import { logger } from '../../test/util'; import { detectPlatform, parseJson } from './common'; import * as hostRules from './host-rules'; const validJsonString = ` { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York" } `; const invalidJsonString = ` { "name": "Alice", "age": 25, "city": "Los Angeles", "hobbies": ["Reading", "Running", "Cooking"] "isStudent": true } `; const onlyJson5parsableString = ` { name: "Bob", age: 35, city: 'San Francisco', // This is a comment "isMarried": false, } `; describe('util/common', () => { beforeEach(() => hostRules.clear()); describe('detectPlatform', () => { it.each` url | hostType ${'some-invalid@url:::'} | ${null} ${''} | ${null} ${''} | ${'azure'} ${''} | ${'azure'} ${''} | ${'bitbucket'} ${''} | ${'bitbucket'} ${''} | ${'bitbucket-server'} ${''} | ${'gitea'} ${''} | ${'gitea'} ${''} | ${'github'} ${''} | ${'github'} ${''} | ${'gitlab'} ${''} | ${'gitlab'} `('("$url") === $hostType', ({ url, hostType }) => { expect(detectPlatform(url)).toBe(hostType); }); it('uses host rules', () => { hostRules.add({ hostType: 'bitbucket', matchHost: '', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitea', matchHost: '', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'github-changelog', matchHost: '', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'gitlab-changelog', matchHost: '', }); hostRules.add({ hostType: 'unknown', matchHost: '', }); expect(detectPlatform('')).toBe( 'bitbucket', ); expect(detectPlatform('')).toBe( 'gitea', ); expect(detectPlatform('')).toBe( 'github', ); expect(detectPlatform('')).toBe( 'gitlab', ); expect(detectPlatform('')).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('parseJson', () => { it('returns null', () => { expect(parseJson(null, 'renovate.json')).toBeNull(); }); it('returns parsed json', () => { expect(parseJson(validJsonString, 'renovate.json')).toEqual({ name: 'John Doe', age: 30, city: 'New York', }); }); it('throws error for invalid json', () => { expect(() => parseJson(invalidJsonString, 'renovate.json')).toThrow(); }); it('catches and warns if content parsing faield with JSON.parse but not with JSON5.parse', () => { expect(parseJson(onlyJson5parsableString, 'renovate.json')).toEqual({ name: 'Bob', age: 35, city: 'San Francisco', isMarried: false, }); expect(logger.logger.warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { context: 'renovate.json' }, 'File contents are invalid JSON but parse using JSON5. Support for this will be removed in a future release so please change to a support .json5 file name or ensure correct JSON syntax.', ); }); }); });