path: root/libs/tqdm/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/tqdm/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/libs/tqdm/tests/ b/libs/tqdm/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 75727071e..000000000
--- a/libs/tqdm/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import subprocess
-from os import path
-from shutil import rmtree
-from tempfile import mkdtemp
-from tqdm.cli import main, TqdmKeyError, TqdmTypeError
-from tqdm.utils import IS_WIN
-from io import open as io_open
-from tests_tqdm import with_setup, pretest, posttest, _range, closing, \
- UnicodeIO, StringIO, SkipTest
-def _sh(*cmd, **kwargs):
- return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- **kwargs).communicate()[0].decode('utf-8')
-class Null(object):
- def __call__(self, *_, **__):
- return self
- def __getattr__(self, _):
- return self
-IN_DATA_LIST = map(str, _range(int(123)))
-NULL = Null()
-# WARNING: this should be the last test as it messes with sys.stdin, argv
-@with_setup(pretest, posttest)
-def test_main():
- """Test command line pipes"""
- ls_out = _sh('ls').replace('\r\n', '\n')
- ls = subprocess.Popen('ls', stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- res = _sh(sys.executable, '-c', 'from tqdm.cli import main; main()',
- stdin=ls.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- ls.wait()
- # actual test:
- assert ls_out in res.replace('\r\n', '\n')
- # semi-fake test which gets coverage:
- _SYS = sys.stdin, sys.argv
- with closing(StringIO()) as sys.stdin:
- sys.argv = ['', '--desc', 'Test CLI --delim',
- '--ascii', 'True', '--delim', r'\0', '--buf_size', '64']
- sys.stdin.write('\0'.join(map(str, _range(int(123)))))
- # sys.stdin.write(b'\xff') # TODO
- main()
- sys.stdin = IN_DATA_LIST
- sys.argv = ['', '--desc', 'Test CLI pipes',
- '--ascii', 'True', '--unit_scale', 'True']
- import tqdm.__main__ # NOQA
- with closing(StringIO()) as sys.stdin:
- IN_DATA = '\0'.join(IN_DATA_LIST)
- sys.stdin.write(IN_DATA)
- sys.argv = ['', '--ascii', '--bytes=True', '--unit_scale', 'False']
- with closing(UnicodeIO()) as fp:
- main(fp=fp)
- assert str(len(IN_DATA)) in fp.getvalue()
- sys.stdin = IN_DATA_LIST
- # test --log
- with closing(StringIO()) as sys.stdin:
- sys.stdin.write('\0'.join(map(str, _range(int(123)))))
- # with closing(UnicodeIO()) as fp:
- main(argv=['--log', 'DEBUG'], fp=NULL)
- # assert "DEBUG:" in sys.stdout.getvalue()
- sys.stdin = IN_DATA_LIST
- # clean up
- sys.stdin, sys.argv = _SYS
-def test_manpath():
- """Test CLI --manpath"""
- if IS_WIN:
- raise SkipTest
- tmp = mkdtemp()
- man = path.join(tmp, "tqdm.1")
- assert not path.exists(man)
- try:
- main(argv=['--manpath', tmp], fp=NULL)
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- else:
- raise SystemExit("Expected system exit")
- assert path.exists(man)
- rmtree(tmp, True)
-def test_comppath():
- """Test CLI --comppath"""
- if IS_WIN:
- raise SkipTest
- tmp = mkdtemp()
- man = path.join(tmp, "")
- assert not path.exists(man)
- try:
- main(argv=['--comppath', tmp], fp=NULL)
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- else:
- raise SystemExit("Expected system exit")
- assert path.exists(man)
- # check most important options appear
- with io_open(man, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
- script =
- opts = set([
- '--help', '--desc', '--total', '--leave', '--ncols', '--ascii',
- '--dynamic_ncols', '--position', '--bytes', '--nrows', '--delim',
- '--manpath', '--comppath'
- ])
- assert all(args in script for args in opts)
- rmtree(tmp, True)
-def test_exceptions():
- """Test CLI Exceptions"""
- _SYS = sys.stdin, sys.argv
- sys.stdin = IN_DATA_LIST
- sys.argv = ['', '-ascii', '-unit_scale', '--bad_arg_u_ment', 'foo']
- try:
- main(fp=NULL)
- except TqdmKeyError as e:
- if 'bad_arg_u_ment' not in str(e):
- raise
- else:
- raise TqdmKeyError('bad_arg_u_ment')
- sys.argv = ['', '-ascii', '-unit_scale', 'invalid_bool_value']
- try:
- main(fp=NULL)
- except TqdmTypeError as e:
- if 'invalid_bool_value' not in str(e):
- raise
- else:
- raise TqdmTypeError('invalid_bool_value')
- sys.argv = ['', '-ascii', '--total', 'invalid_int_value']
- try:
- main(fp=NULL)
- except TqdmTypeError as e:
- if 'invalid_int_value' not in str(e):
- raise
- else:
- raise TqdmTypeError('invalid_int_value')
- # test SystemExits
- for i in ('-h', '--help', '-v', '--version'):
- sys.argv = ['', i]
- try:
- main(fp=NULL)
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- else:
- raise ValueError('expected SystemExit')
- # clean up
- sys.stdin, sys.argv = _SYS