/** @mainpage enet

ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. ENet omits certain higher level networking features such as authentication, lobbying, server discovery, encryption, or other similar tasks that are particularly application specific so that the library remains flexible, portable, and easily embeddable. @ref Features @ref SourceDistro @ref Installation @ref Tutorial @ref MailingList @ref IRCChannel @ref FAQ @ref License */ /** @page SourceDistro Source Distribution You can retrieve the source to ENet by downloading it in either .tar.gz form or accessing the github distribution directly. The most recent stable release (1.3.8) can be downloaded here. The last release that is protocol compatible with the 1.2 series or earlier (1.2.5) can be downloaded here You can find the most recent ENet source at the github repository. */ /** @page MailingList ENet Mailing List The enet-discuss list is for discussion of ENet, including bug reports or feature requests. */ /** @page IRCChannel ENet IRC Channel Join the \#enet channel on the freenode IRC network (irc.freenode.net) for real-time discussion about the ENet library. */