diff options
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 202d98a36..6f257d1b2 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -1230,36 +1230,169 @@ func getBMPPorts() (gdbPort, uartPort string, err error) {
-func usage(command string) {
- switch command {
- default:
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "TinyGo is a Go compiler for small places.")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "version:", goenv.Version())
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: %s <command> [arguments]\n", os.Args[0])
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\ncommands:")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " build: compile packages and dependencies")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " run: compile and run immediately")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " test: test packages")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " flash: compile and flash to the device")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " gdb: run/flash and immediately enter GDB")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " lldb: run/flash and immediately enter LLDB")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " monitor: open communication port")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " ports: list available serial ports")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " env: list environment variables used during build")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " list: run go list using the TinyGo root")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " clean: empty cache directory ("+goenv.Get("GOCACHE")+")")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " targets: list targets")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " info: show info for specified target")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " version: show version")
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " help: print this help text")
+const (
+ usageBuild = `Build compiles the packages named by the import paths, along with their
+dependencies, but it does not install the results. The output binary is
+specified using the -o parameter. The generated file type depends on the
+ .o:
+ Create a relocatable object file. You can use this option if you
+ don't want to use the TinyGo build system or want to do other custom
+ things.
+ .ll:
+ Create textual LLVM IR, after optimization. This is mainly useful
+ for debugging.
+ .bc:
+ Create LLVM bitcode, after optimization. This may be useful for
+ debugging or for linking into other programs using LTO.
+ .hex:
+ Create an Intel HEX file to flash it to a microcontroller.
+ .bin:
+ Similar, but create a binary file.
+ .wasm:
+ Compile and link a WebAssembly file.
+(all other) Compile and link the program into a regular executable. For
+microcontrollers, it is common to use the .elf file extension to indicate a
+linked ELF file is generated. For Linux, it is common to build binaries with no
+extension at all.`
+ usageRun = `Run the program, either directly on the host or in an emulated environment
+(depending on -target).`
+ usageFlash = `Flash the program to a microcontroller. Some common flags are described below.
+ -target={name}:
+ Specifies the type of microcontroller that is used. The name of the
+ microcontroller is given on the individual pages for each board type
+ listed under Microcontrollers
+ (https://tinygo.org/docs/reference/microcontrollers/).
+ Examples: "arduino-nano", "d1mini", "xiao".
+ -monitor:
+ Start the serial monitor (see below) immediately after
+ flashing. However, some microcontrollers need a split second
+ or two to configure the serial port after flashing, and
+ using the "-monitor" flag can fail because the serial
+ monitor starts too quickly. In that case, use the "tinygo
+ monitor" command explicitly.`
+ usageMonitor = `Start the serial monitor on the serial port that is connected to the
+microcontroller. If there is only a single board attached to the host computer,
+the default values for various options should be sufficient. In other
+situations, particularly if you have multiple microcontrollers attached, some
+parameters may need to be overridden using the following flags:
+ -port={port}:
+ If there are multiple microcontroller attached, an error
+ message will display a list of potential serial ports. The
+ appropriate port can be specified by this flag. On Linux,
+ the port will be something like /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyACM1.
+ On MacOS, the port will look like /dev/cu.usbserial-1420. On
+ Windows, the port will be something like COM1 or COM31.
+ -baudrate={rate}:
+ The default baud rate is 115200. Boards using the AVR
+ processor (e.g. Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega 2560) use 9600
+ instead.
+ -target={name}:
+ If you have more than one microcontrollers attached, you can
+ sometimes just specify the target name and let tinygo
+ monitor figure out the port. Sometimes, this does not work
+ and you have to explicitly use the -port flag.
+The serial monitor intercepts several control characters for its own use instead of sending them
+to the microcontroller:
+ Control-C: terminates the tinygo monitor
+ Control-Z: suspends the tinygo monitor and drops back into shell
+ Control-\: terminates the tinygo monitor with a stack trace
+ Control-S: flow control, suspends output to the console
+ Control-Q: flow control, resumes output to the console
+ Control-@: thrown away by tinygo monitor
+Note: If you are using os.Stdin on the microcontroller, you may find that a CR
+character on the host computer (also known as Enter, ^M, or \r) is transmitted
+to the microcontroller without conversion, so os.Stdin returns a \r character
+instead of the expected \n (also known as ^J, NL, or LF) to indicate
+end-of-line. You may be able to get around this problem by hitting Control-J in
+tinygo monitor to transmit the \n end-of-line character.`
+ usageGdb = `Build the program, optionally flash it to a microcontroller if it is a remote
+target, and drop into a GDB shell. From there you can set breakpoints, start the
+program with "run" or "continue" ("run" for a local program, continue for
+on-chip debugging), single-step, show a backtrace, break and resume the program
+with Ctrl-C/"continue", etc. You may need to install extra tools (like openocd
+and arm-none-eabi-gdb) to be able to do this. Also, you may need a dedicated
+debugger to be able to debug certain boards if no debugger is integrated. Some
+boards (like the BBC micro:bit and most professional evaluation boards) have an
+integrated debugger.`
+ usageClean = `Clean the cache directory, normally stored in $HOME/.cache/tinygo. This is not
+normally needed.`
+ usageHelp = `Print a short summary of the available commands, plus a list of command flags.`
+ usageVersion = `Print the version of the command and the version of the used $GOROOT.`
+ usageEnv = `Print a list of environment variables that affect TinyGo (as a shell script).
+If one or more variable names are given as arguments, env prints the value of
+each on a new line.`
+ usageDefault = `TinyGo is a Go compiler for small places.
+version: %s
+usage: %s <command> [arguments]
+ build: compile packages and dependencies
+ run: compile and run immediately
+ test: test packages
+ flash: compile and flash to the device
+ gdb: run/flash and immediately enter GDB
+ lldb: run/flash and immediately enter LLDB
+ monitor: open communication port
+ ports: list available serial ports
+ env: list environment variables used during build
+ list: run go list using the TinyGo root
+ clean: empty cache directory (%s)
+ targets: list targets
+ info: show info for specified target
+ version: show version
+ help: print this help text`
+var (
+ commandHelp = map[string]string{
+ "build": usageBuild,
+ "run": usageRun,
+ "flash": usageFlash,
+ "monitor": usageMonitor,
+ "gdb": usageGdb,
+ "clean": usageClean,
+ "help": usageHelp,
+ "version": usageVersion,
+ "env": usageEnv,
+ }
+func usage(command string) {
+ val, ok := commandHelp[command]
+ if !ok {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, usageDefault, goenv.Version(), os.Args[0], goenv.Get("GOCACHE"))
if flag.Parsed() {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\nflags:")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\nfor more details, see https://tinygo.org/docs/reference/usage/")
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, val)
func handleCompilerError(err error) {