path: root/src/cubeb_audiotrack.c
diff options
authorMatthew Gregan <[email protected]>2015-11-18 16:39:20 +1300
committerMatthew Gregan <[email protected]>2015-11-18 16:39:20 +1300
commitf7e9b4ededd10b8cb819056b52b99b8be5e4394f (patch)
treef72afed96549d1185f2da6e2950d3dabb4b07eac /src/cubeb_audiotrack.c
parent863388f7ab97bc1077c78af75f476be03dae9a4c (diff)
audiotrack: Drop Android 2.2 support. From BMO #1041882.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cubeb_audiotrack.c')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/src/cubeb_audiotrack.c b/src/cubeb_audiotrack.c
index c1ce93c..bf85bb8 100644
--- a/src/cubeb_audiotrack.c
+++ b/src/cubeb_audiotrack.c
@@ -56,19 +56,13 @@ struct AudioTrack {
* can get the minimum frame count with this signature, and we are
* running gingerbread. */
/* static */ status_t (*get_min_frame_count_gingerbread)(int* frame_count, int stream_type, uint32_t rate);
- /* if this symbol is not availble, and the next one is, we know
- * we are on a Froyo (Android 2.2) device. */
void* (*ctor)(void* instance, int, unsigned int, int, int, int, unsigned int, void (*)(int, void*, void*), void*, int, int);
- void* (*ctor_froyo)(void* instance, int, unsigned int, int, int, int, unsigned int, void (*)(int, void*, void*), void*, int);
void* (*dtor)(void* instance);
void (*start)(void* instance);
void (*pause)(void* instance);
uint32_t (*latency)(void* instance);
status_t (*check)(void* instance);
status_t (*get_position)(void* instance, uint32_t* position);
- /* only used on froyo. */
- /* static */ int (*get_output_frame_count)(int* frame_count, int stream);
- /* static */ int (*get_output_latency)(uint32_t* latency, int stream);
/* static */ int (*get_output_samplingrate)(int* samplerate, int stream);
status_t (*set_marker_position)(void* instance, unsigned int);
status_t (*set_volume)(void* instance, float left, float right);
@@ -138,13 +132,6 @@ audiotrack_refill(int event, void* user, void* info)
-/* We are running on froyo if we found the right AudioTrack constructor */
-static int
-audiotrack_version_is_froyo(cubeb * ctx)
- return ctx->klass.ctor_froyo != NULL;
/* We are running on gingerbread if we found the gingerbread signature for
* getMinFrameCount */
static int
@@ -157,35 +144,6 @@ int
audiotrack_get_min_frame_count(cubeb * ctx, cubeb_stream_params * params, int * min_frame_count)
status_t status;
- /* Recent Android have a getMinFrameCount method. On Froyo, we have to compute it by hand. */
- if (audiotrack_version_is_froyo(ctx)) {
- int samplerate, frame_count, latency, min_buffer_count;
- status = ctx->klass.get_output_frame_count(&frame_count, params->stream_type);
- if (status) {
- ALOG("error getting the output frame count.");
- return CUBEB_ERROR;
- }
- status = ctx->klass.get_output_latency((uint32_t*)&latency, params->stream_type);
- if (status) {
- ALOG("error getting the output frame count.");
- return CUBEB_ERROR;
- }
- status = ctx->klass.get_output_samplingrate(&samplerate, params->stream_type);
- if (status) {
- ALOG("error getting the output frame count.");
- return CUBEB_ERROR;
- }
- /* Those numbers were found reading the Android source. It is the minimum
- * numbers that will be accepted by the AudioTrack class, hence yielding the
- * best latency possible.
- * See https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/android-2.2.3_r2.1/media/libmedia/AudioTrack.cpp
- * around line 181 for Android 2.2 */
- min_buffer_count = latency / ((1000 * frame_count) / samplerate);
- min_buffer_count = min_buffer_count < 2 ? min_buffer_count : 2;
- *min_frame_count = (frame_count * params->rate * min_buffer_count) / samplerate;
- return CUBEB_OK;
- }
/* Recent Android have a getMinFrameCount method. */
if (!audiotrack_version_is_gingerbread(ctx)) {
status = ctx->klass.get_min_frame_count(min_frame_count, params->stream_type, params->rate);
@@ -222,12 +180,8 @@ audiotrack_init(cubeb ** context, char const * context_name)
- /* Recent Android first, then Froyo. */
+ /* Recent Android first, then Gingerbread. */
DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrackC1EijiiijPFviPvS1_ES1_ii", ctx->klass.ctor, ctx->library);
- if (!ctx->klass.ctor) {
- DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrackC1EijiiijPFviPvS1_ES1_i", ctx->klass.ctor_froyo, ctx->library);
- assert(ctx->klass.ctor_froyo);
- }
DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrackD1Ev", ctx->klass.dtor, ctx->library);
DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZNK7android10AudioTrack7latencyEv", ctx->klass.latency, ctx->library);
@@ -235,16 +189,10 @@ audiotrack_init(cubeb ** context, char const * context_name)
DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android11AudioSystem21getOutputSamplingRateEPii", ctx->klass.get_output_samplingrate, ctx->library);
- /* |getMinFrameCount| is not available on Froyo, and is available on
- * gingerbread and ICS with a different signature. */
- if (audiotrack_version_is_froyo(ctx)) {
- DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android11AudioSystem19getOutputFrameCountEPii", ctx->klass.get_output_frame_count, ctx->library);
- DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android11AudioSystem16getOutputLatencyEPji", ctx->klass.get_output_latency, ctx->library);
- } else {
- DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrack16getMinFrameCountEPi19audio_stream_type_tj", ctx->klass.get_min_frame_count, ctx->library);
- if (!ctx->klass.get_min_frame_count) {
- DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrack16getMinFrameCountEPiij", ctx->klass.get_min_frame_count_gingerbread, ctx->library);
- }
+ /* |getMinFrameCount| is available on gingerbread and ICS with different signatures. */
+ DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrack16getMinFrameCountEPi19audio_stream_type_tj", ctx->klass.get_min_frame_count, ctx->library);
+ if (!ctx->klass.get_min_frame_count) {
+ DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrack16getMinFrameCountEPiij", ctx->klass.get_min_frame_count_gingerbread, ctx->library);
DLSYM_DLERROR("_ZN7android10AudioTrack5startEv", ctx->klass.start, ctx->library);
@@ -255,11 +203,10 @@ audiotrack_init(cubeb ** context, char const * context_name)
/* check that we have a combination of symbol that makes sense */
c = &ctx->klass;
- if(!((c->ctor || c->ctor_froyo) && /* at least on ctor. */
+ if(!(c->ctor &&
c->dtor && c->latency && c->check &&
/* at least one way to get the minimum frame count to request. */
- ((c->get_output_frame_count && c->get_output_latency && c->get_output_samplingrate) ||
- c->get_min_frame_count ||
+ (c->get_min_frame_count ||
c->get_min_frame_count_gingerbread) &&
c->start && c->pause && c->get_position && c->set_marker_position)) {
ALOG("Could not find all the symbols we need.");
@@ -366,36 +313,15 @@ audiotrack_stream_init(cubeb * ctx, cubeb_stream ** stream, char const * stream_
assert(stm->instance && "cubeb: EOM");
/* gingerbread uses old channel layout enum */
- if (audiotrack_version_is_froyo(ctx) || audiotrack_version_is_gingerbread(ctx)) {
+ if (audiotrack_version_is_gingerbread(ctx)) {
channels = stm->params.channels == 2 ? AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO_Legacy : AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO_Legacy;
} else {
channels = stm->params.channels == 2 ? AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO_ICS : AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO_ICS;
- if (audiotrack_version_is_froyo(ctx)) {
- ctx->klass.ctor_froyo(stm->instance,
- stm->params.stream_type,
- stm->params.rate,
- channels,
- min_frame_count,
- 0,
- audiotrack_refill,
- stm,
- 0);
- } else {
- ctx->klass.ctor(stm->instance,
- stm->params.stream_type,
- stm->params.rate,
- channels,
- min_frame_count,
- 0,
- audiotrack_refill,
- stm,
- 0,
- 0);
- }
+ ctx->klass.ctor(stm->instance, stm->params.stream_type, stm->params.rate,
+ AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT, channels, min_frame_count, 0,
+ audiotrack_refill, stm, 0, 0);
assert((*(uint32_t*)((intptr_t)stm->instance + SIZE_AUDIOTRACK_INSTANCE - 4)) == 0xbaadbaad);