path: root/libs/apprise/
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/apprise/')
1 files changed, 887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/apprise/ b/libs/apprise/
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index 000000000..9a3e8dfc7
--- /dev/null
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# BSD 2-Clause License
+# Apprise - Push Notification Library.
+# Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron <[email protected]>
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+import asyncio
+import concurrent.futures as cf
+import os
+from itertools import chain
+from . import common
+from .conversion import convert_between
+from .utils import is_exclusive_match
+from .NotificationManager import NotificationManager
+from .utils import parse_list
+from .utils import parse_urls
+from .utils import cwe312_url
+from .emojis import apply_emojis
+from .logger import logger
+from .AppriseAsset import AppriseAsset
+from .AppriseConfig import AppriseConfig
+from .AppriseAttachment import AppriseAttachment
+from .AppriseLocale import AppriseLocale
+from .config.ConfigBase import ConfigBase
+from .plugins.NotifyBase import NotifyBase
+from . import plugins
+from . import __version__
+# Grant access to our Notification Manager Singleton
+N_MGR = NotificationManager()
+class Apprise:
+ """
+ Our Notification Manager
+ """
+ def __init__(self, servers=None, asset=None, location=None, debug=False):
+ """
+ Loads a set of server urls while applying the Asset() module to each
+ if specified.
+ If no asset is provided, then the default asset is used.
+ Optionally specify a global ContentLocation for a more strict means
+ of handling Attachments.
+ """
+ # Initialize a server list of URLs
+ self.servers = list()
+ # Assigns an central asset object that will be later passed into each
+ # notification plugin. Assets contain information such as the local
+ # directory images can be found in. It can also identify remote
+ # URL paths that contain the images you want to present to the end
+ # user. If no asset is specified, then the default one is used.
+ self.asset = \
+ asset if isinstance(asset, AppriseAsset) else AppriseAsset()
+ if servers:
+ self.add(servers)
+ # Initialize our locale object
+ self.locale = AppriseLocale()
+ # Set our debug flag
+ self.debug = debug
+ # Store our hosting location for optional strict rule handling
+ # of Attachments. Setting this to None removes any attachment
+ # restrictions.
+ self.location = location
+ @staticmethod
+ def instantiate(url, asset=None, tag=None, suppress_exceptions=True):
+ """
+ Returns the instance of a instantiated plugin based on the provided
+ Server URL. If the url fails to be parsed, then None is returned.
+ The specified url can be either a string (the URL itself) or a
+ dictionary containing all of the components needed to istantiate
+ the notification service. If identifying a dictionary, at the bare
+ minimum, one must specify the schema.
+ An example of a url dictionary object might look like:
+ {
+ schema: 'mailto',
+ host: '',
+ user: 'myuser',
+ password: 'mypassword',
+ }
+ Alternatively the string is much easier to specify:
+ mailto://user:[email protected]
+ The dictionary works well for people who are calling details() to
+ extract the components they need to build the URL manually.
+ """
+ # Initialize our result set
+ results = None
+ # Prepare our Asset Object
+ asset = asset if isinstance(asset, AppriseAsset) else AppriseAsset()
+ if isinstance(url, str):
+ # Acquire our url tokens
+ results = plugins.url_to_dict(
+ url, secure_logging=asset.secure_logging)
+ if results is None:
+ # Failed to parse the server URL; detailed logging handled
+ # inside url_to_dict - nothing to report here.
+ return None
+ elif isinstance(url, dict):
+ # We already have our result set
+ results = url
+ if results.get('schema') not in N_MGR:
+ # schema is a mandatory dictionary item as it is the only way
+ # we can index into our loaded plugins
+ logger.error('Dictionary does not include a "schema" entry.')
+ logger.trace(
+ 'Invalid dictionary unpacked as:{}{}'.format(
+ os.linesep, os.linesep.join(
+ ['{}="{}"'.format(k, v)
+ for k, v in results.items()])))
+ return None
+ logger.trace(
+ 'Dictionary unpacked as:{}{}'.format(
+ os.linesep, os.linesep.join(
+ ['{}="{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in results.items()])))
+ # Otherwise we handle the invalid input specified
+ else:
+ logger.error(
+ 'An invalid URL type (%s) was specified for instantiation',
+ type(url))
+ return None
+ if not N_MGR[results['schema']].enabled:
+ #
+ # First Plugin Enable Check (Pre Initialization)
+ #
+ # Plugin has been disabled at a global level
+ logger.error(
+ '%s:// is disabled on this system.', results['schema'])
+ return None
+ # Build a list of tags to associate with the newly added notifications
+ results['tag'] = set(parse_list(tag))
+ # Set our Asset Object
+ results['asset'] = asset
+ if suppress_exceptions:
+ try:
+ # Attempt to create an instance of our plugin using the parsed
+ # URL information
+ plugin = N_MGR[results['schema']](**results)
+ # Create log entry of loaded URL
+ logger.debug(
+ 'Loaded {} URL: {}'.format(
+ N_MGR[results['schema']].service_name,
+ plugin.url(privacy=asset.secure_logging)))
+ except Exception:
+ # CWE-312 (Secure Logging) Handling
+ loggable_url = url if not asset.secure_logging \
+ else cwe312_url(url)
+ # the arguments are invalid or can not be used.
+ logger.error(
+ 'Could not load {} URL: {}'.format(
+ N_MGR[results['schema']].service_name,
+ loggable_url))
+ return None
+ else:
+ # Attempt to create an instance of our plugin using the parsed
+ # URL information but don't wrap it in a try catch
+ plugin = N_MGR[results['schema']](**results)
+ if not plugin.enabled:
+ #
+ # Second Plugin Enable Check (Post Initialization)
+ #
+ # Service/Plugin is disabled (on a more local level). This is a
+ # case where the plugin was initially enabled but then after the
+ # __init__() was called under the hood something pre-determined
+ # that it could no longer be used.
+ # The only downside to doing it this way is services are
+ # initialized prior to returning the details() if 3rd party tools
+ # are polling what is available. These services that become
+ # disabled thereafter are shown initially that they can be used.
+ logger.error(
+ '%s:// has become disabled on this system.', results['schema'])
+ return None
+ return plugin
+ def add(self, servers, asset=None, tag=None):
+ """
+ Adds one or more server URLs into our list.
+ You can override the global asset if you wish by including it with the
+ server(s) that you add.
+ The tag allows you to associate 1 or more tag values to the server(s)
+ being added. tagging a service allows you to exclusively access them
+ when calling the notify() function.
+ """
+ # Initialize our return status
+ return_status = True
+ if asset is None:
+ # prepare default asset
+ asset = self.asset
+ if isinstance(servers, str):
+ # build our server list
+ servers = parse_urls(servers)
+ if len(servers) == 0:
+ return False
+ elif isinstance(servers, dict):
+ # no problem, we support kwargs, convert it to a list
+ servers = [servers]
+ elif isinstance(servers, (ConfigBase, NotifyBase, AppriseConfig)):
+ # Go ahead and just add our plugin into our list
+ self.servers.append(servers)
+ return True
+ elif not isinstance(servers, (tuple, set, list)):
+ logger.error(
+ "An invalid notification (type={}) was specified.".format(
+ type(servers)))
+ return False
+ for _server in servers:
+ if isinstance(_server, (ConfigBase, NotifyBase, AppriseConfig)):
+ # Go ahead and just add our plugin into our list
+ self.servers.append(_server)
+ continue
+ elif not isinstance(_server, (str, dict)):
+ logger.error(
+ "An invalid notification (type={}) was specified.".format(
+ type(_server)))
+ return_status = False
+ continue
+ # Instantiate ourselves an object, this function throws or
+ # returns None if it fails
+ instance = Apprise.instantiate(_server, asset=asset, tag=tag)
+ if not isinstance(instance, NotifyBase):
+ # No logging is required as instantiate() handles failure
+ # and/or success reasons for us
+ return_status = False
+ continue
+ # Add our initialized plugin to our server listings
+ self.servers.append(instance)
+ # Return our status
+ return return_status
+ def clear(self):
+ """
+ Empties our server list
+ """
+ self.servers[:] = []
+ def find(self, tag=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG, match_always=True):
+ """
+ Returns a list of all servers matching against the tag specified.
+ """
+ # Build our tag setup
+ # - top level entries are treated as an 'or'
+ # - second level (or more) entries are treated as 'and'
+ #
+ # examples:
+ # tag="tagA, tagB" = tagA or tagB
+ # tag=['tagA', 'tagB'] = tagA or tagB
+ # tag=[('tagA', 'tagC'), 'tagB'] = (tagA and tagC) or tagB
+ # tag=[('tagB', 'tagC')] = tagB and tagC
+ # A match_always flag allows us to pick up on our 'any' keyword
+ # and notify these services under all circumstances
+ match_always = common.MATCH_ALWAYS_TAG if match_always else None
+ # Iterate over our loaded plugins
+ for entry in self.servers:
+ if isinstance(entry, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)):
+ # load our servers
+ servers = entry.servers()
+ else:
+ servers = [entry, ]
+ for server in servers:
+ # Apply our tag matching based on our defined logic
+ if is_exclusive_match(
+ logic=tag, data=server.tags,
+ match_all=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG,
+ match_always=match_always):
+ yield server
+ return
+ def notify(self, body, title='', notify_type=common.NotifyType.INFO,
+ body_format=None, tag=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG, match_always=True,
+ attach=None, interpret_escapes=None):
+ """
+ Send a notification to all the plugins previously loaded.
+ If the body_format specified is NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN, it will
+ be converted to HTML if the Notification type expects this.
+ if the tag is specified (either a string or a set/list/tuple
+ of strings), then only the notifications flagged with that
+ tagged value are notified. By default, all added services
+ are notified (tag=MATCH_ALL_TAG)
+ This function returns True if all notifications were successfully
+ sent, False if even just one of them fails, and None if no
+ notifications were sent at all as a result of tag filtering and/or
+ simply having empty configuration files that were read.
+ Attach can contain a list of attachment URLs. attach can also be
+ represented by an AttachBase() (or list of) object(s). This
+ identifies the products you wish to notify
+ Set interpret_escapes to True if you want to pre-escape a string
+ such as turning a \n into an actual new line, etc.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Process arguments and build synchronous and asynchronous calls
+ # (this step can throw internal errors).
+ sequential_calls, parallel_calls = self._create_notify_calls(
+ body, title,
+ notify_type=notify_type, body_format=body_format,
+ tag=tag, match_always=match_always, attach=attach,
+ interpret_escapes=interpret_escapes,
+ )
+ except TypeError:
+ # No notifications sent, and there was an internal error.
+ return False
+ if not sequential_calls and not parallel_calls:
+ # Nothing to send
+ return None
+ sequential_result = Apprise._notify_sequential(*sequential_calls)
+ parallel_result = Apprise._notify_parallel_threadpool(*parallel_calls)
+ return sequential_result and parallel_result
+ async def async_notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Send a notification to all the plugins previously loaded, for
+ asynchronous callers.
+ The arguments are identical to those of Apprise.notify().
+ """
+ try:
+ # Process arguments and build synchronous and asynchronous calls
+ # (this step can throw internal errors).
+ sequential_calls, parallel_calls = self._create_notify_calls(
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ except TypeError:
+ # No notifications sent, and there was an internal error.
+ return False
+ if not sequential_calls and not parallel_calls:
+ # Nothing to send
+ return None
+ sequential_result = Apprise._notify_sequential(*sequential_calls)
+ parallel_result = \
+ await Apprise._notify_parallel_asyncio(*parallel_calls)
+ return sequential_result and parallel_result
+ def _create_notify_calls(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Creates notifications for all the plugins loaded.
+ Returns a list of (server, notify() kwargs) tuples for plugins with
+ parallelism disabled and another list for plugins with parallelism
+ enabled.
+ """
+ all_calls = list(self._create_notify_gen(*args, **kwargs))
+ # Split into sequential and parallel notify() calls.
+ sequential, parallel = [], []
+ for (server, notify_kwargs) in all_calls:
+ if server.asset.async_mode:
+ parallel.append((server, notify_kwargs))
+ else:
+ sequential.append((server, notify_kwargs))
+ return sequential, parallel
+ def _create_notify_gen(self, body, title='',
+ notify_type=common.NotifyType.INFO,
+ body_format=None, tag=common.MATCH_ALL_TAG,
+ match_always=True, attach=None,
+ interpret_escapes=None):
+ """
+ Internal generator function for _create_notify_calls().
+ """
+ if len(self) == 0:
+ # Nothing to notify
+ msg = "There are no service(s) to notify"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ if not (title or body or attach):
+ msg = "No message content specified to deliver"
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ try:
+ if title and isinstance(title, bytes):
+ title = title.decode(self.asset.encoding)
+ if body and isinstance(body, bytes):
+ body = body.decode(self.asset.encoding)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ msg = 'The content passed into Apprise was not of encoding ' \
+ 'type: {}'.format(self.asset.encoding)
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ # Tracks conversions
+ conversion_body_map = dict()
+ conversion_title_map = dict()
+ # Prepare attachments if required
+ if attach is not None and not isinstance(attach, AppriseAttachment):
+ attach = AppriseAttachment(
+ attach, asset=self.asset, location=self.location)
+ # Allow Asset default value
+ body_format = self.asset.body_format \
+ if body_format is None else body_format
+ # Allow Asset default value
+ interpret_escapes = self.asset.interpret_escapes \
+ if interpret_escapes is None else interpret_escapes
+ # Iterate over our loaded plugins
+ for server in self.find(tag, match_always=match_always):
+ # If our code reaches here, we either did not define a tag (it
+ # was set to None), or we did define a tag and the logic above
+ # determined we need to notify the service it's associated with
+ # First we need to generate a key we will use to determine if we
+ # need to build our data out. Entries without are merged with
+ # the body at this stage.
+ key = server.notify_format if server.title_maxlen > 0\
+ else f'_{server.notify_format}'
+ if server.interpret_emojis:
+ # alter our key slightly to handle emojis since their value is
+ # pulled out of the notification
+ key += "-emojis"
+ if key not in conversion_title_map:
+ # Prepare our title
+ conversion_title_map[key] = '' if not title else title
+ # Conversion of title only occurs for services where the title
+ # is blended with the body (title_maxlen <= 0)
+ if conversion_title_map[key] and server.title_maxlen <= 0:
+ conversion_title_map[key] = convert_between(
+ body_format, server.notify_format,
+ content=conversion_title_map[key])
+ # Our body is always converted no matter what
+ conversion_body_map[key] = \
+ convert_between(
+ body_format, server.notify_format, content=body)
+ if interpret_escapes:
+ #
+ # Escape our content
+ #
+ try:
+ # Added overhead required due to Python 3 Encoding Bug
+ # identified here:
+ conversion_body_map[key] = \
+ conversion_body_map[key]\
+ .encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')\
+ .decode('unicode-escape')
+ conversion_title_map[key] = \
+ conversion_title_map[key]\
+ .encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')\
+ .decode('unicode-escape')
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Must be of string type
+ msg = 'Failed to escape message body'
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ if server.interpret_emojis:
+ #
+ # Convert our :emoji: definitions
+ #
+ conversion_body_map[key] = \
+ apply_emojis(conversion_body_map[key])
+ conversion_title_map[key] = \
+ apply_emojis(conversion_title_map[key])
+ kwargs = dict(
+ body=conversion_body_map[key],
+ title=conversion_title_map[key],
+ notify_type=notify_type,
+ attach=attach,
+ body_format=body_format
+ )
+ yield (server, kwargs)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _notify_sequential(*servers_kwargs):
+ """
+ Process a list of notify() calls sequentially and synchronously.
+ """
+ success = True
+ for (server, kwargs) in servers_kwargs:
+ try:
+ # Send notification
+ result = server.notify(**kwargs)
+ success = success and result
+ except TypeError:
+ # These are our internally thrown notifications.
+ success = False
+ except Exception:
+ # A catch all so we don't have to abort early
+ # just because one of our plugins has a bug in it.
+ logger.exception("Unhandled Notification Exception")
+ success = False
+ return success
+ @staticmethod
+ def _notify_parallel_threadpool(*servers_kwargs):
+ """
+ Process a list of notify() calls in parallel and synchronously.
+ """
+ n_calls = len(servers_kwargs)
+ # 0-length case
+ if n_calls == 0:
+ return True
+ # There's no need to use a thread pool for just a single notification
+ if n_calls == 1:
+ return Apprise._notify_sequential(servers_kwargs[0])
+ # Create log entry
+ 'Notifying %d service(s) with threads.', len(servers_kwargs))
+ with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
+ success = True
+ futures = [executor.submit(server.notify, **kwargs)
+ for (server, kwargs) in servers_kwargs]
+ for future in cf.as_completed(futures):
+ try:
+ result = future.result()
+ success = success and result
+ except TypeError:
+ # These are our internally thrown notifications.
+ success = False
+ except Exception:
+ # A catch all so we don't have to abort early
+ # just because one of our plugins has a bug in it.
+ logger.exception("Unhandled Notification Exception")
+ success = False
+ return success
+ @staticmethod
+ async def _notify_parallel_asyncio(*servers_kwargs):
+ """
+ Process a list of async_notify() calls in parallel and asynchronously.
+ """
+ n_calls = len(servers_kwargs)
+ # 0-length case
+ if n_calls == 0:
+ return True
+ # (Unlike with the thread pool, we don't optimize for the single-
+ # notification case because asyncio can do useful work while waiting
+ # for that thread to complete)
+ # Create log entry
+ 'Notifying %d service(s) asynchronously.', len(servers_kwargs))
+ async def do_call(server, kwargs):
+ return await server.async_notify(**kwargs)
+ cors = (do_call(server, kwargs) for (server, kwargs) in servers_kwargs)
+ results = await asyncio.gather(*cors, return_exceptions=True)
+ if any(isinstance(status, Exception)
+ and not isinstance(status, TypeError) for status in results):
+ # A catch all so we don't have to abort early just because
+ # one of our plugins has a bug in it.
+ logger.exception("Unhandled Notification Exception")
+ return False
+ if any(isinstance(status, TypeError) for status in results):
+ # These are our internally thrown notifications.
+ return False
+ return all(results)
+ def details(self, lang=None, show_requirements=False, show_disabled=False):
+ """
+ Returns the details associated with the Apprise object
+ """
+ # general object returned
+ response = {
+ # Defines the current version of Apprise
+ 'version': __version__,
+ # Lists all of the currently supported Notifications
+ 'schemas': [],
+ # Includes the configured asset details
+ 'asset': self.asset.details(),
+ }
+ for plugin in N_MGR.plugins():
+ # Iterate over our hashed plugins and dynamically build details on
+ # their status:
+ content = {
+ 'service_name': getattr(plugin, 'service_name', None),
+ 'service_url': getattr(plugin, 'service_url', None),
+ 'setup_url': getattr(plugin, 'setup_url', None),
+ # Placeholder - populated below
+ 'details': None,
+ # Let upstream service know of the plugins that support
+ # attachments
+ 'attachment_support': getattr(
+ plugin, 'attachment_support', False),
+ # Differentiat between what is a custom loaded plugin and
+ # which is native.
+ 'category': getattr(plugin, 'category', None)
+ }
+ # Standard protocol(s) should be None or a tuple
+ enabled = getattr(plugin, 'enabled', True)
+ if not show_disabled and not enabled:
+ # Do not show inactive plugins
+ continue
+ elif show_disabled:
+ # Add current state to response
+ content['enabled'] = enabled
+ # Standard protocol(s) should be None or a tuple
+ protocols = getattr(plugin, 'protocol', None)
+ if isinstance(protocols, str):
+ protocols = (protocols, )
+ # Secure protocol(s) should be None or a tuple
+ secure_protocols = getattr(plugin, 'secure_protocol', None)
+ if isinstance(secure_protocols, str):
+ secure_protocols = (secure_protocols, )
+ # Add our protocol details to our content
+ content.update({
+ 'protocols': protocols,
+ 'secure_protocols': secure_protocols,
+ })
+ if not lang:
+ # Simply return our results
+ content['details'] = plugins.details(plugin)
+ if show_requirements:
+ content['requirements'] = plugins.requirements(plugin)
+ else:
+ # Emulate the specified language when returning our results
+ with self.locale.lang_at(lang):
+ content['details'] = plugins.details(plugin)
+ if show_requirements:
+ content['requirements'] = plugins.requirements(plugin)
+ # Build our response object
+ response['schemas'].append(content)
+ return response
+ def urls(self, privacy=False):
+ """
+ Returns all of the loaded URLs defined in this apprise object.
+ """
+ return [x.url(privacy=privacy) for x in self.servers]
+ def pop(self, index):
+ """
+ Removes an indexed Notification Service from the stack and returns it.
+ The thing is we can never pop AppriseConfig() entries, only what was
+ loaded within them. So pop needs to carefully iterate over our list
+ and only track actual entries.
+ """
+ # Tracking variables
+ prev_offset = -1
+ offset = prev_offset
+ for idx, s in enumerate(self.servers):
+ if isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)):
+ servers = s.servers()
+ if len(servers) > 0:
+ # Acquire a new maximum offset to work with
+ offset = prev_offset + len(servers)
+ if offset >= index:
+ # we can pop an element from our config stack
+ fn = s.pop if isinstance(s, ConfigBase) \
+ else s.server_pop
+ return fn(index if prev_offset == -1
+ else (index - prev_offset - 1))
+ else:
+ offset = prev_offset + 1
+ if offset == index:
+ return self.servers.pop(idx)
+ # Update our old offset
+ prev_offset = offset
+ # If we reach here, then we indexed out of range
+ raise IndexError('list index out of range')
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ """
+ Returns the indexed server entry of a loaded notification server
+ """
+ # Tracking variables
+ prev_offset = -1
+ offset = prev_offset
+ for idx, s in enumerate(self.servers):
+ if isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig)):
+ # Get our list of servers associate with our config object
+ servers = s.servers()
+ if len(servers) > 0:
+ # Acquire a new maximum offset to work with
+ offset = prev_offset + len(servers)
+ if offset >= index:
+ return servers[index if prev_offset == -1
+ else (index - prev_offset - 1)]
+ else:
+ offset = prev_offset + 1
+ if offset == index:
+ return self.servers[idx]
+ # Update our old offset
+ prev_offset = offset
+ # If we reach here, then we indexed out of range
+ raise IndexError('list index out of range')
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ """
+ Pickle Support dumps()
+ """
+ attributes = {
+ 'asset': self.asset,
+ # Prepare our URL list as we need to extract the associated tags
+ # and asset details associated with it
+ 'urls': [{
+ 'url': server.url(privacy=False),
+ 'tag': server.tags if server.tags else None,
+ 'asset': server.asset} for server in self.servers],
+ 'locale': self.locale,
+ 'debug': self.debug,
+ 'location': self.location,
+ }
+ return attributes
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ """
+ Pickle Support loads()
+ """
+ self.servers = list()
+ self.asset = state['asset']
+ self.locale = state['locale']
+ self.location = state['location']
+ for entry in state['urls']:
+ self.add(entry['url'], asset=entry['asset'], tag=entry['tag'])
+ def __bool__(self):
+ """
+ Allows the Apprise object to be wrapped in an 'if statement'.
+ True is returned if at least one service has been loaded.
+ """
+ return len(self) > 0
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """
+ Returns an iterator to each of our servers loaded. This includes those
+ found inside configuration.
+ """
+ return chain(*[[s] if not isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig))
+ else iter(s.servers()) for s in self.servers])
+ def __len__(self):
+ """
+ Returns the number of servers loaded; this includes those found within
+ loaded configuration. This funtion nnever actually counts the
+ Config entry themselves (if they exist), only what they contain.
+ """
+ return sum([1 if not isinstance(s, (ConfigBase, AppriseConfig))
+ else len(s.servers()) for s in self.servers])