diff options
authorsago35 <[email protected]>2021-04-18 18:18:59 +0900
committerRon Evans <[email protected]>2021-05-10 12:27:10 +0200
commite7c6bd373094aa148a93170fcf73b2f3cff2d918 (patch)
parent9f5066aa6f1d67f161bc0d7520dc2f1bfa1f2b0d (diff)
atsame5x: add support for CAN
12 files changed, 682 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7a6db42bc..e5e72d0fe 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -343,8 +343,12 @@ smoketest:
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=atsame54-xpro examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
+ $(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=atsame54-xpro examples/can
+ @$(MD5SUM) test.hex
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m4-can examples/blinky1
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
+ $(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=feather-m4-can examples/caninterrupt
+ @$(MD5SUM) test.hex
# test pwm
$(TINYGO) build -size short -o test.hex -target=itsybitsy-m0 examples/pwm
@$(MD5SUM) test.hex
diff --git a/src/examples/can/feather-m4-can.go b/src/examples/can/feather-m4-can.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e60552a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/examples/can/feather-m4-can.go
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// +build feather_m4_can
+package main
+import (
+ "machine"
+func init() {
+ // power on the CAN Transceiver
+ // https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-m4-can-express/pinouts#can-bus-3078990-8
+ boost_en := machine.BOOST_EN
+ boost_en.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput})
+ boost_en.High()
diff --git a/src/examples/can/main.go b/src/examples/can/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d5de82ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/examples/can/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "machine"
+ "time"
+func main() {
+ can1 := machine.CAN1
+ can1.Configure(machine.CANConfig{
+ TransferRate: machine.CANTransferRate500kbps,
+ TransferRateFD: machine.CANTransferRate1000kbps,
+ Rx: machine.CAN1_RX,
+ Tx: machine.CAN1_TX,
+ Standby: machine.CAN1_STANDBY,
+ })
+ can0 := machine.CAN0
+ can0.Configure(machine.CANConfig{
+ TransferRate: machine.CANTransferRate500kbps,
+ TransferRateFD: machine.CANTransferRate1000kbps,
+ Rx: machine.CAN0_RX,
+ Tx: machine.CAN0_TX,
+ Standby: machine.NoPin,
+ })
+ rxMsg := machine.CANRxBufferElement{}
+ for {
+ can1.Tx(0x123, []byte{0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, false, false)
+ can1.Tx(0x789, []byte{0x02, 0x24, 0x46, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, true, false)
+ time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 1000)
+ sz0 := can0.RxFifoSize()
+ if sz0 > 0 {
+ fmt.Printf("CAN0 %d\r\n", sz0)
+ for i := 0; i < sz0; i++ {
+ can0.RxRaw(&rxMsg)
+ fmt.Printf("-> %08X %X %#v\r\n", rxMsg.ID, rxMsg.DLC, rxMsg.Data())
+ }
+ }
+ sz1 := can1.RxFifoSize()
+ if sz1 > 0 {
+ fmt.Printf("CAN1 %d\r\n", sz1)
+ for i := 0; i < sz1; i++ {
+ can1.RxRaw(&rxMsg)
+ fmt.Printf("-> %08X %X %#v\r\n", rxMsg.ID, rxMsg.DLC, rxMsg.Data())
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/examples/caninterrupt/feather-m4-can.go b/src/examples/caninterrupt/feather-m4-can.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e60552a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/examples/caninterrupt/feather-m4-can.go
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// +build feather_m4_can
+package main
+import (
+ "machine"
+func init() {
+ // power on the CAN Transceiver
+ // https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-m4-can-express/pinouts#can-bus-3078990-8
+ boost_en := machine.BOOST_EN
+ boost_en.Configure(machine.PinConfig{Mode: machine.PinOutput})
+ boost_en.High()
diff --git a/src/examples/caninterrupt/main.go b/src/examples/caninterrupt/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69b0b4d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/examples/caninterrupt/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "device/sam"
+ "fmt"
+ "machine"
+ "time"
+type canMsg struct {
+ ch byte
+ id uint32
+ dlc byte
+ data []byte
+func main() {
+ ch := make(chan canMsg, 10)
+ go func() {
+ for {
+ select {
+ case m := <-ch:
+ fmt.Printf("%d %03X %X ", m.ch, m.id, m.dlc)
+ for _, d := range m.data {
+ fmt.Printf("%02X ", d)
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("\r\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ can1 := machine.CAN1
+ can1.Configure(machine.CANConfig{
+ TransferRate: machine.CANTransferRate500kbps,
+ TransferRateFD: machine.CANTransferRate1000kbps,
+ Rx: machine.CAN1_RX,
+ Tx: machine.CAN1_TX,
+ Standby: machine.CAN1_STANDBY,
+ })
+ // RF0NE : Rx FIFO 0 New Message Interrupt Enable
+ can1.SetInterrupt(sam.CAN_IE_RF0NE, func(*machine.CAN) {
+ rxMsg := machine.CANRxBufferElement{}
+ can1.RxRaw(&rxMsg)
+ m := canMsg{ch: 1, id: rxMsg.ID, dlc: rxMsg.DLC, data: rxMsg.Data()}
+ select {
+ case ch <- m:
+ }
+ })
+ can0 := machine.CAN0
+ can0.Configure(machine.CANConfig{
+ TransferRate: machine.CANTransferRate500kbps,
+ TransferRateFD: machine.CANTransferRate1000kbps,
+ Rx: machine.CAN0_RX,
+ Tx: machine.CAN0_TX,
+ Standby: machine.NoPin,
+ })
+ // RF0NE : Rx FIFO 0 New Message Interrupt Enable
+ can0.SetInterrupt(sam.CAN_IE_RF0NE, func(*machine.CAN) {
+ rxMsg := machine.CANRxBufferElement{}
+ can0.RxRaw(&rxMsg)
+ m := canMsg{ch: 2, id: rxMsg.ID, dlc: rxMsg.DLC, data: rxMsg.Data()}
+ select {
+ case ch <- m:
+ }
+ })
+ for {
+ can0.Tx(0x123, []byte{0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}, false, false)
+ time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
+ can1.Tx(0x456, []byte{0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC}, false, false)
+ time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 1000)
+ }
diff --git a/src/machine/board_atsame54-xpro.go b/src/machine/board_atsame54-xpro.go
index 52c15b57e..d5d1f6819 100644
--- a/src/machine/board_atsame54-xpro.go
+++ b/src/machine/board_atsame54-xpro.go
@@ -328,3 +328,14 @@ var (
+// CAN on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro
+var (
+ CAN0 = CAN{
+ Bus: sam.CAN0,
+ }
+ CAN1 = CAN{
+ Bus: sam.CAN1,
+ }
diff --git a/src/machine/board_feather-m4-can.go b/src/machine/board_feather-m4-can.go
index 536e4b62e..795a6a3e2 100644
--- a/src/machine/board_feather-m4-can.go
+++ b/src/machine/board_feather-m4-can.go
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ func init() {
-// I2C on the Feather M4.
+// I2C on the Feather M4 CAN.
var (
I2C0 = &I2C{
Bus: sam.SERCOM2_I2CM,
@@ -133,10 +133,21 @@ var (
-// SPI on the Feather M4.
+// SPI on the Feather M4 CAN.
var (
Bus: sam.SERCOM1_SPIM,
+// CAN on the Feather M4 CAN.
+var (
+ CAN0 = CAN{
+ Bus: sam.CAN0,
+ }
+ CAN1 = CAN{
+ Bus: sam.CAN1,
+ }
diff --git a/src/machine/machine_atsame5x_can.go b/src/machine/machine_atsame5x_can.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cad660ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/machine/machine_atsame5x_can.go
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// +build sam,atsame51 sam,atsame54
+package machine
+import (
+ "device/sam"
+ "errors"
+ "runtime/interrupt"
+ "unsafe"
+const (
+ CANRxFifoSize = 16
+ CANTxFifoSize = 16
+ CANEvFifoSize = 16
+// Message RAM can only be located in the first 64 KB area of the system RAM.
+// TODO: when the go:section pragma is merged, add the section configuration
+//go:align 4
+var CANRxFifo [2][(8 + 64) * CANRxFifoSize]byte
+//go:align 4
+var CANTxFifo [2][(8 + 64) * CANTxFifoSize]byte
+//go:align 4
+var CANEvFifo [2][(8) * CANEvFifoSize]byte
+type CAN struct {
+ Bus *sam.CAN_Type
+type CANTransferRate uint32
+// CAN transfer rates for CANConfig
+const (
+ CANTransferRate125kbps CANTransferRate = 125000
+ CANTransferRate250kbps CANTransferRate = 250000
+ CANTransferRate500kbps CANTransferRate = 500000
+ CANTransferRate1000kbps CANTransferRate = 1000000
+ CANTransferRate2000kbps CANTransferRate = 2000000
+ CANTransferRate4000kbps CANTransferRate = 4000000
+// CANConfig holds CAN configuration parameters. Tx and Rx need to be
+// specified with some pins. When the Standby Pin is specified, configure it
+// as an output pin and output Low in Configure(). If this operation is not
+// necessary, specify NoPin.
+type CANConfig struct {
+ TransferRate CANTransferRate
+ TransferRateFD CANTransferRate
+ Tx Pin
+ Rx Pin
+ Standby Pin
+var (
+ errCANInvalidTransferRate = errors.New("CAN: invalid TransferRate")
+ errCANInvalidTransferRateFD = errors.New("CAN: invalid TransferRateFD")
+// Configure this CAN peripheral with the given configuration.
+func (can *CAN) Configure(config CANConfig) error {
+ if config.Standby != NoPin {
+ config.Standby.Configure(PinConfig{Mode: PinOutput})
+ config.Standby.Low()
+ }
+ mode := PinCAN0
+ if can.instance() == 1 {
+ mode = PinCAN1
+ }
+ config.Rx.Configure(PinConfig{Mode: mode})
+ config.Tx.Configure(PinConfig{Mode: mode})
+ can.Bus.CCCR.SetBits(sam.CAN_CCCR_INIT)
+ for !can.Bus.CCCR.HasBits(sam.CAN_CCCR_INIT) {
+ }
+ can.Bus.CCCR.SetBits(sam.CAN_CCCR_CCE)
+ can.Bus.CCCR.SetBits(sam.CAN_CCCR_BRSE | sam.CAN_CCCR_FDOE)
+ // base clock == 48 MHz
+ if config.TransferRate == 0 {
+ config.TransferRate = CANTransferRate500kbps
+ }
+ brp := uint32(6)
+ switch config.TransferRate {
+ case CANTransferRate125kbps:
+ brp = 32
+ case CANTransferRate250kbps:
+ brp = 16
+ case CANTransferRate500kbps:
+ brp = 8
+ case CANTransferRate1000kbps:
+ brp = 4
+ default:
+ return errCANInvalidTransferRate
+ }
+ can.Bus.NBTP.Set(8<<sam.CAN_NBTP_NTSEG1_Pos | (brp-1)<<sam.CAN_NBTP_NBRP_Pos |
+ 1<<sam.CAN_NBTP_NTSEG2_Pos | 3<<sam.CAN_NBTP_NSJW_Pos)
+ if config.TransferRateFD == 0 {
+ config.TransferRateFD = CANTransferRate1000kbps
+ }
+ if config.TransferRateFD < config.TransferRate {
+ return errCANInvalidTransferRateFD
+ }
+ brp = uint32(2)
+ switch config.TransferRateFD {
+ case CANTransferRate125kbps:
+ brp = 32
+ case CANTransferRate250kbps:
+ brp = 16
+ case CANTransferRate500kbps:
+ brp = 8
+ case CANTransferRate1000kbps:
+ brp = 4
+ case CANTransferRate2000kbps:
+ brp = 2
+ case CANTransferRate4000kbps:
+ brp = 1
+ default:
+ return errCANInvalidTransferRateFD
+ }
+ can.Bus.DBTP.Set((brp-1)<<sam.CAN_DBTP_DBRP_Pos | 8<<sam.CAN_DBTP_DTSEG1_Pos |
+ 1<<sam.CAN_DBTP_DTSEG2_Pos | 3<<sam.CAN_DBTP_DSJW_Pos)
+ can.Bus.RXF0C.Set(sam.CAN_RXF0C_F0OM | CANRxFifoSize<<sam.CAN_RXF0C_F0S_Pos | uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&CANRxFifo[can.instance()][0])))&0xFFFF)
+ can.Bus.RXESC.Set(sam.CAN_RXESC_F0DS_DATA64)
+ can.Bus.TXESC.Set(sam.CAN_TXESC_TBDS_DATA64)
+ can.Bus.TXBC.Set(CANTxFifoSize<<sam.CAN_TXBC_TFQS_Pos | 0<<sam.CAN_TXBC_NDTB_Pos | uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&CANTxFifo[can.instance()][0])))&0xFFFF)
+ can.Bus.TXEFC.Set(CANEvFifoSize<<sam.CAN_TXEFC_EFS_Pos | uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&CANEvFifo[can.instance()][0])))&0xFFFF)
+ can.Bus.TSCC.Set(sam.CAN_TSCC_TSS_INC)
+ can.Bus.GFC.Set(0<<sam.CAN_GFC_ANFS_Pos | 0<<sam.CAN_GFC_ANFE_Pos)
+ can.Bus.SIDFC.Set(0 << sam.CAN_SIDFC_LSS_Pos)
+ can.Bus.XIDFC.Set(0 << sam.CAN_SIDFC_LSS_Pos)
+ can.Bus.XIDAM.Set(0x1FFFFFFF << sam.CAN_XIDAM_EIDM_Pos)
+ can.Bus.ILE.SetBits(sam.CAN_ILE_EINT0)
+ can.Bus.CCCR.ClearBits(sam.CAN_CCCR_CCE)
+ can.Bus.CCCR.ClearBits(sam.CAN_CCCR_INIT)
+ for can.Bus.CCCR.HasBits(sam.CAN_CCCR_INIT) {
+ }
+ return nil
+// Callbacks to be called for CAN.SetInterrupt(). Wre're using the magic
+// constant 2 and 32 here beacuse th SAM E51/E54 has 2 CAN and 32 interrupt
+// sources.
+var (
+ canInstances [2]*CAN
+ canCallbacks [2][32]func(*CAN)
+// SetInterrupt sets an interrupt to be executed when a particular CAN state.
+// This call will replace a previously set callback. You can pass a nil func
+// to unset the CAN interrupt. If you do so, the change parameter is ignored
+// and can be set to any value (such as 0).
+func (can *CAN) SetInterrupt(ie uint32, callback func(*CAN)) error {
+ if callback == nil {
+ // Disable this CAN interrupt
+ can.Bus.IE.ClearBits(ie)
+ return nil
+ }
+ can.Bus.IE.SetBits(ie)
+ idx := 0
+ switch can.Bus {
+ case sam.CAN0:
+ canInstances[0] = can
+ case sam.CAN1:
+ canInstances[1] = can
+ idx = 1
+ }
+ for i := uint(0); i < 32; i++ {
+ if ie&(1<<i) != 0 {
+ canCallbacks[idx][i] = callback
+ }
+ }
+ switch can.Bus {
+ case sam.CAN0:
+ interrupt.New(sam.IRQ_CAN0, func(interrupt.Interrupt) {
+ ir := sam.CAN0.IR.Get()
+ sam.CAN0.IR.Set(ir) // clear interrupt
+ for i := uint(0); i < 32; i++ {
+ if ir&(1<<i) != 0 && canCallbacks[0][i] != nil {
+ canCallbacks[0][i](canInstances[0])
+ }
+ }
+ }).Enable()
+ case sam.CAN1:
+ interrupt.New(sam.IRQ_CAN1, func(interrupt.Interrupt) {
+ ir := sam.CAN1.IR.Get()
+ sam.CAN1.IR.Set(ir) // clear interrupt
+ for i := uint(0); i < 32; i++ {
+ if ir&(1<<i) != 0 && canCallbacks[1][i] != nil {
+ canCallbacks[1][i](canInstances[1])
+ }
+ }
+ }).Enable()
+ }
+ return nil
+// TxFifoIsFull returns whether TxFifo is full or not.
+func (can *CAN) TxFifoIsFull() bool {
+ return (can.Bus.TXFQS.Get() & sam.CAN_TXFQS_TFQF_Msk) == sam.CAN_TXFQS_TFQF_Msk
+// TxRaw sends a CAN Frame according to CANTxBufferElement.
+func (can *CAN) TxRaw(e *CANTxBufferElement) {
+ putIndex := (can.Bus.TXFQS.Get() & sam.CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Msk) >> sam.CAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_Pos
+ f := CANTxFifo[can.instance()][putIndex*(8+64) : (putIndex+1)*(8+64)]
+ id := e.ID
+ if !e.XTD {
+ // standard identifier is stored into ID[28:18]
+ id <<= 18
+ }
+ f[3] = byte(id >> 24)
+ if e.ESI {
+ f[3] |= 0x80
+ }
+ if e.XTD {
+ f[3] |= 0x40
+ }
+ if e.RTR {
+ f[3] |= 0x20
+ }
+ f[2] = byte(id >> 16)
+ f[1] = byte(id >> 8)
+ f[0] = byte(0)
+ f[7] = e.MM
+ f[6] = e.DLC
+ if e.EFC {
+ f[6] |= 0x80
+ }
+ if e.FDF {
+ f[6] |= 0x20
+ }
+ if e.BRS {
+ f[6] |= 0x10
+ }
+ f[5] = 0x00 // reserved
+ f[4] = 0x00 // reserved
+ length := CANDlcToLength(e.DLC, e.FDF)
+ for i := byte(0); i < length; i++ {
+ f[8+i] = e.DB[i]
+ }
+ can.Bus.TXBAR.SetBits(1 << putIndex)
+// The Tx transmits CAN frames. It is easier to use than TxRaw, but not as
+// flexible.
+func (can *CAN) Tx(id uint32, data []byte, isFD, isExtendedID bool) {
+ length := byte(len(data))
+ dlc := CANLengthToDlc(length, true)
+ e := CANTxBufferElement{
+ ESI: false,
+ XTD: isExtendedID,
+ RTR: false,
+ ID: id,
+ MM: 0x00,
+ EFC: true,
+ FDF: isFD,
+ BRS: isFD,
+ DLC: dlc,
+ }
+ if !isFD {
+ if length > 8 {
+ length = 8
+ }
+ }
+ for i := byte(0); i < length; i++ {
+ e.DB[i] = data[i]
+ }
+ can.TxRaw(&e)
+// RxFifoSize returns the number of CAN Frames currently stored in the RXFifo.
+func (can *CAN) RxFifoSize() int {
+ sz := (can.Bus.RXF0S.Get() & sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Msk) >> sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Pos
+ return int(sz)
+// RxFifoIsFull returns whether RxFifo is full or not.
+func (can *CAN) RxFifoIsFull() bool {
+ sz := (can.Bus.RXF0S.Get() & sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Msk) >> sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Pos
+ return sz == CANRxFifoSize
+// RxFifoIsEmpty returns whether RxFifo is empty or not.
+func (can *CAN) RxFifoIsEmpty() bool {
+ sz := (can.Bus.RXF0S.Get() & sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Msk) >> sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0FL_Pos
+ return sz == 0
+// RxRaw copies the received CAN frame to CANRxBufferElement.
+func (can *CAN) RxRaw(e *CANRxBufferElement) {
+ idx := (can.Bus.RXF0S.Get() & sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0GI_Msk) >> sam.CAN_RXF0S_F0GI_Pos
+ f := CANRxFifo[can.instance()][idx*(8+64):]
+ e.ESI = false
+ if (f[3] & 0x80) != 0x00 {
+ e.ESI = true
+ }
+ e.XTD = false
+ if (f[3] & 0x40) != 0x00 {
+ e.XTD = true
+ }
+ e.RTR = false
+ if (f[3] & 0x20) != 0x00 {
+ e.RTR = true
+ }
+ id := ((uint32(f[3]) << 24) + (uint32(f[2]) << 16) + (uint32(f[1]) << 8) + uint32(f[0])) & 0x1FFFFFFF
+ if (f[3] & 0x20) == 0 {
+ id >>= 18
+ id &= 0x000007FF
+ }
+ e.ID = id
+ e.ANMF = false
+ if (f[7] & 0x80) != 0x00 {
+ e.ANMF = true
+ }
+ e.FIDX = f[7] & 0x7F
+ e.FDF = false
+ if (f[6] & 0x20) != 0x00 {
+ e.FDF = true
+ }
+ e.BRS = false
+ if (f[6] & 0x10) != 0x00 {
+ e.BRS = true
+ }
+ e.DLC = f[6] & 0x0F
+ e.RXTS = (uint16(f[5]) << 8) + uint16(f[4])
+ for i := byte(0); i < CANDlcToLength(e.DLC, e.FDF); i++ {
+ e.DB[i] = f[i+8]
+ }
+ can.Bus.RXF0A.ReplaceBits(idx, sam.CAN_RXF0A_F0AI_Msk, sam.CAN_RXF0A_F0AI_Pos)
+// Rx receives a CAN frame. It is easier to use than RxRaw, but not as
+// flexible.
+func (can *CAN) Rx() (id uint32, dlc byte, data []byte, isFd, isExtendedID bool) {
+ e := CANRxBufferElement{}
+ can.RxRaw(&e)
+ length := CANDlcToLength(e.DLC, e.FDF)
+ return e.ID, length, e.DB[:length], e.FDF, e.XTD
+func (can *CAN) instance() byte {
+ if can.Bus == sam.CAN0 {
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ return 1
+ }
+// CANTxBufferElement is a struct that corresponds to the same5x' Tx Buffer
+// Element.
+type CANTxBufferElement struct {
+ ESI bool
+ XTD bool
+ RTR bool
+ ID uint32
+ MM uint8
+ EFC bool
+ FDF bool
+ BRS bool
+ DLC uint8
+ DB [64]uint8
+// CANRxBufferElement is a struct that corresponds to the same5x Rx Buffer and
+// FIFO Element.
+type CANRxBufferElement struct {
+ ESI bool
+ XTD bool
+ RTR bool
+ ID uint32
+ ANMF bool
+ FIDX uint8
+ FDF bool
+ BRS bool
+ DLC uint8
+ RXTS uint16
+ DB [64]uint8
+// Data returns the received data as a slice of the size according to dlc.
+func (e CANRxBufferElement) Data() []byte {
+ return e.DB[:CANDlcToLength(e.DLC, e.FDF)]
+// CANDlcToLength() converts a DLC value to its actual length.
+func CANDlcToLength(dlc byte, isFD bool) byte {
+ length := dlc
+ if dlc == 0x09 {
+ length = 12
+ } else if dlc == 0x0A {
+ length = 16
+ } else if dlc == 0x0B {
+ length = 20
+ } else if dlc == 0x0C {
+ length = 24
+ } else if dlc == 0x0D {
+ length = 32
+ } else if dlc == 0x0E {
+ length = 48
+ } else if dlc == 0x0F {
+ length = 64
+ }
+ return length
+// CANLengthToDlc() converts its actual length to a DLC value.
+func CANLengthToDlc(length byte, isFD bool) byte {
+ dlc := length
+ if length <= 0x08 {
+ } else if length <= 12 {
+ dlc = 0x09
+ } else if length <= 16 {
+ dlc = 0x0A
+ } else if length <= 20 {
+ dlc = 0x0B
+ } else if length <= 24 {
+ dlc = 0x0C
+ } else if length <= 32 {
+ dlc = 0x0D
+ } else if length <= 48 {
+ dlc = 0x0E
+ } else if length <= 64 {
+ dlc = 0x0F
+ }
+ return dlc
diff --git a/src/runtime/runtime_atsame5x_can.go b/src/runtime/runtime_atsame5x_can.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db778b0a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/runtime_atsame5x_can.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// +build sam,atsame51 sam,atsame54
+package runtime
+import (
+ "device/sam"
+func init() {
+ initCANClock()
+func initCANClock() {
+ // Turn on clocks for CAN0/CAN1.
+ // Put Generic Clock Generator 1 as source for USB
diff --git a/targets/atsame54-xpro.json b/targets/atsame54-xpro.json
index d46f8c499..631df8cfb 100644
--- a/targets/atsame54-xpro.json
+++ b/targets/atsame54-xpro.json
@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
"inherits": ["atsame54p20a"],
"build-tags": ["atsame54_xpro"],
"flash-method": "openocd",
- "openocd-interface": "cmsis-dap"
+ "openocd-interface": "cmsis-dap",
+ "default-stack-size": 4096
diff --git a/targets/atsame54p20a.json b/targets/atsame54p20a.json
index ed7831f3d..f2450fb42 100644
--- a/targets/atsame54p20a.json
+++ b/targets/atsame54p20a.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"inherits": ["cortex-m4"],
- "build-tags": ["sam", "atsame5x", "atsame54p20", "atsame54p20a"],
+ "build-tags": ["sam", "atsame5x", "atsame54", "atsame54p20", "atsame54p20a"],
"linkerscript": "targets/atsame5xx20-no-bootloader.ld",
"extra-files": [
diff --git a/targets/feather-m4-can.json b/targets/feather-m4-can.json
index 0480eb8f0..190d4d8f9 100644
--- a/targets/feather-m4-can.json
+++ b/targets/feather-m4-can.json
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
"flash-1200-bps-reset": "true",
"flash-method": "msd",
"msd-volume-name": "FTHRCANBOOT",
- "msd-firmware-name": "firmware.uf2"
+ "msd-firmware-name": "firmware.uf2",
+ "default-stack-size": 4096