diff options
authorhalali <[email protected]>2018-08-23 21:58:15 +0200
committermorpheus65535 <[email protected]>2018-08-23 15:58:15 -0400
commitdb2378943fad97cfef80cca10e2db675036b0941 (patch)
parent9b11324c850964186510211212e37df66c09613e (diff)
Move settings from Database to Config file (#126)
* Move settings from Database to Config file * Delete unused config and forgot upload init * Fix * Update get_subtitles and fix provider auth * Revert "Update get_subtitles and fix provider auth" This reverts commit c904bf6b5a61b291d4e5764a885578e66ae7d5d3. * Update get_sebtitles * more fixes * Update requirements
28 files changed, 2199 insertions, 1970 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 56075d041..87b570ed5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,1390 +1,1421 @@
-bazarr_version = '0.6.0'
-import gc
-from get_argv import config_dir
-import os
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'libs/'))
-import sqlite3
-from init_db import *
-from update_db import *
-import logging
-from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
-logger = logging.getLogger('waitress')
-db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
-c = db.cursor()
-c.execute("SELECT log_level FROM table_settings_general")
-log_level = c.fetchone()
-log_level = log_level[0]
-if log_level is None:
- log_level = "INFO"
-log_level = getattr(logging, log_level)
-class OneLineExceptionFormatter(logging.Formatter):
- def formatException(self, exc_info):
- """
- Format an exception so that it prints on a single line.
- """
- result = super(OneLineExceptionFormatter, self).formatException(exc_info)
- return repr(result) # or format into one line however you want to
- def format(self, record):
- s = super(OneLineExceptionFormatter, self).format(record)
- if record.exc_text:
- s = s.replace('\n', '') + '|'
- return s
-def configure_logging():
- global fh
- fh = TimedRotatingFileHandler(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/bazarr.log'), when="midnight", interval=1, backupCount=7)
- f = OneLineExceptionFormatter('%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s|%(message)s|',
- '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
- fh.setFormatter(f)
- logging.getLogger("enzyme").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
- logging.getLogger("apscheduler").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- logging.getLogger("subliminal").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
- logging.getLogger("stevedore.extension").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
- root = logging.getLogger()
- root.setLevel(log_level)
- root.addHandler(fh)
-from update_modules import *
-from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, redirect, response, HTTPError
-import bottle
-bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'views/'))
-from json import dumps
-import itertools
-import operator
-import requests
-import pretty
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from PIL import Image
-from io import BytesIO
-from fdsend import send_file
-import urllib
-import math
-import ast
-import hashlib
-from get_languages import load_language_in_db, language_from_alpha3
-from get_providers import *
-from get_series import *
-from get_episodes import *
-from get_general_settings import base_url, ip, port, path_replace, path_replace_movie
-from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
-from check_update import check_and_apply_update
-from list_subtitles import store_subtitles, store_subtitles_movie, series_scan_subtitles, movies_scan_subtitles, list_missing_subtitles, list_missing_subtitles_movies
-from get_subtitle import download_subtitle, series_download_subtitles, movies_download_subtitles, wanted_download_subtitles, wanted_search_missing_subtitles
-from utils import history_log, history_log_movie
-from scheduler import *
-from notifier import send_notifications, send_notifications_movie
-# Reset restart required warning on start
-conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
-c = conn.cursor()
-c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET configured = 0, updated = 0")
-# Load languages in database
-from get_auth_settings import get_auth_settings
-auth_enabled = get_auth_settings()[0]
-def custom_auth_basic(check):
- def decorator(func):
- def wrapper(*a, **ka):
- if auth_enabled == "True":
- user, password = request.auth or (None, None)
- if user is None or not check(user, password):
- err = HTTPError(401, "Access denied")
- err.add_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Bazarr"')
- return err
- return func(*a, **ka)
- else:
- return func(*a, **ka)
- return wrapper
- return decorator
-def check_credentials(user, pw):
- from get_auth_settings import get_auth_settings
- auth_enabled = get_auth_settings()
- username = auth_enabled[1]
- password = auth_enabled[2]
- if hashlib.md5(pw).hexdigest() == password and user == username:
- return True
- return False
-def redirect_root():
- redirect (base_url)
-@route(base_url + 'static/:path#.+#', name='static')
-def static(path):
- return static_file(path, root=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static'))
-@route(base_url + 'emptylog')
-def emptylog():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- fh.doRollover()
-'Log file emptied')
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'bazarr.log')
-def download_log():
- return static_file('bazarr.log', root=os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/'), download='bazarr.log')
-@route(base_url + 'image_proxy/<url:path>', method='GET')
-def image_proxy(url):
- from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
- url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[0]
- url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[1]
- apikey = get_sonarr_settings()[2]
- url_image = url_sonarr_short + '/' + url + '?apikey=' + apikey
- try:
- img_pil = + '/api' + url_image.split(url_sonarr)[1], timeout=15).content))
- except:
- return None
- else:
- img_buffer = BytesIO()
- img_pil.tobytes()
-, img_pil.format)
- return send_file(img_buffer, ctype=img_pil.format)
-@route(base_url + 'image_proxy_movies/<url:path>', method='GET')
-def image_proxy_movies(url):
- from get_radarr_settings import get_radarr_settings
- url_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[0]
- url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[1]
- apikey = get_radarr_settings()[2]
- try:
- url_image = (url_radarr_short + '/' + url + '?apikey=' + apikey).replace('/fanart.jpg', '/banner.jpg')
- img_pil = + '/api' + url_image.split(url_radarr)[1], timeout=15).content))
- except:
- url_image = url_radarr_short + '/' + url + '?apikey=' + apikey
- img_pil = + '/api' + url_image.split(url_radarr)[1], timeout=15).content))
- img_buffer = BytesIO()
- img_pil.tobytes()
-, img_pil.format)
- return send_file(img_buffer, ctype=img_pil.format)
-def redirect_root():
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = conn.cursor()
- integration = c.execute("SELECT use_sonarr, use_radarr FROM table_settings_general").fetchone()
- c.close()
- if integration[0] == "True":
- redirect(base_url + 'series')
- elif integration[1] == "True":
- redirect(base_url + 'movies')
- else:
- redirect(base_url + 'settings')
-@route(base_url + 'series')
-def series():
- single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_shows")
- missing_count = c.fetchone()
- missing_count = missing_count[0]
- page =
- if page == "":
- page = "1"
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
- max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
- c.execute("SELECT tvdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, sonarrSeriesId, poster, audio_language FROM table_shows ORDER BY sortTitle ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
- languages = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT table_shows.sonarrSeriesId, COUNT(table_episodes.missing_subtitles) FROM table_shows LEFT JOIN table_episodes ON table_shows.sonarrSeriesId=table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_shows.languages IS NOT 'None' AND table_episodes.missing_subtitles IS NOT '[]' GROUP BY table_shows.sonarrSeriesId")
- missing_subtitles_list = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT table_shows.sonarrSeriesId, COUNT(table_episodes.missing_subtitles) FROM table_shows LEFT JOIN table_episodes ON table_shows.sonarrSeriesId=table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_shows.languages IS NOT 'None' GROUP BY table_shows.sonarrSeriesId")
- total_subtitles_list = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- output = template('series', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, missing_subtitles_list=missing_subtitles_list, total_subtitles_list=total_subtitles_list, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language, page_size=page_size)
- return output
-@route(base_url + 'serieseditor')
-def serieseditor():
- single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_shows")
- missing_count = c.fetchone()
- missing_count = missing_count[0]
- c.execute("SELECT tvdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, sonarrSeriesId, poster, audio_language FROM table_shows ORDER BY title ASC")
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
- languages = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- output = template('serieseditor', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language)
- return output
-@route(base_url + 'search_json/<query>', method='GET')
-def search_json(query):
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT title, sonarrSeriesId FROM table_shows WHERE title LIKE ? ORDER BY title", ('%'+query+'%',))
- series = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT title, radarrId FROM table_movies WHERE title LIKE ? ORDER BY title", ('%' + query + '%',))
- movies = c.fetchall()
- search_list = []
- for serie in series:
- search_list.append(dict([('name', serie[0]), ('url', base_url + 'episodes/' + str(serie[1]))]))
- for movie in movies:
- search_list.append(dict([('name', movie[0]), ('url', base_url + 'movie/' + str(movie[1]))]))
- response.content_type = 'application/json'
- return dict(items=search_list)
-@route(base_url + 'edit_series/<no:int>', method='POST')
-def edit_series(no):
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
- if len(lang) > 0:
- pass
- else:
- lang = 'None'
- single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
- if single_language == 'True':
- if str(lang) == "['None']":
- lang = 'None'
- else:
- lang = str(lang)
- else:
- if str(lang) == "['']":
- lang = '[]'
- hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
- if hi == "on":
- hi = "True"
- else:
- hi = "False"
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("UPDATE table_shows SET languages = ?, hearing_impaired = ? WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (str(lang), hi, no))
- conn.commit()
- c.close()
- list_missing_subtitles(no)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'edit_serieseditor', method='POST')
-def edit_serieseditor():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- series = request.forms.get('series')
- series = ast.literal_eval(str('[' + series + ']'))
- lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
- hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = conn.cursor()
- for serie in series:
- if str(lang) != "[]" and str(lang) != "['']":
- if str(lang) == "['None']":
- lang = 'None'
- else:
- lang = str(lang)
- c.execute("UPDATE table_shows SET languages = ? WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (lang, serie))
- if hi != '':
- c.execute("UPDATE table_shows SET hearing_impaired = ? WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (hi, serie))
- conn.commit()
- c.close()
- for serie in series:
- list_missing_subtitles(serie)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'episodes/<no:int>', method='GET')
-def episodes(no):
- # single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
- url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[1]
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- conn.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
- c = conn.cursor()
- series_details = []
- series_details = c.execute("SELECT title, overview, poster, fanart, hearing_impaired, tvdbid, audio_language, languages, path_substitution(path) FROM table_shows WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (str(no),)).fetchone()
- tvdbid = series_details[5]
- episodes = c.execute("SELECT title, path_substitution(path), season, episode, subtitles, sonarrSeriesId, missing_subtitles, sonarrEpisodeId, scene_name, monitored FROM table_episodes WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ? ORDER BY episode ASC", (str(no),)).fetchall()
- number = len(episodes)
- languages = c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1").fetchall()
- c.close()
- episodes = reversed(sorted(episodes, key=operator.itemgetter(2)))
- seasons_list = []
- for key, season in itertools.groupby(episodes,operator.itemgetter(2)):
- seasons_list.append(list(season))
- return template('episodes', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, no=no, details=series_details, languages=languages, seasons=seasons_list, url_sonarr_short=url_sonarr_short, base_url=base_url, tvdbid=tvdbid, number=number)
-@route(base_url + 'movies')
-def movies():
- single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_movies")
- missing_count = c.fetchone()
- missing_count = missing_count[0]
- page =
- if page == "":
- page = "1"
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
- max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
- c.execute("SELECT tmdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, radarrId, poster, audio_language, monitored FROM table_movies ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
- languages = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- output = template('movies', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language, page_size=page_size)
- return output
-@route(base_url + 'movieseditor')
-def movieseditor():
- single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_movies")
- missing_count = c.fetchone()
- missing_count = missing_count[0]
- c.execute("SELECT tmdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, radarrId, poster, audio_language FROM table_movies ORDER BY title ASC")
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
- languages = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- output = template('movieseditor', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language)
- return output
-@route(base_url + 'edit_movieseditor', method='POST')
-def edit_movieseditor():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- movies = request.forms.get('movies')
- movies = ast.literal_eval(str('[' + movies + ']'))
- lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
- hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = conn.cursor()
- for movie in movies:
- if str(lang) != "[]" and str(lang) != "['']":
- if str(lang) == "['None']":
- lang = 'None'
- else:
- lang = str(lang)
- c.execute("UPDATE table_movies SET languages = ? WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (lang, movie))
- if hi != '':
- c.execute("UPDATE table_movies SET hearing_impaired = ? WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (hi, movie))
- conn.commit()
- c.close()
- for movie in movies:
- list_missing_subtitles_movies(movie)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'edit_movie/<no:int>', method='POST')
-def edit_movie(no):
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
- if len(lang) > 0:
- pass
- else:
- lang = 'None'
- if str(lang) == "['']":
- lang = '[]'
- hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
- if hi == "on":
- hi = "True"
- else:
- hi = "False"
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("UPDATE table_movies SET languages = ?, hearing_impaired = ? WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (str(lang), hi, no))
- conn.commit()
- c.close()
- list_missing_subtitles_movies(no)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
-def movie(no):
- from get_radarr_settings import get_radarr_settings
- # single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
- url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[1]
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- conn.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
- c = conn.cursor()
- movies_details = []
- movies_details = c.execute("SELECT title, overview, poster, fanart, hearing_impaired, tmdbid, audio_language, languages, path_substitution(path), subtitles, radarrId, missing_subtitles, sceneName, monitored FROM table_movies WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (str(no),)).fetchone()
- tmdbid = movies_details[5]
- languages = c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1").fetchall()
- c.close()
- return template('movie', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, no=no, details=movies_details, languages=languages, url_radarr_short=url_radarr_short, base_url=base_url, tmdbid=tmdbid)
-@route(base_url + 'scan_disk/<no:int>', method='GET')
-def scan_disk(no):
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- series_scan_subtitles(no)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'scan_disk_movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
-def scan_disk_movie(no):
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- movies_scan_subtitles(no)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'search_missing_subtitles/<no:int>', method='GET')
-def search_missing_subtitles(no):
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- series_download_subtitles(no)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'search_missing_subtitles_movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
-def search_missing_subtitles_movie(no):
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- movies_download_subtitles(no)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'history')
-def history():
- return template('history', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url)
-@route(base_url + 'historyseries')
-def historyseries():
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_history")
- row_count = c.fetchone()
- row_count = row_count[0]
- page =
- if page == "":
- page = "1"
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
- max_page = int(math.ceil(row_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
- now =
- today = []
- thisweek = []
- thisyear = []
- stats = c.execute("SELECT timestamp FROM table_history WHERE action LIKE '1'").fetchall()
- total = len(stats)
- for stat in stats:
- if now - timedelta(hours=24) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
- today.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
- if now - timedelta(weeks=1) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
- thisweek.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
- if now - timedelta(weeks=52) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
- thisyear.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
- stats = [len(today), len(thisweek), len(thisyear), total]
- c.execute("SELECT table_history.action, table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_history.timestamp, table_history.description, table_history.sonarrSeriesId FROM table_history LEFT JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_history.sonarrSeriesId LEFT JOIN table_episodes on table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId = table_history.sonarrEpisodeId ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- data = reversed(sorted(data, key=operator.itemgetter(4)))
- return template('historyseries', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, row_count=row_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, stats=stats, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
-@route(base_url + 'historymovies')
-def historymovies():
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_history_movie")
- row_count = c.fetchone()
- row_count = row_count[0]
- page =
- if page == "":
- page = "1"
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
- max_page = int(math.ceil(row_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
- now =
- today = []
- thisweek = []
- thisyear = []
- stats = c.execute("SELECT timestamp FROM table_history_movie WHERE action LIKE '1'").fetchall()
- total = len(stats)
- for stat in stats:
- if now - timedelta(hours=24) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
- today.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
- if now - timedelta(weeks=1) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
- thisweek.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
- if now - timedelta(weeks=52) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
- thisyear.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
- stats = [len(today), len(thisweek), len(thisyear), total]
- c.execute("SELECT table_history_movie.action, table_movies.title, table_history_movie.timestamp, table_history_movie.description, table_history_movie.radarrId FROM table_history_movie LEFT JOIN table_movies on table_movies.radarrId = table_history_movie.radarrId ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- data = reversed(sorted(data, key=operator.itemgetter(2)))
- return template('historymovies', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, row_count=row_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, stats=stats, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
-@route(base_url + 'wanted')
-def wanted():
- return template('wanted', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url)
-@route(base_url + 'wantedseries')
-def wantedseries():
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
- c = db.cursor()
- if get_general_settings()[24] == "True":
- monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
- else:
- monitored_only_query_string = ""
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_episodes WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string)
- missing_count = c.fetchone()
- missing_count = missing_count[0]
- page =
- if page == "":
- page = "1"
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
- max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
- c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_episodes.missing_subtitles, table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId, path_substitution(table_episodes.path), table_shows.hearing_impaired, table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId, table_episodes.scene_name FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string + " ORDER BY table_episodes._rowid_ DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- return template('wantedseries', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
-@route(base_url + 'wantedmovies')
-def wantedmovies():
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
- c = db.cursor()
- if get_general_settings()[24] == "True":
- monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
- else:
- monitored_only_query_string = ""
- c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string)
- missing_count = c.fetchone()
- missing_count = missing_count[0]
- page =
- if page == "":
- page = "1"
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
- max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
- c.execute("SELECT title, missing_subtitles, radarrId, path_substitution(path), hearing_impaired, sceneName FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string + " ORDER BY _rowid_ DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
- data = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- return template('wantedmovies', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
-@route(base_url + 'wanted_search_missing_subtitles')
-def wanted_search_missing_subtitles_list():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- wanted_search_missing_subtitles()
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'settings')
-def settings():
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_general")
- settings_general = c.fetchone()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_auth")
- settings_auth = c.fetchone()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_languages ORDER BY name")
- settings_languages = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers ORDER BY name")
- settings_providers = c.fetchall()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_sonarr")
- settings_sonarr = c.fetchone()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_radarr")
- settings_radarr = c.fetchone()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_notifier ORDER BY name")
- settings_notifier = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- return template('settings', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, settings_general=settings_general, settings_auth=settings_auth, settings_languages=settings_languages, settings_providers=settings_providers, settings_sonarr=settings_sonarr, settings_radarr=settings_radarr, settings_notifier=settings_notifier, base_url=base_url)
-@route(base_url + 'save_settings', method='POST')
-def save_settings():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = conn.cursor()
- settings_general_ip = request.forms.get('settings_general_ip')
- settings_general_port = request.forms.get('settings_general_port')
- settings_general_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_general_baseurl')
- settings_general_loglevel = request.forms.get('settings_general_loglevel')
- settings_general_auth_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_enabled')
- if settings_general_auth_enabled is None:
- settings_general_auth_enabled = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_auth_enabled = 'True'
- settings_general_auth_username = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_username')
- settings_general_auth_password = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_password')
- settings_general_sourcepath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_sourcepath')
- settings_general_destpath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_destpath')
- settings_general_pathmapping = []
- settings_general_pathmapping.extend([list(a) for a in zip(settings_general_sourcepath, settings_general_destpath)])
- settings_general_sourcepath_movie = request.forms.getall('settings_general_sourcepath_movie')
- settings_general_destpath_movie = request.forms.getall('settings_general_destpath_movie')
- settings_general_pathmapping_movie = []
- settings_general_pathmapping_movie.extend([list(a) for a in zip(settings_general_sourcepath_movie, settings_general_destpath_movie)])
- settings_general_branch = request.forms.get('settings_general_branch')
- settings_general_automatic = request.forms.get('settings_general_automatic')
- if settings_general_automatic is None:
- settings_general_automatic = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_automatic = 'True'
- settings_general_single_language = request.forms.get('settings_general_single_language')
- if settings_general_single_language is None:
- settings_general_single_language = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_single_language = 'True'
- settings_general_scenename = request.forms.get('settings_general_scenename')
- if settings_general_scenename is None:
- settings_general_scenename = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_scenename = 'True'
- settings_general_embedded = request.forms.get('settings_general_embedded')
- if settings_general_embedded is None:
- settings_general_embedded = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_embedded = 'True'
- settings_general_only_monitored = request.forms.get('settings_general_only_monitored')
- if settings_general_only_monitored is None:
- settings_general_only_monitored = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_only_monitored = 'True'
- settings_general_minimum_score = request.forms.get('settings_general_minimum_score')
- settings_general_minimum_score_movies = request.forms.get('settings_general_minimum_score_movies')
- settings_general_use_postprocessing = request.forms.get('settings_general_use_postprocessing')
- if settings_general_use_postprocessing is None:
- settings_general_use_postprocessing = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_use_postprocessing = 'True'
- settings_general_postprocessing_cmd = request.forms.get('settings_general_postprocessing_cmd')
- settings_general_use_sonarr = request.forms.get('settings_general_use_sonarr')
- if settings_general_use_sonarr is None:
- settings_general_use_sonarr = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_use_sonarr = 'True'
- settings_general_use_radarr = request.forms.get('settings_general_use_radarr')
- if settings_general_use_radarr is None:
- settings_general_use_radarr = 'False'
- else:
- settings_general_use_radarr = 'True'
- settings_page_size = request.forms.get('settings_page_size')
- before = c.execute("SELECT ip, port, base_url, log_level, path_mapping, use_sonarr, use_radarr, path_mapping_movie FROM table_settings_general").fetchone()
- after = (unicode(settings_general_ip), int(settings_general_port), unicode(settings_general_baseurl), unicode(settings_general_loglevel), unicode(settings_general_pathmapping), unicode(settings_general_use_sonarr), unicode(settings_general_use_radarr), unicode(settings_general_pathmapping_movie))
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET ip = ?, port = ?, base_url = ?, path_mapping = ?, log_level = ?, branch=?, auto_update=?, single_language=?, minimum_score=?, use_scenename=?, use_postprocessing=?, postprocessing_cmd=?, use_sonarr=?, use_radarr=?, path_mapping_movie=?, page_size=?, use_embedded_subs=?, minimum_score_movie=?, only_monitored=?", (unicode(settings_general_ip), int(settings_general_port), unicode(settings_general_baseurl), unicode(settings_general_pathmapping), unicode(settings_general_loglevel), unicode(settings_general_branch), unicode(settings_general_automatic), unicode(settings_general_single_language), unicode(settings_general_minimum_score), unicode(settings_general_scenename), unicode(settings_general_use_postprocessing), unicode(settings_general_postprocessing_cmd), unicode(settings_general_use_sonarr), unicode(settings_general_use_radarr), unicode(settings_general_pathmapping_movie), unicode(settings_page_size), unicode(settings_general_embedded), unicode(settings_general_minimum_score_movies), unicode(settings_general_only_monitored)))
- conn.commit()
- if after != before:
- configured()
- get_general_settings()
- before_auth_password = c.execute("SELECT enabled, password FROM table_settings_auth").fetchone()
- if before_auth_password[0] != settings_general_auth_enabled:
- configured()
- if before_auth_password[1] == settings_general_auth_password:
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_auth SET enabled = ?, username = ?", (unicode(settings_general_auth_enabled), unicode(settings_general_auth_username)))
- else:
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_auth SET enabled = ?, username = ?, password = ?", (unicode(settings_general_auth_enabled), unicode(settings_general_auth_username), unicode(hashlib.md5(settings_general_auth_password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())))
- conn.commit()
- settings_sonarr_ip = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_ip')
- settings_sonarr_port = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_port')
- settings_sonarr_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_baseurl')
- settings_sonarr_ssl = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_ssl')
- if settings_sonarr_ssl is None:
- settings_sonarr_ssl = 'False'
- else:
- settings_sonarr_ssl = 'True'
- settings_sonarr_apikey = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_apikey')
- settings_sonarr_sync = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_sync')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_sonarr SET ip = ?, port = ?, base_url = ?, ssl = ?, apikey = ?, full_update = ?", (settings_sonarr_ip, settings_sonarr_port, settings_sonarr_baseurl, settings_sonarr_ssl, settings_sonarr_apikey, settings_sonarr_sync))
- settings_radarr_ip = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_ip')
- settings_radarr_port = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_port')
- settings_radarr_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_baseurl')
- settings_radarr_ssl = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_ssl')
- if settings_radarr_ssl is None:
- settings_radarr_ssl = 'False'
- else:
- settings_radarr_ssl = 'True'
- settings_radarr_apikey = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_apikey')
- settings_radarr_sync = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_sync')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_radarr SET ip = ?, port = ?, base_url = ?, ssl = ?, apikey = ?, full_update = ?", (settings_radarr_ip, settings_radarr_port, settings_radarr_baseurl, settings_radarr_ssl, settings_radarr_apikey, settings_radarr_sync))
- settings_subliminal_providers = request.forms.getall('settings_subliminal_providers')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET enabled = 0")
- for item in settings_subliminal_providers:
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET enabled = '1' WHERE name = ?", (item,))
- settings_addic7ed_username = request.forms.get('settings_addic7ed_username')
- settings_addic7ed_password = request.forms.get('settings_addic7ed_password')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'addic7ed'", (settings_addic7ed_username, settings_addic7ed_password))
- settings_legendastv_username = request.forms.get('settings_legendastv_username')
- settings_legendastv_password = request.forms.get('settings_legendastv_password')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'legendastv'", (settings_legendastv_username, settings_legendastv_password))
- settings_opensubtitles_username = request.forms.get('settings_opensubtitles_username')
- settings_opensubtitles_password = request.forms.get('settings_opensubtitles_password')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'opensubtitles'", (settings_opensubtitles_username, settings_opensubtitles_password))
- settings_subliminal_languages = request.forms.getall('settings_subliminal_languages')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_languages SET enabled = 0")
- for item in settings_subliminal_languages:
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_languages SET enabled = '1' WHERE code2 = ?", (item,))
- settings_serie_default_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_serie_default_enabled')
- if settings_serie_default_enabled is None:
- settings_serie_default_enabled = 'False'
- else:
- settings_serie_default_enabled = 'True'
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET serie_default_enabled = ?", (settings_serie_default_enabled,))
- settings_serie_default_languages = str(request.forms.getall('settings_serie_default_languages'))
- if settings_serie_default_languages == "['None']":
- settings_serie_default_languages = 'None'
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET serie_default_languages = ?", (settings_serie_default_languages,))
- settings_serie_default_hi = request.forms.get('settings_serie_default_hi')
- if settings_serie_default_hi is None:
- settings_serie_default_hi = 'False'
- else:
- settings_serie_default_hi = 'True'
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET serie_default_hi = ?", (settings_serie_default_hi,))
- settings_movie_default_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_movie_default_enabled')
- if settings_movie_default_enabled is None:
- settings_movie_default_enabled = 'False'
- else:
- settings_movie_default_enabled = 'True'
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET movie_default_enabled = ?", (settings_movie_default_enabled,))
- settings_movie_default_languages = str(request.forms.getall('settings_movie_default_languages'))
- if settings_movie_default_languages == "['None']":
- settings_movie_default_languages = 'None'
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET movie_default_languages = ?", (settings_movie_default_languages,))
- settings_movie_default_hi = request.forms.get('settings_movie_default_hi')
- if settings_movie_default_hi is None:
- settings_movie_default_hi = 'False'
- else:
- settings_movie_default_hi = 'True'
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET movie_default_hi = ?", (settings_movie_default_hi,))
- settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Boxcar_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Boxcar_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Boxcar'", (settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled, settings_notifier_Boxcar_url))
- settings_notifier_Faast_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Faast_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Faast_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Faast_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Faast_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Faast_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Faast_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Faast'", (settings_notifier_Faast_enabled, settings_notifier_Faast_url))
- settings_notifier_Growl_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Growl_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Growl_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Growl_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Growl_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Growl_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Growl_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Growl'", (settings_notifier_Growl_enabled, settings_notifier_Growl_url))
- settings_notifier_Join_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Join_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Join_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Join_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Join_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Join_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Join_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Join'", (settings_notifier_Join_enabled, settings_notifier_Join_url))
- settings_notifier_KODI_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_KODI_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_KODI_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_KODI_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_KODI_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_KODI_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_KODI_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'KODI'", (settings_notifier_KODI_enabled, settings_notifier_KODI_url))
- settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Mattermost_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Mattermost_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Mattermost'", (settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled, settings_notifier_Mattermost_url))
- settings_notifier_NMA_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Notify My Android_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_NMA_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_NMA_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_NMA_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_NMA_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Notify My Android_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Notify My Android'", (settings_notifier_NMA_enabled, settings_notifier_NMA_url))
- settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Prowl_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Prowl_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Prowl'", (settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled, settings_notifier_Prowl_url))
- settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Pushalot_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushalot_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Pushalot'", (settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled, settings_notifier_Pushalot_url))
- settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_PushBullet_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_PushBullet_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'PushBullet'", (settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled, settings_notifier_PushBullet_url))
- settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Pushjet_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushjet_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Pushjet'", (settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled, settings_notifier_Pushjet_url))
- settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Pushover_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushover_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Pushover'", (settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled, settings_notifier_Pushover_url))
- settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Rocket.Chat_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_RocketChat_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Rocket.Chat_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Rocket.Chat'", (settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled, settings_notifier_RocketChat_url))
- settings_notifier_Slack_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Slack_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Slack_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Slack_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Slack_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Slack_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Slack_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Slack'", (settings_notifier_Slack_enabled, settings_notifier_Slack_url))
- settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Super Toasty_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_SuperToasty_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Super Toasty_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Super Toasty'", (settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled, settings_notifier_SuperToasty_url))
- settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Telegram_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Telegram_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Telegram'", (settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled, settings_notifier_Telegram_url))
- settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Twitter_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Twitter_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Twitter'", (settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled, settings_notifier_Twitter_url))
- settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_XBMC_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_XBMC_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'XBMC'", (settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled, settings_notifier_XBMC_url))
- settings_notifier_Discord_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Discord_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Discord_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Discord_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Discord_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Discord_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Discord_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Discord'", (settings_notifier_Discord_enabled, settings_notifier_Discord_url))
- settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_E-Mail_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_E_Mail_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_E-Mail_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'E-Mail'", (settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled, settings_notifier_E_Mail_url))
- settings_notifier_Emby_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Emby_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Emby_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Emby_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Emby_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Emby_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Emby_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Emby'", (settings_notifier_Emby_enabled, settings_notifier_Emby_url))
- settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_IFTTT_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_IFTTT_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'IFTTT'", (settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled, settings_notifier_IFTTT_url))
- settings_notifier_Stride_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Stride_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Stride_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Stride_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Stride_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Stride_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Stride_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Stride'", (settings_notifier_Stride_enabled, settings_notifier_Stride_url))
- settings_notifier_Windows_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Windows_enabled')
- if settings_notifier_Windows_enabled == 'on':
- settings_notifier_Windows_enabled = 1
- else:
- settings_notifier_Windows_enabled = 0
- settings_notifier_Windows_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Windows_url')
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Windows'", (settings_notifier_Windows_enabled, settings_notifier_Windows_url))
- conn.commit()
- c.close()
- sonarr_full_update()
- radarr_full_update()
-'Settings saved succesfully.')
- # reschedule full update task according to settings
- sonarr_full_update()
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'check_update')
-def check_update():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- check_and_apply_update()
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'system')
-def system():
- def get_time_from_interval(interval):
- interval_clean = interval.split('[')
- interval_clean = interval_clean[1][:-1]
- interval_split = interval_clean.split(':')
- hour = interval_split[0]
- minute = interval_split[1].lstrip("0")
- second = interval_split[2].lstrip("0")
- text = "every "
- if hour != "0":
- text = text + hour
- if hour == "1":
- text = text + " hour"
- else:
- text = text + " hours"
- if minute != "" and second != "":
- text = text + ", "
- elif minute == "" and second != "":
- text = text + " and "
- elif minute != "" and second == "":
- text = text + " and "
- if minute != "":
- text = text + minute
- if minute == "1":
- text = text + " minute"
- else:
- text = text + " minutes"
- if second != "":
- text = text + " and "
- if second != "":
- text = text + second
- if second == "1":
- text = text + " second"
- else:
- text = text + " seconds"
- return text
- def get_time_from_cron(cron):
- text = "at "
- hour = str(cron[5])
- minute = str(cron[6])
- second = str(cron[7])
- if hour != "0" and hour != "*":
- text = text + hour
- if hour == "0" or hour == "1":
- text = text + " hour"
- else:
- text = text + " hours"
- if minute != "*" and second != "0":
- text = text + ", "
- elif minute == "*" and second != "0":
- text = text + " and "
- elif minute != "0" and minute != "*" and second == "0":
- text = text + " and "
- if minute != "0" and minute != "*":
- text = text + minute
- if minute == "0" or minute == "1":
- text = text + " minute"
- else:
- text = text + " minutes"
- if second != "0" and second != "*":
- text = text + " and "
- if second != "0" and second != "*":
- text = text + second
- if second == "0" or second == "1":
- text = text + " second"
- else:
- text = text + " seconds"
- return text
- task_list = []
- for job in scheduler.get_jobs():
- if job.next_run_time is not None:
- next_run =
- else:
- next_run = "Never"
- if job.trigger.__str__().startswith('interval'):
- task_list.append([, get_time_from_interval(str(job.trigger)), next_run,])
- elif job.trigger.__str__().startswith('cron'):
- task_list.append([, get_time_from_cron(job.trigger.fields), next_run,])
- i = 0
- with open(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/bazarr.log')) as f:
- for i, l in enumerate(f, 1):
- pass
- row_count = i
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- max_page = int(math.ceil(row_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
- return template('system', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url, task_list=task_list, row_count=row_count, max_page=max_page, page_size=page_size)
-@route(base_url + 'logs/<page:int>')
-def get_logs(page):
- page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
- begin = (page * page_size) - page_size
- end = (page * page_size) - 1
- logs_complete = []
- for line in reversed(open(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/bazarr.log')).readlines()):
- logs_complete.append(line.rstrip())
- logs = logs_complete[begin:end]
- return template('logs', logs=logs, base_url=base_url)
-@route(base_url + 'execute/<taskid>')
-def execute_task(taskid):
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- execute_now(taskid)
- redirect(ref)
-@route(base_url + 'remove_subtitles', method='POST')
-def remove_subtitles():
- episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
- language = request.forms.get('language')
- subtitlesPath = request.forms.get('subtitlesPath')
- sonarrSeriesId = request.forms.get('sonarrSeriesId')
- sonarrEpisodeId = request.forms.get('sonarrEpisodeId')
- try:
- os.remove(subtitlesPath)
- result = language_from_alpha3(language) + " subtitles deleted from disk."
- history_log(0, sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result)
- except OSError:
- pass
- store_subtitles(unicode(episodePath))
- list_missing_subtitles(sonarrSeriesId)
-@route(base_url + 'remove_subtitles_movie', method='POST')
-def remove_subtitles_movie():
- moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
- language = request.forms.get('language')
- subtitlesPath = request.forms.get('subtitlesPath')
- radarrId = request.forms.get('radarrId')
- try:
- os.remove(subtitlesPath)
- result = language_from_alpha3(language) + " subtitles deleted from disk."
- history_log_movie(0, radarrId, result)
- except OSError:
- pass
- store_subtitles_movie(unicode(moviePath))
- list_missing_subtitles_movies(radarrId)
-@route(base_url + 'get_subtitle', method='POST')
-def get_subtitle():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
- sceneName = request.forms.get('sceneName')
- language = request.forms.get('language')
- hi = request.forms.get('hi')
- sonarrSeriesId = request.forms.get('sonarrSeriesId')
- sonarrEpisodeId = request.forms.get('sonarrEpisodeId')
- # tvdbid = request.forms.get('tvdbid')
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers WHERE enabled = 1")
- enabled_providers = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- providers_list = []
- providers_auth = {}
- if len(enabled_providers) > 0:
- for provider in enabled_providers:
- providers_list.append(provider[0])
- try:
- if provider[2] is not '' and provider[3] is not '':
- provider_auth = providers_auth.append(provider[0])
- provider_auth.update({'username':providers[2], 'password':providers[3]})
- else:
- providers_auth = None
- except:
- providers_auth = None
- else:
- providers_list = None
- providers_auth = None
- try:
- result = download_subtitle(episodePath, language, hi, providers_list, providers_auth, sceneName, 'series')
- if result is not None:
- history_log(1, sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result)
- send_notifications(sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result)
- store_subtitles(unicode(episodePath))
- list_missing_subtitles(sonarrSeriesId)
- redirect(ref)
- except OSError:
- pass
-@route(base_url + 'get_subtitle_movie', method='POST')
-def get_subtitle_movie():
- ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
- moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
- sceneName = request.forms.get('sceneName')
- language = request.forms.get('language')
- hi = request.forms.get('hi')
- radarrId = request.forms.get('radarrId')
- # tmdbid = request.forms.get('tmdbid')
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers WHERE enabled = 1")
- enabled_providers = c.fetchall()
- c.close()
- providers_list = []
- providers_auth = {}
- if len(enabled_providers) > 0:
- for provider in enabled_providers:
- providers_list.append(provider[0])
- try:
- if provider[2] is not '' and provider[3] is not '':
- provider_auth = providers_auth.append(provider[0])
- provider_auth.update({'username':providers[2], 'password':providers[3]})
- else:
- providers_auth = None
- except:
- providers_auth = None
- else:
- providers_list = None
- providers_auth = None
- try:
- result = download_subtitle(moviePath, language, hi, providers_list, providers_auth, sceneName, 'movies')
- if result is not None:
- history_log_movie(1, radarrId, result)
- send_notifications_movie(radarrId, result)
- store_subtitles_movie(unicode(moviePath))
- list_missing_subtitles_movies(radarrId)
- redirect(ref)
- except OSError:
- pass
-def configured():
- conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET configured = 1")
- conn.commit()
- c.close()
-@route(base_url + 'api/wanted')
-def api_wanted():
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- data = c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_episodes.missing_subtitles FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.missing_subtitles != '[]' ORDER BY table_episodes._rowid_ DESC").fetchall()
- c.close()
- return dict(subtitles=data)
-@route(base_url + 'api/history')
-def api_history():
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- data = c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(table_history.timestamp, 'unixepoch')), table_history.description FROM table_history INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_history.sonarrSeriesId INNER JOIN table_episodes on table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId = table_history.sonarrEpisodeId WHERE table_history.action = '1' ORDER BY id DESC").fetchall()
- c.close()
- return dict(subtitles=data)
-'Bazarr is started and waiting for request on http://' + str(ip) + ':' + str(port) + str(base_url))
-run(host=ip, port=port, server='waitress')'Bazarr has been stopped.')
+bazarr_version = '0.6.0'
+import gc
+from get_argv import config_dir
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'libs/'))
+import sqlite3
+from update_modules import *
+from init import *
+from update_db import *
+from get_settings import get_general_settings
+import logging
+from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
+logger = logging.getLogger('waitress')
+log_level = get_general_settings()[4]
+if log_level is None:
+ log_level = "INFO"
+class OneLineExceptionFormatter(logging.Formatter):
+ def formatException(self, exc_info):
+ """
+ Format an exception so that it prints on a single line.
+ """
+ result = super(OneLineExceptionFormatter, self).formatException(exc_info)
+ return repr(result) # or format into one line however you want to
+ def format(self, record):
+ s = super(OneLineExceptionFormatter, self).format(record)
+ if record.exc_text:
+ s = s.replace('\n', '') + '|'
+ return s
+def configure_logging():
+ global fh
+ fh = TimedRotatingFileHandler(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/bazarr.log'), when="midnight", interval=1, backupCount=7)
+ f = OneLineExceptionFormatter('%(asctime)s|%(levelname)s|%(message)s|',
+ '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
+ fh.setFormatter(f)
+ logging.getLogger("enzyme").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
+ logging.getLogger("apscheduler").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ logging.getLogger("subliminal").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
+ logging.getLogger("stevedore.extension").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
+ root = logging.getLogger()
+ root.setLevel(log_level)
+ root.addHandler(fh)
+from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, redirect, response, HTTPError
+import bottle
+bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'views/'))
+from json import dumps
+import itertools
+import operator
+import requests
+import pretty
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from PIL import Image
+from io import BytesIO
+from fdsend import send_file
+import urllib
+import math
+import ast
+import hashlib
+from get_languages import load_language_in_db, language_from_alpha3
+from get_providers import *
+from get_series import *
+from get_episodes import *
+from get_settings import base_url, ip, port, path_replace, path_replace_movie
+from check_update import check_and_apply_update
+from list_subtitles import store_subtitles, store_subtitles_movie, series_scan_subtitles, movies_scan_subtitles, list_missing_subtitles, list_missing_subtitles_movies
+from get_subtitle import download_subtitle, series_download_subtitles, movies_download_subtitles, wanted_download_subtitles, wanted_search_missing_subtitles
+from utils import history_log, history_log_movie
+from scheduler import *
+from notifier import send_notifications, send_notifications_movie
+# Reset restart required warning on start
+conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+c = conn.cursor()
+c.execute("UPDATE system SET configured = 0, updated = 0")
+# Load languages in database
+from get_settings import get_auth_settings
+def custom_auth_basic(check):
+ def decorator(func):
+ def wrapper(*a, **ka):
+ if get_auth_settings()[0] is True:
+ user, password = request.auth or (None, None)
+ if user is None or not check(user, password):
+ err = HTTPError(401, "Access denied")
+ err.add_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Bazarr"')
+ return err
+ return func(*a, **ka)
+ else:
+ return func(*a, **ka)
+ return wrapper
+ return decorator
+def check_credentials(user, pw):
+ from get_settings import get_auth_settings
+ username = get_auth_settings()[1]
+ password = get_auth_settings()[2]
+ if hashlib.md5(pw).hexdigest() == password and user == username:
+ return True
+ return False
+def redirect_root():
+ redirect (base_url)
+@route(base_url + 'static/:path#.+#', name='static')
+def static(path):
+ return static_file(path, root=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static'))
+@route(base_url + 'emptylog')
+def emptylog():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ fh.doRollover()
+'Log file emptied')
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'bazarr.log')
+def download_log():
+ return static_file('bazarr.log', root=os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/'), download='bazarr.log')
+@route(base_url + 'image_proxy/<url:path>', method='GET')
+def image_proxy(url):
+ url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[6]
+ url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[7]
+ apikey = get_sonarr_settings()[4]
+ url_image = url_sonarr_short + '/' + url + '?apikey=' + apikey
+ try:
+ img_pil = + '/api' + url_image.split(url_sonarr)[1], timeout=15).content))
+ except:
+ return None
+ else:
+ img_buffer = BytesIO()
+ img_pil.tobytes()
+, img_pil.format)
+ return send_file(img_buffer, ctype=img_pil.format)
+@route(base_url + 'image_proxy_movies/<url:path>', method='GET')
+def image_proxy_movies(url):
+ url_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[6]
+ url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[7]
+ apikey = get_radarr_settings()[4]
+ try:
+ url_image = (url_radarr_short + '/' + url + '?apikey=' + apikey).replace('/fanart.jpg', '/banner.jpg')
+ img_pil = + '/api' + url_image.split(url_radarr)[1], timeout=15).content))
+ except:
+ url_image = url_radarr_short + '/' + url + '?apikey=' + apikey
+ img_pil = + '/api' + url_image.split(url_radarr)[1], timeout=15).content))
+ img_buffer = BytesIO()
+ img_pil.tobytes()
+, img_pil.format)
+ return send_file(img_buffer, ctype=img_pil.format)
+def redirect_root():
+ if get_general_settings()[12] is True:
+ redirect(base_url + 'series')
+ elif get_general_settings()[13] is True:
+ redirect(base_url + 'movies')
+ else:
+ redirect(base_url + 'settings')
+@route(base_url + 'series')
+def series():
+ single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_shows")
+ missing_count = c.fetchone()
+ missing_count = missing_count[0]
+ page =
+ if page == "":
+ page = "1"
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
+ max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
+ c.execute("SELECT tvdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, sonarrSeriesId, poster, audio_language FROM table_shows ORDER BY sortTitle ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
+ languages = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT table_shows.sonarrSeriesId, COUNT(table_episodes.missing_subtitles) FROM table_shows LEFT JOIN table_episodes ON table_shows.sonarrSeriesId=table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_shows.languages IS NOT 'None' AND table_episodes.missing_subtitles IS NOT '[]' GROUP BY table_shows.sonarrSeriesId")
+ missing_subtitles_list = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT table_shows.sonarrSeriesId, COUNT(table_episodes.missing_subtitles) FROM table_shows LEFT JOIN table_episodes ON table_shows.sonarrSeriesId=table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_shows.languages IS NOT 'None' GROUP BY table_shows.sonarrSeriesId")
+ total_subtitles_list = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ output = template('series', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, missing_subtitles_list=missing_subtitles_list, total_subtitles_list=total_subtitles_list, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language, page_size=page_size)
+ return output
+@route(base_url + 'serieseditor')
+def serieseditor():
+ single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_shows")
+ missing_count = c.fetchone()
+ missing_count = missing_count[0]
+ c.execute("SELECT tvdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, sonarrSeriesId, poster, audio_language FROM table_shows ORDER BY title ASC")
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
+ languages = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ output = template('serieseditor', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language)
+ return output
+@route(base_url + 'search_json/<query>', method='GET')
+def search_json(query):
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT title, sonarrSeriesId FROM table_shows WHERE title LIKE ? ORDER BY title", ('%'+query+'%',))
+ series = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT title, radarrId FROM table_movies WHERE title LIKE ? ORDER BY title", ('%' + query + '%',))
+ movies = c.fetchall()
+ search_list = []
+ for serie in series:
+ search_list.append(dict([('name', serie[0]), ('url', base_url + 'episodes/' + str(serie[1]))]))
+ for movie in movies:
+ search_list.append(dict([('name', movie[0]), ('url', base_url + 'movie/' + str(movie[1]))]))
+ response.content_type = 'application/json'
+ return dict(items=search_list)
+@route(base_url + 'edit_series/<no:int>', method='POST')
+def edit_series(no):
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
+ if len(lang) > 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ lang = 'None'
+ single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
+ if single_language is True:
+ if str(lang) == "['None']":
+ lang = 'None'
+ else:
+ lang = str(lang)
+ else:
+ if str(lang) == "['']":
+ lang = '[]'
+ hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
+ if hi == "on":
+ hi = "True"
+ else:
+ hi = "False"
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_shows SET languages = ?, hearing_impaired = ? WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (str(lang), hi, no))
+ conn.commit()
+ c.close()
+ list_missing_subtitles(no)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'edit_serieseditor', method='POST')
+def edit_serieseditor():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ series = request.forms.get('series')
+ series = ast.literal_eval(str('[' + series + ']'))
+ lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
+ hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ for serie in series:
+ if str(lang) != "[]" and str(lang) != "['']":
+ if str(lang) == "['None']":
+ lang = 'None'
+ else:
+ lang = str(lang)
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_shows SET languages = ? WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (lang, serie))
+ if hi != '':
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_shows SET hearing_impaired = ? WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (hi, serie))
+ conn.commit()
+ c.close()
+ for serie in series:
+ list_missing_subtitles(serie)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'episodes/<no:int>', method='GET')
+def episodes(no):
+ # single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
+ url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[7]
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ conn.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ series_details = []
+ series_details = c.execute("SELECT title, overview, poster, fanart, hearing_impaired, tvdbid, audio_language, languages, path_substitution(path) FROM table_shows WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ?", (str(no),)).fetchone()
+ tvdbid = series_details[5]
+ episodes = c.execute("SELECT title, path_substitution(path), season, episode, subtitles, sonarrSeriesId, missing_subtitles, sonarrEpisodeId, scene_name, monitored FROM table_episodes WHERE sonarrSeriesId LIKE ? ORDER BY episode ASC", (str(no),)).fetchall()
+ number = len(episodes)
+ languages = c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1").fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ episodes = reversed(sorted(episodes, key=operator.itemgetter(2)))
+ seasons_list = []
+ for key, season in itertools.groupby(episodes,operator.itemgetter(2)):
+ seasons_list.append(list(season))
+ return template('episodes', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, no=no, details=series_details, languages=languages, seasons=seasons_list, url_sonarr_short=url_sonarr_short, base_url=base_url, tvdbid=tvdbid, number=number)
+@route(base_url + 'movies')
+def movies():
+ single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_movies")
+ missing_count = c.fetchone()
+ missing_count = missing_count[0]
+ page =
+ if page == "":
+ page = "1"
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
+ max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
+ c.execute("SELECT tmdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, radarrId, poster, audio_language, monitored FROM table_movies ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
+ languages = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ output = template('movies', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language, page_size=page_size)
+ return output
+@route(base_url + 'movieseditor')
+def movieseditor():
+ single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_movies")
+ missing_count = c.fetchone()
+ missing_count = missing_count[0]
+ c.execute("SELECT tmdbId, title, path_substitution(path), languages, hearing_impaired, radarrId, poster, audio_language FROM table_movies ORDER BY title ASC")
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1")
+ languages = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ output = template('movieseditor', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, languages=languages, missing_count=missing_count, base_url=base_url, single_language=single_language)
+ return output
+@route(base_url + 'edit_movieseditor', method='POST')
+def edit_movieseditor():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ movies = request.forms.get('movies')
+ movies = ast.literal_eval(str('[' + movies + ']'))
+ lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
+ hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ for movie in movies:
+ if str(lang) != "[]" and str(lang) != "['']":
+ if str(lang) == "['None']":
+ lang = 'None'
+ else:
+ lang = str(lang)
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_movies SET languages = ? WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (lang, movie))
+ if hi != '':
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_movies SET hearing_impaired = ? WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (hi, movie))
+ conn.commit()
+ c.close()
+ for movie in movies:
+ list_missing_subtitles_movies(movie)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'edit_movie/<no:int>', method='POST')
+def edit_movie(no):
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
+ if len(lang) > 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ lang = 'None'
+ if str(lang) == "['']":
+ lang = '[]'
+ hi = request.forms.get('hearing_impaired')
+ if hi == "on":
+ hi = "True"
+ else:
+ hi = "False"
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_movies SET languages = ?, hearing_impaired = ? WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (str(lang), hi, no))
+ conn.commit()
+ c.close()
+ list_missing_subtitles_movies(no)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
+def movie(no):
+ # single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
+ url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[7]
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ conn.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ movies_details = []
+ movies_details = c.execute("SELECT title, overview, poster, fanart, hearing_impaired, tmdbid, audio_language, languages, path_substitution(path), subtitles, radarrId, missing_subtitles, sceneName, monitored FROM table_movies WHERE radarrId LIKE ?", (str(no),)).fetchone()
+ tmdbid = movies_details[5]
+ languages = c.execute("SELECT code2, name FROM table_settings_languages WHERE enabled = 1").fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ return template('movie', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, no=no, details=movies_details, languages=languages, url_radarr_short=url_radarr_short, base_url=base_url, tmdbid=tmdbid)
+@route(base_url + 'scan_disk/<no:int>', method='GET')
+def scan_disk(no):
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ series_scan_subtitles(no)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'scan_disk_movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
+def scan_disk_movie(no):
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ movies_scan_subtitles(no)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'search_missing_subtitles/<no:int>', method='GET')
+def search_missing_subtitles(no):
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ series_download_subtitles(no)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'search_missing_subtitles_movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
+def search_missing_subtitles_movie(no):
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ movies_download_subtitles(no)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'history')
+def history():
+ return template('history', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url)
+@route(base_url + 'historyseries')
+def historyseries():
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_history")
+ row_count = c.fetchone()
+ row_count = row_count[0]
+ page =
+ if page == "":
+ page = "1"
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
+ max_page = int(math.ceil(row_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
+ now =
+ today = []
+ thisweek = []
+ thisyear = []
+ stats = c.execute("SELECT timestamp FROM table_history WHERE action LIKE '1'").fetchall()
+ total = len(stats)
+ for stat in stats:
+ if now - timedelta(hours=24) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
+ today.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
+ if now - timedelta(weeks=1) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
+ thisweek.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
+ if now - timedelta(weeks=52) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
+ thisyear.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
+ stats = [len(today), len(thisweek), len(thisyear), total]
+ c.execute("SELECT table_history.action, table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_history.timestamp, table_history.description, table_history.sonarrSeriesId FROM table_history LEFT JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_history.sonarrSeriesId LEFT JOIN table_episodes on table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId = table_history.sonarrEpisodeId ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ data = reversed(sorted(data, key=operator.itemgetter(4)))
+ return template('historyseries', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, row_count=row_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, stats=stats, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
+@route(base_url + 'historymovies')
+def historymovies():
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_history_movie")
+ row_count = c.fetchone()
+ row_count = row_count[0]
+ page =
+ if page == "":
+ page = "1"
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
+ max_page = int(math.ceil(row_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
+ now =
+ today = []
+ thisweek = []
+ thisyear = []
+ stats = c.execute("SELECT timestamp FROM table_history_movie WHERE action LIKE '1'").fetchall()
+ total = len(stats)
+ for stat in stats:
+ if now - timedelta(hours=24) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
+ today.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
+ if now - timedelta(weeks=1) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
+ thisweek.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
+ if now - timedelta(weeks=52) <= datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]) <= now:
+ thisyear.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(stat[0]).date())
+ stats = [len(today), len(thisweek), len(thisyear), total]
+ c.execute("SELECT table_history_movie.action, table_movies.title, table_history_movie.timestamp, table_history_movie.description, table_history_movie.radarrId FROM table_history_movie LEFT JOIN table_movies on table_movies.radarrId = table_history_movie.radarrId ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ data = reversed(sorted(data, key=operator.itemgetter(2)))
+ return template('historymovies', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, row_count=row_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, stats=stats, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
+@route(base_url + 'wanted')
+def wanted():
+ return template('wanted', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url)
+@route(base_url + 'wantedseries')
+def wantedseries():
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ if get_general_settings()[24] is True:
+ monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
+ else:
+ monitored_only_query_string = ""
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_episodes WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string)
+ missing_count = c.fetchone()
+ missing_count = missing_count[0]
+ page =
+ if page == "":
+ page = "1"
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
+ max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
+ c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_episodes.missing_subtitles, table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId, path_substitution(table_episodes.path), table_shows.hearing_impaired, table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId, table_episodes.scene_name FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string + " ORDER BY table_episodes._rowid_ DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ return template('wantedseries', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
+@route(base_url + 'wantedmovies')
+def wantedmovies():
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ if get_general_settings()[24] is True:
+ monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
+ else:
+ monitored_only_query_string = ""
+ c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string)
+ missing_count = c.fetchone()
+ missing_count = missing_count[0]
+ page =
+ if page == "":
+ page = "1"
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ offset = (int(page) - 1) * page_size
+ max_page = int(math.ceil(missing_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
+ c.execute("SELECT title, missing_subtitles, radarrId, path_substitution(path), hearing_impaired, sceneName FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string + " ORDER BY _rowid_ DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (page_size, offset,))
+ data = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ return template('wantedmovies', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, rows=data, missing_count=missing_count, page=page, max_page=max_page, base_url=base_url, page_size=page_size)
+@route(base_url + 'wanted_search_missing_subtitles')
+def wanted_search_missing_subtitles_list():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ wanted_search_missing_subtitles()
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'settings')
+def settings():
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_languages ORDER BY name")
+ settings_languages = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers ORDER BY name")
+ settings_providers = c.fetchall()
+ c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_notifier ORDER BY name")
+ settings_notifier = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ from get_settings import get_general_settings, get_auth_settings, get_radarr_settings, get_sonarr_settings
+ settings_general = get_general_settings()
+ settings_auth = get_auth_settings()
+ settings_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()
+ settings_radarr = get_radarr_settings()
+ return template('settings', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, settings_general=settings_general, settings_auth=settings_auth, settings_languages=settings_languages, settings_providers=settings_providers, settings_sonarr=settings_sonarr, settings_radarr=settings_radarr, settings_notifier=settings_notifier, base_url=base_url)
+@route(base_url + 'save_settings', method='POST')
+def save_settings():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ settings_general_ip = request.forms.get('settings_general_ip')
+ settings_general_port = request.forms.get('settings_general_port')
+ settings_general_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_general_baseurl')
+ settings_general_loglevel = request.forms.get('settings_general_loglevel')
+ settings_general_auth_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_enabled')
+ if settings_general_auth_enabled is None:
+ settings_general_auth_enabled = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_auth_enabled = 'True'
+ settings_general_auth_username = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_username')
+ settings_general_auth_password = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_password')
+ settings_general_sourcepath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_sourcepath')
+ settings_general_destpath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_destpath')
+ settings_general_pathmapping = []
+ settings_general_pathmapping.extend([list(a) for a in zip(settings_general_sourcepath, settings_general_destpath)])
+ settings_general_sourcepath_movie = request.forms.getall('settings_general_sourcepath_movie')
+ settings_general_destpath_movie = request.forms.getall('settings_general_destpath_movie')
+ settings_general_pathmapping_movie = []
+ settings_general_pathmapping_movie.extend([list(a) for a in zip(settings_general_sourcepath_movie, settings_general_destpath_movie)])
+ settings_general_branch = request.forms.get('settings_general_branch')
+ settings_general_automatic = request.forms.get('settings_general_automatic')
+ if settings_general_automatic is None:
+ settings_general_automatic = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_automatic = 'True'
+ settings_general_single_language = request.forms.get('settings_general_single_language')
+ if settings_general_single_language is None:
+ settings_general_single_language = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_single_language = 'True'
+ settings_general_scenename = request.forms.get('settings_general_scenename')
+ if settings_general_scenename is None:
+ settings_general_scenename = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_scenename = 'True'
+ settings_general_embedded = request.forms.get('settings_general_embedded')
+ if settings_general_embedded is None:
+ settings_general_embedded = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_embedded = 'True'
+ settings_general_only_monitored = request.forms.get('settings_general_only_monitored')
+ if settings_general_only_monitored is None:
+ settings_general_only_monitored = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_only_monitored = 'True'
+ settings_general_minimum_score = request.forms.get('settings_general_minimum_score')
+ settings_general_minimum_score_movies = request.forms.get('settings_general_minimum_score_movies')
+ settings_general_use_postprocessing = request.forms.get('settings_general_use_postprocessing')
+ if settings_general_use_postprocessing is None:
+ settings_general_use_postprocessing = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_use_postprocessing = 'True'
+ settings_general_postprocessing_cmd = request.forms.get('settings_general_postprocessing_cmd')
+ settings_general_use_sonarr = request.forms.get('settings_general_use_sonarr')
+ if settings_general_use_sonarr is None:
+ settings_general_use_sonarr = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_use_sonarr = 'True'
+ settings_general_use_radarr = request.forms.get('settings_general_use_radarr')
+ if settings_general_use_radarr is None:
+ settings_general_use_radarr = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_general_use_radarr = 'True'
+ settings_page_size = request.forms.get('settings_page_size')
+ settings_general = get_general_settings()
+ before = (unicode(settings_general[0]), int(settings_general[1]), unicode(settings_general[2]), unicode(settings_general[4]), unicode(settings_general[3]), unicode(settings_general[12]), unicode(settings_general[13]), unicode(settings_general[14]))
+ after = (unicode(settings_general_ip), int(settings_general_port), unicode(settings_general_baseurl), unicode(settings_general_loglevel), unicode(settings_general_pathmapping), unicode(settings_general_use_sonarr), unicode(settings_general_use_radarr), unicode(settings_general_pathmapping_movie))
+ from six import text_type
+ cfg = ConfigParser()
+ with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
+ cfg.read_file(f)
+ cfg.set('general', 'ip', text_type(settings_general_ip))
+ cfg.set('general', 'port', text_type(settings_general_port))
+ cfg.set('general', 'base_url', text_type(settings_general_baseurl))
+ cfg.set('general', 'path_mappings', text_type(settings_general_pathmapping))
+ cfg.set('general', 'log_level', text_type(settings_general_loglevel))
+ cfg.set('general', 'branch', text_type(settings_general_branch))
+ cfg.set('general', 'auto_update', text_type(settings_general_automatic))
+ cfg.set('general', 'single_language', text_type(settings_general_single_language))
+ cfg.set('general', 'minimum_score', text_type(settings_general_minimum_score))
+ cfg.set('general', 'use_scenename', text_type(settings_general_scenename))
+ cfg.set('general', 'use_postprocessing', text_type(settings_general_use_postprocessing))
+ cfg.set('general', 'postprocessing_cmd', text_type(settings_general_postprocessing_cmd))
+ cfg.set('general', 'use_sonarr', text_type(settings_general_use_sonarr))
+ cfg.set('general', 'use_radarr', text_type(settings_general_use_radarr))
+ cfg.set('general', 'path_mappings_movie', text_type(settings_general_pathmapping_movie))
+ cfg.set('general', 'page_size', text_type(settings_page_size))
+ cfg.set('general', 'minimum_score_movie', text_type(settings_general_minimum_score_movies))
+ cfg.set('general', 'use_embedded_subs', text_type(settings_general_embedded))
+ cfg.set('general', 'only_monitored', text_type(settings_general_only_monitored))
+ # cfg.set('general', 'configured', text_type(configured))
+ # cfg.set('general', 'updated', text_type(updated))
+ if after != before:
+ configured()
+ get_general_settings()
+ settings_auth = get_auth_settings()
+ before_auth_password = (unicode(settings_auth[0]), unicode(settings_auth[2]))
+ if before_auth_password[0] != settings_general_auth_enabled:
+ configured()
+ if before_auth_password[1] == settings_general_auth_password:
+ cfg.set('auth', 'enabled', text_type(settings_general_auth_enabled))
+ cfg.set('auth', 'username', text_type(settings_general_auth_username))
+ else:
+ cfg.set('auth', 'enabled', text_type(settings_general_auth_enabled))
+ cfg.set('auth', 'username', text_type(settings_general_auth_username))
+ cfg.set('auth', 'password', hashlib.md5(settings_general_auth_password).hexdigest())
+ settings_sonarr_ip = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_ip')
+ settings_sonarr_port = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_port')
+ settings_sonarr_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_baseurl')
+ settings_sonarr_ssl = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_ssl')
+ if settings_sonarr_ssl is None:
+ settings_sonarr_ssl = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_sonarr_ssl = 'True'
+ settings_sonarr_apikey = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_apikey')
+ settings_sonarr_sync = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_sync')
+ cfg.set('sonarr', 'ip', text_type(settings_sonarr_ip))
+ cfg.set('sonarr', 'port', text_type(settings_sonarr_port))
+ cfg.set('sonarr', 'base_url', text_type(settings_sonarr_baseurl))
+ cfg.set('sonarr', 'ssl', text_type(settings_sonarr_ssl))
+ cfg.set('sonarr', 'apikey', text_type(settings_sonarr_apikey))
+ cfg.set('sonarr', 'full_update', text_type(settings_sonarr_sync))
+ settings_radarr_ip = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_ip')
+ settings_radarr_port = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_port')
+ settings_radarr_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_baseurl')
+ settings_radarr_ssl = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_ssl')
+ if settings_radarr_ssl is None:
+ settings_radarr_ssl = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_radarr_ssl = 'True'
+ settings_radarr_apikey = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_apikey')
+ settings_radarr_sync = request.forms.get('settings_radarr_sync')
+ cfg.set('radarr', 'ip', text_type(settings_radarr_ip))
+ cfg.set('radarr', 'port', text_type(settings_radarr_port))
+ cfg.set('radarr', 'base_url', text_type(settings_radarr_baseurl))
+ cfg.set('radarr', 'ssl', text_type(settings_radarr_ssl))
+ cfg.set('radarr', 'apikey', text_type(settings_radarr_apikey))
+ cfg.set('radarr', 'full_update', text_type(settings_radarr_sync))
+ settings_subliminal_providers = request.forms.getall('settings_subliminal_providers')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET enabled = 0")
+ for item in settings_subliminal_providers:
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET enabled = '1' WHERE name = ?", (item,))
+ settings_addic7ed_username = request.forms.get('settings_addic7ed_username')
+ settings_addic7ed_password = request.forms.get('settings_addic7ed_password')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'addic7ed'", (settings_addic7ed_username, settings_addic7ed_password))
+ settings_legendastv_username = request.forms.get('settings_legendastv_username')
+ settings_legendastv_password = request.forms.get('settings_legendastv_password')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'legendastv'", (settings_legendastv_username, settings_legendastv_password))
+ settings_opensubtitles_username = request.forms.get('settings_opensubtitles_username')
+ settings_opensubtitles_password = request.forms.get('settings_opensubtitles_password')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_providers SET username = ?, password = ? WHERE name = 'opensubtitles'", (settings_opensubtitles_username, settings_opensubtitles_password))
+ settings_subliminal_languages = request.forms.getall('settings_subliminal_languages')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_languages SET enabled = 0")
+ for item in settings_subliminal_languages:
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_languages SET enabled = '1' WHERE code2 = ?", (item,))
+ settings_serie_default_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_serie_default_enabled')
+ if settings_serie_default_enabled is None:
+ settings_serie_default_enabled = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_serie_default_enabled = 'True'
+ cfg.set('general', 'serie_default_enabled', text_type(settings_serie_default_enabled))
+ settings_serie_default_languages = str(request.forms.getall('settings_serie_default_languages'))
+ if settings_serie_default_languages == "['None']":
+ settings_serie_default_languages = 'None'
+ cfg.set('general', 'serie_default_language', text_type(settings_serie_default_languages))
+ settings_serie_default_hi = request.forms.get('settings_serie_default_hi')
+ if settings_serie_default_hi is None:
+ settings_serie_default_hi = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_serie_default_hi = 'True'
+ cfg.set('general', 'serie_default_hi', text_type(settings_serie_default_hi))
+ settings_movie_default_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_movie_default_enabled')
+ if settings_movie_default_enabled is None:
+ settings_movie_default_enabled = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_movie_default_enabled = 'True'
+ cfg.set('general', 'movie_default_enabled', text_type(settings_movie_default_enabled))
+ settings_movie_default_languages = str(request.forms.getall('settings_movie_default_languages'))
+ if settings_movie_default_languages == "['None']":
+ settings_movie_default_languages = 'None'
+ cfg.set('general', 'movie_default_language', text_type(settings_movie_default_languages))
+ settings_movie_default_hi = request.forms.get('settings_movie_default_hi')
+ if settings_movie_default_hi is None:
+ settings_movie_default_hi = 'False'
+ else:
+ settings_movie_default_hi = 'True'
+ cfg.set('general', 'movie_default_hi', text_type(settings_movie_default_hi))
+ with open(config_file, 'wb') as f:
+ cfg.write(f)
+ settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Boxcar_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Boxcar_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Boxcar'", (settings_notifier_Boxcar_enabled, settings_notifier_Boxcar_url))
+ settings_notifier_Faast_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Faast_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Faast_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Faast_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Faast_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Faast_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Faast_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Faast'", (settings_notifier_Faast_enabled, settings_notifier_Faast_url))
+ settings_notifier_Growl_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Growl_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Growl_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Growl_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Growl_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Growl_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Growl_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Growl'", (settings_notifier_Growl_enabled, settings_notifier_Growl_url))
+ settings_notifier_Join_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Join_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Join_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Join_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Join_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Join_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Join_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Join'", (settings_notifier_Join_enabled, settings_notifier_Join_url))
+ settings_notifier_KODI_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_KODI_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_KODI_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_KODI_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_KODI_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_KODI_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_KODI_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'KODI'", (settings_notifier_KODI_enabled, settings_notifier_KODI_url))
+ settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Mattermost_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Mattermost_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Mattermost'", (settings_notifier_Mattermost_enabled, settings_notifier_Mattermost_url))
+ settings_notifier_NMA_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Notify My Android_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_NMA_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_NMA_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_NMA_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_NMA_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Notify My Android_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Notify My Android'", (settings_notifier_NMA_enabled, settings_notifier_NMA_url))
+ settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Prowl_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Prowl_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Prowl'", (settings_notifier_Prowl_enabled, settings_notifier_Prowl_url))
+ settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Pushalot_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushalot_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Pushalot'", (settings_notifier_Pushalot_enabled, settings_notifier_Pushalot_url))
+ settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_PushBullet_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_PushBullet_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'PushBullet'", (settings_notifier_PushBullet_enabled, settings_notifier_PushBullet_url))
+ settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Pushjet_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushjet_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Pushjet'", (settings_notifier_Pushjet_enabled, settings_notifier_Pushjet_url))
+ settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Pushover_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Pushover_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Pushover'", (settings_notifier_Pushover_enabled, settings_notifier_Pushover_url))
+ settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Rocket.Chat_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_RocketChat_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Rocket.Chat_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Rocket.Chat'", (settings_notifier_RocketChat_enabled, settings_notifier_RocketChat_url))
+ settings_notifier_Slack_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Slack_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Slack_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Slack_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Slack_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Slack_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Slack_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Slack'", (settings_notifier_Slack_enabled, settings_notifier_Slack_url))
+ settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Super Toasty_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_SuperToasty_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Super Toasty_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Super Toasty'", (settings_notifier_SuperToasty_enabled, settings_notifier_SuperToasty_url))
+ settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Telegram_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Telegram_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Telegram'", (settings_notifier_Telegram_enabled, settings_notifier_Telegram_url))
+ settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Twitter_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Twitter_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Twitter'", (settings_notifier_Twitter_enabled, settings_notifier_Twitter_url))
+ settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_XBMC_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_XBMC_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'XBMC'", (settings_notifier_XBMC_enabled, settings_notifier_XBMC_url))
+ settings_notifier_Discord_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Discord_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Discord_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Discord_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Discord_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Discord_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Discord_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Discord'", (settings_notifier_Discord_enabled, settings_notifier_Discord_url))
+ settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_E-Mail_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_E_Mail_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_E-Mail_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'E-Mail'", (settings_notifier_E_Mail_enabled, settings_notifier_E_Mail_url))
+ settings_notifier_Emby_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Emby_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Emby_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Emby_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Emby_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Emby_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Emby_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Emby'", (settings_notifier_Emby_enabled, settings_notifier_Emby_url))
+ settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_IFTTT_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_IFTTT_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'IFTTT'", (settings_notifier_IFTTT_enabled, settings_notifier_IFTTT_url))
+ settings_notifier_Stride_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Stride_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Stride_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Stride_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Stride_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Stride_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Stride_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Stride'", (settings_notifier_Stride_enabled, settings_notifier_Stride_url))
+ settings_notifier_Windows_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Windows_enabled')
+ if settings_notifier_Windows_enabled == 'on':
+ settings_notifier_Windows_enabled = 1
+ else:
+ settings_notifier_Windows_enabled = 0
+ settings_notifier_Windows_url = request.forms.get('settings_notifier_Windows_url')
+ c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_notifier SET enabled = ?, url = ? WHERE name = 'Windows'", (settings_notifier_Windows_enabled, settings_notifier_Windows_url))
+ conn.commit()
+ c.close()
+ sonarr_full_update()
+ radarr_full_update()
+'Settings saved succesfully.')
+ # reschedule full update task according to settings
+ sonarr_full_update()
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'check_update')
+def check_update():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ check_and_apply_update()
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'system')
+def system():
+ def get_time_from_interval(interval):
+ interval_clean = interval.split('[')
+ interval_clean = interval_clean[1][:-1]
+ interval_split = interval_clean.split(':')
+ hour = interval_split[0]
+ minute = interval_split[1].lstrip("0")
+ second = interval_split[2].lstrip("0")
+ text = "every "
+ if hour != "0":
+ text = text + hour
+ if hour == "1":
+ text = text + " hour"
+ else:
+ text = text + " hours"
+ if minute != "" and second != "":
+ text = text + ", "
+ elif minute == "" and second != "":
+ text = text + " and "
+ elif minute != "" and second == "":
+ text = text + " and "
+ if minute != "":
+ text = text + minute
+ if minute == "1":
+ text = text + " minute"
+ else:
+ text = text + " minutes"
+ if second != "":
+ text = text + " and "
+ if second != "":
+ text = text + second
+ if second == "1":
+ text = text + " second"
+ else:
+ text = text + " seconds"
+ return text
+ def get_time_from_cron(cron):
+ text = "at "
+ hour = str(cron[5])
+ minute = str(cron[6])
+ second = str(cron[7])
+ if hour != "0" and hour != "*":
+ text = text + hour
+ if hour == "0" or hour == "1":
+ text = text + " hour"
+ else:
+ text = text + " hours"
+ if minute != "*" and second != "0":
+ text = text + ", "
+ elif minute == "*" and second != "0":
+ text = text + " and "
+ elif minute != "0" and minute != "*" and second == "0":
+ text = text + " and "
+ if minute != "0" and minute != "*":
+ text = text + minute
+ if minute == "0" or minute == "1":
+ text = text + " minute"
+ else:
+ text = text + " minutes"
+ if second != "0" and second != "*":
+ text = text + " and "
+ if second != "0" and second != "*":
+ text = text + second
+ if second == "0" or second == "1":
+ text = text + " second"
+ else:
+ text = text + " seconds"
+ return text
+ task_list = []
+ for job in scheduler.get_jobs():
+ if job.next_run_time is not None:
+ next_run =
+ else:
+ next_run = "Never"
+ if job.trigger.__str__().startswith('interval'):
+ task_list.append([, get_time_from_interval(str(job.trigger)), next_run,])
+ elif job.trigger.__str__().startswith('cron'):
+ task_list.append([, get_time_from_cron(job.trigger.fields), next_run,])
+ i = 0
+ with open(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/bazarr.log')) as f:
+ for i, l in enumerate(f, 1):
+ pass
+ row_count = i
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ max_page = int(math.ceil(row_count / (page_size + 0.0)))
+ return template('system', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url, task_list=task_list, row_count=row_count, max_page=max_page, page_size=page_size)
+@route(base_url + 'logs/<page:int>')
+def get_logs(page):
+ page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
+ begin = (page * page_size) - page_size
+ end = (page * page_size) - 1
+ logs_complete = []
+ for line in reversed(open(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/bazarr.log')).readlines()):
+ logs_complete.append(line.rstrip())
+ logs = logs_complete[begin:end]
+ return template('logs', logs=logs, base_url=base_url)
+@route(base_url + 'execute/<taskid>')
+def execute_task(taskid):
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ execute_now(taskid)
+ redirect(ref)
+@route(base_url + 'remove_subtitles', method='POST')
+def remove_subtitles():
+ episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
+ language = request.forms.get('language')
+ subtitlesPath = request.forms.get('subtitlesPath')
+ sonarrSeriesId = request.forms.get('sonarrSeriesId')
+ sonarrEpisodeId = request.forms.get('sonarrEpisodeId')
+ try:
+ os.remove(subtitlesPath)
+ result = language_from_alpha3(language) + " subtitles deleted from disk."
+ history_log(0, sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ store_subtitles(unicode(episodePath))
+ list_missing_subtitles(sonarrSeriesId)
+@route(base_url + 'remove_subtitles_movie', method='POST')
+def remove_subtitles_movie():
+ moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
+ language = request.forms.get('language')
+ subtitlesPath = request.forms.get('subtitlesPath')
+ radarrId = request.forms.get('radarrId')
+ try:
+ os.remove(subtitlesPath)
+ result = language_from_alpha3(language) + " subtitles deleted from disk."
+ history_log_movie(0, radarrId, result)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ store_subtitles_movie(unicode(moviePath))
+ list_missing_subtitles_movies(radarrId)
+@route(base_url + 'get_subtitle', method='POST')
+def get_subtitle():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
+ sceneName = request.forms.get('sceneName')
+ language = request.forms.get('language')
+ hi = request.forms.get('hi')
+ sonarrSeriesId = request.forms.get('sonarrSeriesId')
+ sonarrEpisodeId = request.forms.get('sonarrEpisodeId')
+ # tvdbid = request.forms.get('tvdbid')
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers WHERE enabled = 1")
+ enabled_providers = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ providers_list = []
+ providers_auth = {}
+ if len(enabled_providers) > 0:
+ for provider in enabled_providers:
+ providers_list.append(provider[0])
+ try:
+ if provider[2] is not '' and provider[3] is not '':
+ provider_auth = providers_auth.append(provider[0])
+ provider_auth.update({'username':providers[2], 'password':providers[3]})
+ else:
+ providers_auth = None
+ except:
+ providers_auth = None
+ else:
+ providers_list = None
+ providers_auth = None
+ try:
+ result = download_subtitle(episodePath, language, hi, providers_list, providers_auth, sceneName, 'series')
+ if result is not None:
+ history_log(1, sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result)
+ send_notifications(sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, result)
+ store_subtitles(unicode(episodePath))
+ list_missing_subtitles(sonarrSeriesId)
+ redirect(ref)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+@route(base_url + 'get_subtitle_movie', method='POST')
+def get_subtitle_movie():
+ ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
+ moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
+ sceneName = request.forms.get('sceneName')
+ language = request.forms.get('language')
+ hi = request.forms.get('hi')
+ radarrId = request.forms.get('radarrId')
+ # tmdbid = request.forms.get('tmdbid')
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_providers WHERE enabled = 1")
+ enabled_providers = c.fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ providers_list = []
+ providers_auth = {}
+ if len(enabled_providers) > 0:
+ for provider in enabled_providers:
+ providers_list.append(provider[0])
+ try:
+ if provider[2] is not '' and provider[3] is not '':
+ provider_auth = providers_auth.append(provider[0])
+ provider_auth.update({'username':providers[2], 'password':providers[3]})
+ else:
+ providers_auth = None
+ except:
+ providers_auth = None
+ else:
+ providers_list = None
+ providers_auth = None
+ try:
+ result = download_subtitle(moviePath, language, hi, providers_list, providers_auth, sceneName, 'movies')
+ if result is not None:
+ history_log_movie(1, radarrId, result)
+ send_notifications_movie(radarrId, result)
+ store_subtitles_movie(unicode(moviePath))
+ list_missing_subtitles_movies(radarrId)
+ redirect(ref)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+def configured():
+ conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("UPDATE system SET configured = 1")
+ conn.commit()
+ c.close()
+@route(base_url + 'api/wanted')
+def api_wanted():
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ data = c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, table_episodes.missing_subtitles FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.missing_subtitles != '[]' ORDER BY table_episodes._rowid_ DESC").fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ return dict(subtitles=data)
+@route(base_url + 'api/history')
+def api_history():
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ data = c.execute("SELECT table_shows.title, table_episodes.season || 'x' || table_episodes.episode, table_episodes.title, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(table_history.timestamp, 'unixepoch')), table_history.description FROM table_history INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_history.sonarrSeriesId INNER JOIN table_episodes on table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId = table_history.sonarrEpisodeId WHERE table_history.action = '1' ORDER BY id DESC").fetchall()
+ c.close()
+ return dict(subtitles=data)
+'Bazarr is started and waiting for request on http://' + str(ip) + ':' + str(port) + str(base_url))
+run(host=ip, port=port, server='waitress')'Bazarr has been stopped.')
diff --git a/ b/
index 2fbc7a19d..787c18956 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from get_argv import config_dir
-from get_general_settings import get_general_settings
+from get_settings import get_general_settings
import os
import logging
@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@ def check_and_apply_update():
def updated():
conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("UPDATE table_settings_general SET updated = 1")
+ c.execute("UPDATE system SET updated = 1")
c.close() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/create_db.sql b/create_db.sql
index bf454cd58..96561f9fd 100644
--- a/create_db.sql
+++ b/create_db.sql
@@ -9,19 +9,15 @@ CREATE TABLE "table_shows" (
`overview` TEXT,
`poster` TEXT,
`fanart` TEXT,
+ `audio_language` "text",
+ `sortTitle` "text",
-CREATE TABLE "table_settings_sonarr" (
- `base_url` TEXT,
- `ssl` INTEGER,
- `apikey` TEXT
-INSERT INTO `table_settings_sonarr` (ip,port,base_url,ssl,apikey) VALUES ('',8989,'/','False',Null);
CREATE TABLE "table_settings_providers" (
`enabled` INTEGER,
+ `username` "text",
+ `password` "text",
CREATE TABLE "table_settings_languages" (
@@ -31,25 +27,6 @@ CREATE TABLE "table_settings_languages" (
`enabled` INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY(`code3`)
-CREATE TABLE "table_settings_general" (
- `base_url` TEXT,
- `path_mapping` TEXT,
- `log_level` TEXT,
- `branch` TEXT,
- `auto_update` INTEGER,
- `configured` INTEGER,
- `updated` INTEGER,
- `single_language` TEXT,
- `minimum_score` TEXT,
- `use_scenename` TEXT,
- `use_postprocessing` TEXT,
- `postprocessing_cmd` TEXT,
- `use_sonarr` TEXT,
- `use_radarr` TEXT
-INSERT INTO `table_settings_general` (ip,port,base_url,path_mapping,log_level, branch, auto_update, configured, updated, single_language, minimum_score, use_scenename, use_postprocessing, postprocessing_cmd, use_sonarr, use_radarr) VALUES ('',6767,'/',Null,'INFO','master','True',0,0,'False','0','False','False',Null,'False','False');
CREATE TABLE "table_history" (
@@ -66,6 +43,36 @@ CREATE TABLE "table_episodes" (
`subtitles` TEXT,
- `missing_subtitles` TEXT
+ `missing_subtitles` TEXT,
+ `scene_name` TEXT,
+ `monitored` TEXT
+CREATE TABLE "table_movies" (
+ `title` TEXT NOT NULL,
+ `languages` TEXT,
+ `subtitles` TEXT,
+ `missing_subtitles` TEXT,
+ `hearing_impaired` TEXT,
+ `overview` TEXT,
+ `poster` TEXT,
+ `fanart` TEXT,
+ `audio_language` "text",
+ `sceneName` TEXT,
+ `monitored` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`tmdbId`)
+CREATE TABLE "table_history_movie" (
+ `action` INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ `radarrId` INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ `timestamp` INTEGER NOT NULL,
+ `description` TEXT NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE "system" (
+ `configured` TEXT,
+ `updated` TEXT
+INSERT INTO `system` (configured, updated) VALUES ('0', '0');
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe313535a..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-from get_argv import config_dir
-import sqlite3
-import os
-def get_auth_settings():
- # Open database connection
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- c.execute('''SELECT * FROM table_settings_auth''')
- config_auth = c.fetchone()
- # Close database connection
- db.close()
- auth_enabled = config_auth[0]
- auth_username = config_auth[1]
- auth_password = config_auth[2]
- return [auth_enabled, auth_username, auth_password] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 583fd6189..e3b16e115 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import sqlite3
import requests
import logging
-from get_general_settings import path_replace
+from get_settings import path_replace
from list_subtitles import list_missing_subtitles, store_subtitles, series_full_scan_subtitles, movies_full_scan_subtitles
def update_all_episodes():
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ def update_all_movies():'All missing movie subtitles updated in database.')
def sync_episodes():
- from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
- url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[0]
- apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[2]
+ from get_settings import get_sonarr_settings
+ url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[6]
+ apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[4]
# Open database connection
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 690c190ce..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-from get_argv import config_dir
-import sqlite3
-import os
-import ast
-import re
-def get_general_settings():
- # Open database connection
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- # Get general settings from database table
- c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_general")
- general_settings = c.fetchone()
- # Close database connection
- db.close()
- ip = general_settings[0]
- port = general_settings[1]
- base_url = general_settings[2]
- if base_url == None:
- base_url = "/"
- if base_url.startswith("/") == False:
- base_url = "/" + base_url
- if base_url.endswith("/") == False:
- base_url = base_url + "/"
- if general_settings[3] is None:
- path_mappings = []
- else:
- path_mappings = ast.literal_eval(general_settings[3])
- log_level = general_settings[4]
- branch = general_settings[5]
- automatic = general_settings[6]
- single_language = general_settings[9]
- minimum_score = general_settings[10]
- use_scenename = general_settings[11]
- use_postprocessing = general_settings[12]
- postprocessing_cmd = general_settings[13]
- use_sonarr = general_settings[14]
- use_radarr = general_settings[15]
- if general_settings[16] is None:
- path_mappings_movie = []
- else:
- path_mappings_movie = ast.literal_eval(general_settings[16])
- serie_default_enabled = general_settings[17]
- serie_default_language = general_settings[18]
- serie_default_hi = general_settings[19]
- movie_default_enabled = general_settings[20]
- movie_default_language = general_settings[21]
- movie_default_hi = general_settings[22]
- page_size = general_settings[23]
- minimum_score_movie = general_settings[24]
- use_embedded_subs = general_settings[25]
- only_monitored = general_settings[26]
- return [ip, port, base_url, path_mappings, log_level, branch, automatic, single_language, minimum_score, use_scenename, use_postprocessing, postprocessing_cmd, use_sonarr, use_radarr, path_mappings_movie, serie_default_enabled, serie_default_language, serie_default_hi, movie_default_enabled,movie_default_language, movie_default_hi, page_size, minimum_score_movie, use_embedded_subs, only_monitored]
-def path_replace(path):
- for path_mapping in path_mappings:
- if path_mapping[0] in path:
- path = path.replace(path_mapping[0], path_mapping[1])
- if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
- path = path.replace('/', '\\')
- elif path.startswith('/'):
- path = path.replace('\\', '/')
- break
- return path
-def path_replace_reverse(path):
- for path_mapping in path_mappings:
- if path_mapping[1] in path:
- path = path.replace(path_mapping[1], path_mapping[0])
- if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
- path = path.replace('/', '\\')
- elif path.startswith('/'):
- path = path.replace('\\', '/')
- break
- return path
-def path_replace_movie(path):
- for path_mapping in path_mappings_movie:
- if path_mapping[0] in path:
- path = path.replace(path_mapping[0], path_mapping[1])
- if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
- path = path.replace('/', '\\')
- elif path.startswith('/'):
- path = path.replace('\\', '/')
- break
- return path
-def path_replace_reverse_movie(path):
- for path_mapping in path_mappings_movie:
- if path_mapping[1] in path:
- path = path.replace(path_mapping[1], path_mapping[0])
- if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
- path = path.replace('/', '\\')
- elif path.startswith('/'):
- path = path.replace('\\', '/')
- break
- return path
-def pp_replace(pp_command, episode, subtitles, language, language_code2, language_code3):
- pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{directory}}', os.path.dirname(episode))
- pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{episode}}', episode)
- pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{episode_name}}', os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(episode))[0])
- pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles}}', subtitles)
- pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles_language}}', language)
- pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles_language_code2}}', language_code2)
- pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles_language_code3}}', language_code3)
- return pp_command
-result = get_general_settings()
-ip = result[0]
-port = result[1]
-base_url = result[2]
-path_mappings = result[3]
-log_level = result[4]
-branch = result[5]
-automatic = result[6]
-single_language = result[7]
-minimum_score = result[8]
-use_scenename = result[9]
-use_processing = result[10]
-postprocessing_cmd = result[11]
-use_sonarr = result[12]
-use_radarr = result[13]
-path_mappings_movie = result[14]
-serie_default_enabled = result[15]
-serie_default_language = result[16]
-serie_default_hi = result[17]
-movie_default_enabled = result[18]
-movie_default_language = result[19]
-movie_default_hi = result[20]
-page_size = result[21]
-minimum_score_movie = result[22]
-use_embedded_subs = result[23]
-only_monitored = result[24] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index fc43dfb5d..dbf8b5de1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ import sqlite3
import requests
import logging
-from get_general_settings import get_general_settings, path_replace_movie
+from get_settings import get_general_settings, path_replace_movie
from list_subtitles import store_subtitles_movie, list_missing_subtitles_movies
def update_movies():
- from get_radarr_settings import get_radarr_settings
- url_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[0]
- # url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[1]
- apikey_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[2]
+ from get_settings import get_radarr_settings
+ url_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[6]
+ # url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[7]
+ apikey_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[4]
movie_default_enabled = get_general_settings()[18]
movie_default_language = get_general_settings()[19]
movie_default_hi = get_general_settings()[20]
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ def update_movies():
# Update or insert movies list in database table
- if movie_default_enabled == 'True':
- c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_movies(title, path, tmdbId, languages,`hearing_impaired`, radarrId, overview, poster, fanart, `audio_language`, sceneName, monitored) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (movie["title"], movie["path"] + separator + movie['movieFile']['relativePath'], movie["tmdbId"], movie_default_language, movie_default_hi, movie["id"], overview, poster, fanart, profile_id_to_language(movie['qualityProfileId']), sceneName, unicode(bool(movie['monitored']))))
+ if movie_default_enabled is True:
+ c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_movies(title, path, tmdbId, languages, subtitles,`hearing_impaired`, radarrId, overview, poster, fanart, `audio_language`, sceneName, monitored) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (movie["title"], movie["path"] + separator + movie['movieFile']['relativePath'], movie["tmdbId"], movie_default_language, '[]', movie_default_hi, movie["id"], overview, poster, fanart, profile_id_to_language(movie['qualityProfileId']), sceneName, unicode(bool(movie['monitored']))))
- c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_movies(title, path, tmdbId, languages,`hearing_impaired`, radarrId, overview, poster, fanart, `audio_language`, sceneName, monitored) VALUES (?,?,?,(SELECT languages FROM table_movies WHERE tmdbId = ?),(SELECT `hearing_impaired` FROM table_movies WHERE tmdbId = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (movie["title"], movie["path"] + separator + movie['movieFile']['relativePath'], movie["tmdbId"], movie["tmdbId"], movie["tmdbId"], movie["id"], overview, poster, fanart, profile_id_to_language(movie['qualityProfileId']), sceneName, unicode(bool(movie['monitored']))))
+ c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_movies(title, path, tmdbId, languages, subtitles,`hearing_impaired`, radarrId, overview, poster, fanart, `audio_language`, sceneName, monitored) VALUES (?,?,?,(SELECT languages FROM table_movies WHERE tmdbId = ?), '[]',(SELECT `hearing_impaired` FROM table_movies WHERE tmdbId = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (movie["title"], movie["path"] + separator + movie['movieFile']['relativePath'], movie["tmdbId"], movie["tmdbId"], movie["tmdbId"], movie["id"], overview, poster, fanart, profile_id_to_language(movie['qualityProfileId']), sceneName, unicode(bool(movie['monitored']))))
c.execute('''UPDATE table_movies SET title = ?, path = ?, tmdbId = ?, radarrId = ?, overview = ?, poster = ?, fanart = ?, `audio_language` = ?, sceneName = ?, monitored = ? WHERE tmdbid = ?''', (movie["title"],movie["path"] + separator + movie['movieFile']['relativePath'],movie["tmdbId"],movie["id"],overview,poster,fanart,profile_id_to_language(movie['qualityProfileId']),sceneName,unicode(bool(movie['monitored'])),movie["tmdbId"]))
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ def update_movies():
def get_profile_list():
- from get_radarr_settings import get_radarr_settings
- url_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[0]
- # url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[1]
- apikey_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[2]
+ from get_settings import get_radarr_settings
+ url_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[6]
+ # url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[7]
+ apikey_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[4]
# Get profiles data from radarr
global profiles_list
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 985a5615b..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-from get_argv import config_dir
-import sqlite3
-import os
-import ast
-def get_radarr_settings():
- # Open database connection
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- # Get Radarr API URL from database config table
- c.execute('''SELECT * FROM table_settings_radarr''')
- config_radarr = c.fetchone()
- # Close database connection
- db.close()
- # Build radarr URL
- ip_radarr = config_radarr[0]
- port_radarr = str(config_radarr[1])
- baseurl_radarr = config_radarr[2]
- ssl_radarr = config_radarr[3]
- apikey_radarr = config_radarr[4]
- full_update = config_radarr[5]
- if ssl_radarr == 1:
- protocol_radarr = "https"
- else:
- protocol_radarr = "http"
- if baseurl_radarr == None:
- baseurl_radarr = "/"
- if baseurl_radarr.startswith("/") == False:
- baseurl_radarr = "/" + baseurl_radarr
- if baseurl_radarr.endswith("/"):
- baseurl_radarr = baseurl_radarr[:-1]
- url_radarr = protocol_radarr + "://" + ip_radarr + ":" + port_radarr + baseurl_radarr
- url_radarr_short = protocol_radarr + "://" + ip_radarr + ":" + port_radarr
- return [url_radarr, url_radarr_short, apikey_radarr, full_update] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 03342b78a..8c440869d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import sqlite3
import requests
import logging
-from get_general_settings import get_general_settings
+from get_settings import get_general_settings
from list_subtitles import list_missing_subtitles
def update_series():
- from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
- url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[0]
- apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[2]
+ from get_settings import get_sonarr_settings
+ url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[6]
+ apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[4]
serie_default_enabled = get_general_settings()[15]
serie_default_language = get_general_settings()[16]
serie_default_hi = get_general_settings()[17]
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def update_series():
# Update or insert shows list in database table
- if serie_default_enabled == 'True':
+ if serie_default_enabled is True:
c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_shows(title, path, tvdbId, languages,`hearing_impaired`, sonarrSeriesId, overview, poster, fanart, `audio_language`, sortTitle) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (show["title"], show["path"], show["tvdbId"], serie_default_language, serie_default_hi, show["id"], overview, poster, fanart, profile_id_to_language(show['qualityProfileId']), show['sortTitle']))
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ def update_series():
def get_profile_list():
- from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
- url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[0]
- # url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[1]
- apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[2]
+ from get_settings import get_sonarr_settings
+ url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[6]
+ # url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[5]
+ apikey_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[4]
# Get profiles data from Sonarr
error = False
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6eae7569d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+from get_argv import config_dir
+import os
+import re
+import ast
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+config_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config/config.ini'))
+def get_general_settings():
+ cfg = ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
+ cfg.read_file(f)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if cfg.has_section('general'):
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'ip'):
+ ip = cfg.get('general', 'ip')
+ else:
+ ip = ''
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'port'):
+ port = cfg.get('general', 'port')
+ else:
+ port = '6767'
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'base_url'):
+ base_url = cfg.get('general', 'base_url')
+ else:
+ base_url = '/'
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'path_mappings'):
+ path_mappings = cfg.get('general', 'path_mappings')
+ else:
+ path_mappings = []
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'log_level'):
+ log_level = cfg.get('general', 'log_level')
+ else:
+ log_level = 'INFO'
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'branch'):
+ branch = cfg.get('general', 'branch')
+ else:
+ branch = 'master'
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'auto_update'):
+ auto_update = cfg.getboolean('general', 'auto_update')
+ else:
+ auto_update = True
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'single_language'):
+ single_language = cfg.getboolean('general', 'single_language')
+ else:
+ single_language = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'minimum_score'):
+ minimum_score = cfg.get('general', 'minimum_score')
+ else:
+ minimum_score = '100'
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'use_scenename'):
+ use_scenename = cfg.getboolean('general', 'use_scenename')
+ else:
+ use_scenename = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'use_postprocessing'):
+ use_postprocessing = cfg.getboolean('general', 'use_postprocessing')
+ else:
+ use_postprocessing = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'postprocessing_cmd'):
+ postprocessing_cmd = cfg.get('general', 'postprocessing_cmd')
+ else:
+ postprocessing_cmd = ''
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'use_sonarr'):
+ use_sonarr = cfg.getboolean('general', 'use_sonarr')
+ else:
+ use_sonarr = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'use_radarr'):
+ use_radarr = cfg.getboolean('general', 'use_radarr')
+ else:
+ use_radarr = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'path_mappings_movie'):
+ path_mappings_movie = cfg.get('general', 'path_mappings_movie')
+ else:
+ path_mappings_movie = []
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'serie_default_enabled'):
+ serie_default_enabled = cfg.getboolean('general', 'serie_default_enabled')
+ else:
+ serie_default_enabled = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'serie_default_language'):
+ serie_default_language = cfg.get('general', 'serie_default_language')
+ else:
+ serie_default_language = []
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'serie_default_hi'):
+ serie_default_hi = cfg.getboolean('general', 'serie_default_hi')
+ else:
+ serie_default_hi = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'movie_default_enabled'):
+ movie_default_enabled = cfg.getboolean('general', 'movie_default_enabled')
+ else:
+ movie_default_enabled = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'movie_default_language'):
+ movie_default_language = cfg.get('general', 'movie_default_language')
+ else:
+ movie_default_language = []
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'movie_default_hi'):
+ movie_default_hi = cfg.getboolean('general', 'movie_default_hi')
+ else:
+ movie_default_hi = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'page_size'):
+ page_size = cfg.get('general', 'page_size')
+ else:
+ page_size = '25'
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'minimum_score_movie'):
+ minimum_score_movie = cfg.get('general', 'minimum_score_movie')
+ else:
+ minimum_score_movie = '100'
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'use_embedded_subs'):
+ use_embedded_subs = cfg.getboolean('general', 'use_embedded_subs')
+ else:
+ use_embedded_subs = False
+ if cfg.has_option('general', 'only_monitored'):
+ only_monitored = cfg.getboolean('general', 'only_monitored')
+ else:
+ only_monitored = False
+ else:
+ ip = ''
+ port = '6768'
+ base_url = '/'
+ path_mappings = []
+ log_level = 'INFO'
+ branch = 'master'
+ auto_update = True
+ single_language = False
+ minimum_score = '100'
+ use_scenename = False
+ use_postprocessing = False
+ postprocessing_cmd = False
+ use_sonarr = False
+ use_radarr = False
+ path_mappings_movie = []
+ serie_default_enabled = False
+ serie_default_language = []
+ serie_default_hi = False
+ movie_default_enabled = False
+ movie_default_language = []
+ movie_default_hi = False
+ page_size = '25'
+ minimum_score_movie = '100'
+ use_embedded_subs = False
+ only_monitored = False
+ return [ip, port, base_url, path_mappings, log_level, branch, auto_update, single_language, minimum_score, use_scenename, use_postprocessing, postprocessing_cmd, use_sonarr, use_radarr, path_mappings_movie, serie_default_enabled, serie_default_language, serie_default_hi, movie_default_enabled,movie_default_language, movie_default_hi, page_size, minimum_score_movie, use_embedded_subs, only_monitored]
+def get_auth_settings():
+ cfg = ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
+ cfg.read_file(f)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if cfg.has_section('auth'):
+ if cfg.has_option('auth', 'enabled'):
+ enabled = cfg.getboolean('auth', 'enabled')
+ else:
+ enabled = False
+ if cfg.has_option('auth', 'username'):
+ username = cfg.get('auth', 'username')
+ else:
+ username = ''
+ if cfg.has_option('auth', 'password'):
+ password = cfg.get('auth', 'password')
+ else:
+ password = ''
+ else:
+ enabled = False
+ username = ''
+ password = ''
+ return [enabled, username, password]
+def get_sonarr_settings():
+ cfg = ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
+ cfg.read_file(f)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if cfg.has_section('sonarr'):
+ if cfg.has_option('sonarr', 'ip'):
+ ip = cfg.get('sonarr', 'ip')
+ else:
+ ip = ''
+ if cfg.has_option('sonarr', 'port'):
+ port = cfg.get('sonarr', 'port')
+ else:
+ port = '8989'
+ if cfg.has_option('sonarr', 'base_url'):
+ base_url = cfg.get('sonarr', 'base_url')
+ else:
+ base_url = '/'
+ if cfg.has_option('sonarr', 'ssl'):
+ ssl = cfg.get('sonarr', 'ssl')
+ else:
+ ssl = False
+ if cfg.has_option('sonarr', 'apikey'):
+ apikey = cfg.get('sonarr', 'apikey')
+ else:
+ apikey = ''
+ if cfg.has_option('sonarr', 'full_update'):
+ full_update = cfg.get('sonarr', 'full_update')
+ else:
+ full_update = 'Dayly'
+ else:
+ ip = ''
+ port = '8989'
+ base_url = '/'
+ ssl = False
+ apikey = ''
+ full_update = 'Daily'
+ if ssl == 1:
+ protocol_sonarr = "https"
+ else:
+ protocol_sonarr = "http"
+ if base_url == None:
+ base_url = "/"
+ if base_url.startswith("/") == False:
+ base_url = "/" + base_url
+ if base_url.endswith("/"):
+ base_url = base_url[:-1]
+ url_sonarr = protocol_sonarr + "://" + ip + ":" + port + base_url
+ url_sonarr_short = protocol_sonarr + "://" + ip + ":" + port
+ return [ip, port, base_url, ssl, apikey, full_update, url_sonarr, url_sonarr_short]
+def get_radarr_settings():
+ cfg = ConfigParser()
+ try:
+ with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
+ cfg.read_file(f)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if cfg.has_section('radarr'):
+ if cfg.has_option('radarr', 'ip'):
+ ip = cfg.get('radarr', 'ip')
+ else:
+ ip = ''
+ if cfg.has_option('radarr', 'port'):
+ port = cfg.get('radarr', 'port')
+ else:
+ port = '7878'
+ if cfg.has_option('radarr', 'base_url'):
+ base_url = cfg.get('radarr', 'base_url')
+ else:
+ base_url = '/'
+ if cfg.has_option('radarr', 'ssl'):
+ ssl = cfg.get('radarr', 'ssl')
+ else:
+ ssl = False
+ if cfg.has_option('radarr', 'apikey'):
+ apikey = cfg.get('radarr', 'apikey')
+ else:
+ apikey = ''
+ if cfg.has_option('radarr', 'full_update'):
+ full_update = cfg.get('radarr', 'full_update')
+ else:
+ full_update = 'Dayly'
+ else:
+ ip = ''
+ port = '8989'
+ base_url = '/'
+ ssl = False
+ apikey = ''
+ full_update = 'Daily'
+ if ssl == 1:
+ protocol_radarr = "https"
+ else:
+ protocol_radarr = "http"
+ if base_url is None:
+ base_url = "/"
+ if base_url.startswith("/") is False:
+ base_url = "/" + base_url
+ if base_url.endswith("/"):
+ base_url = base_url[:-1]
+ url_radarr = protocol_radarr + "://" + ip + ":" + port + base_url
+ url_radarr_short = protocol_radarr + "://" + ip + ":" + port
+ return [ip, port, base_url, ssl, apikey, full_update, url_radarr , url_radarr_short]
+def path_replace(path):
+ for path_mapping in path_mappings:
+ if path_mapping[0] in path:
+ path = path.replace(path_mapping[0], path_mapping[1])
+ if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
+ path = path.replace('/', '\\')
+ elif path.startswith('/'):
+ path = path.replace('\\', '/')
+ break
+ return path
+def path_replace_reverse(path):
+ for path_mapping in path_mappings:
+ if path_mapping[1] in path:
+ path = path.replace(path_mapping[1], path_mapping[0])
+ if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
+ path = path.replace('/', '\\')
+ elif path.startswith('/'):
+ path = path.replace('\\', '/')
+ break
+ return path
+def path_replace_movie(path):
+ for path_mapping in path_mappings_movie:
+ if path_mapping[0] in path:
+ path = path.replace(path_mapping[0], path_mapping[1])
+ if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
+ path = path.replace('/', '\\')
+ elif path.startswith('/'):
+ path = path.replace('\\', '/')
+ break
+ return path
+def path_replace_reverse_movie(path):
+ for path_mapping in path_mappings_movie:
+ if path_mapping[1] in path:
+ path = path.replace(path_mapping[1], path_mapping[0])
+ if path.startswith('\\\\') or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]:\\', path):
+ path = path.replace('/', '\\')
+ elif path.startswith('/'):
+ path = path.replace('\\', '/')
+ break
+ return path
+def pp_replace(pp_command, episode, subtitles, language, language_code2, language_code3):
+ pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{directory}}', os.path.dirname(episode))
+ pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{episode}}', episode)
+ pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{episode_name}}', os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(episode))[0])
+ pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles}}', subtitles)
+ pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles_language}}', language)
+ pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles_language_code2}}', language_code2)
+ pp_command = pp_command.replace('{{subtitles_language_code3}}', language_code3)
+ return pp_command
+result = get_general_settings()
+ip = result[0]
+port = result[1]
+base_url = result[2]
+path_mappings = ast.literal_eval(result[3])
+log_level = result[4]
+branch = result[5]
+automatic = result[6]
+single_language = result[7]
+minimum_score = result[8]
+use_scenename = result[9]
+use_processing = result[10]
+postprocessing_cmd = result[11]
+use_sonarr = result[12]
+use_radarr = result[13]
+path_mappings_movie = ast.literal_eval(result[14])
+serie_default_enabled = result[15]
+serie_default_language = result[16]
+serie_default_hi = result[17]
+movie_default_enabled = result[18]
+movie_default_language = result[19]
+movie_default_hi = result[20]
+page_size = result[21]
+minimum_score_movie = result[22]
+use_embedded_subs = result[23]
+only_monitored = result[24] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7636226a3..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-from get_argv import config_dir
-import sqlite3
-import os
-import ast
-def get_sonarr_settings():
- # Open database connection
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- # Get Sonarr API URL from database config table
- c.execute('''SELECT * FROM table_settings_sonarr''')
- config_sonarr = c.fetchone()
- # Close database connection
- db.close()
- # Build Sonarr URL
- ip_sonarr = config_sonarr[0]
- port_sonarr = str(config_sonarr[1])
- baseurl_sonarr = config_sonarr[2]
- ssl_sonarr = config_sonarr[3]
- apikey_sonarr = config_sonarr[4]
- full_update = config_sonarr[5]
- if ssl_sonarr == 1:
- protocol_sonarr = "https"
- else:
- protocol_sonarr = "http"
- if baseurl_sonarr == None:
- baseurl_sonarr = "/"
- if baseurl_sonarr.startswith("/") == False:
- baseurl_sonarr = "/" + baseurl_sonarr
- if baseurl_sonarr.endswith("/"):
- baseurl_sonarr = baseurl_sonarr[:-1]
- url_sonarr = protocol_sonarr + "://" + ip_sonarr + ":" + port_sonarr + baseurl_sonarr
- url_sonarr_short = protocol_sonarr + "://" + ip_sonarr + ":" + port_sonarr
- return [url_sonarr, url_sonarr_short, apikey_sonarr, full_update] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index e653a5533..eee90e4c4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from babelfish import Language
from subliminal import region, scan_video, Video, download_best_subtitles, compute_score, save_subtitles
from get_languages import language_from_alpha3, alpha2_from_alpha3, alpha3_from_alpha2
from bs4 import UnicodeDammit
-from get_general_settings import get_general_settings, pp_replace, path_replace, path_replace_movie, path_replace_reverse, path_replace_reverse_movie
+from get_settings import get_general_settings, pp_replace, path_replace, path_replace_movie, path_replace_reverse, path_replace_reverse_movie
from list_subtitles import store_subtitles, list_missing_subtitles, store_subtitles_movie, list_missing_subtitles_movies
from utils import history_log, history_log_movie
from notifier import send_notifications, send_notifications_movie
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def download_subtitle(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName,
lang_obj = Language(language)
- if sceneName is None or use_scenename == "False":
+ if sceneName is None or use_scenename is False:
used_sceneName = False
video = scan_video(path)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def download_subtitle(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName,
score = round(float(compute_score(best_subtitle, video)) / type_of_score * 100, 2)
if used_sceneName == True:
video = scan_video(path)
- if single == 'True':
+ if single is True:
result = save_subtitles(video, [best_subtitle], single=True, encoding='utf-8')
result = save_subtitles(video, [best_subtitle], encoding='utf-8')
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def download_subtitle(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName,
message = downloaded_language + " subtitles downloaded from " + downloaded_provider + " with a score of " + unicode(score) + "% using filename guessing."
- if use_postprocessing == "True":
+ if use_postprocessing is True:
command = pp_replace(postprocessing_cmd, path, downloaded_path, downloaded_language, downloaded_language_code2, downloaded_language_code3)
if == 'nt':
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def download_subtitle(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName,
return message
def series_download_subtitles(no):
- if get_general_settings()[24] == "True":
+ if get_general_settings()[24] is True:
monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
monitored_only_query_string = ""
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ def wanted_search_missing_subtitles():
db.create_function("path_substitution_movie", 1, path_replace_movie)
c = db.cursor()
- if get_general_settings()[24] == "True":
+ if get_general_settings()[24] is True:
monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
monitored_only_query_string = ""
@@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ def wanted_search_missing_subtitles():
integration = get_general_settings()
- if integration[12] == "True":
+ if integration[12] is True:
for episode in episodes:
- if integration[13] == "True":
+ if integration[13] is True:
for movie in movies:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f57d07010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import os
+import sqlite3
+import logging
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from get_argv import config_dir
+# Check if config_dir exist
+if os.path.exists(config_dir) is False:
+ # Create config_dir directory tree
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(config_dir))
+ logging.debug("Created data directory")
+ except OSError:
+ logging.exception("The configuration directory doesn't exist and Bazarr cannot create it (permission issue?).")
+ exit(2)
+if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config')) is False:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config'))
+ logging.debug("Created config folder")
+if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db')) is False:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db'))
+ logging.debug("Created db folder")
+if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log')) is False:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log'))
+ logging.debug("Created log folder")
+config_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config/config.ini'))
+# if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) is True and os.path.exists(config_file) is False:
+ # Open database connection
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ # Get general settings from database table
+ c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_general")
+ general_settings = c.fetchone()
+ c.execute('''SELECT * FROM table_settings_auth''')
+ auth_settings = c.fetchone()
+ c.execute('''SELECT * FROM table_settings_sonarr''')
+ sonarr_settings = c.fetchone()
+ c.execute('''SELECT * FROM table_settings_radarr''')
+ radarr_settings = c.fetchone()
+ c.execute("DROP TABLE table_settings_general")
+ c.execute("DROP TABLE table_settings_auth")
+ c.execute("DROP TABLE table_settings_sonarr")
+ c.execute("DROP TABLE table_settings_radarr")
+ # Close database connection
+ db.close()
+ cfg = ConfigParser()
+ section = 'general'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'ip', str(general_settings[0]))
+ cfg.set(section, 'port', str(general_settings[1]))
+ cfg.set(section, 'base_url', general_settings[2])
+ cfg.set(section, 'path_mappings', general_settings[3])
+ cfg.set(section, 'log_level', general_settings[4])
+ cfg.set(section, 'branch', general_settings[5])
+ cfg.set(section, 'auto_update', general_settings[6])
+ cfg.set(section, 'single_language', general_settings[9])
+ cfg.set(section, 'minimum_score', general_settings[10])
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_scenename', general_settings[11])
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_postprocessing', general_settings[12])
+ cfg.set(section, 'postprocessing_cmd', general_settings[13])
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_sonarr', general_settings[14])
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_radarr', general_settings[15])
+ cfg.set(section, 'path_mappings_movie', general_settings[16])
+ cfg.set(section, 'serie_default_enabled', general_settings[17])
+ cfg.set(section, 'serie_default_language', general_settings[18])
+ cfg.set(section, 'serie_default_hi', general_settings[19])
+ cfg.set(section, 'movie_default_enabled', general_settings[20])
+ cfg.set(section, 'movie_default_language', general_settings[21])
+ cfg.set(section, 'movie_default_hi', general_settings[22])
+ cfg.set(section, 'page_size', general_settings[23])
+ cfg.set(section, 'minimum_score_movie', general_settings[24])
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_embedded_subs', general_settings[25])
+ cfg.set(section, 'only_monitored', general_settings[26])
+ section = 'auth'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'enabled', auth_settings[0])
+ cfg.set(section, 'username', auth_settings[1])
+ cfg.set(section, 'password', auth_settings[2])
+ section = 'sonarr'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'ip', sonarr_settings[0])
+ cfg.set(section, 'port', str(sonarr_settings[1]))
+ cfg.set(section, 'base_url', sonarr_settings[2])
+ cfg.set(section, 'ssl', sonarr_settings[3])
+ cfg.set(section, 'apikey', sonarr_settings[4])
+ cfg.set(section, 'full_update', sonarr_settings[5])
+ section = 'radarr'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'ip', radarr_settings[0])
+ cfg.set(section, 'port', str(radarr_settings[1]))
+ cfg.set(section, 'base_url', radarr_settings[2])
+ cfg.set(section, 'ssl', radarr_settings[3])
+ cfg.set(section, 'apikey', radarr_settings[4])
+ cfg.set(section, 'full_update', radarr_settings[5])
+ with open(config_file, 'w+') as configfile:
+ cfg.write(configfile)
+'Config file succesfully migrated from database')
+except sqlite3.OperationalError:
+# if not os.path.exists(config_file):
+ if os.path.exists(config_file) is False:
+ cfg = ConfigParser()
+ section = 'general'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'ip', "")
+ cfg.set(section, 'port', "6767")
+ cfg.set(section, 'base_url', "/")
+ cfg.set(section, 'path_mappings', '[]')
+ cfg.set(section, 'log_level', "INFO")
+ cfg.set(section, 'branch', "master")
+ cfg.set(section, 'auto_update', "True")
+ cfg.set(section, 'single_language', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'minimum_score', "100")
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_scenename', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_postprocessing', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'postprocessing_cmd', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_sonarr', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_radarr', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'path_mappings_movie', '[]')
+ cfg.set(section, 'serie_default_enabled', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'serie_default_language', '')
+ cfg.set(section, 'serie_default_hi', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'movie_default_enabled', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'movie_default_language', '')
+ cfg.set(section, 'movie_default_hi', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'page_size', "25")
+ cfg.set(section, 'minimum_score_movie', "100")
+ cfg.set(section, 'use_embedded_subs', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'only_monitored', "False")
+ section = 'auth'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'enabled', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'username', "")
+ cfg.set(section, 'password', "")
+ section = 'sonarr'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'ip', "")
+ cfg.set(section, 'port', "8989")
+ cfg.set(section, 'base_url', "/")
+ cfg.set(section, 'ssl', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'apikey', "")
+ cfg.set(section, 'full_update', "Daily")
+ section = 'radarr'
+ if not cfg.has_section(section):
+ cfg.add_section(section)
+ cfg.set(section, 'ip', "")
+ cfg.set(section, 'port', "7878")
+ cfg.set(section, 'base_url', "/")
+ cfg.set(section, 'ssl', "False")
+ cfg.set(section, 'apikey', "")
+ cfg.set(section, 'full_update', "Daily")
+ with open(config_file, 'w+') as configfile:
+ cfg.write(configfile)
+'Config file created successfully')
+ # Get SQL script from file
+ fd = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'create_db.sql'), 'r')
+ script =
+ # Close SQL script file
+ fd.close()
+ # Open database connection
+ db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
+ c = db.cursor()
+ # Execute script and commit change to database
+ c.executescript(script)
+ # Close database connection
+ db.close()
+'Database created successfully')
+ pass
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9b633b28..000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-from get_argv import config_dir
-import os
-import sqlite3
-import logging
-# Check if config_dir exist
-if os.path.exists(config_dir) == True:
- pass
- # Create config_dir directory tree
- try:
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(config_dir))
- except OSError:
- logging.exception("The configuration directory doesn't exist and Bazarr cannot create it (permission issue?).")
- exit(2)
-# Check if database exist
-if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
- pass
- # Create data directory tree
- try:
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db'))
- except OSError:
- pass
- try:
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log'))
- except OSError:
- pass
- # Get SQL script from file
- fd = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'create_db.sql'), 'r')
- script =
- # Close SQL script file
- fd.close()
- # Open database connection
- db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- c = db.cursor()
- # Execute script and commit change to database
- c.executescript(script)
- # Close database connection
- db.close()
-'Database created successfully') \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 58e80e569..8d809fb82 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import langdetect
from bs4 import UnicodeDammit
from itertools import islice
-from get_general_settings import path_replace_reverse, path_replace, path_replace_reverse_movie, path_replace_movie, get_general_settings
+from get_settings import path_replace_reverse, path_replace, path_replace_reverse_movie, path_replace_movie, get_general_settings
from get_languages import alpha2_from_alpha3
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def list_missing_subtitles(*no):
desired_subtitles = []
missing_subtitles = []
if episode_subtitles[1] != None:
- if use_embedded_subs == "True":
+ if use_embedded_subs is True:
actual_subtitles = ast.literal_eval(episode_subtitles[1])
actual_subtitles_temp = ast.literal_eval(episode_subtitles[1])
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ def list_missing_subtitles_movies(*no):
desired_subtitles = []
missing_subtitles = []
if movie_subtitles[1] != None:
- if use_embedded_subs == "True":
+ if use_embedded_subs is True:
actual_subtitles = ast.literal_eval(movie_subtitles[1])
actual_subtitles_temp = ast.literal_eval(movie_subtitles[1])
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 7fe75cc1c..68d6a6f87 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ requests>=2.18.4
#Subliminal requirements
diff --git a/ b/
index 5d4c06dcd..766b2dd69 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
from get_argv import no_update
-from get_general_settings import automatic
-from get_sonarr_settings import get_sonarr_settings
-from get_radarr_settings import get_radarr_settings
-from get_general_settings import get_general_settings
+from get_settings import get_general_settings, automatic, get_radarr_settings, get_sonarr_settings
from get_series import update_series
from get_episodes import update_all_episodes, update_all_movies, sync_episodes
from get_movies import update_movies
@@ -20,7 +17,7 @@ integration = get_general_settings()
def sonarr_full_update():
- full_update = get_sonarr_settings()[3]
+ full_update = get_sonarr_settings()[5]
if full_update == "Daily":
scheduler.add_job(update_all_episodes, 'cron', hour=4, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='update_all_episodes', name='Update all episodes subtitles from disk', replace_existing=True)
elif full_update == "Weekly":
@@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ def sonarr_full_update():
scheduler.add_job(update_all_episodes, 'cron', year='2100', hour=4, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='update_all_episodes', name='Update all episodes subtitles from disk', replace_existing=True)
def radarr_full_update():
- full_update = get_radarr_settings()[3]
+ full_update = get_radarr_settings()[5]
if full_update == "Daily":
scheduler.add_job(update_all_movies, 'cron', hour=5, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='update_all_movies', name='Update all movies subtitles from disk', replace_existing=True)
elif full_update == "Weekly":
@@ -47,19 +44,19 @@ else:
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
if no_update is False:
- if automatic == 'True':
+ if automatic is True:
scheduler.add_job(check_and_apply_update, 'interval', hours=6, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='update_bazarr', name='Update bazarr from source on Github')
scheduler.add_job(check_and_apply_update, 'cron', year='2100', hour=4, id='update_bazarr', name='Update bazarr from source on Github')
-if integration[12] == "True":
+if integration[12] is True:
scheduler.add_job(update_series, 'interval', minutes=1, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='update_series', name='Update series list from Sonarr')
scheduler.add_job(sync_episodes, 'interval', minutes=5, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='sync_episodes', name='Sync episodes with Sonarr')
-if integration[13] == "True":
+if integration[13] is True:
scheduler.add_job(update_movies, 'interval', minutes=5, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='update_movies', name='Update movies list from Radarr')
-if integration[12] == "True" or integration[13] == "True":
+if integration[12] is True or integration[13] is True:
scheduler.add_job(wanted_search_missing_subtitles, 'interval', hours=3, max_instances=1, coalesce=True, misfire_grace_time=15, id='wanted_search_missing_subtitles', name='Search for wanted subtitles')
diff --git a/ b/
index 7382d25e1..667fecb30 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,19 +30,6 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "configured" "integer"')
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "updated" "integer"')
- except:
- pass
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "single_language" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET single_language="False"')
- try:
c.execute('CREATE TABLE `table_settings_notifier` (`name` TEXT, `url` TEXT, `enabled` INTEGER);')
@@ -52,51 +39,11 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
c.execute('INSERT INTO `table_settings_notifier` (name, enabled) VALUES (?, ?);', (provider,'0'))
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "minimum_score" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET minimum_score="0"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "use_scenename" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET use_scenename="True"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "use_postprocessing" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET use_postprocessing="False"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "postprocessing_cmd" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_sonarr add column "full_update" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_sonarr SET full_update="Daily"')
- try:
c.execute('alter table table_shows add column "sortTitle" "text"')
- c.execute('CREATE TABLE "table_settings_radarr" ( `ip` TEXT NOT NULL, `port` INTEGER NOT NULL, `base_url` TEXT, `ssl` INTEGER, `apikey` TEXT , "full_update" TEXT)')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('INSERT INTO `table_settings_radarr` (ip, port, base_url, ssl, apikey, full_update) VALUES ("", "7878", "/", "False", Null, "Daily")')
- try:
c.execute('CREATE TABLE "table_movies" ( `tmdbId` TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, `title` TEXT NOT NULL, `path` TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, `languages` TEXT, `subtitles` TEXT, `missing_subtitles` TEXT, `hearing_impaired` TEXT, `radarrId` INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, `overview` TEXT, `poster` TEXT, `fanart` TEXT, "audio_language" "text", `sceneName` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`tmdbId`) )')
@@ -107,73 +54,6 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "use_sonarr" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET use_sonarr="True"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "use_radarr" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET use_radarr="False"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "path_mapping_movie" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "serie_default_enabled" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET serie_default_enabled="False"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "serie_default_languages" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "serie_default_hi" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "movie_default_enabled" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET movie_default_enabled="False"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "movie_default_languages" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "movie_default_hi" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "page_size" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET page_size="25"')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "minimum_score_movie" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET minimum_score_movie="0"')
- try:
c.execute('DELETE FROM table_settings_notifier WHERE rowid > 24') #Modify this if we add more notification provider
rows = c.execute('SELECT name FROM table_settings_notifier WHERE name = "Discord"').fetchall()
if len(rows) == 0:
@@ -184,25 +64,11 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "use_embedded_subs" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET use_embedded_subs="True"')
- try:
- c.execute('CREATE TABLE `table_settings_auth` ( `enabled` TEXT, `username` TEXT, `password` TEXT);')
+ c.execute('CREATE TABLE `system` ( `configured` TEXT, `updated` TEXT)')
+ c.execute('INSERT INTO `system` (configured, updated) VALUES (?, ?);', ('0', '0'))
- else:
- c.execute('INSERT INTO `table_settings_auth` (enabled, username, password) VALUES ("False", "", "")')
- try:
- c.execute('alter table table_settings_general add column "only_monitored" "text"')
- except:
- pass
- else:
- c.execute('UPDATE table_settings_general SET only_monitored="False"')
# Commit change to db
@@ -214,11 +80,11 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
from scheduler import execute_now
- from get_general_settings import get_general_settings
+ from get_settings import get_general_settings
integration = get_general_settings()
- if integration[12] == "True":
+ if integration[12] is True:
- if integration[13] == "True":
+ if integration[13] is True:
@@ -229,9 +95,9 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
from scheduler import execute_now
- from get_general_settings import get_general_settings
+ from get_settings import get_general_settings
integration = get_general_settings()
- if integration[12] == "True":
+ if integration[12] is True:
@@ -241,9 +107,9 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) == True:
from scheduler import execute_now
- from get_general_settings import get_general_settings
+ from get_settings import get_general_settings
integration = get_general_settings()
- if integration[13] == "True":
+ if integration[13] is True:
db.close() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/episodes.tpl b/views/episodes.tpl
index 3b6be2437..0f876c0f3 100644
--- a/views/episodes.tpl
+++ b/views/episodes.tpl
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
%import ast
%from get_languages import *
- %from get_general_settings import *
+ %from get_settings import *
%single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
<div style="display: none;"><img src="{{base_url}}image_proxy{{details[3]}}"></div>
<div id='loader' class="ui page dimmer">
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
%for episode in season:
<td class="collapsing">
- %if episode[9] == "True":
+ %if episode[9] is True:
<span data-tooltip="Episode monitored in Sonarr"><i class="bookmark icon"></i></span>
<span data-tooltip="Episode unmonitored in Sonarr"><i class="bookmark outline icon"></i></span>
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@
<label>Subtitles languages</label>
<div class="nine wide column">
- <select name="languages" id="series_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language == 'False' else ''}} class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
+ <select name="languages" id="series_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language is False else ''}} class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
<option value="">Languages</option>
- %if single_language == 'True':
+ %if single_language is True:
<option value="None">None</option>
%for language in languages:
diff --git a/views/history.tpl b/views/history.tpl
index a5fd2e386..971ff7ba4 100644
--- a/views/history.tpl
+++ b/views/history.tpl
@@ -51,18 +51,12 @@
% from get_argv import config_dir
% import os
- % import sqlite3
+ % from get_settings import get_general_settings
- % conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- % c = conn.cursor()
- % integration = c.execute("SELECT use_sonarr, use_radarr FROM table_settings_general").fetchone()
- % c.close()
<div id="fondblanc" class="ui container">
<div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
- <a id="series_tab" class="tabs item active" data-enabled="{{integration[0]}}" data-tab="series">Series</a>
- <a id="movies_tab" class="tabs item" data-enabled="{{integration[1]}}" data-tab="movies">Movies</a>
+ <a id="series_tab" class="tabs item active" data-enabled="{{get_general_settings()[12]}}" data-tab="series">Series</a>
+ <a id="movies_tab" class="tabs item" data-enabled="{{get_general_settings()[13]}}" data-tab="movies">Movies</a>
<div class="ui bottom attached tab segment" data-tab="series">
<div class="content">
diff --git a/views/menu.tpl b/views/menu.tpl
index 5fd4ea0ee..c908cff36 100644
--- a/views/menu.tpl
+++ b/views/menu.tpl
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
% import os
% import sqlite3
- % from get_general_settings import *
+ % from get_settings import get_general_settings
- %if get_general_settings()[24] == "True":
+ %if get_general_settings()[24] is True:
% monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
% monitored_only_query_string = ""
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
% c = conn.cursor()
% wanted_series = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_episodes WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string).fetchone()
% wanted_movies = c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string).fetchone()
- % integration = c.execute("SELECT use_sonarr, use_radarr FROM table_settings_general").fetchone()
<div id="divmenu" class="ui container">
<div class="ui grid">
@@ -52,13 +51,13 @@
<div class="sixteen wide column">
<div class="ui inverted borderless labeled icon massive menu six item">
<div class="ui container">
- % if integration[0] == "True":
+ % if get_general_settings()[12] is True:
<a class="item" href="{{base_url}}series">
<i class="play icon"></i>
% end
- % if integration[1] == "True":
+ % if get_general_settings()[13] is True:
<a class="item" href="{{base_url}}movies">
<i class="film icon"></i>
@@ -70,12 +69,12 @@
<a class="item" href="{{base_url}}wanted">
<i class="warning sign icon">
- % if integration[0] == "True":
+ % if get_general_settings()[12] is True:
<div class="floating ui tiny yellow label" style="left:90% !important;top:0.5em !important;">
% end
- % if integration[1] == "True":
+ % if get_general_settings()[13] is True:
<div class="floating ui tiny green label" style="left:90% !important;top:3em !important;">
@@ -116,14 +115,14 @@
- % restart_required = c.execute("SELECT updated, configured FROM table_settings_general").fetchone()
+ % restart_required = c.execute("SELECT configured, updated FROM system").fetchone()
% c.close()
- % if restart_required[0] == 1 and restart_required[1] == 1:
+ % if restart_required[1] == '1' and restart_required[0] == '1':
<div class='ui center aligned grid'><div class='fifteen wide column'><div class="ui red message">Bazarr need to be restarted to apply last update and changes to general settings.</div></div></div>
- % elif restart_required[0] == 1:
+ % elif restart_required[1] == '1':
<div class='ui center aligned grid'><div class='fifteen wide column'><div class="ui red message">Bazarr need to be restarted to apply last update.</div></div></div>
- % elif restart_required[1] == 1:
+ % elif restart_required[0] == '1':
<div class='ui center aligned grid'><div class='fifteen wide column'><div class="ui red message">Bazarr need to be restarted to apply changes to general settings.</div></div></div>
% end
diff --git a/views/movie.tpl b/views/movie.tpl
index 1be4bbdea..f95c9f59a 100644
--- a/views/movie.tpl
+++ b/views/movie.tpl
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
%import ast
%from get_languages import *
- %from get_general_settings import *
+ %from get_settings import *
%single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
<div style="display: none;"><img src="{{base_url}}image_proxy_movies{{details[3]}}"></div>
<div id='loader' class="ui page dimmer">
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
<button id="config" class="ui button" data-tooltip="Edit movie" data-inverted="" data-tmdbid="{{details[5]}}" data-title="{{details[0]}}" data-poster="{{details[2]}}" data-audio="{{details[6]}}" data-languages="{{!subs_languages_list}}" data-hearing-impaired="{{details[4]}}"><i class="ui inverted large compact configure icon"></i></button>
- %if details[13] == "True":
+ %if details[13] is True:
<span data-tooltip="Movie monitored in Radarr"><i class="bookmark icon"></i></span>
<span data-tooltip="Movie unmonitored in Radarr"><i class="bookmark outline icon"></i></span>
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
<label>Subtitles languages</label>
<div class="nine wide column">
- <select name="languages" id="movie_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language == 'False' else ''}} class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
+ <select name="languages" id="movie_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language is False else ''}} class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
<option value="">Languages</option>
%for language in languages:
<option value="{{language[0]}}">{{language[1]}}</option>
diff --git a/views/movies.tpl b/views/movies.tpl
index 3a008f4b5..ea1d27671 100644
--- a/views/movies.tpl
+++ b/views/movies.tpl
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
<label>Subtitles languages</label>
<div class="nine wide column">
- <select name="languages" id="movies_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language == 'False' else ''}}class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
+ <select name="languages" id="movies_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language is False else ''}}class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
<option value="">Languages</option>
%for language in languages:
<option value="{{language[0]}}">{{language[1]}}</option>
diff --git a/views/movieseditor.tpl b/views/movieseditor.tpl
index f4ba3122e..bc3e96f98 100644
--- a/views/movieseditor.tpl
+++ b/views/movieseditor.tpl
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
<div class="fields">
<div class="eight wide field">
<label style='color: white;'>Subtitles languages</label>
- <select name="languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language == 'False' else ''}}class="select ui disabled selection dropdown">
+ <select name="languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language is False else ''}}class="select ui disabled selection dropdown">
<option value="">No change</option>
<option value="None">None</option>
%for language in languages:
diff --git a/views/series.tpl b/views/series.tpl
index 3d5228c3a..6c6acfb74 100644
--- a/views/series.tpl
+++ b/views/series.tpl
@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@
<label>Subtitles languages</label>
<div class="nine wide column">
- <select name="languages" id="series_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language == 'False' else ''}}class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
+ <select name="languages" id="series_languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language is False else ''}}class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
<option value="">Languages</option>
- %if single_language == 'True':
+ %if single_language is True:
<option value="None">None</option>
%for language in languages:
diff --git a/views/serieseditor.tpl b/views/serieseditor.tpl
index 61113f954..cfc311db1 100644
--- a/views/serieseditor.tpl
+++ b/views/serieseditor.tpl
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
<div class="fields">
<div class="eight wide field">
<label style='color: white;'>Subtitles languages</label>
- <select name="languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language == 'False' else ''}}class="select ui disabled selection dropdown">
+ <select name="languages" {{!'multiple="" ' if single_language is False else ''}}class="select ui disabled selection dropdown">
<option value="">No change</option>
<option value="None">None</option>
%for language in languages:
diff --git a/views/settings.tpl b/views/settings.tpl
index f1df793fc..37a4978bf 100644
--- a/views/settings.tpl
+++ b/views/settings.tpl
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
<label>Use Sonarr</label>
<div class="one wide column">
- <div id="settings_use_sonarr" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled={{settings_general[14]}}>
+ <div id="settings_use_sonarr" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled={{settings_general[12]}}>
<input name="settings_general_use_sonarr" type="checkbox">
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
<label>Use Radarr</label>
<div class="one wide column">
- <div id="settings_use_radarr" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled={{settings_general[15]}}>
+ <div id="settings_use_radarr" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled={{settings_general[13]}}>
<input name="settings_general_use_radarr" type="checkbox">
@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@
<div class="twelve wide column">
<div class="ui grid">
%import ast
- %if settings_general[16] is not None:
- % path_substitutions_movie = ast.literal_eval(settings_general[16])
+ %if settings_general[14] is not None:
+ % path_substitutions_movie = ast.literal_eval(settings_general[14])
% path_substitutions_movie = []
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
<label>Use post-processing</label>
<div class="one wide column">
- <div id="settings_use_postprocessing" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-postprocessing={{settings_general[12]}}>
+ <div id="settings_use_postprocessing" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-postprocessing={{settings_general[10]}}>
<input name="settings_general_use_postprocessing" type="checkbox">
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
<div class="five wide column">
<div id="settings_general_postprocessing_cmd_div" class="ui fluid input">
- <input name="settings_general_postprocessing_cmd" type="text" value="{{settings_general[13] if settings_general[13] != None else ''}}">
+ <input name="settings_general_postprocessing_cmd" type="text" value="{{settings_general[11] if settings_general[11] != None else ''}}">
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
<label>Use scene name when available</label>
<div class="one wide column">
- <div id="settings_scenename" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-scenename={{settings_general[11]}}>
+ <div id="settings_scenename" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-scenename={{settings_general[9]}}>
<input name="settings_general_scenename" type="checkbox">
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@
<div class="two wide column">
<div class='field'>
<div class="ui input">
- <input name="settings_general_minimum_score" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="5" onkeydown="return false" value="{{settings_general[10]}}">
+ <input name="settings_general_minimum_score" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="5" onkeydown="return false" value="{{settings_general[8]}}">
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@
<div class="two wide column">
<div class='field'>
<div class="ui input">
- <input name="settings_general_minimum_score_movies" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="5" onkeydown="return false" value="{{settings_general[24]}}">
+ <input name="settings_general_minimum_score_movies" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="5" onkeydown="return false" value="{{settings_general[22]}}">
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@
<label>Use embedded subtitles</label>
<div class="one wide column">
- <div id="settings_embedded" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-embedded={{settings_general[25]}}>
+ <div id="settings_embedded" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-embedded={{settings_general[23]}}>
<input name="settings_general_embedded" type="checkbox">
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
<label>Download only monitored</label>
<div class="one wide column">
- <div id="settings_only_monitored" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-monitored={{settings_general[26]}}>
+ <div id="settings_only_monitored" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-monitored={{settings_general[24]}}>
<input name="settings_general_only_monitored" type="checkbox">
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@
<label>Single language</label>
<div class="one wide column">
- <div id="settings_single_language" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-single-language={{settings_general[9]}}>
+ <div id="settings_single_language" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-single-language={{settings_general[7]}}>
<input name="settings_general_single_language" type="checkbox">
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@
<div class="one wide column">
<div class="nine wide column">
- <div id="settings_serie_default_enabled_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled="{{settings_general[17]}}">
+ <div id="settings_serie_default_enabled_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled="{{settings_general[15]}}">
<input name="settings_serie_default_enabled" id="settings_serie_default_enabled" type="checkbox">
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@
<div class="eleven wide column">
<div class='field'>
<select name="settings_serie_default_languages" id="settings_serie_default_languages" multiple="" class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
- %if settings_general[9] == 'False':
+ %if settings_general[7] is False:
<option value="">Languages</option>
<option value="None">None</option>
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@
<div class="eleven wide column">
<div class="nine wide column">
- <div id="settings_serie_default_hi_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-hi="{{settings_general[19]}}">
+ <div id="settings_serie_default_hi_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-hi="{{settings_general[17]}}">
<input name="settings_serie_default_hi" id="settings_serie_default_hi" type="checkbox">
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
<div class="one wide column">
<div class="nine wide column">
- <div id="settings_movie_default_enabled_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled="{{settings_general[20]}}">
+ <div id="settings_movie_default_enabled_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled="{{settings_general[18]}}">
<input name="settings_movie_default_enabled" id="settings_movie_default_enabled" type="checkbox">
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@
<div class="eleven wide column">
<div class='field'>
<select name="settings_movie_default_languages" id="settings_movie_default_languages" multiple="" class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
- %if settings_general[9] == 'False':
+ %if settings_general[7] is False:
<option value="">Languages</option>
<option value="None">None</option>
@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@
<div class="eleven wide column">
<div class="nine wide column">
- <div id="settings_movie_default_hi_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-hi="{{settings_general[22]}}">
+ <div id="settings_movie_default_hi_div" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-hi="{{settings_general[20]}}">
<input name="settings_movie_default_hi" id="settings_movie_default_hi" type="checkbox">
@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@
$('#settings_loglevel').dropdown('set selected','{{!settings_general[4]}}');
- $('#settings_page_size').dropdown('set selected','{{!settings_general[23]}}');
+ $('#settings_page_size').dropdown('set selected','{{!settings_general[21]}}');
$('#settings_providers').dropdown('set selected',{{!enabled_providers}});
@@ -1483,11 +1483,11 @@
- %if settings_general[18] is not None:
- $('#settings_serie_default_languages').dropdown('set selected',{{!settings_general[18]}});
+ %if settings_general[16] is not None:
+ $('#settings_serie_default_languages').dropdown('set selected',{{!settings_general[16]}});
- %if settings_general[21] is not None:
- $('#settings_movie_default_languages').dropdown('set selected',{{!settings_general[21]}});
+ %if settings_general[19] is not None:
+ $('#settings_movie_default_languages').dropdown('set selected',{{!settings_general[19]}});
diff --git a/views/wanted.tpl b/views/wanted.tpl
index a7b080b92..8ed18f9fb 100644
--- a/views/wanted.tpl
+++ b/views/wanted.tpl
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
% import os
% import sqlite3
- % from get_general_settings import *
+ % from get_settings import get_general_settings
- %if get_general_settings()[24] == "True":
+ %if get_general_settings()[24] is True:
% monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"'
% monitored_only_query_string = ""
@@ -68,22 +68,15 @@
% include('menu.tpl')
% import os
- % import sqlite3
- % conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
- % c = conn.cursor()
- % integration = c.execute("SELECT use_sonarr, use_radarr FROM table_settings_general").fetchone()
- % c.close()
<div id="fondblanc" class="ui container">
<div class="ui top attached tabular menu">
- <a id="series_tab" class="tabs item active" data-enabled="{{integration[0]}}" data-tab="series">Series
+ <a id="series_tab" class="tabs item active" data-enabled="{{get_general_settings()[12]}}" data-tab="series">Series
<div class="ui tiny yellow label">
- <a id="movies_tab" class="tabs item" data-enabled="{{integration[1]}}" data-tab="movies">Movies
+ <a id="movies_tab" class="tabs item" data-enabled="{{get_general_settings()[13]}}" data-tab="movies">Movies
<div class="ui tiny green label">