr; m_bActive = true; m_iHookLen = ORIGSIZE; m_iTrampoLen = TRAMPOLINE_SIZE; return true; } bool CFunctionHook::unhook() { // check for unsupported platforms #if !defined(__x86_64__) return false; #endif if (!m_bActive) return false; // allow write to src mprotect((uint8_t*)m_pSource - ((uint64_t)m_pSource) % sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE), sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC); // write back original bytes memcpy(m_pSource, m_pOriginalBytes, m_iHookLen); // revert mprot mprotect((uint8_t*)m_pSource - ((uint64_t)m_pSource) % sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE), sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE), PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC); // reset vars m_bActive = false; m_iHookLen = 0; m_iTrampoLen = 0; m_pTrampolineAddr = nullptr; // no unmapping, it's managed by the HookSystem m_pOriginalBytes = nullptr; free(m_pOriginalBytes); return true; } CFunctionHook* CHookSystem::initHook(HANDLE owner, void* source, void* destination) { return m_vHooks.emplace_back(std::make_unique(owner, source, destination)).get(); } bool CHookSystem::removeHook(CFunctionHook* hook) { std::erase_if(m_vHooks, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == hook; }); return true; // todo: make false if not found } void CHookSystem::removeAllHooksFrom(HANDLE handle) { std::erase_if(m_vHooks, [&](const auto& other) { return other->m_pOwner == handle; }); } static uintptr_t seekNewPageAddr() { const uint64_t PAGESIZE_VAR = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); auto MAPS = std::ifstream("/proc/self/maps"); uint64_t lastStart = 0, lastEnd = 0; std::string line; while (std::getline(MAPS, line)) { CVarList props{line, 0, 's', true}; uint64_t start = 0, end = 0; if (props[0].empty()) { Debug::log(WARN, "seekNewPageAddr: unexpected line in self maps"); continue; } CVarList startEnd{props[0], 0, '-', true}; try { start = std::stoull(startEnd[0], nullptr, 16); end = std::stoull(startEnd[1], nullptr, 16); } catch (std::exception& e) { Debug::log(WARN, "seekNewPageAddr: unexpected line in self maps: {}", line); continue; } Debug::log(LOG, "seekNewPageAddr: page 0x{:x} - 0x{:x}", start, end); if (lastStart == 0) { lastStart = start; lastEnd = end; continue; } if (start - lastEnd > PAGESIZE_VAR * 2) { Debug::log(LOG, "seekNewPageAddr: found gap: 0x{:x}-0x{:x} ({} bytes)", lastEnd, start, start - lastEnd); MAPS.close(); return lastEnd; } lastStart = start; lastEnd = end; } MAPS.close(); return 0; } uint64_t CHookSystem::getAddressForTrampo() { // yes, technically this creates a memory leak of 64B every hook creation. But I don't care. // tracking all the users of the memory would be painful. // Nobody will hook 100k times, and even if, that's only 6.4 MB. Nothing. SAllocatedPage* page = nullptr; for (auto& p : pages) { if (p.used + HOOK_TRAMPOLINE_MAX_SIZE > p.len) continue; page = &p; break; } if (!page) page = &pages.emplace_back(); if (!page->addr) { // allocate it Debug::log(LOG, "getAddressForTrampo: Allocating new page for hooks"); const uint64_t PAGESIZE_VAR = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); const auto BASEPAGEADDR = seekNewPageAddr(); for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; ++attempt) { for (int i = 0; i <= 2; ++i) { const auto PAGEADDR = BASEPAGEADDR + i * PAGESIZE_VAR; page->addr = (uint64_t)mmap((void*)PAGEADDR, PAGESIZE_VAR, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); page->len = PAGESIZE_VAR; page->used = 0; Debug::log(LOG, "Attempted to allocate 0x{:x}, got 0x{:x}", PAGEADDR, page->addr); if (page->addr == (uint64_t)MAP_FAILED) continue; if (page->addr != PAGEADDR && attempt == 0) { munmap((void*)page->addr, PAGESIZE_VAR); page->addr = 0; page->len = 0; continue; } break; } if (page->addr) break; } } const auto ADDRFORCONSUMER = page->addr + page->used; page->used += HOOK_TRAMPOLINE_MAX_SIZE; Debug::log(LOG, "getAddressForTrampo: Returning addr 0x{:x} for page at 0x{:x}", ADDRFORCONSUMER, page->addr); return ADDRFORCONSUMER; }