path: root/libs/fese
diff options
authorVitiko <[email protected]>2021-12-13 17:12:19 -0400
committerVitiko <[email protected]>2021-12-13 17:12:19 -0400
commit409e1a585428f3d6b44472f8a5a57cb569d732f1 (patch)
tree48bfc517a43df4a52a354f3a1d9168b50bbdcfa9 /libs/fese
parent718bd2f8b9b5ed470379381cb51773a3ddc9944f (diff)
Add fese module for embedded subtitles
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/fese')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/fese/ b/libs/fese/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b1024b8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/fese/
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# License: GPL
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+from typing import List, Optional
+from babelfish import Language
+from babelfish.exceptions import LanguageError
+import pysubs2
+__version__ = "0.1.0"
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Paths to executables
+FFPROBE_PATH = os.environ.get("FFPROBE_PATH", "ffprobe")
+FFMPEG_PATH = os.environ.get("FFMPEG_PATH", "ffmpeg")
+FF_LOG_LEVEL = "quiet"
+class FeseError(Exception):
+ pass
+class ExtractionError(FeseError):
+ pass
+class InvalidFile(FeseError):
+ pass
+class InvalidStream(FeseError):
+ pass
+class InvalidSource(FeseError):
+ pass
+class ConversionError(FeseError):
+ pass
+class LanguageNotFound(FeseError):
+ pass
+# Extensions
+SRT = "srt"
+ASS = "ass"
+class FFprobeSubtitleDisposition:
+ def __init__(self, data: dict):
+ self.default = False
+ self.generic = False
+ self.dub = False
+ self.original = False
+ self.comment = False
+ self.lyrics = False
+ self.karaoke = False
+ self.forced = False
+ self.hearing_impaired = False
+ self.visual_impaired = False
+ self.clean_effects = False
+ self.attached_pic = False
+ self.timed_thumbnails = False
+ self._content_type = None
+ for key, val in data.items():
+ if hasattr(self, key):
+ setattr(self, key, bool(val))
+ def update_from_tags(self, tags):
+ tag_title = tags.get("title")
+ if tag_title is None:
+ logger.debug("Title not found. Marking as generic")
+ self.generic = True
+ return None
+ l_tag_title = tag_title.lower()
+ for key, val in _content_types.items():
+ if is not None:
+ logger.debug("Found %s: %s", key, l_tag_title)
+ self._content_type = key
+ setattr(self, key, True)
+ return None
+ logger.debug("Generic disposition title found: %s", l_tag_title)
+ self.generic = True
+ return None
+ @property
+ def suffix(self):
+ if self._content_type is not None:
+ return f"-{self._content_type}"
+ return ""
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.suffix.lstrip("-").upper() or "GENERIC"
+class FFprobeSubtitleStream:
+ """Base class for FFprobe (FFmpeg) extractable subtitle streams."""
+ def __init__(self, stream: dict):
+ """
+ :raises: LanguageNotFound
+ """
+ self.index = int(stream.get("index", 0))
+ self.codec_name = stream.get("codec_name", "Unknown")
+ self.extension = _subtitle_extensions.get(self.codec_name, self.codec_name)
+ self.r_frame_rate = stream.get("r_frame_rate")
+ self.avg_frame_rate = stream.get("avg_frame_rate")
+ self.time_base = stream.get("time_base")
+ self.tags = stream.get("tags", {})
+ self.duration = float(stream.get("duration", 0))
+ self.start_time = float(stream.get("start_time", 0))
+ self.duration_ts = int(stream.get("duration_ts", 0))
+ self.start_pts = int(stream.get("start_pts", 0))
+ self.disposition = FFprobeSubtitleDisposition(stream.get("disposition", {}))
+ if self.tags:
+ self.disposition.update_from_tags(self.tags)
+ self.language: Language = self._language()
+ @property
+ def suffix(self):
+ lang = self.language.alpha2
+ if is not None:
+ lang = f"{lang}-{}"
+ return f"{lang}{self.disposition.suffix}.{self.extension}"
+ def _language(self) -> Language:
+ og_lang = self.tags.get("language")
+ if og_lang is not None:
+ if og_lang in _extra_languages:
+ extra = _extra_languages[og_lang]
+ title = self.tags.get("title", "n/a").lower()
+ if any(possible in title for possible in extra["matches"]):
+ logger.debug("Found extra language %s", extra["language_args"])
+ return Language(*extra["language_args"])
+ try:
+ return Language.fromalpha3b(og_lang)
+ except LanguageError as error:
+ logger.debug("Error with '%s' language: %s", og_lang, error)
+ raise LanguageNotFound(f"Couldn't detect language for stream: {self.tags}")
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<{self.codec_name.upper()}: {self.language}@{self.disposition}>"
+# Helpers
+class FFprobeVideoContainer:
+ def __init__(self, path: str):
+ self.path = path
+ @property
+ def extension(self):
+ return os.path.splitext(self.path)[-1].lstrip(".")
+ def get_subtitles(self, timeout: int = 600) -> List[FFprobeSubtitleStream]:
+ """Factory function to create subtitle instances from FFprobe.
+ :param timeout: subprocess timeout in seconds (default: 600)
+ :raises: InvalidSource"""
+ ff_command = [
+ "-v",
+ "-print_format",
+ "json",
+ "-show_format",
+ "-show_streams",
+ self.path,
+ ]
+ try:
+ result =
+ ff_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, timeout=timeout
+ )
+ streams = json.loads(result.stdout)["streams"]
+ except _ffprobe_exceptions as error:
+ raise InvalidSource(
+ f"{error} trying to get information from {self.path}"
+ ) from error # We want to see the traceback
+ subs = []
+ for stream in streams:
+ if stream.get("codec_type", "n/a") != "subtitle":
+ continue
+ try:
+ subs.append(FFprobeSubtitleStream(stream))
+ except LanguageNotFound:
+ pass
+ if not subs:
+ logger.debug("Source doesn't have any subtitle valid streams")
+ return []
+ logger.debug("Found subtitle streams: %s", subs)
+ return subs
+ def extract_subtitles(
+ self,
+ subtitles: List[FFprobeSubtitleStream],
+ custom_dir=None,
+ overwrite=True,
+ timeout=600,
+ ):
+ """Extracts a list of subtitles. Returns a dictionary of the extracted
+ filenames by index.
+ :param subtitles: a list of FFprobeSubtitle instances
+ :param custom_dir: a custom directory to save the subtitles. Defaults to
+ same directory as the media file
+ :param overwrite: overwrite files with the same name (default: True)
+ :param timeout: subprocess timeout in seconds (default: 600)
+ :raises: ExtractionError, OSError
+ """
+ extract_command = [FFMPEG_PATH, "-v", FF_LOG_LEVEL]
+ extract_command.append("-stats")
+ extract_command.extend(["-y", "-i", self.path])
+ if custom_dir is not None:
+ # May raise OSError
+ os.makedirs(custom_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ items = {}
+ collected_paths = set()
+ for subtitle in subtitles:
+ sub_path = f"{os.path.splitext(self.path)[0]}.{subtitle.suffix}"
+ if custom_dir is not None:
+ sub_path = os.path.join(custom_dir, os.path.basename(sub_path))
+ if sub_path in collected_paths:
+ sub_path = (
+ f"{sub_path.rstrip(f'.{subtitle.suffix}')}"
+ f"-{len(collected_paths)}.{subtitle.suffix}"
+ )
+ if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(sub_path):
+ logger.debug("Ignoring path (OVERWRITE TRUE): %s", sub_path)
+ continue
+ extract_command.extend(
+ ["-map", f"0:{subtitle.index}", "-c", "copy", sub_path]
+ )
+ logger.debug("Appending subtitle path: %s", sub_path)
+ collected_paths.add(sub_path)
+ items[subtitle.index] = sub_path
+ if not items:
+ logger.debug("No subtitles to extract")
+ return {}
+ logger.debug("Extracting subtitle with command %s", " ".join(extract_command))
+ try:
+, timeout=timeout, check=True)
+ except (subprocess.SubprocessError, FileNotFoundError) as error:
+ raise ExtractionError(f"Error calling ffmpeg: {error}") from error
+ for path in items.values():
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ logger.debug("%s was not extracted", path)
+ return items
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"<FFprobeVideoContainer {self.extension}: {self.path}>"
+def check_integrity(
+ subtitle: FFprobeSubtitleStream, path: str, sec_offset_threshold=900
+ """A relative check for the integriy of a file. This can be used to find a failed
+ ffmpeg extraction where the final file might not be complete or might be corrupted.
+ Currently, only ASS and Subrip are supported.
+ :param subtitle: FFprobeSubtitle instance
+ :param path: the path of the subtitle file (ass or srt)
+ :param sec_offset_threshold: the maximum seconds offset to determine if the file is complete
+ :raises: InvalidFile
+ """
+ if subtitle.extension not in (ASS, SRT):
+ raise InvalidFile(f"Extension not supported: {subtitle.extension}")
+ try:
+ sub = pysubs2.load(path)
+ except (pysubs2.Pysubs2Error, UnicodeError, OSError, FileNotFoundError) as error:
+ raise InvalidFile(error) from error
+ else:
+ off = abs(int(sub[-1].end) - subtitle.duration_ts)
+ if off > abs(sec_offset_threshold) * 1000:
+ raise InvalidFile(
+ f"The last subtitle timestamp ({sub[-1].end/1000} sec) is {off/1000} sec ahead"
+ f" from the subtitle stream total duration ({subtitle.duration} sec)"
+ )
+ logger.debug("Integrity check passed (%d sec offset)", off / 1000)
+def to_srt(
+ source: str, output: Optional[str] = None, remove_source: bool = False
+) -> str:
+ """Convert a subtitle to SubRip. Currently, only ASS is supported. SubRip
+ files will be silently ignored.
+ raises: ConversionError, OSError"""
+ if source.endswith(".srt"):
+ return source
+ split_path = os.path.splitext(source)
+ if split_path[-1] not in (".ass"):
+ raise ConversionError(
+ f"No converter found for extension: {split_path[-1]}"
+ ) from None
+ output = output or f"{split_path[0]}.srt"
+ try:
+ parsed = pysubs2.load(source)
+ except (pysubs2.Pysubs2Error, UnicodeError) as error:
+ raise ConversionError(f"Exception converting {output}: {error}") from error
+ logger.debug("Converted: %s", output)
+ if remove_source and source != output:
+ try:
+ os.remove(source)
+ except OSError as error:
+ logger.debug("Can't remove source: %s (%s)", source, error)
+ return output
+_subtitle_extensions = {"subrip": "srt", "ass": "ass"}
+_content_types = {
+ "hearing_impaired": re.compile(r"sdh|hearing impaired"),
+ "forced": re.compile(r"forced"),
+ "comment": re.compile(r"comment"),
+ "visual_impaired": re.compile(r"signs|visual impair"),
+ "karaoke": re.compile(r"karaoke|songs"),
+_ffprobe_exceptions = (
+ subprocess.SubprocessError,
+ json.JSONDecodeError,
+ FileNotFoundError,
+ KeyError,
+_extra_languages = {
+ "spa": {
+ "matches": (
+ "es-la",
+ "spa-la",
+ "spl",
+ "mx",
+ "latin",
+ "mexic",
+ "argent",
+ "latam",
+ ),
+ "language_args": ("spa", "MX"),
+ },
+ "por": {
+ "matches": ("pt-br", "pob", "pb", "brazilian", "brasil", "brazil"),
+ "language_args": ("por", "BR"),
+ },