#!/bin/bash # When the repository labels are changed (i.e dropped a label, added a label, etc), you should make the same change to the lists below. # For example, if the repository added a "type:task" type label, then add "-label:type:task" to the TYPE_LABELS_FILTER. TYPE_LABELS_FILTER='-label:type:bug -label:type:feature -label:type:docs -label:type:refactor -label:type:help' PRIORITY_LABELS_FILTER='-label:priority-1-critical -label:priority-2-high -label:priority-3-medium -label:priority-4-low' HAS_ISSUES_MISSING_LABELS=false ISSUE_BODY="# Label check action\n" REPO='renovatebot/renovate' ISSUE_TITLE="Issues with missing labels" for FILTER in "$TYPE_LABELS_FILTER" "$PRIORITY_LABELS_FILTER"; do # Extract the label type from the filter LABEL_TYPE=$(echo "$FILTER" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f 1) # Fetch issues that match the filter ISSUES_MISSING_LABEL=$(gh issue list --repo $REPO --limit 100000 -s open -S "$FILTER" --json "number,title") || { echo "Failed to fetch issues without $LABEL_TYPE labels"; exit 1; } # Ignore the Issue from the "Find issues with missing labels" Action ISSUES_MISSING_LABEL=$(echo "$ISSUES_MISSING_LABEL" | jq --arg title "$ISSUE_TITLE" 'map(select(.title != $title))') if [ "$ISSUES_MISSING_LABEL" != "[]" ]; then HAS_ISSUES_MISSING_LABELS=true # Create a list of issue numbers FORMATTED_OUTPUT=$(echo "$ISSUES_MISSING_LABEL" | jq -r '.[].number' | sed 's/^/- #/') # Count the issues and decide if the output should be singular or plural ISSUE_COUNT=$(echo "$ISSUES_MISSING_LABEL" | jq '. | length') ISSUE_SINGULAR_PLURAL=$(if [ "$ISSUE_COUNT" -eq 1 ]; then echo "issue"; else echo "issues"; fi) # Append the "list of issues without labels" to the issue body ISSUE_BODY="$ISSUE_BODY## Found $ISSUE_COUNT $ISSUE_SINGULAR_PLURAL missing \`$LABEL_TYPE:\` labels:\n$FORMATTED_OUTPUT\n" fi done if [ "$HAS_ISSUES_MISSING_LABELS" = false ]; then echo "All checked issues have labels. Exiting the action." exit 0 fi LABEL_CHECK_ISSUE_EXISTS=$(gh search issues --repo $REPO --json "number,author,title" | jq --arg title "$ISSUE_TITLE" 'map(select(.title == $title and .author.type == "Bot"))') || { echo "Failed to fetch existing label check issue"; exit 1; } ISSUE_NUMBER=$(echo "$LABEL_CHECK_ISSUE_EXISTS" | jq -r '.[].number') if [ -z "$ISSUE_NUMBER" ]; then # Create a new issue (with the list of issues in it). gh issue create --repo $REPO --title "$ISSUE_TITLE" --body "$(echo -e "$ISSUE_BODY")" || { echo "Failed to create issue."; exit 1; } else # Edit the open issue, and update the list of issues. gh issue edit "$ISSUE_NUMBER" --repo $REPO --title "$ISSUE_TITLE" --body "$(echo -e "$ISSUE_BODY")" || { echo "Failed to update issue."; exit 1; } # Re-open the issue. gh issue reopen "$ISSUE_NUMBER" --repo $REPO || { echo "Failed to reopen issue"; exit 1; } fi # Show the list of "issues with missing labels" in the logs. echo -e "$ISSUE_BODY" # Log a message and "fail" the Action if there are issues with missing labels echo "Found issues without labels. Please check the issue(s) listed above. Exiting the action." exit 1