path: root/libs/pysubs2/subrip.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/pysubs2/subrip.py')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/pysubs2/subrip.py b/libs/pysubs2/subrip.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fa3f29b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/pysubs2/subrip.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
+import re
+from .formatbase import FormatBase
+from .ssaevent import SSAEvent
+from .ssastyle import SSAStyle
+from .substation import parse_tags
+from .time import ms_to_times, make_time, TIMESTAMP, timestamp_to_ms
+#: Largest timestamp allowed in SubRip, ie. 99:59:59,999.
+MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME = make_time(h=100) - 1
+def ms_to_timestamp(ms):
+ """Convert ms to 'HH:MM:SS,mmm'"""
+ # XXX throw on overflow/underflow?
+ if ms < 0: ms = 0
+ h, m, s, ms = ms_to_times(ms)
+ return "%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d" % (h, m, s, ms)
+class SubripFormat(FormatBase):
+ @classmethod
+ def guess_format(cls, text):
+ if "[Script Info]" in text or "[V4+ Styles]" in text:
+ # disambiguation vs. SSA/ASS
+ return None
+ for line in text.splitlines():
+ if len(TIMESTAMP.findall(line)) == 2:
+ return "srt"
+ @classmethod
+ def from_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, **kwargs):
+ timestamps = [] # (start, end)
+ following_lines = [] # contains lists of lines following each timestamp
+ for line in fp:
+ stamps = TIMESTAMP.findall(line)
+ if len(stamps) == 2: # timestamp line
+ start, end = map(timestamp_to_ms, stamps)
+ timestamps.append((start, end))
+ following_lines.append([])
+ else:
+ if timestamps:
+ following_lines[-1].append(line)
+ def prepare_text(lines):
+ s = "".join(lines).strip()
+ s = re.sub(r"\n* *\d+ *$", "", s) # strip number of next subtitle
+ s = re.sub(r"< *i *>", r"{\i1}", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"< */ *i *>", r"{\i0}", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"< *s *>", r"{\s1}", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"< */ *s *>", r"{\s0}", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"< *u *>", "{\\u1}", s) # not r" for Python 2.7 compat, triggers unicodeescape
+ s = re.sub(r"< */ *u *>", "{\\u0}", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"< */? *[a-zA-Z][^>]*>", "", s) # strip other HTML tags
+ s = re.sub(r"\r", "", s) # convert newlines
+ s = re.sub(r"\n", r"\N", s) # convert newlines
+ return s
+ subs.events = [SSAEvent(start=start, end=end, text=prepare_text(lines))
+ for (start, end), lines in zip(timestamps, following_lines)]
+ @classmethod
+ def to_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, **kwargs):
+ def prepare_text(text, style):
+ body = []
+ for fragment, sty in parse_tags(text, style, subs.styles):
+ fragment = fragment.replace(r"\h", " ")
+ fragment = fragment.replace(r"\n", "\n")
+ fragment = fragment.replace(r"\N", "\n")
+ if sty.italic: fragment = "<i>%s</i>" % fragment
+ if sty.underline: fragment = "<u>%s</u>" % fragment
+ if sty.strikeout: fragment = "<s>%s</s>" % fragment
+ body.append(fragment)
+ return re.sub("\n+", "\n", "".join(body).strip())
+ visible_lines = (line for line in subs if not line.is_comment)
+ for i, line in enumerate(visible_lines, 1):
+ start = ms_to_timestamp(line.start)
+ end = ms_to_timestamp(line.end)
+ text = prepare_text(line.text, subs.styles.get(line.style, SSAStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE))
+ print("%d" % i, file=fp) # Python 2.7 compat
+ print(start, "-->", end, file=fp)
+ print(text, end="\n\n", file=fp)