path: root/test/test_loopback.cpp
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authorBryce Van Dyk <[email protected]>2017-11-21 09:31:36 -0500
committerMatthew Gregan <[email protected]>2018-01-23 08:50:28 +1300
commit3f5966cdcc574a1bb44b6c03d2c95bb561bcca25 (patch)
tree8b77faecf68c66f16b239e7b33bfae26b439ab0b /test/test_loopback.cpp
parentae7120d6e2c57e8681c48a81b57851b7c1ca3af5 (diff)
Add loopback test file and test for duplex stream with loopback.
Add a test file for loopback tests and add to build script. This file is currently configured to be Windows only in build scripts, as the WASAPI backend is currently the only backend supporting the new loopback interface. Add a test for duplex streams using the default output device and a loopback from the same device.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/test_loopback.cpp')
1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/test_loopback.cpp b/test/test_loopback.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d569d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_loopback.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ * Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+ *
+ * This program is made available under an ISC-style license. See the
+ * accompanying file LICENSE for details.
+ */
+ /* libcubeb api/function test. Requests a loopback device and checks that
+ output is being looped back to input. NOTE: Usage of output devices while
+ performing this test will cause flakey results! */
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include "cubeb/cubeb.h"
+#include "common.h"
+const uint32_t SAMPLE_FREQUENCY = 48000;
+const uint32_t TONE_FREQUENCY = 440;
+const double OUTPUT_AMPLITUDE = 0.25;
+const uint32_t NUM_FRAMES_TO_OUTPUT = SAMPLE_FREQUENCY / 20; /* play ~50ms of samples */
+template<typename T> T ConvertSampleToOutput(double input);
+template<> float ConvertSampleToOutput(double input) { return float(input); }
+template<> short ConvertSampleToOutput(double input) { return short(input * 32767.0f); }
+template<typename T> double ConvertSampleFromOutput(T sample);
+template<> double ConvertSampleFromOutput(float sample) { return double(sample); }
+template<> double ConvertSampleFromOutput(short sample) { return double(sample / 32767.0); }
+/* Simple cross correlation to help find phase shift. Not a performant impl */
+std::vector<double> cross_correlate(std::vector<double>& f,
+ std::vector<double>& g,
+ size_t signal_length)
+ /* the length we sweep our window through to find the cross correlation */
+ size_t sweep_length = f.size() - signal_length + 1;
+ std::vector<double> correlation;
+ correlation.reserve(sweep_length);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sweep_length; i++) {
+ double accumulator = 0.0;
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < signal_length; j++) {
+ accumulator += f.at(j) * g.at(i + j);
+ }
+ correlation.push_back(accumulator);
+ }
+ return correlation;
+/* best effort discovery of phase shift between output and (looped) input*/
+size_t find_phase(std::vector<double>& output_frames,
+ std::vector<double>& input_frames,
+ size_t signal_length)
+ std::vector<double> correlation = cross_correlate(output_frames, input_frames, signal_length);
+ size_t phase = 0;
+ double max_correlation = correlation.at(0);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < correlation.size(); i++) {
+ if (correlation.at(i) > max_correlation) {
+ max_correlation = correlation.at(i);
+ phase = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return phase;
+std::vector<double> normalize_frames(std::vector<double>& frames) {
+ double max = abs(*std::max_element(frames.begin(), frames.end(),
+ [](double a, double b) { return abs(a) < abs(b); }));
+ std::vector<double> normalized_frames;
+ normalized_frames.reserve(frames.size());
+ for (const double frame : frames) {
+ normalized_frames.push_back(frame / max);
+ }
+ return normalized_frames;
+/* heuristic comparison of aligned output and input signals, gets flaky if TONE_FREQUENCY is too high */
+void compare_signals(std::vector<double>& output_frames,
+ std::vector<double>& input_frames)
+ ASSERT_EQ(output_frames.size(), input_frames.size()) << "#Output frames != #input frames";
+ size_t num_frames = output_frames.size();
+ std::vector<double> normalized_output_frames = normalize_frames(output_frames);
+ std::vector<double> normalized_input_frames = normalize_frames(input_frames);
+ /* calculate mean absolute errors */
+ /* mean absolute errors between output and input */
+ double io_mas = 0.0;
+ /* mean absolute errors between output and silence */
+ double output_silence_mas = 0.0;
+ /* mean absolute errors between input and silence */
+ double input_silence_mas = 0.0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
+ io_mas += abs(normalized_output_frames.at(i) - normalized_input_frames.at(i));
+ output_silence_mas += abs(normalized_output_frames.at(i));
+ input_silence_mas += abs(normalized_input_frames.at(i));
+ }
+ io_mas /= num_frames;
+ output_silence_mas /= num_frames;
+ input_silence_mas /= num_frames;
+ ASSERT_LT(io_mas, output_silence_mas)
+ << "Error between output and input should be less than output and silence!";
+ ASSERT_LT(io_mas, input_silence_mas)
+ << "Error between output and input should be less than output and silence!";
+ /* make sure extrema are in (roughly) correct location */
+ /* number of maxima + minama expected in the frames*/
+ /* expected index of first maxima */
+ /* Threshold we expect all maxima and minima to be above or below. Ideally
+ the extrema would be 1 or -1, but particularly at the start of loopback
+ the values seen can be significantly lower. */
+ const double THRESHOLD = 0.5;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_EXTREMA; i++) {
+ bool is_maximum = i % 2 == 0;
+ /* expected offset to current extreme: i * stide between extrema */
+ size_t offset = i * SAMPLE_FREQUENCY / TONE_FREQUENCY / 2;
+ if (is_maximum) {
+ ASSERT_GT(normalized_output_frames.at(FIRST_MAXIMUM_INDEX + offset), THRESHOLD)
+ << "Output frames have unexpected missing maximum!";
+ ASSERT_GT(normalized_input_frames.at(FIRST_MAXIMUM_INDEX + offset), THRESHOLD)
+ << "Input frames have unexpected missing maximum!";
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_LT(normalized_output_frames.at(FIRST_MAXIMUM_INDEX + offset), -THRESHOLD)
+ << "Output frames have unexpected missing minimum!";
+ ASSERT_LT(normalized_input_frames.at(FIRST_MAXIMUM_INDEX + offset), -THRESHOLD)
+ << "Input frames have unexpected missing minimum!";
+ }
+ }
+struct user_state_loopback {
+ std::mutex user_state_mutex;
+ long position = 0;
+ /* track output */
+ std::vector<double> output_frames;
+ /* track input */
+ std::vector<double> input_frames;
+template<typename T>
+long data_cb_loop_duplex(cubeb_stream * stream, void * user, const void * inputbuffer, void * outputbuffer, long nframes)
+ struct user_state_loopback *u = (struct user_state_loopback *)user;
+ T *ib = (T *)inputbuffer;
+ T *ob = (T *)outputbuffer;
+ if (stream == NULL || inputbuffer == NULL || outputbuffer == NULL) {
+ return CUBEB_ERROR;
+ }
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(u->user_state_mutex);
+ /* generate our test tone on the fly */
+ for (int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) {
+ double tone = 0.0;
+ if (u->position + i < NUM_FRAMES_TO_OUTPUT) {
+ /* generate sine wave */
+ tone = sin(2 * M_PI*(i + u->position) * TONE_FREQUENCY / SAMPLE_FREQUENCY);
+ }
+ ob[i] = ConvertSampleToOutput<T>(tone);
+ u->output_frames.push_back(tone);
+ /* store any looped back output, may be silence */
+ u->input_frames.push_back(ConvertSampleFromOutput(ib[i]));
+ }
+ u->position += nframes;
+ return nframes;
+void state_cb_loop(cubeb_stream * stream, void * /*user*/, cubeb_state state)
+ if (stream == NULL)
+ return;
+ switch (state) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "stream started\n"); break;
+ fprintf(stderr, "stream stopped\n"); break;
+ fprintf(stderr, "stream drained\n"); break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "unknown stream state %d\n", state);
+ }
+ return;
+void run_loopback_duplex_test(bool is_float)
+ cubeb *ctx;
+ cubeb_stream *stream;
+ cubeb_stream_params input_params;
+ cubeb_stream_params output_params;
+ int r;
+ uint32_t latency_frames = 0;
+ r = common_init(&ctx, "Cubeb loopback example");
+ ASSERT_EQ(r, CUBEB_OK) << "Error initializing cubeb library";
+ std::unique_ptr<cubeb, decltype(&cubeb_destroy)>
+ cleanup_cubeb_at_exit(ctx, cubeb_destroy);
+ input_params.format = is_float ? CUBEB_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE : CUBEB_SAMPLE_S16LE;
+ input_params.rate = SAMPLE_FREQUENCY;
+ input_params.channels = 1;
+ input_params.layout = CUBEB_LAYOUT_MONO;
+ input_params.prefs = CUBEB_STREAM_PREF_LOOPBACK;
+ output_params.format = is_float ? CUBEB_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE : CUBEB_SAMPLE_S16LE;
+ output_params.rate = SAMPLE_FREQUENCY;
+ output_params.channels = 1;
+ output_params.layout = CUBEB_LAYOUT_MONO;
+ std::unique_ptr<user_state_loopback> user_data(new user_state_loopback());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(!!user_data) << "Error allocating user data";
+ r = cubeb_get_min_latency(ctx, &output_params, &latency_frames);
+ ASSERT_EQ(r, CUBEB_OK) << "Could not get minimal latency";
+ /* setup a duplex stream with loopback */
+ r = cubeb_stream_init(ctx, &stream, "Cubeb loopback",
+ NULL, &input_params, NULL, &output_params, latency_frames,
+ is_float ? data_cb_loop_duplex<float> : data_cb_loop_duplex<short>,
+ state_cb_loop, user_data.get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(r, CUBEB_OK) << "Error initializing cubeb stream";
+ std::unique_ptr<cubeb_stream, decltype(&cubeb_stream_destroy)>
+ cleanup_stream_at_exit(stream, cubeb_stream_destroy);
+ cubeb_stream_start(stream);
+ delay(150);
+ cubeb_stream_stop(stream);
+ /* lock user data to be extra sure to not race any outstanding callbacks */
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(user_data->user_state_mutex);
+ std::vector<double>& output_frames = user_data->output_frames;
+ std::vector<double>& input_frames = user_data->input_frames;
+ ASSERT_EQ(output_frames.size(), input_frames.size())
+ << "#Output frames != #input frames";
+ size_t phase = find_phase(user_data->output_frames, user_data->input_frames, NUM_FRAMES_TO_OUTPUT);
+ /* extract vectors of just the relevant signal from output and input */
+ auto output_frames_signal_start = output_frames.begin();
+ auto output_frames_signal_end = output_frames.begin() + NUM_FRAMES_TO_OUTPUT;
+ std::vector<double> trimmed_output_frames(output_frames_signal_start, output_frames_signal_end);
+ auto input_frames_signal_start = input_frames.begin() + phase;
+ auto input_frames_signal_end = input_frames.begin() + phase + NUM_FRAMES_TO_OUTPUT;
+ std::vector<double> trimmed_input_frames(input_frames_signal_start, input_frames_signal_end);
+ compare_signals(trimmed_output_frames, trimmed_input_frames);
+TEST(cubeb, loopback_duplex)
+ run_loopback_duplex_test(true);
+ run_loopback_duplex_test(false);