#include "Shm.hpp" #include #include #include #include "../../render/Texture.hpp" #include "../types/WLBuffer.hpp" #include "../../Compositor.hpp" #include "../../helpers/Format.hpp" CWLSHMBuffer::CWLSHMBuffer(SP pool_, uint32_t id, int32_t offset_, const Vector2D& size_, int32_t stride_, uint32_t fmt_) { if (!pool_->pool->data) return; g_pHyprRenderer->makeEGLCurrent(); size = size_; pool = pool_->pool; stride = stride_; fmt = fmt_; offset = offset_; opaque = FormatUtils::isFormatOpaque(FormatUtils::shmToDRM(fmt_)); texture = makeShared(FormatUtils::shmToDRM(fmt), (uint8_t*)pool->data + offset, stride, size_); resource = CWLBufferResource::create(makeShared(pool_->resource->client(), 1, id)); listeners.bufferResourceDestroy = events.destroy.registerListener([this](std::any d) { listeners.bufferResourceDestroy.reset(); PROTO::shm->destroyResource(this); }); success = texture->m_iTexID; if (!success) Debug::log(ERR, "Failed creating a shm texture: null texture id"); } CWLSHMBuffer::~CWLSHMBuffer() { ; } Aquamarine::eBufferCapability CWLSHMBuffer::caps() { return Aquamarine::eBufferCapability::BUFFER_CAPABILITY_DATAPTR; } Aquamarine::eBufferType CWLSHMBuffer::type() { return Aquamarine::eBufferType::BUFFER_TYPE_SHM; } bool CWLSHMBuffer::isSynchronous() { return true; } Aquamarine::SSHMAttrs CWLSHMBuffer::shm() { Aquamarine::SSHMAttrs attrs; attrs.success = true; attrs.fd = pool->fd; attrs.format = FormatUtils::shmToDRM(fmt); attrs.size = size; attrs.stride = stride; attrs.offset = offset; return attrs; } std::tuple CWLSHMBuffer::beginDataPtr(uint32_t flags) { return {(uint8_t*)pool->data + offset, fmt, stride * size.y}; } void CWLSHMBuffer::endDataPtr() { ; } bool CWLSHMBuffer::good() { return success; } void CWLSHMBuffer::update(const CRegion& damage) { texture->update(FormatUtils::shmToDRM(fmt), (uint8_t*)pool->data + offset, stride, damage); } CSHMPool::CSHMPool(int fd_, size_t size_) : fd(fd_), size(size_) { data = mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); } CSHMPool::~CSHMPool() { munmap(data, size); close(fd); } void CSHMPool::resize(size_t size_) { LOGM(LOG, "Resizing a SHM pool from {} to {}", size, size_); if (data) munmap(data, size); size = size_; data = mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (data == MAP_FAILED) LOGM(ERR, "Couldn't mmap {} bytes from fd {} of shm client", size, fd); } CWLSHMPoolResource::CWLSHMPoolResource(SP resource_, int fd_, size_t size_) : resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; pool = makeShared(fd_, size_); resource->setDestroy([this](CWlShmPool* r) { PROTO::shm->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setOnDestroy([this](CWlShmPool* r) { PROTO::shm->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setResize([this](CWlShmPool* r, int32_t size_) { if (size_ < (int32_t)pool->size) { r->error(-1, "Shrinking a shm pool is illegal"); return; } pool->resize(size_); }); resource->setCreateBuffer([this](CWlShmPool* r, uint32_t id, int32_t offset, int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t stride, uint32_t fmt) { if (!pool || !pool->data) { r->error(-1, "The provided shm pool failed to allocate properly"); return; } if (std::find(PROTO::shm->shmFormats.begin(), PROTO::shm->shmFormats.end(), fmt) == PROTO::shm->shmFormats.end()) { r->error(WL_SHM_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Format invalid"); return; } if (offset < 0 || w <= 0 || h <= 0 || stride <= 0) { r->error(WL_SHM_ERROR_INVALID_STRIDE, "Invalid stride, w, h, or offset"); return; } const auto RESOURCE = PROTO::shm->m_vBuffers.emplace_back(makeShared(self.lock(), id, offset, Vector2D{w, h}, stride, fmt)); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { r->noMemory(); PROTO::shm->m_vBuffers.pop_back(); return; } // append instance so that buffer knows its owner RESOURCE->resource->buffer = RESOURCE; }); if (pool->data == MAP_FAILED) resource->error(WL_SHM_ERROR_INVALID_FD, "Couldn't mmap from fd"); } bool CWLSHMPoolResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } CWLSHMResource::CWLSHMResource(SP resource_) : resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; resource->setOnDestroy([this](CWlShm* r) { PROTO::shm->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setCreatePool([](CWlShm* r, uint32_t id, int32_t fd, int32_t size) { const auto RESOURCE = PROTO::shm->m_vPools.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(r->client(), r->version(), id), fd, size)); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { r->noMemory(); PROTO::shm->m_vPools.pop_back(); return; } RESOURCE->self = RESOURCE; }); // send a few supported formats. No need for any other I think? for (auto const& s : PROTO::shm->shmFormats) { resource->sendFormat((wl_shm_format)s); } } bool CWLSHMResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } CWLSHMProtocol::CWLSHMProtocol(const wl_interface* iface, const int& ver, const std::string& name) : IWaylandProtocol(iface, ver, name) { ; } void CWLSHMProtocol::bindManager(wl_client* client, void* data, uint32_t ver, uint32_t id) { if (shmFormats.empty()) { shmFormats.push_back(WL_SHM_FORMAT_ARGB8888); shmFormats.push_back(WL_SHM_FORMAT_XRGB8888); static const std::array supportedShmFourccFormats = { DRM_FORMAT_XBGR8888, DRM_FORMAT_ABGR8888, DRM_FORMAT_XRGB2101010, DRM_FORMAT_ARGB2101010, DRM_FORMAT_XBGR2101010, DRM_FORMAT_ABGR2101010, }; for (auto const& fmt : supportedShmFourccFormats) { shmFormats.push_back(fmt); } } const auto RESOURCE = m_vManagers.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(client, ver, id))); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { wl_client_post_no_memory(client); m_vManagers.pop_back(); return; } } void CWLSHMProtocol::destroyResource(CWLSHMResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vManagers, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CWLSHMProtocol::destroyResource(CWLSHMPoolResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vPools, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CWLSHMProtocol::destroyResource(CWLSHMBuffer* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vBuffers, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); }