import { codeBlock } from 'common-tags'; import { linkify, sanitizeMarkdown } from './markdown'; describe('util/markdown', () => { describe('.linkify', () => { const before = codeBlock` Some references: * Commit: f8083175fe890cbf14f41d0a06e7aa35d4989587 * Commit (fork): foo@f8083175fe890cbf14f41d0a06e7aa35d4989587 * Commit (repo): remarkjs/remark@e1aa9f6c02de18b9459b7d269712bcb50183ce89 * Issue or PR (\`#\`): #1 * Issue or PR (\`GH-\`): GH-1 * Issue or PR (fork): foo#1 * Issue or PR (project): remarkjs/remark#1 * Mention: @wooorm `; const after = codeBlock` Some references: - Commit: [\`f808317\`]( - Commit (fork): [foo@\`f808317\`]( - Commit (repo): [remarkjs/remark@\`e1aa9f6\`]( - Issue or PR (\`#\`): [#1]( - Issue or PR (\`GH-\`): [GH-1]( - Issue or PR (fork): [foo#1]( - Issue or PR (project): [remarkjs/remark#1]( - Mention: [@wooorm]( ` + '\n'; it('works', async () => { const res = await linkify(before, { repository: 'some/repo' }); expect(res).toEqual(after); }); it('sanitizeMarkdown check massaged release notes', () => { const input = codeBlock` #### Our Gold Sponsors
#### Our Silver Sponsors
#### What's Changed * pnpm rebuild accepts --store-dir by @user in #### New Contributors * @user made their first contribution in #### [Heading With Markdown Link]( * link to GH issue [#1234]( `; expect(sanitizeMarkdown(input)).toEqual(codeBlock` #### Our Gold Sponsors
#### Our Silver Sponsors
#### What's Changed * pnpm rebuild accepts --store-dir by @​user in #### New Contributors * @​user made their first contribution in #### [Heading With Markdown Link]( * link to GH issue [#​1234]( `); }); }); });