from get_argv import config_dir import os import sqlite3 import ast import logging import operator import subprocess import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from babelfish import Language from subliminal import region, scan_video, Video, download_best_subtitles, compute_score, save_subtitles, AsyncProviderPool, score, list_subtitles, download_subtitles from subliminal.subtitle import get_subtitle_path from get_languages import language_from_alpha3, alpha2_from_alpha3, alpha3_from_alpha2 from bs4 import UnicodeDammit from get_settings import get_general_settings, pp_replace, path_replace, path_replace_movie, path_replace_reverse, path_replace_reverse_movie from list_subtitles import store_subtitles, list_missing_subtitles, store_subtitles_movie, list_missing_subtitles_movies from utils import history_log, history_log_movie from notifier import send_notifications, send_notifications_movie import cPickle as pickle import codecs from get_providers import get_providers, get_providers_auth # configure the cache region.configure('dogpile.cache.memory') def download_subtitle(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName, media_type): if hi == "True": hi = True else: hi = False language_set = set() if language == 'pb': language_set.add(Language('por', 'BR')) else: language_set.add(Language(language)) use_scenename = get_general_settings()[9] minimum_score = get_general_settings()[8] minimum_score_movie = get_general_settings()[22] use_postprocessing = get_general_settings()[10] postprocessing_cmd = get_general_settings()[11] try: if sceneName == "None" or use_scenename is False: used_sceneName = False video = scan_video(path) else: used_sceneName = True video = Video.fromname(sceneName) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Error trying to get video information for this file: " + path) else: if media_type == "movie": max_score = 120.0 elif media_type == "series": max_score = 360.0 try: with AsyncProviderPool(max_workers=None, providers=providers, provider_configs=providers_auth) as p: subtitles = p.list_subtitles(video, language_set) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Error trying to get subtitle list from provider") else: subtitles_list = [] sorted_subtitles = sorted([(s, compute_score(s, video, hearing_impaired=hi)) for s in subtitles], key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for s, preliminary_score in sorted_subtitles: if media_type == "movie": if (preliminary_score / max_score * 100) < int(minimum_score_movie): continue matched = set(s.get_matches(video)) if hi == s.hearing_impaired: matched.add('hearing_impaired') not_matched = set(score.movie_scores.keys()) - matched required = set(['title']) if any(elem in required for elem in not_matched): continue elif media_type == "series": if (preliminary_score / max_score * 100) < int(minimum_score): continue matched = set(s.get_matches(video)) if hi == s.hearing_impaired: matched.add('hearing_impaired') not_matched = set(score.episode_scores.keys()) - matched required = set(['series', 'season', 'episode']) if any(elem in required for elem in not_matched): continue subtitles_list.append(s) if len(subtitles_list) > 0: best_subtitle = subtitles_list[0] download_subtitles([best_subtitle], providers=providers, provider_configs=providers_auth) try: calculated_score = round(float(compute_score(best_subtitle, video, hearing_impaired=hi)) / max_score * 100, 2) if used_sceneName == True: video = scan_video(path) single = get_general_settings()[7] if single is True: result = save_subtitles(video, [best_subtitle], single=True, encoding='utf-8') else: result = save_subtitles(video, [best_subtitle], encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: logging.exception('Error saving subtitles file to disk.') return None else: downloaded_provider = result[0].provider_name downloaded_language = language_from_alpha3(result[0].language.alpha3) downloaded_language_code2 = alpha2_from_alpha3(result[0].language.alpha3) downloaded_language_code3 = result[0].language.alpha3 downloaded_path = get_subtitle_path(path, language=language_set) if used_sceneName == True: message = downloaded_language + " subtitles downloaded from " + downloaded_provider + " with a score of " + unicode(calculated_score) + "% using this scene name: " + sceneName else: message = downloaded_language + " subtitles downloaded from " + downloaded_provider + " with a score of " + unicode(calculated_score) + "% using filename guessing." if use_postprocessing is True: command = pp_replace(postprocessing_cmd, path, downloaded_path, downloaded_language, downloaded_language_code2, downloaded_language_code3) try: if == 'nt': codepage = subprocess.Popen("chcp", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out_codepage, err_codepage = codepage.communicate() encoding = out_codepage.split(':')[-1].strip() process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out, err = process.communicate() if == 'nt': out = out.decode(encoding) except: if out == "": logging.error('Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else: logging.error('Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) else: if out == "":'Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else:'Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) return message else: return None def manual_search(path, language, hi, providers, providers_auth, sceneName, media_type): if hi == "True": hi = True else: hi = False language_set = set() for lang in ast.literal_eval(language): if lang == 'pb': language_set.add(Language('por', 'BR')) else: language_set.add(Language(alpha3_from_alpha2(lang))) use_scenename = get_general_settings()[9] use_postprocessing = get_general_settings()[10] postprocessing_cmd = get_general_settings()[11] try: if sceneName == "None" or use_scenename is False: used_sceneName = False video = scan_video(path) else: used_sceneName = True video = Video.fromname(sceneName) except: logging.error("Error trying to get video information.") else: if media_type == "movie": max_score = 120.0 elif media_type == "series": max_score = 360.0 try: with AsyncProviderPool(max_workers=None, providers=providers, provider_configs=providers_auth) as p: subtitles = p.list_subtitles(video, language_set) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Error trying to get subtitle list from provider") else: subtitles_list = [] for s in subtitles: {s: compute_score(s, video, hearing_impaired=hi)} if media_type == "movie": matched = set(s.get_matches(video)) if hi == s.hearing_impaired: matched.add('hearing_impaired') not_matched = set(score.movie_scores.keys()) - matched required = set(['title']) if any(elem in required for elem in not_matched): continue if used_sceneName: not_matched.remove('hash') elif media_type == "series": matched = set(s.get_matches(video)) if hi == s.hearing_impaired: matched.add('hearing_impaired') not_matched = set(score.episode_scores.keys()) - matched required = set(['series', 'season', 'episode']) if any(elem in required for elem in not_matched): continue if used_sceneName: not_matched.remove('hash') subtitles_list.append(dict(score=round((compute_score(s, video, hearing_impaired=hi) / max_score * 100), 2), language=alpha2_from_alpha3(s.language.alpha3), hearing_impaired=str(s.hearing_impaired), provider=s.provider_name, subtitle=codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(s), "base64").decode(), url=s.page_link, matches=list(matched), dont_matches=list(not_matched))) subtitles_dict = {} subtitles_dict = sorted(subtitles_list, key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True) return(subtitles_dict) def manual_download_subtitle(path, language, hi, subtitle, provider, providers_auth, sceneName, media_type): if hi == "True": hi = True else: hi = False subtitle = pickle.loads(codecs.decode(subtitle.encode(), "base64")) if media_type == 'series': type_of_score = 360 elif media_type == 'movie': type_of_score = 120 use_scenename = get_general_settings()[9] use_postprocessing = get_general_settings()[10] postprocessing_cmd = get_general_settings()[11] if language == 'pb': language = alpha3_from_alpha2(language) lang_obj = Language('por', 'BR') else: language = alpha3_from_alpha2(language) lang_obj = Language(language) try: if sceneName is None or use_scenename is False: used_sceneName = False video = scan_video(path) else: used_sceneName = True video = Video.fromname(sceneName) except Exception as e: logging.exception('Error trying to extract information from this filename: ' + path) return None else: try: best_subtitle = subtitle download_subtitles([best_subtitle], providers=provider, provider_configs=providers_auth) except Exception as e: logging.exception('Error downloading subtitles for ' + path) return None else: single = get_general_settings()[7] try: score = round(float(compute_score(best_subtitle, video, hearing_impaired=hi)) / type_of_score * 100, 2) if used_sceneName == True: video = scan_video(path) if single is True: result = save_subtitles(video, [best_subtitle], single=True, encoding='utf-8') else: result = save_subtitles(video, [best_subtitle], encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: logging.exception('Error saving subtitles file to disk.') return None else: downloaded_provider = result[0].provider_name downloaded_language = language_from_alpha3(result[0].language.alpha3) downloaded_language_code2 = alpha2_from_alpha3(result[0].language.alpha3) downloaded_language_code3 = result[0].language.alpha3 downloaded_path = get_subtitle_path(path, language=lang_obj) message = downloaded_language + " subtitles downloaded from " + downloaded_provider + " with a score of " + unicode(score) + "% using manual search." if use_postprocessing is True: command = pp_replace(postprocessing_cmd, path, downloaded_path, downloaded_language, downloaded_language_code2, downloaded_language_code3) try: if == 'nt': codepage = subprocess.Popen("chcp", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out_codepage, err_codepage = codepage.communicate() encoding = out_codepage.split(':')[-1].strip() process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # wait for the process to terminate out, err = process.communicate() if == 'nt': out = out.decode(encoding) except: if out == "": logging.error('Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else: logging.error('Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) else: if out == "":'Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : Nothing returned from command execution') else:'Post-processing result for file ' + path + ' : ' + out) return message def series_download_subtitles(no): if get_general_settings()[24] is True: monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"' else: monitored_only_query_string = "" conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() episodes_details = c_db.execute('SELECT path, missing_subtitles, sonarrEpisodeId, scene_name FROM table_episodes WHERE sonarrSeriesId = ? AND missing_subtitles != "[]"' + monitored_only_query_string, (no,)).fetchall() series_details = c_db.execute("SELECT hearing_impaired FROM table_shows WHERE sonarrSeriesId = ?", (no,)).fetchone() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for episode in episodes_details: for language in ast.literal_eval(episode[1]): if language is not None: message = download_subtitle(path_replace(episode[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), series_details[0], providers_list, providers_auth, episode[3], 'series') if message is not None: store_subtitles(path_replace(episode[0])) history_log(1, no, episode[2], message) send_notifications(no, episode[2], message) list_missing_subtitles(no) def movies_download_subtitles(no): conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() movie = c_db.execute("SELECT path, missing_subtitles, radarrId, sceneName, hearing_impaired FROM table_movies WHERE radarrId = ?", (no,)).fetchone() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for language in ast.literal_eval(movie[1]): if language is not None: message = download_subtitle(path_replace_movie(movie[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), movie[4], providers_list, providers_auth, movie[3], 'movie') if message is not None: store_subtitles_movie(path_replace_movie(movie[0])) history_log_movie(1, no, message) send_notifications_movie(no, message) list_missing_subtitles_movies(no) def wanted_download_subtitles(path): conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() episodes_details = c_db.execute("SELECT table_episodes.path, table_episodes.missing_subtitles, table_episodes.sonarrEpisodeId, table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId, table_shows.hearing_impaired, table_episodes.scene_name, table_episodes.failedAttempts FROM table_episodes INNER JOIN table_shows on table_shows.sonarrSeriesId = table_episodes.sonarrSeriesId WHERE table_episodes.path = ? AND missing_subtitles != '[]'", (path_replace_reverse(path),)).fetchall() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for episode in episodes_details: attempt = episode[6] if type(attempt) == unicode: attempt = ast.literal_eval(attempt) for language in ast.literal_eval(episode[1]): if attempt is None: attempt = [] attempt.append([language, time.time()]) else: att = zip(*attempt)[0] if language not in att: attempt.append([language, time.time()]) conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() c_db.execute('UPDATE table_episodes SET failedAttempts = ? WHERE sonarrEpisodeId = ?', (unicode(attempt), episode[2])) conn_db.commit() c_db.close() for i in range(len(attempt)): if attempt[i][0] == language: if search_active(attempt[i][1]) is True: message = download_subtitle(path_replace(episode[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), episode[4], providers_list, providers_auth, episode[5], 'series') if message is not None: store_subtitles(path_replace(episode[0])) list_missing_subtitles(episode[3]) history_log(1, episode[3], episode[2], message) send_notifications(episode[3], episode[2], message) else: logging.debug('Search is not active for episode ' + episode[0] + ' Language: ' + attempt[i][0]) def wanted_download_subtitles_movie(path): conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() movies_details = c_db.execute("SELECT path, missing_subtitles, radarrId, radarrId, hearing_impaired, sceneName, failedAttempts FROM table_movies WHERE path = ? AND missing_subtitles != '[]'", (path_replace_reverse_movie(path),)).fetchall() c_db.close() providers_list = get_providers() providers_auth = get_providers_auth() for movie in movies_details: attempt = movie[6] if type(attempt) == unicode: attempt = ast.literal_eval(attempt) for language in ast.literal_eval(movie[1]): if attempt is None: attempt = [] attempt.append([language, time.time()]) else: att = zip(*attempt)[0] if language not in att: attempt.append([language, time.time()]) conn_db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) c_db = conn_db.cursor() c_db.execute('UPDATE table_movies SET failedAttempts = ? WHERE radarrId = ?', (unicode(attempt), movie[2])) conn_db.commit() c_db.close() for i in range(len(attempt)): if attempt[i][0] == language: if search_active(attempt[i][1]) is True: message = download_subtitle(path_replace_movie(movie[0]), str(alpha3_from_alpha2(language)), movie[4], providers_list, providers_auth, movie[5], 'movie') if message is not None: store_subtitles_movie(path_replace_movie(movie[0])) list_missing_subtitles_movies(movie[3]) history_log_movie(1, movie[3], message) send_notifications_movie(movie[3], message) else:'Search is not active for movie ' + movie[0] + ' Language: ' + attempt[i][0]) def wanted_search_missing_subtitles(): db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30) db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace) db.create_function("path_substitution_movie", 1, path_replace_movie) c = db.cursor() if get_general_settings()[24] is True: monitored_only_query_string = ' AND monitored = "True"' else: monitored_only_query_string = "" c.execute("SELECT path_substitution(path) FROM table_episodes WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string) episodes = c.fetchall() c.execute("SELECT path_substitution_movie(path) FROM table_movies WHERE missing_subtitles != '[]'" + monitored_only_query_string) movies = c.fetchall() c.close() integration = get_general_settings() if integration[12] is True: for episode in episodes: wanted_download_subtitles(episode[0]) if integration[13] is True: for movie in movies: wanted_download_subtitles_movie(movie[0])'Finished searching for missing subtitles. Check histories for more information.') def search_active(timestamp): if get_general_settings()[25] is True: search_deadline = timedelta(weeks=3) search_delta = timedelta(weeks=1) aa = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp)) attempt_datetime = datetime.strptime(str(aa).split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') attempt_search_deadline = attempt_datetime + search_deadline today = attempt_age_in_days = ( - if <= return True elif attempt_age_in_days % search_delta.days == 0: return True else: return False else: return True